Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 645 Meet Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan

Chapter 645 Meet Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan
Soon another two days passed.

10:10 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Special search for the office of the Minister of the Fourth Ministry.

bell bell bell.
The phone rings.

Li Zaihua, who was working, picked up his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID.

He pressed the call button, and Li Zhengzhi's voice came out.

"Zaihua, I agree with what you said before, accompany me to the Shilla Hotel tonight to meet someone!"

The voice fell.

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Okay Uncle Li, see you tonight!"

The two ended the call.

The moment he put down the phone, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he picked up the landline and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Zhang Xun, come to my office."

Then, he dialed another number.

"Prosecutor Liang, come to my office."

After a few minutes.

Outside the minister's office.

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan met at the same time.

They glanced at each other, although there were doubts in their eyes, they didn't ask more questions.

Wu Zhangxun knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan pushed the door open and entered.

Go inside the house.

The two looked respectful, bowed and saluted: "Minister, are you looking for me?"

Looking at them, Li Zaihua smiled, then pointed to the sofa.

"Okay, don't be nervous, sit down and talk."

Li Zaihua stood up, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan followed closely behind, sitting with half of their buttocks next to the sofa.

Just sat down.

As if by magic, Li Zaihua put a report letter and several recording pens in his pocket.

He threw the letter and recording pen on the coffee table.

"This is the anonymous report letter I received today. There are several recording pens in it. After reading and listening, please share your thoughts."

The cases investigated and handled by the special search department are all major cases, and the two dare not neglect them.

Wu Zhangxun took out the report letter and held it up so that Liang Guohuan could read it together.

The content of this report letter is good, but it is quite impactful.

After all, Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan were born after the establishment of the peninsula, and they feel a little bit of national honor and disgrace.

Looking at the content of the report letter, their faces were grim.

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan knew very well that if this letter was to be circulated, it would have to cause an uproar.

At that time, the peninsula will definitely lose face in front of the whole world.

The content of the letter was not long, and the two quickly read it.

Wu Zhangxun put down the report letter and looked at his minister with an ugly expression.

Seeing this, Li Zaihua remained calm.

"After reading the letter, let's listen to the recorder!"

Of course, these recording pens were not the ones provided by Wang Jingna. He copied the audio to a new recording pen early in the morning.

After all, there were many people's fingerprints on those recording pens.

Hear this.

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan each picked up a recording pen and pressed the play button.


A series of unbearable, annoying and angry voices echoed in the room.

The more they listened, the more indifferent their expressions became.

Until all the recording pens were played, Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan couldn't bear it anymore.

They know that their country's sports are not very good, and they often cause other countries to protest and boycott by playing tricks on the field.

But I never expected that the coaches of the peninsula actually trained players like this.

Several different kinds of evidence were recorded in these recording pens, and beating and insulting were commonplace.

Likewise, coaches use their power to treat female athletes as if they were a random item.

And those athletes dare not speak out, they can only endure silently, otherwise they are very likely to be kicked out of the national team.

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan recalled the athletes who were active in the Olympic Games. Many of them were underage or had just grown up.

When encountering such a thing, the only thing they can do is to suffer in silence.

Wu Zhangxun slammed the coffee table and stood up.

Although it has been blackened, the content in the recording pen is too dark, even he can't bear it.

Liang Guohuan is not much better.

He has encountered many appalling cases, which have risen to the national level compared with the contents of the recording pen.

However, the two were angry, but still rational.

Wu Zhangxun was silent for a moment and said, "Minister, what do you want us to do?"

Liang Guohuan didn't speak, but stared at his minister silently.

Li Zaihua sighed softly, worrying about the country and the people: "To be honest, I don't know what to do now."

"If this matter is investigated, the country will be ashamed and thrown to the world. If it is not investigated, it will be sorry for those children who are training hard for the honor of the country."

"I'm in a dilemma right now, and I don't know what to do, so I want to hear the opinions of the two of you!"

Of course he hopes to investigate, but this case concerns the honor and disgrace of the country, and two scapegoats must be pushed out.

It's good to finish it, but if something goes wrong, Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan are the best shields.

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan are not fools, so they naturally understand the subtext.

They were also aware of the dangers of the case.

Once investigated, it is equivalent to poking a hornet's nest. The number of coaches involved in the recording pen alone is as high as six or seven, covering almost all the sports that the major peninsulas are good at.

If this is a thunderstorm, the people of the peninsula will definitely be turned upside down.

At that time, as investigators, the two of them will not have to guess that they will be under pressure from all sides.

Liang Guohuan's forehead was gradually covered with cold sweat, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

"Minister, the content in the recorder may not be true. If it is edited, we will cause a lot of trouble if we act rashly!"

He found a way for himself and Li Zaihua, and what he said was nothing more than what he said, defining the content in the recorder as synthesis.

If it is a synthetic audio, then the report letter is a fake, so there is no need to investigate it.

Hearing this, Wu Zhangxun subconsciously wanted to agree.

However, when he saw Li Zaihua's cold eyes, he instantly came back to his senses.

Wu Zhangxun's heart skipped a beat.

He is very clear about the character of his minister, and it may not be this muddy water in normal times.

Now he took out the report letter and recording pen, and made it clear that he was looking for trouble.

Wu Zhangxun took a deep breath, knowing that it was unavoidable and could only reduce the nature of the case.

And Liang Guohuan on the side was still eloquently persuading.

Li Zaihua snorted coldly and waved his hand.


Liang Guohuan was taken aback for a moment, seeing that his minister was angry, his face changed drastically.

Before he could speak, Li Zaihua said in a deep voice, "Prosecutor Liang, as a prosecutor, don't you have any sense of responsibility?"

"Hold back when encountering difficulties, what has become of our special search four parts!"

Faced with Li Zaihua's scolding, Liang Guohuan reacted and quickly bowed his head to apologize.

"Minister, I'm sorry, I was reckless and forgot my duty!"

Wu Zhangxun asked Liang Guohuan to share the pressure, and quickly persuaded him: "Minister, Prosecutor Liang didn't do it on purpose."

"I think the case needs to be investigated, but how to investigate it and plan it carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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