Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 622 Appearance is in harmony with spirit (more in the morning)

Chapter 622 Appearance is in harmony with spirit (more in the morning)
(Speechless, hoarding medicines is terrible now. I went out to buy thermometers in the morning and went to more than a dozen pharmacies, but I couldn’t buy them, and the price increase for cold medicines has disappeared.)
Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The four people who had negotiated with each other left after eating and drinking.

Inside the black car.

Li Zhengzhi leaned on the seat, closed his eyes and meditated, and asked, "Zaihua, what do you think?"

Li Zaihua pondered for a moment.

"Cooperation is inevitable, unless he is willing to lose a lot of money!"

Having said that, he hesitated a little.

"I heard that Kong's financial situation is not very good recently, President Kong urgently needs to recover blood from the project in Guanyak District"

"As long as Dajin doesn't give up the project in Guanyue District, it is impossible for the Kong Group to reconcile with it!"

Li Zhengzhi nodded, then shook his head again.

"In China, you have to understand that there are no absolute friends and no absolute enemies in the world"

"Actually, what the Kong Group is facing is not Daikin, but the KS Enterprise Group."

"What if Kong Yinhe is forced to backhand and cooperate with Daikin to put us together? This possibility is very high."

"So some things have to be guarded against"

"I have some understanding of Kong Yinhe. He claims to be a descendant of the Kong family in China, and he is known as a contemporary Confucian businessman."

"It's actually a fake, a proper hypocrite, with this kind of cooperation, we must be more careful!"
at the same time.

in another car.

related topics were also discussed.

"Guohuan, do you think Li Zhengzhi really cooperates with us?"

Liang Guohuan frowned.

"President, what do you mean, the Hanzhou Group cannot be trusted?"

Kong Yinhe shook his head.

"To tell you the truth, the group has some financial problems recently, we can't lose the project in Guanak District"

"So we are passive in cooperation with Hanzhou Group."

"Li Zhengzhi and Wu Xiuchang are rivals, but they know each other better than others."

"Therefore, Hanzhou Group and Daikin have a basis for cooperation"

"If Li Zhengzhi and Wu Xiuchang take this opportunity to partner with us, then the Kong Group will really be doomed!"

Although Kong Yinhe treats Liang Guohuan like a dog, but in terms of relationship, the two are one of the closest people.

There are some things he can't say casually to outsiders, but he can say them to Liang Guohuan.

Hear this.

Liang Guohuan understood that Kong Yinhe's paranoia broke out again.

This old guy often said that his family was a descendant of Confucius, but in fact he hadn't learned anything about Confucius' demeanor.

"President, I think you are worrying too much."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Kong Yinhe interjected: "No, I didn't worry too much. The Hanzhou Group is not trustworthy, and [Global Times Capital] is even less trustworthy!"

Liang Guohuan was speechless.

"President, should we still cooperate with Hanzhou Group?"

Kong Yinhe rolled his eyes.

"Who says no cooperation!"

Liang Guohuan was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses and almost vomited on the old guy's face.

The ghost is also you, and the god is also you.

Kong Yinhe hated iron but said: "Why did my daughter marry such an idiot as you?"

"If you don't cooperate, the project in Guanyue District will be handed over to others!"

Liang Guohuan was numb.

"What about Hanzhou Group and [Global Times Capital] stabbing in the back?"

Kong Yinhe smiled coldly.

"The mountain man has his own plan!"

A look of surprise flashed across Liang Guohuan's eyes, and he tentatively asked: "President, what are you going to do?"

Kong Yinhe glared at his son-in-law.

"Why are you asking so much! Don't ask if you shouldn't!"
The next day.

9:33 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Strategic special search four.

Office of the Minister.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Upon hearing the sound, Liang Guohuan pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.


Li Zaihua raised his head, smiled, and said kindly: "Prosecutor Liang, you are here, how are things going?"

Liang Guohuan replied: "Minister, I'm sorry, I failed your expectations!"

Li Zaihua's expression sank, and it disappeared in an instant.

"Oh, tell me what's going on?"

"Minister, that's the way it is"

Liang Guohuan recounted exactly what he said in the car last night.

Li Zaihua was thinking while listening.

The future father-in-law is right, Kong Yinhe is purely a hypocrite and doesn't trust anyone.

When cooperating with such a person, you must be more careful, and you may be sold one day.

However, Li Zaihua also heard that Kong Yinhe did have the idea of ​​forming an alliance, but it is not clear how much is true and what is not.

"Prosecutor Liang, what do you think about this matter?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Liang Guohuan couldn't help crying secretly in his heart, again, have all of you considered me!

But he dared not refuse.

"Minister, I mean to promote the cooperation between Hanzhou Group and Kong Group!"

Although Liang Guohuan handed in the nomination certificate, it was impossible to push his father-in-law into the pit of fire.

In any case, the Kong Group is his biggest backer.

As long as the Kong Group exists for a day, Li Zaihua will look up to him.

What's more, if you really want to jump out of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office and run for parliament in the future, you must have enough campaign funds.

Regardless of that, the Kong Group cannot collapse.

Li Zaihua said quietly: "Are you sure you can convince President Kong?"

He is also unwilling to use a knife behind his back. If he does, I am afraid that no one will dare to cooperate with him in the future.

Liang Guohuan thought for a while: "Minister, my father-in-law is more cautious. If you don't show some sincerity, he may think wildly!"

To put it nicely is to be cautious, but to put it bluntly, it is too suspicious and suffers from mild persecution paranoia.

Hearing Liang Guohuan say this about his father-in-law, Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he said in a solemn voice: "Prosecutor Liang, the project in Jongno District, the Kong Group, seems to be too much for one company. Why don't we cooperate with the three companies?"

"In this way, Chairman Kong should no longer be cautious!"

He said the word "cautious" very seriously.

Liang Guohuan was a little embarrassed.

However, Li Zaihua's proposal was very good, but it missed the point.

In the Jongno District project, the Kong Group invested a lot of money in the early stage, and Kong Yinhe could not be willing to share the benefits he got.

If he wanted to, Kong Yinhe would have cooperated with Daikin long ago.

Liang Guohuan expressed his worries.

"Minister, you are right, but my father-in-law spent a lot of effort on the project in Jongno-gu"

"If you let him share part of the benefits, it is no different from killing him!"

Hearing this, Li Zaihua had another impression of Kong Yinhe in his heart, and regarded money as his life.

"Prosecutor Liang, Hanzhou Group and Global Times Capital are targeting Daejin, and they will definitely not intervene in the Jongno District project."

Thinking of this, his eyeballs rolled.

"Why don't you go back and talk to Chairman Kong?"

Liang Guohuan thought for a while, and decided to do what Li Zaihua said.

Because of Kong Yinhe's suspicion, if unnecessary things happen again, wouldn't it be a burden on himself.

"Good minister, I know what to do!"

Li Zaihua nodded.

"Prosecutor Liang, whether the three companies can cooperate is entirely up to you!"

The burden was too heavy, and Liang Guohuan didn't want to take it, but at this point, he had to do it if he didn't do it.

"Minister, I will do my best!"

(End of this chapter)

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