Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 717 Capture Jiang Zhenshi (Chapter 2 tomorrow morning)

Chapter 717 Capture Jiang Zhenshi (two chapters tomorrow morning)
(The chapter I owe, I will make it up tomorrow morning, I want to go to bed early today.)
Zheng Xiqing left.

Looking at the black car that was gradually going away, Li Zaihua's eyes were deep and far-reaching.

The opportunity has been given to Zheng Xiqing, it depends on whether the other party has the courage to seize it.

If it is done well, it may be able to get strong support from the chaebol in the future.


inside the car.

Zheng Xiqing's mood could not be calmed down for a long time, and tonight was destined to have a sleepless night.
time flies.

The next day.

9:20 am.

Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Three MPVs and six police cars drove away slowly.

At a fork in the road, the convoy parted ways.
10:23 am.


An MPV and two police cars parked in front of Jiang Zhenshi's company.

A prosecutor opened the car door, glanced at the company's signboard to make sure it was correct, and then waved his hand.


In an instant.

Auxiliary officers and eight policemen poured into the hall.

The front desk lady who was watching a soap opera raised her head when she heard the voice, and was stunned on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, she came back to her senses and screamed, "Who are you and what are you trying to do!"

When the prosecutor heard the sound, he immediately raised the certificate hanging around his neck.

"Hello, I'm the prosecutor of the Criminal Division [-] of the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office. Is Mr. Jiang Zhenshi here?"

The entire peninsula has a deep-rooted impression of prosecutors.

Anyone who has a relationship with the prosecutor can only be for one reason, someone has committed a crime.

The front desk lady stammered: "You guys, are you here to arrest the boss?"

Facing the questioning, the prosecutor said seriously: "Miss, please cooperate with our work!"

After speaking, he suddenly realized a problem, he was wasting his time.

The prosecutor turned his head and gave the order.

"Listen, everyone, immediately block the entire company, seal up all the information and bring it back to the prosecutor's office"

As he spoke, he named three police officers.

"Follow me to find Jiang Zhenshi!"
at the same time.


President's Office.

At this moment, Jiang Zhenshi is sitting in front of the computer, shaking his head and admiring his dream wife, a top-level global limited-edition supercar.


The door of the room was pushed open.

The prosecutor led three officers into the office.

Jiang Zhenshi was startled, and was about to yell, but who knew it was a stranger, he couldn't help being stunned.

"who are you?"

The prosecutor showed his credentials.

"Hi, I'm the prosecutor of the Criminal Division [-] of the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office. Are you Jiang Jinse?"

After all, Jiang Zhenshi is a child of a family, influenced by his father and mother, he quickly realized it.

"That's right, what can I do for you?"

The prosecutor said without hesitation: "Mr. Jiang Zhenshi, I now suspect that you are involved in the theft of the property of the Gongfu and the bribery of the staff of the Gongfu. Please cooperate with our investigation!"

Jiang Zhenshi was shocked.

"What did you say?"

"I stole the property of Cheng Mansion and bribed the staff of Cheng Mansion? What a joke!"

The prosecutor said unhurriedly: "Mr. Jiang Zhenshi, we have received a report, which contains a recording about you, please cooperate, otherwise I will take compulsory measures!"

Jiang Zhenshi pretended to be calm when he heard the words.

"Do you know who I am?"

The prosecutor nodded expressionlessly.

"The son of Professor Jiang Wanyan and Dean Zhang Shilan!"

Jiang Zhenshi was furious: "Since it is clear, you still dare to arrest me. I am not afraid that Dean Zhang will blame me if it is hard to beat!"

The prosecutor sneered.

"Mr. Jiang, I am following orders, please don't embarrass me!"

Jiang Zhenshi was furious.

"No, I won't go with you, I will call my father and mother!"

The prosecutor's eyes turned cold when he saw this.

Before he came, he was instructed by the minister not to ask Jiang Zhenshi to contact anyone.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, you can't call!"

The voice fell.

The prosecutor winked at the three police officers.

The three understood, and immediately stepped forward to control Jiang Zhenshi.

Jiang Zhenshi saw it, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't come here, I won't go with you!"


A weak young man, how could he escape the encirclement of three police officers.

Three under five divided by two.

A pair of silver-white bracelets firmly cuffed Jiang Zhenshi's hands.

After catching people.

The prosecutor called his assistant officer.

"You guys disassemble the computer and take it away."

Then, he came to Jiang Zhenshi: "Mr. Jiang, please open the safe!"

Jiang Zhenshi snorted coldly and turned his head aside.


The prosecutor persuaded: "Mr. Jiang, please cooperate, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Hear this.

Jiang Zhenshi showed disdain.

"What can you do with me? My father is Jiang Wanyan, and my mother is a high-level prosecutor in the Supreme Prosecutor's Office."

Having said that, he looked at the prosecutor resentfully.

"Have you ever thought about what will happen if you offend me!"

Prosecutors were unmoved by the threats.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, I know the names of Professor Jiang and Dean Zhang better than you!"

Jiang Zhenshi was taken aback.

"Then you still dare to catch me?"

The prosecutor raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said mockingly: "You seem to have forgotten one thing!"

"what's up?"

The prosecutor said coldly: "I am a prosecutor, it's as simple as that!"

Of course, what he said was nice, but he was actually guaranteed by Yang Dongxu.

Seeing that the other party was not afraid of his backstage, Jiang Zhenshi was immediately discouraged.

"I can't open the safe, you should give up your mind!"

The prosecutor sighed.

"Mr. Jiang, you forced me!"

He commanded the police officers: "Help me carry the safe to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office!"

Seriously, Jiang Zhenshi couldn't sit still.

You know, there is a large amount of unexplainable cash in the safe.

"You are looking for death, dare to touch my safe, I can't spare you!"

Looking at the impotent and furious young master in front of him, the prosecutor became more and more sure that there was something he needed in the safe.

"Don't be dazed, move away for me!"

"You're right, it's you, take Mr. Jiang out!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Jiang Zhenshi began to resist desperately.

"No, I won't go, you bastards, let me go!"

Naihe twisted his thighs too much on his arms.

No matter how Jiang Zhenshi struggled, it was useless, so he could only leave the office helplessly.

this moment.

His eyes were full of despair.

Jiang Zhenshi understood that once the money in the safe was exposed, not even Jiang Wanyan and Zhang Shilan could save him.
the other side.

Athletic Association Headquarters.

Two MPVs and four police cars were parked in front of the building.

The faces of the passing staff changed drastically.

Looking at this battle, things are definitely not trivial.

The people in the Criminal Division [-] came prepared.

A group of people went to the top floor to find Secretary Wang.

Another group went to the warehouse.

Xu Haohe reported.

Admin B just went to work today.

After half an hour.

Secretary Wang and administrator B were sent to the police car while struggling.

"What are you doing, I didn't commit a crime, why arrest me!"

"Yes, what crime did we commit, you should tell it!"

"Help. Prosecutors are arresting people, hurry up and call the police"

At the same time, boxes of documents were loaded onto the car.

(End of this chapter)

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