Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 639 Player Village (Sorry, I forgot to update regularly this morning.)

Chapter 639 Player Village (Sorry, I forgot to update regularly this morning.)
Fluffy night.

After Wang Jingna was settled, he didn't stay in the hotel too much.

Li Zaihua looked at the sleeping woman, took a shower, got dressed, and left quietly.

After people leave.

Wang Jingna suddenly opened her eyes, staring at the door of the bedroom in a daze.

Born as an athlete, he is far more resistant than Han Hyo Joo and Lee Sang Hee.

Wang Jingna secretly sighed, hoping that her choice was right.

Thinking of this, she also didn't stay too long.

As Wang Jingna is a top sports star in the peninsula, it will be very troublesome if reporters are allowed to take photos.
The next day.

According to Li Zaihua's instructions, Wang Jingna came to the athletes' village in the eastern suburbs of Seoul.

This is the largest training and sports base on the peninsula. All the athletes who can settle here are national-level athletes who have participated in world competitions and the Olympic Games.

However, the competition in the athletes' village is fierce, coupled with the population problem of the peninsula, the athletes are not in harmony.

Especially coaches have the power to decide the life and death of athletes.

This kind of excessive power has caused Peninsula coaches to beat, scold, abuse and even violate athletes at will.

However, athletes can only crush their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

It is also for this reason that the athletes of the peninsula do not break their hands in sports competitions in order to win.

So athletes all over the world feel disgusted by the Peninsula athletes.

9:10 am.

A luxury nanny car drove into Tailing Athlete Village.

Sitting in the car, Wang Jingna looked at the familiar scene. She hadn't returned to China for many years.

Of course, this is what she did on purpose. Including training, she chose to go abroad as much as possible.

The coach of the gymnastics team seemed to have received the news and stood at the gate ahead of time to wait for Wang Jingna.

No way, this is a two-time Olympic champion, plus the winner of the World Grand Slam, which can be regarded as one of the external images of the peninsula.

Even though the coach of the gymnastics team wanted to point out a sports star of this level, he had already lost his qualifications.

The purpose of his visit today is to take Wang Jingna to the headquarters of the Peninsula Sports Association to meet the president Wang Zhi.

This was specifically confessed by Wang Zhi.

How could Wang Zhi be reconciled to his failure at the dinner party last night.

He was tired of playing with other athletes, but Wang Jingna's level was very attractive.

As for the scene at the dinner party, Wang Zhi felt that maybe Li Zaihua was a hero to save the beauty because he acted in front of the beauties.

Li Zaihua's origin is not a secret in the upper class of the peninsula, how can an orphan know Wang Jingna.

So Wang Zhi sold Li Zaihua's face last night, but in fact he never gave up in his heart.

The gymnastics coach rubbed his hands and came to the nanny's car.

The door opened slowly.

Wang Jingna stepped out of the nanny's car in casual clothes.

"Coach, why are you here?"

The gymnastics coach said with a smile: "Our big star is back, how can I not greet him personally."

Wang Jingna smiled slightly, but suspicion flashed in her eyes.

She looked back at her agent.

The agent shook his head, saying that he did not notify him.

Wang Jingna frowned lightly, it was so fleeting, she didn't tell a few people about her going back to the contestants' village.

And those who know are basically her closest friends.

In an instant, several figures flashed in Wang Jingna's mind, and finally locked on one person, which was her mother.

She could not be what she is today without the help of her mother.

Similarly, Wang Jingna's mother is good at management, so she should have greeted the coach in advance to avoid embarrassment when no one greets her.

It's a pity that Wang Jingna secretly smiled bitterly, mother is asking for trouble.

The purpose of her coming today is to collect evidence. With a coach by her side, no one dares to tell the truth.

Wang Jingna came back to her senses and said, "Coach, I'm just coming back today to take a look. I'll take a look at my old friends by the way. You don't have to accompany me."

The gymnastics coach shook his head, he came with a mission.

"Jing Na, you may not be able to see your old friend today."

Wang Jingna frowned.

"Coach, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, the gymnastics coach knew that Wang Jingna must have misunderstood, so she hurriedly explained.

"Jingna, that's not what I meant. In fact, the president wants to invite you to the headquarters for a chat."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Jingna's face changed suddenly, and her eyes were full of gloom.

Unexpectedly, last night when Li Zaihua helped him block the entanglement, that old boy would dare to find him.

Thinking of this kind of old man, Wang Jingna felt sick. Anyway, with Li Zaihua behind her, so what if he offended Wang Zhi.

She refused without hesitation: "Coach, I'm sorry, I originally wanted to go with you, but I have to catch a plane to France later."

The gymnastics coach is not a fool. Except for Wang Jingna's various activities, he knows everything about training.

After all, there is a Peninsula coach following the opponent.

It is true that Wang Jingna is going to France for training, but it will be a week later, there is no shortage of time, this is a disguised refusal.

The gymnastics coach looked down.

Whether he can be a coach is a matter of Wang Zhi's words.

If Wang Jingna is not brought there today, the other party will definitely hold grudges, and it is difficult to say whether he can sit firmly as the head coach.

A stern look flashed in the gymnastics coach's eyes, and he turned his head and begged, "Jing Na, can you give me some face, it's just a meeting, it won't take long."

Wang Jingna shook her head firmly, without giving any face.

"Coach, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, it seems that I can only visit my old friend next time."

Seeing this, the gymnastics coach hurriedly said, "Jing Na, wait a minute, I'll make a call."

This time Wang Jingna did not refuse.

The gymnastics coach breathed a sigh of relief, took out his mobile phone and went to a distant place to dial a number.

After a few minutes.

bell bell bell.
Wang Jingna's cell phone rang suddenly.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, her face couldn't help changing slightly, and then she gave the coach in the distance a hard look.

The call was from Wang Jingna's mother.

Wang Jingna pressed the call button: "Hello, what's the matter?"

Because in recent years, Wang Jingna's mother has used it as a cash cow for various entertainments, the relationship between the two is not very good.

But a mother is always a mother, and she cannot be given up casually.

Besides, Wang Jingna also understands that her mother is doing it for her own good, otherwise her understanding would not be preserved to this day.

If it was normal, she might give her mother a face.

But now it is different from the past, Wang Zhi is thinking about herself, how can Wang Jingna let the other party succeed.

"Impossible, I won't go!"

Wang Jingna's tone was very indifferent, and then the other end of the phone was furious.

"Wang Jingna, are your wings so hard that you don't even listen to me?"

Having said that, the woman's voice softened.

"Jingna, this is your chance. If you can climb the high branch of Wang Zhi, no one in the sports circle will dare to touch you in the future."

"Besides, the other party is a member of Congress. With his help, the company will definitely achieve better development!"

Hearing her mother's words, Wang Jingna couldn't bear it any longer, her eyes turned red.

"Needless to say, I'm not your pawn, I'm going to go on your own, I won't go anyway!"

After finishing speaking, she resolutely hung up the phone regardless of her mother's yelling. The hatred for Wang Zhi in her heart deepened again, and she vowed to take the old man Peninsula.

Wang Jingna glanced at the coach coldly, turned and boarded the nanny car without saying a word.

"let's go!"

The gymnastics coach was taken aback.

"Jingna, what is this?"

It's a pity that Wang Jingna has already got into the car, and the nanny's car is driving outside the contestants' village.

The gymnastics coach looked uncertain, gritted his teeth, turned and returned to the office.

He had to think about how to explain it to the chairman.

(End of this chapter)

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