Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 614 Liang Guohuan Looking for Death (There is still in the morning)

Chapter 614 Liang Guohuan Looking for Death (There is still in the morning)
Wen Jinghao left.

Li Zaihua gave him a day off to go back and move.

He picked up the coffee and took a sip, then took out the unregistered mobile phone from the space backpack and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.
the other side.

New World Casino.

President's Office.

Ding Qing is looking through the accounts of the casino this month.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Ding Qing frowned, but when he saw the caller ID, he cheered up instantly.

He presses the call button.


Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Third Brother, didn't I bother you?"

Ding Qing replied: "The boss is joking, what am I busy with?"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"Third brother, the incident with Orange has been going on for so long, there should be a conclusion!"

Ding Qing understood.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Li Zaihua said lightly: "I want the criminal evidence of JH holding Yin Zhengxue, and the criminal evidence of how he made a fortune in 1997 and forced people to death!"

He wanted to kill Yin Zhengxue with one move, and fired the first shot of the Fourth Department of Strategic Special Investigation.

The crimes of illegal transactions, illegal money laundering, etc. are nothing to Yin Zhengxue.

With the support of chaebols and big companies, they will only be sentenced for the lowest crime, and at most they will be jailed for a few years on vacation.

Besides, Li Zaihua only likes to be a thief, and he doesn't want to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Since ordinary crimes are not enough, Yin Zhengxue must be charged with a crime that is enough to arouse the anger of the people.

In this way, Li Zaihua has enough reasons to win Yin Zhengxue and JH Holdings in one fell swoop.

As for the chaebols and big companies behind JH Holdings, [Global Times Capital] will naturally take over at that time.

Cooperating with someone is not cooperation, and there is no need to hang yourself on a tree.

After receiving the boss's order, Ding Qing said without hesitation: "Boss, give me three days, and I will definitely find out Orange!"

He sent someone to keep an eye on Orange.

But this guy is not stupid, knowing that he can't pay back the money, he hastily hid abroad.

Coincidentally, someone recently saw Orange in a casino in the Philippines.

Ding Qing received the wind and was planning to go to find someone.

Li Zaihua nodded.

"I only want Yin Zhengxue's criminal evidence, I don't care about life or death!"

Ding Qing heard the sound, and said respectfully: "Understood the boss, don't worry, let me do it!"

With Li Zaihua serving as the Minister of the Fourth Department of Strategic Special Investigation, the small thoughts in his heart were completely put away.

Ding Qing now only has to assist the boss well, maybe he will have a chance to leap into the dragon's gate in the future.

The dark and evil forces can never be put on the table.

He also wanted his children to join the high society and become a member of the ruler.

"Boss, is there anything else?"

Li Zaihua reminded: "After finding Yin Zhengxue's criminal evidence, don't forget to write a report letter to me."

"Okay boss, I know how to do it!"

The two ended the call.

Ding Qing dialed the number again.

It didn't take a while.

The call is connected.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, Ding Qing couldn't wait to ask: "How is it? Is there any news from Orange?"

A man replied: "President, I just found out that Orange is hiding in the slums, and there seems to be a local gang protecting him!"

Hear this.

A stern look flashed in Ding Qing's eyes.

"Keep an eye on me, this time absolutely can't let Orange run away!"

He hangs up.

Then, Ding Qing called several directors of the Jinmen faction respectively.

Then he directly called a familiar company and planned to charter a flight to Manila tonight.
Time flies fast.

15:15 PM.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Strategic special search four.

Office of the Minister.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, a prosecutor pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.


Seeing the person coming, Li Zaihua smiled and said, "Prosecutor Liang, what's the matter?"

This person's name is 'Liang Guohuan'.

He was originally the son of a small business owner, and later married the daughter of a chaebol. A typical husband is rich according to his wife.

Liang Guohuan took out an envelope.

"Minister, I have received a report letter."

Li Zaihua was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, and looked at Liang Guohuan playfully.

He originally thought that the Fourth Strategic Special Investigation Department had just been established, and these guys would stop for a few days.

Didn't expect it to come so fast.

The significance of the existence of the Strategic Special Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office is to attack enemies and opponents.

Every time someone is taken away by the Strategic Special Search Department, a large number of vested interests will appear.

However, the ordinary citizens won't get any benefit from clapping their hands and applauding, but the upper class eats their mouths full of fat.

Li Zaihua took the report letter, opened the letter and took out the letter paper, and read it at a glance.

A moment of effort.

Li Zaihua stuffed the report letter back into the envelope and handed it back to Liang Guohuan.

"Prosecutor Liang, I've read it, there's no problem, you can solve it yourself!"

Liang Guohuan was stunned.

"Minister, I."

He just spoke.

Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Okay, you can handle this kind of trivial matter by yourself, go out!"

Liang Guohuan opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Li Zaihua's expression sank.

"Prosecutor Liang, do you have something else to do?"

Liang Guohuan was startled, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, don't disturb the minister's work, I'll go first."

After speaking, he turned and opened the door and walked out of the room.

Looking at Liang Guohuan's leaving back, Li Zaihua sneered secretly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Idiot, if you want to use me as a gunman, you are just asking for death!"

The report letter just now was not prepared by Liang Guohuan at all, but to set him up as a minister.

How could Li Zaihua be easily fooled.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth. It seems that these guys still don't understand who the master of the fourth strategic special search department is.

Li Zaihua pondered for a while, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He picked up the landline handset and dialed an internal number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

"Hello, Liang Guohuan Prosecutor's Office."

"I'm Li Zaihua, has Prosecutor Liang gone back?"

When the secretary heard that it was the minister, he hurriedly said, "Prosecutor Liang has gone out and hasn't come back yet."

"Well, when Prosecutor Liang comes back, tell him to come to my office with the report letter!"

The secretary replied, "Okay."

Halfway through.

Liang Guohuan happened to walk in.

The secretary immediately said: "Minister, Prosecutor Liang is back."

"Give him the phone!"

Hearing this, the secretary quickly said, "Liang Jian, the minister is looking for you."

Liang Guohuan frowned lightly.

He just came back from the minister's office, why did he suddenly find himself again.

However, Liang Guohuan still took the microphone.

"Minister, I'm Liang Guohuan!"

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Prosecutor Liang, is that report letter still there?"

Liang Guohuan thought that Li Zaihua's heart was moved, so he couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Minister, the report letter is still in my hand!"

"Very well, come to my office with the report letter."

As soon as this word comes out.

The corner of Liang Guohuan's mouth raised slightly, and it disappeared in a flash.

"Alright minister, I'll be there right away!"

hang up the phone.

Liang Guohuan left the room without looking back.

The moment he walked out of the office, a cold look flashed across his face.

"What bullshit, since the founding of the peninsula, the youngest attorney general in history, I don't think so!"

(End of this chapter)

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