Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 612 Strategic Special Search 4

Chapter 612 Strategic Special Search Part Four
Time is always passing quietly.

Fast forward to Monday.

8:20 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Strategic special search four.

A conference room.

All eight new prosecutors are here.

At the same time, 35 assistant officers sat on both sides and waited for today's protagonist.

The floors of the Strategic Special Investigation Department are overcrowded.

After the establishment of the Fourth Department, there were no extra offices in the district, so they had to be assigned to new places.

With Seo Jin Jae taking care of him, the position is better than the Strategic Special Investigation Department.

Li Zaihua was so happy, he didn't want to get entangled with people from other branches.

thump thump.
There was a sound of footsteps.

The door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

Xu Zhenzai and Li Zaihua walked into the meeting room one after the other.

The prosecutors sat up straight in an instant, showing their best sides.

Xu Zhenzai scanned the audience, not talking nonsense.

"It seems that everyone is here. I have something to say today."

"You should know that only the best of the best can join the Strategic Special Investigation Department"

"The establishment of the fourth strategic special search department is a very fortunate thing for you."

"Come here, you will start a new journey."

"I won't say anything superfluous, I think you all understand in your own heart, do things well, and don't think wildly."

"You must always remember your identities. The duty of the prosecutor is to eliminate all crimes and uphold justice."

"Okay, I'm announcing the personnel appointment now!"

After speaking, he took a document from the secretary.

"After being reviewed by the Ministry of Justice and approved by the President, I announce the official establishment of the Fourth Strategic Special Investigation Department!"

Li Zaihua, who was expressionless, clapped his hands violently.

Others followed.

clap clap clap.

Soon the applause stopped.

Seo Jin-jae continued, "The new head of the Strategic Special Search Division [-] will be appointed by Prosecutor Lee Jae-hwa."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Li Zaihua, who was extremely young, and handed over the letter of appointment to him.

"Minister Li, I hope that the Fourth Department of Strategic Special Search can create brilliance and miracles under your leadership!"

Li Zaihua took the document respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, he resolutely said: "Please rest assured, Chief, Li Zaihua will do his best to serve the people, eliminate all evils, uphold justice, and safeguard the tranquility and peace of the peninsula!"

clap clap clap.
Seo Jin Jae took the lead in applauding.

There was thunderous applause.

After a while.

Xu Zhenzai said: "Minister Li, I still have to take a step ahead, you should get to know each other well."

Li Zaihua bowed and saluted, and personally sent Xu Zhenzai out of the meeting room.

Looking at the back of leaving, he limped back to the room with a cane.

Everyone in the meeting room, no one dared to underestimate this wounded peninsula since the founding of the country, the youngest prosecutor general in history.

They understand the significance of the Strategic Special Investigation Department better than most people.

What's more, with the establishment of the Fourth Department, they were able to enter the Strategic Special Investigation Department because of the man in front of them.

The eight prosecutors held their breaths and held their voices. The meeting room was so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

Li Zaihua returned to his position, looking at his subordinates with a pair of tiger eyes majesticly.

"Everyone, I'm Li Zaihua, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me in the future"

The polite speech is over.

He changed the subject: "Since you have come to the fourth part, you must be enlightened."

"Speaking of the ugly words, I am different from other ministers of the Strategic and Special Search Department. My only requirement is to obey orders."

"Everyone must write a report to me as soon as possible before launching an investigation."

"If someone violates it, the fourth part may not be suitable for you."

"If anyone finds it unreasonable, they can go out immediately, and I can help you return to your original position."

"Well, someone is willing to quit!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

But no one is a fool, they paid a huge price and finally entered the fourth part, how could they leave easily.

It's just that except for Wu Zhangxun, the other prosecutors didn't expect Li Zaihua to be so domineering and leave no room for it.

In fact, this is what Li Zaihua deliberately did.

His purpose is nothing more than a strong warning to those unstable factors.

The subtext is, no matter who you are, if you dare to make trouble, don't blame me for being cruel!

Time passed by minute by minute.

No one in the conference room spoke.

Li Zaihua nodded: "Very good, it seems that everyone has accepted my proposal."

"I prefer to be straightforward. I said something wrong just now. Please forgive me."

He said it nicely on the surface, but in fact there was no apology in his tone.

At this moment, Wu Zhangxun, who is a confidant, stepped forward.

"Minister is serious. Please don't say such things in the future. It is a bounden duty for subordinates to obey the orders of superiors!"

Someone took the lead, and the remaining seven prosecutors did not insist.

They came to the Fourth Department of Strategic Special Search with their own missions, and they must not leave in despair.

"Minister, don't worry, I will write a report to you every time I investigate a case in the future!"

"With ministers in charge, I believe there will be no unjust, false or wrongly decided cases!"

"The minister cares about everyone and is afraid that we will take a detour. I support the minister's decision!"

Seven prosecutors turned into sycophants, completely forgetting their identities.

This is impossible.

Li Zaihua is really too strong, like a mountain firmly pressing on top of his head.

Before this minister was supervising the actions of the second department, they were all clear about it.

Fan Yuanzong and Li Dongxu are living examples.

Among them, Li Dongxu's voluntary resignation can't be hidden from anyone who cares.

Luo Zhengzhu's identity has long been an open secret.

For the sake of his classmates, forcing a prosecutor who has worked for seven or eight years to resign voluntarily is frightening and also makes people criticize.

But generally speaking, Li Dongxu deserved to be caught for fouling.

But the peninsula is a society of human relations. Except for major bribery cases, under normal circumstances, there is a high probability that such things will be covered up internally by the department, and the stolen money will be turned over in other names.

It not only saves the prosecutor who made mistakes, but also preserves the reputation of the department, and the minister can gain the support of his subordinates, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

But Li Zaihua didn't do that, so the ruthless approach prevented the prosecutors present from offending him easily.

Eight prosecutors, you have a word, and I have a word.

In order to survive better in the Strategic Search Division [-], they prostrated themselves at Li Zaihua's feet against their will.

Li Zaihua nodded in satisfaction.

"I won't say anything else."

clap clap clap.
Li Zaihua clapped his hands.

Wen Jinghao pushed a cart full of documents into the meeting room.

Li Zaihua said bluntly: "This is a case assigned to our four departments."

"Investigator Wen, I will distribute the case to everyone later."

"Okay, today's meeting is over here, the meeting is over!"

The voice falls
He got up on crutches and walked to the door.

Seeing this, the eight prosecutors hurriedly stood up, bowed and saluted, and watched the minister off.

Li Zaihua came to the door and paused.

"Prosecutor Wu, come down to my office!"

(End of this chapter)

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