Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 618 Kong's Kong Yinhe

Chapter 618 Kong's Kong Yinhe

After figuring it out, Liang Guohuan seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden.

It's too uncomfortable to be caught between the two big guys, so I just ask them to fight on their own.
Liang Guohuan got off work early today, greeted the assistant officers, and went straight to the parking lot.

18:55 in the afternoon,
Hannan Cave.

A black car stopped in front of a villa.

Liang Guohuan pushed the door and got out of the car.

He stood outside the gate with an uncertain expression.

Liang Guohuan thought very well, but when he arrived at his father-in-law's house, he was afraid to go in.

He is afraid of his father-in-law from the bottom of his heart.

But the matter has come to this point, Liang Guohuan must make a choice.

He took a deep breath, took out two gift boxes from the trunk, and pressed the doorbell.

A woman's voice came out.

"Prosecutor Liang, you are here."

With a beep, the door unlocked automatically.

Liang Guohuan took the gift in his hand and walked up a stone step to the front of the villa.

The nanny opened the door.

Liang Guohuan took advantage of the situation and asked: "Auntie, is the president here?"

The nanny shook her head.

"I haven't finished get off work yet. Calculate the time. I should be back soon."

Liang Guohuan said again: "Where is your mother-in-law?"

"The lady is resting, do you want me to call her?"

Liang Guohuan waved his hand: "No need, help me take the gift in, I'll wait for the president in the living room."

The nanny nodded, and returned to the kitchen with the gift to prepare today's dinner.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The doorbell rang again.

The nanny hurriedly opened the door.

It didn't take a while.

A man in his 60s pushed the door open with bodyguards carrying golf bags.

Liang Guohuan and the nanny stood respectfully by the entrance, welcoming the master of the Kong family.

This person is Kong Yinhe, the chairman of the Kong Group, one of the peninsula chaebols.

He glanced at Liang Guohuan who had been waiting for a long time, and couldn't help frowning.

Kong Yinhe was about to speak.

The door to the bedroom on the first floor opened.

A beautifully dressed woman in her 50s stepped out.

The moment she saw Kong Yinhe, the woman greeted him happily.

"Husband, you are back."

Seeing his wife, Kong Yinhe smiled slightly.

"Well, back"

As he spoke, he looked at Liang Guohuan.

"Guo Huan and I have something to say, you go and see how the food is doing first."

The woman didn't refuse, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

After people leave.

Kong Yinhe's expression sank: "Bodyguard Cui, go and put the ball bag on the second floor."

"Guohuan, come with me to the study!"

He received a call from Liang Zaixiao today, Li Zaihua didn't give face, and insisted on Liang Guohuan.

Kong Yinhe was furious, but helpless.

Li Zaihua is not a character that he can move as he wants.

Soon the two came to the study.

Kong Yinhe sat down and pointed to the sofa.

"Don't stand, sit down and talk!"

After all, it was his father-in-law who cheated his son-in-law, and Kong Yinhe was somewhat embarrassed.

Liang Guohuan sat down obediently.

Don't wait for him to speak.

Kong Yinhe asked bluntly: "How is it? Did Li Zaihua make things difficult for you today?"

Liang Guohuan's lips moved slightly, but he hesitated to speak.

He calmed down.

"President, I'm sorry, I let you down!"

Kong Yinhe lightly frowned.

"What happened?"

Liang Guohuan immediately said the matter of begging for mercy.

Of course, he concealed the truth of begging for mercy on his knees.

Hearing that his son-in-law was so miserable, Kong Yinhe was furious.

"Asshole, you."

As soon as he spoke, Liang Guohuan hurriedly said again: "President, don't be angry, Minister Li asked me to bring you a message!"

Kong Yinhe was in a fit of anger, how could he listen.

He was not angry with Li Zaihua, but because his son-in-law dared to disobey his orders.

"That's enough, what's the use of talking about it now, it's completely embarrassing our Kong family!"

Liang Guohuan looked sad.

He had known Kong Yinhe had said this for a long time.

But what should come is always coming.

Liang Guohuan summoned up his courage.

"President, I think Minister Li seems to want to cooperate with us!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Kong Yinhe was taken aback, his brows furrowed into a ball.

"What did you say? Li Zaihua wants to cooperate with me!"

Liang Guohuan thought about it for a whole day, and he figured out something about what Li Zaihua said.

"That's right, Minister Li resumed my job, but still ordered me to continue investigating Daikin Corporation."

Kong Yinhe fell silent, thoughtful.

"Tell me in detail what Minister Li told you!"

Liang Guohuan said without hesitation: "The thing is like this."

Crackling, he recounted the cause and effect in detail.

The voice fell.

Kong Yinhe frowned.

He sensed that there was something in the words.

Kong Yinhe suddenly asked: "Guohuan, what do you think of this matter?"

Liang Guohuan thought for a moment.

"President, I think Minister Li wants to cooperate with our Kong Group to deal with Daikin Corporation."

"After all, Daikin Co., Ltd. and Hanzhou Group have been fighting against each other for a day or two."

"It's hard to get hold of it now, and it's definitely a rare opportunity for the two groups to share the pressure together."

"The Hanzhou Group will definitely be handed over to Minister Li in the future"

"Maybe he wants to do something to show President Li or the senior management of Hanzhou Group!"

Having said that, he secretly glanced at his father-in-law.

"President, I'm done!"

Kong Yinhe came back to his senses.

Liang Guohuan seems to be quite reasonable.

The news that Li Zaihua wanted to punish Liang Guohuan had already spread throughout the Great Prosecutor's Office.

If the other party held it high and put it lightly, wouldn't it be a slap in the face again.

Unless Li Zaihua sees benefits from it, it is impossible to explain why Liang Guohuan should be let go.

Kong Yinhe knew very well about this minister's dominance through his son-in-law.

"What you said makes sense!"

Immediately afterwards, Kong Yinhe continued following Liang Guohuan's train of thought: "Hanzhou Group has always wanted to take action against Daikin Corporation, but under the pressure of Jingxian, it has to stop every time it comes to a critical moment."

"Minister Li may indeed plan to form an alliance between the Hanzhou Group and the Kong Group to jointly fight against Beijing and North Korea!"

It is true that the Hanzhou Group is backed by the Seven Star Enterprise Group.

However, if everything is done in the hands of others, the Hanzhou Group will sooner or later be annexed by the Qixing Li family.

Liang Guohuan nodded in agreement.

"President Gao Ming, as you said, Minister Li wants to cooperate with his father-in-law!"

Hear this.

When Kong Yinhe looked at Liang Guohuan again, his eyes softened a lot.

In his heart, Liang Guohuan is just a dog of his Kong family.

If the dog does the right thing, he will naturally be rewarded.

"Guo Huan, you did a good job in this matter. It is a wonderful move for you to beg Minister Li for mercy."

"If our Kong Group can really cooperate with Hanzhou Group, your benefits will be indispensable."

"I heard that my in-laws are planning to expand the factory. As long as you can relieve Minister Li, the Kong Group is willing to lend money to your father!"

The voice fell.

Liang Guohuan was very happy on the surface.

In fact, he secretly wished to kill the old guy in front of him.

He is the son-in-law of the Kong family, not the dog of the Kong family.

Liang Guoxing did not dare to express his dissatisfaction, but pretended to be happy.

"President, don't worry, I know what to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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