Chapter 624
Time flies.

Another three days passed.

10:15 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Strategic special search four.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua sat behind his desk, holding the remote control in his hand, watching the TV on the right.

The live news is shown on the screen.

The joint press conference of Kong Group, Hanzhou Group, and Global Times Capital.

Hanzhou Group and Global Times Capital put pressure together, and finally Kong Yinhe reluctantly agreed to take [-]% of the profits.

On the screen at this moment, Kong Yinhe gave an impassioned speech.

Seeing this, Li Zaihua pressed the remote control to turn off the TV.

Then he picked up the microphone of the landline and pressed a number key.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Wen Jinghao's voice came out.

"Minister, what's the matter?"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Notify all the prosecutors of the Fourth Department, and have a meeting in the conference room in an hour."

"Even if you are working outside, you have to come back within an hour. I don't like people being late!"

Wen Jinghao said in a deep voice, "Good minister!"

The two ended the call.
after an hour.

11:20 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Strategic special search four.

meeting room.

A public prosecutor with different expressions sat motionless.

They were going to watch Liang Guohuan's jokes.

Unexpectedly, this guy hit the right angle and leaned on Li Zaihua.

thump thump.
There was a sound of footsteps.

The door of the conference room was pushed open.

Li Zaihua limped into the room with a cane.

Seeing this, everyone immediately stood up and bowed to salute.

"Minister. Minister"

Li Zaihua came to the main seat, sat down, and then pressed his hand.

"Okay, everyone, don't stand, sit down!"

Hear this.

The eight prosecutors sat down obediently.

Li Zaihua continued: "Investigator Wen, send the information to everyone!"

Wen Jinghao nodded, and placed the documents in his hands in front of the prosecutors one by one around the conference room.

Except for Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan, the others seemed very surprised.

Li Zaihua said: "Let's take a look first, if you have any questions later, just ask!"

Hearing what their minister said, the others had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

In an instant, the room fell into silence, only the sound of flipping paper was left.

Time passed minute by minute.

Everyone present finally read the information in their hands.

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan looked calm. Li Zaihua had informed them in advance.

The other six opened their eyes wide, showing expressions of disbelief.

Gao Ying, the only female prosecutor in the four departments, asked.

"Minister, isn't this case handed over to Prosecutor Liang? Why are we discussing it again?"

She asked everyone's doubts.

Jiang Shouyan and the others' eyes instantly focused on the man sitting in the main seat.

Li Zaihua said unhurriedly: "I said that Da Jin's case should be handed over to Prosecutor Liang, but he alone is not enough to see it."

"As colleagues, you naturally have to help out"

Having said that, his eyes were fixed, and he scanned the audience majesticly.

"In addition, through the investigation of Prosecutor Liang, it is proved that all the contents of the report letter are true."

"So I decided to take coercive measures against Daikin."

"This case is led by Prosecutor Liang, and the rest of you will assist you. You must find enough evidence to convict before Da Jin responds."

"Prosecutor Liang and Prosecutor Wu each lead a team."

"Prosecutor Gao stays at the Fourth Department and reports the progress to me at any time."

"Da Jin's case cannot be missed, I declare that the action will start immediately!"

The voice fell.

The six prosecutors looked at Li Zaihua not far away in shock.

Someone opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Although Liang Guohuan took refuge in Li Zaihua, the experience of being suppressed before is still vivid.

They don't have a chaebol father-in-law like Kong Yinhe.

Similarly, Gao Ying didn't dare to talk too much.

If she didn't have a trick, how could she sneak into the fourth strategic special search department.

Everyone didn't say anything, but they had different thoughts.

After all, no one dared to oppose Li Zaihua's order face to face.

Seeing that no one spoke, Li Zaihua thought they agreed by default.

Immediately afterwards, he continued: "Prosecutor Liang and Prosecutor Wu, I have already contacted the Zhongyang Police Department, and they are willing to cooperate with your actions at any time."

With that said, Li Zaihua made a good impression on Wen Jinghao.

Wen Jinghao took out several business cards.

"The business cards in your hands are the liaison officers of the Nakayo Police Department. They are responsible for cooperating with you."

Li Zaihua raised his hand to look at his watch, and then said: "I think the Zhongyang Police Department should be ready, and you just meet at the Daikin headquarters."

"I have also greeted the General Affairs Department, and will arrange a group of assistant officers to be on call at any time."

He gave orders one after another.

Li Zaihua didn't give them any chance to repent and think about it.

Amidst everyone's confusion, the conference room ended.

They didn't come back to their senses until Li Zaihua left the conference room.

Liang Guohuan and Wu Zhangxun got up and left without delay.

For the remaining six people, you look at me, and I look at you.

There is a saying that officials at the first level crush people to death.

This is the end of the matter, they have to do it if they don't do it.

Thinking of this, the six of them sighed and followed their team leader according to the previous assignment.

Outside the Great Prosecutor's Office.

A dozen MPVs are ready.

Wu Zhangxun and Liang Guohuan gave an order, and the convoy drove away from the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

Due to the importance of the Strategic Special Search Department, the big action of the Fourth Department immediately alarmed the entire Great Prosecutor's Office, and many people inquired about the news.

Sitting in the office, Li Zaihua answered many calls.

However, he didn't want to say, who would dare to persecute him.

Of course, Li Zaihua wanted to maintain interpersonal relationships, so he used a few ambiguous excuses to send away those who asked.

Some people are easy to fool, but some people are not easy to fool.
Grand Prosecutor's Office.


bell bell bell.
Bells rang one after another.

Xu Zhenzai, who was having lunch, took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, and pressed the call button casually.

The guy on the other side of the phone is one of his cronies.

"Chief, it's not good. All the people from the Fourth Division of the Strategic Special Search are dispatched. It seems that something big is about to happen!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Even Xu Zhenzai, who couldn't express his emotions or anger, his heart stopped suddenly for half a beat, and his face changed slightly.

"what happened!"

The confidant shook his head: "I haven't received any news yet. I asked someone before, but they couldn't tell."

Xu Zhenzai thought for a moment.

"I know, do things with peace of mind, and don't worry about other things."

The confidant hadn't intended to meddle in his own business, it was just a matter of routine.

"Good chief."

hang up the phone.

Xu Zhenzai frowned.

This Li Zaihua, the fourth strategic special search department has only been established for a few days, and he is messing around again.

Xu Zhenzai shook his head and dialed the number with his mobile phone.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Uncle Xu, what can I do for you?"

Xu Zhenzai said bluntly: "No matter where you are, come to my office immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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