Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 64 The game is about to start!

Chapter 64 The game is about to start!
11:35 am.

The two hurried and hurried, and finally came to Anton before lunch.


Park Village.

Park Zhengxu drove the car skillfully, turned left and right, and came to a traditional peninsula courtyard.

Outside the gate, there are white Spring Festival couplets that belong to elegiac couplets in my hometown.

The butler, Park Tae-shun, was waiting there early.

Park Zhengxu stepped on the brakes, parked the car against the wall, opened the door, and said with a little respect: "Butler Park"

Hearing the sound, Li Zaihua, who followed closely behind, immediately looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Butler Park, hello, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me!"

Park Taishun heard the words and smiled slightly: "Hello, Prosecutor Li Zaihua, the master is waiting for you inside."

When the two heard this, they hurried towards the gate without further delay.

Soon, the three came to a house.

From the outside, the room is huge.

Park Zhengxu explained in a low voice: "Boss, this is where the old man eats."

As he spoke, he opened the shoji door, took off his shoes and stepped on the tatami.

In the spacious room, there are no other furnishings, only three small round tables.

A smiling old man with a kind face sat cross-legged in front of the small table in the middle.

Li Zaihua and Park Zhengxu saw it, walked over quickly, bowed and saluted.

"Grandpa, here we come."

"Grandpa Park, hello, I'm Li Zaihua, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me!"

"You guys are hungry!" Pu Xigen waved his hands and said with a gentle smile: "Eat first, what's the matter, let's talk about it after dinner."

It's a pity that Park Zhengxu couldn't wait any longer and was just about to speak.

Li Zaihua saw that the situation was not going well, so he said first: "Thank you, Grandpa Park, I am just hungry, the sky is big and the earth is big, and I eat the most."

Speaking of it.

He turned his head and gave Park Zhengxu a hard look.

"Zhengxu, are you right?"

Pu Zhengxu was startled, and suddenly remembered Li Zaihua's instructions.

"Zaihua is right, nothing is as important as eating,"

The small actions of the two could not be hidden from Pu Xigen's eyes.

His pupils narrowed slightly, and he glanced at Li Zaihua meaningfully.

Park Zhengxu sat in front of the small round table in one step.

Li Zaihua went to another small round table and sat upright, standing still like a Hong Zhong.

With this move, Park Xigen's eyes flickered and his brows were lightly frowned, which was fleeting.

However, he didn't say much, but ordered the housekeeper Pu Taishun.

"Tai Shun, everyone is here, let's have dinner!"

It didn't take a while.

The small round table was covered with one plate after another.

A total of two meat and six vegetables, one pork rib, one fried meat, and the rest are all kinds of kimchi.

When the last bowl of miso soup is put on the table, all the dishes are served,
Butler Pu Taishun said: "Master, it's time for dinner."

Pu Xigen nodded.

"Well, you go out!"

Hearing this, the housekeeper Pu Taishun slowly exited the room and closed the shoji door.

Park Hee-geun picked up the chopsticks and said with a smile, "Prosecutor Lee"

As soon as he spoke, Li Zaihua stood up suddenly.

"Grandpa Park, Zhengxu and I are as close as brothers, you are too alien, just ask me to stay in China."

"Well, I'll ask you to call you 'Zaihua'."

Park Xigen smiled, and then said: "Before, Zhengxu often mentioned you. When I saw you today, you are indeed young and promising, and you are a good-looking talent."

"Grandpa Park won the award. He is an orphan in Hua District, and now he is walking on thin ice in the prosecutor's office. If it weren't for Zheng Xu who always encouraged me and helped me, I would not be able to survive in Hua District!"

As soon as these words came out, Park Zhengxu's face immediately flushed red, showing a complacent expression, as if telling everyone, come and praise me.

Glancing at his grandson, Pu Xigen sighed secretly, this child is too simple, he believes whatever he says, and he is still counting the money after being sold.

However, Li Zaihua is not bad, his tone and eyes are very sincere, not like a fake.

This made Pu Xigen relax a little.

After all, Park Zhengxu is too simple, if he is not careful, he will be swallowed up by someone with ulterior motives.

This time, he sent out the invitation, apart from the affairs of Kim's Heavy Industries, it was more to observe Li Zaihua's personality and whether it was worth investing in.

Park Xigen didn't believe that an orphan who could pass the judicial examination would get close to Park Zhengxu without purpose.

However, it is impossible to accurately judge a person after meeting only once, and it takes a long time to see people's hearts.

Since, Park Jung-wook chooses to believe in Li Jae-hwa.

Then, as a grandfather, Park Hee-geun must check. From today on, he will naturally pay attention to all of Li Jae-hwa's actions.

"eat, eat"

Time flies fast.

Park Xigeun is always old, and his eating speed is much slower than that of young people.

In a blink of an eye, it was 1:30 pm.

Eat and drink well.

Pu Xigen rinsed his mouth with tea.

At this time, Pu Taishun, the housekeeper who ordered the servants to do things, said, "Master, it's time for lunch."

The voice fell.

Li Zaihua and Park Zhengxu looked at each other.

Park Zhengxu nodded slightly, indicating that grandpa has the habit of taking a nap.

"Yes, I see." Park Xigen responded, and then said: "Zhengxu, take Jaehua to the guest room to rest, and come to my study at three o'clock."

"Okay, grandpa."

With the support of the housekeeper Park Tae-soon, Park Xigen stood up.

Li Jae-hwa and Park Jung-wook immediately followed and watched Park Hee-geun leave the house.

In an instant.

In the spacious house, only the servant who cleaned up the leftovers and the two of them were left.

"Boss, I'll take you to the guest room to rest."

Not finished.

Park Zhengxu yawned suddenly. He was so excited and irritable last night that he couldn't sleep at all, and now he is very sleepy.

"it is good."

Li Zaihua nodded, and under the leadership of Park Zhengxu, the two came to the guest room.

Enter the room.

Park Zhengxu dragged out two mattresses from the cabinet with ease, laid them on the floor, and then got into the quilt and fell asleep soundly.

Li Zaihua shook his head.

I have to say that Park Jung Wook is an extremely interesting contradiction.

He has the brilliance and simplicity of a human being, and he has no defense against Li Zaihua at all, as if Li Zaihua is his real relative.

At the same time, Park Jung-wook has the most evil side of human beings. His hatred for his stepmother and younger brother, and his unconcealed cruelty make everyone shudder.

In other words, Jin Huixian and Park Zhengxin are like the demons in the novels of the previous life when the cultivator crossed the catastrophe.

Only by breaking and eliminating the demons, Park Jung-wook's heart can be redeemed.

However, Li Zaihua liked Park Zhengxu the most at this moment.

Because, once you help him break and eradicate the demons.

With Park Chung-hee's current state, he must be regarded as the savior.

In the future, Li Zaihua will occupy an extremely important position in his heart.

In this way, Li Zaihua can better control Park Zhengxu.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

Li Zaihua already had an idea in his mind, so it depended on whether Park Xigen, the legendary "law maniac" dared to accept the move.

"The game is about to begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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