Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 608 President and Secretary (2 more chapters in the morning)

Chapter 608 The President and Secretary (two more chapters in the morning)

The next day.

9:15 am.

Qingwa Terrace.

the office of the president.

There was a knock on the door.

Liu Wankui pushed the door open with several documents in his arms.

He walked quickly to the desk, bowed and saluted, and then handed over the official document to be signed today. .

Zhao Shulan, who worked hard, took the document without raising her head, glanced at it casually and found that there was no problem, and signed her name in the empty space.

After signing the document, Liu Wankui took back the official document, but did not leave.

"Your Mightiness!"

Zhao Shulan raised her head upon hearing the sound, and looked at her secretary-general.

"what's up?"

Liu Wankui took a deep breath.

"I met Minister Li Zaihua last night!"

Hear this.

Zhao Shulan's hand paused, and then returned to normal.

"Oh, is he out of the hospital?"

Liu Wankui replied: "I think he is recovering well, he should be discharged from the hospital."

Zhao Shulan said again: "Why did he tell me when he was looking for you?"

Liu Wankui rolled his eyes secretly, why did Li Zaihua look for me, don't you know why.

Of course, he didn't dare to say anything on the surface.

Liu Wankui cautiously reminded: "Your Excellency, you forgot that the Ministry of Justice submitted a transfer application to you."

Zhao Shulan frowned.

"Really? When did it happen!"

Liu Wankui didn't want the situation to get out of control, so he simply told the truth.

"The Supreme Prosecutor's Office plans to open a branch on the basis of the original strategic special investigation department to alleviate the problem of insufficient manpower."

"The Supreme Prosecutor's Office has chosen Minister Lee Jae-hwa as the Director of the Fourth Branch of the Strategic Special Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office."

"Minister Li's transfer application has been sent to Qingwatai for about a week, but it has not been approved"

"So Minister Li invited me to dinner last night, and asked me what was going on."

A stern look flashed in Zhao Shulan's eyes.

"How did you answer!"

Liu Wankui was taken aback.

"I've been perfunctory for the time being, but looking at Minister Li's appearance, he seems unwilling to let it go."

Zhao Shulan slapped the table violently.

"Don't want to let it go, he's just a prosecutor, I value him as much as I did before!"

This is true, she is indeed very optimistic about Li Zaihua, and once even planned to introduce him into the new party.

However, Li Zaihua and Jin Xiucheng got together without warning, which made Zhao Shulan's plan come to naught before it was implemented.

It happened that the transfer application was sent to Qingwatai, and she was overwhelmed with anger.

During this period, my best friend Cui Zhenzhen got the news and wanted to arrange for one of her own people to join the strategic special search department to facilitate future work.

Zhao Shulan did not agree on the spot, saying that she would consider it.

Today's Cui Zhenzhen has not yet evolved into the future Galeries Lafayette, and he still does things properly.

Zhao Shulan refused, she turned to the secretary-general to try to convince her best friend.

It's a pity that Liu Wankui is not an idiot, how could he listen to Cui Zhenzhen's words, and the yin and yang have been delayed until now.

"Your Excellency, procrastinating on this matter is never an option!"

Zhao Shulan snorted coldly: "So what, I'm the president!"

Liu Wankui was so touched that he almost cried when he saw the object of his assistance playing a childish temper.

"Your Excellency, don't forget that the addition of the strategic special search department is the proposal of Chairman Kim Soo-sung!"

Caught in the middle of two giant Buddhas, he no longer wants to pretend, so he just destroys it!
Zhao Shulan gritted her teeth.

It was because of Jin Xiucheng's face that she did not agree to Cui Zhenzhen's request.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Shulan glanced at Liu Wankui lightly.

"Why, you took advantage of Li Zaihua, or he threatened you and asked you to help him so hard!"

Liu Wankui was startled, and said solemnly: "Your Excellency, I confiscated any benefits, and Minister Li didn't threaten me. I'm worried about you."

"There is no need to fight against Chairman Kim for the position of head of a strategic special search department"

"Besides, the bill we submitted is at a critical moment and offended Speaker Kim."

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.

As the secretary-general of Qingwa Taiwan, Liu Wankui knows Zhao Shulan's Achilles' heel very well.

The slogan of this campaign before taking office was, 'Recreate a Jianghan Miracle'.

Zhao Shulan took this as an opportunity to promote a new bill to increase the employment rate of the peninsula and restore high-level economic growth again.

But her bill has not been fully supported within the new party, and there are many opponents.

Zhao Shulan finally settled the new party and made various compromises.

If Jin Xiucheng is annoyed at this time, it will bring uncertainty to the introduction of the bill.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shulan thought to herself, "I will bear it this time!"

She doesn't want to confront Kim Soo Seung at the moment.

After all, Lee Jae-hwa is the future leader of the Justice Democratic Party.

With Jin Xiucheng's relationship, the Justice Democratic Party has long regarded him as one of its own.

Now that the sufferer came to his door, he couldn't suppress it anymore.

Zhao Shulan skillfully found out the transfer application submitted by the Ministry of Justice from a large pile of documents.

Swish swish.
She signed her name in the blank.

Just before handing over the transfer application to Liu Wankui, he suddenly asked.

"I'm really looking for you, why didn't you tell me!"

Liu Wankui was taken aback.

"Your Excellency, how dare I bother you with such a trivial matter!"

Zhao Shulan smiled slightly.

"It's true that life was very hard when I was young, so I think money is too important, so don't worry about it."

She knew very well that Cui Zhenzhen secretly used her own name to make money.

But Zhao Shulan didn't blame her best friend, instead she helped to hide it.

This time Cui Zhenzhen called the attention of the Strategic Special Search Department, and she subconsciously thought that maybe she was taking advantage of others.

Liu Wankui smiled.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, I can understand Ms. Cui's difficulties."

Zhao Shulan nodded.

"That's good!"

After speaking, she handed the transfer application to Liu Wankui.

"When you see Minister Li, convey a word for me!"

Liu Wankui bowed slightly.

"Your Excellency, please speak!"

Zhao Shulan said lightly: "Cui Zhenzhen is my friend, remember it!"

Liu Wankui shivered.

"Your Excellency, I remember!"

Zhao Shulan waved her hand.

"Get out, I have to work."

Without saying a word, Liu Wankui turned around and left the room quietly.

The moment he walked out of the office.

Liu Wankui's shirt was soaked with sweat.

Zhao Shulan might have guessed that he said something he shouldn't have said when meeting Li Zaihua.

Apart from warning Li Zaihua, what he said just now was not beating himself.

How can Zhao Shulan be Yi Yi's generation, otherwise she would not be able to become the first female president of the peninsula where patriarchy is supreme.

Holding the transfer application in his hand, Liu Wankui strode towards the secretary's office in stride.
11:20 am.

Jongno-gu, Buam-dong.

Li Zaihua's rented home.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone and pressed the call button.

It didn't take a while.

Li Zaihua showed a happy smile on his face.

"Thank you Uncle Xu, I understand!"

The two ended the call.

Li Zaihua continued to dial the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

"Thank you, Secretary-General Liu, I have a gift for you, it should be here soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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