Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 598 Kim Soo Seung and High School 5 Selections

Chapter 598

19:55 in the evening.

Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant.

In a box.

Kim Soo Seung is entertaining an important guest.

He is the representative of the Green Justice League, a senior five-election member, Gao Zhengqiu.

Jin Xiucheng sat cross-legged and poured wine for Gao Zhengqiu.

"Senior, I offer you a toast."

Gao Zhengqiu took the wine glass calmly and drank it down in one gulp, then wiped the rim of the glass in return.

Jin Xiucheng downed the wine in one gulp.

Gao Zhengqiu opened his mouth and asked: "Representative Jin, you invited me here today, not just for drinking and eating?"

Jin Xiucheng smiled slightly.

"Senior, I invite you here today because I have something to discuss with you."

"Oh, do you have something to discuss with me?"

Gao Zhengqiu poured a glass of wine on his own, drank it in one gulp, with a playful smile on his face.

"Representative Kim is serious. Our Green Justice League is just a small party. If you have something to discuss with the big party, it's fine."

Jin Xiucheng shook his head.

"Senior, what you said is wrong. If you have the right way, you are ginger or old. Besides, you joined the Democratic Party earlier than me."

"So, I want to hear your opinion!"

Gao Zhengqiu became interested.

"Since what Representative Jin said, I will help you as a staff officer."

Jin Xiucheng took a deep breath and said, "Senior, I would like to ask you to withdraw from this year's speaker election!"

The voice fell.

The complacent Gao Zhengqiu's expression immediately froze.

He stared straight at Jin Xiucheng with malicious eyes.

"Representative Jin, you understand what you are going to say!"

Jin Xiucheng smiled, poured a glass of wine and handed it to the other party.

"Senior, don't worry, listen to me."

Gao Zhengqiu glanced at Jin Xiucheng, took the wine glass and poured it into his stomach.

"Representative Jin, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation!"

Jin Xiucheng said calmly, "Senior, don't you think the Green Justice League is too small?"

Gao Zhengqiu rolled his eyes, it's up to you to say.

If not, he would need to run for speaker to expand his influence and attract more MPs to join!
"Representative Jin, don't beat around the bush, just speak up if you have something to say!"

Representative Jin said indifferently: "I want to invite the seniors to return to the Democratic Party!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Gao Zhengqiu was stunned on the spot.

He couldn't figure out what the man in front of him was up to.

Thinking of this, Gao Zhengqiu said calmly: "Representative Jin, do you know why I left in the first place to form a new party?"

Of course Jin Xiucheng knew, but he didn't say anything, but waited quietly.

Gao Zhengqiu drank the wine in his glass.

"It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail"

"Perhaps you think that in my capacity, no one dares to despise me. In fact, there are some things that you and I understand very well!"

Jin Xiu nodded in agreement and was deeply moved.

If qualifications alone can overwhelm everyone.

How could he, a representative of the Democratic Party, come to this point where he was forced to run for the Speaker of the House of Representatives to make way for younger generations.

"Senior, you are right, sometimes you can't help yourself!"

Hearing the sound, Gao Zhengqiu looked up at Jin Xiucheng.

"Oh, Kim Soo-seung also has troubles?"

Jin Xiucheng smiled wryly and said, "To tell you the truth, I have no choice but to run for the speaker this time!"

Gao Zhengqiu frowned lightly.

He is a senior member of parliament, and he immediately figured out the cause and effect.

Kim Soo-seung can be forced to take the initiative to run for speaker, only because the Democratic Party has an excellent general election candidate.

Gao Zhengqiu has experienced this kind of thing more than once.

Some people even choose to split the party because they are unwilling to give up the power in their hands.

This has happened to the Democratic Party.

"Representative Jin, what exactly are you trying to say!"

Hear this.

Jin Xiucheng straightened his expression, stopped talking nonsense, and got straight to the point.

"Senior, I want the Democratic Party and the Green Justice League to merge, and you will be the representative of the Justice Democratic Party!"

Gao Zhengqiu was taken aback, and opened his mouth slightly.

You know, the Green Justice League is just a small party with a dozen seats.

The Democratic Party is the largest opposition party. If the two merge, the stronger party will often serve as the supreme leader.

Hearing that Jin Xiucheng asked him to be the representative at this moment, Gao Zhengqiu was very shocked.

He calmed down quickly and noticed the problem inside.

"Representative Jin, you are roasting me on fire!"

Gao Zhengqiu sneered, and continued: "Representative Jin, you must be kind. I have no grievances or enmities with you. Isn't that too much?"

Jin Xiucheng shook his head and said: "Senior, you misunderstood, I don't have the ability to drive away wolves!"

Gao Zhengqiu frowned.

He didn't understand Jin Xiucheng a little bit.

"Representative Jin, what the hell are you doing!"

Jin Xiucheng smiled and said, "Senior, do you still remember what happened when the Axiom Party was newly established a few years ago?"

Hearing these words, Gao Zhengqiu was thoughtful.

Immediately afterwards, he had a flash of inspiration and instantly understood Jin Xiucheng's intentions.

"Representative Jin, do you want me to be the co-representative?"

Jin Xiucheng clapped his palms and laughed, then suddenly held his breath.

"Senior, I don't know what you want!"

Gao Zhengqiu was moved.

To be honest, the Green Justice League is not doing much.

Even if he is successfully elected as the Speaker, he has no idea how many MPs he can attract to join.

After all, the Green Justice League is only a small party, and there are no large parties with more resources.

Gao Zhengqiu squeezed his chin and pondered for a moment.

"Representative Kim, can you represent the Democratic Party?"

It is true that a representative is the supreme leader of a party, but he cannot act arbitrarily.

Because there are also supreme committees within the major parties to moderate the behavior of representatives.

It's just that usually, there is generally no one to object to the representative's decision.

Once something harmful to the party is done, the Supreme Council has the power to stop the representative or even replace the representative.

However, the chance of this is very small, how could the representative not install his own people in the Supreme Council.

Jin Xiucheng did not answer the question.

"Senior, have you read today's Chao Chao Daily?"

As a senior member of parliament, reading newspapers and news every day is a must.

Gao Zhengqiu suddenly realized.

"Representative Jin, no wonder you are so confident!"

Then he pointed out: "Is it a good thing that Kippenan guy did?"

It is well known that Qi Bennan, chairman of the Democratic Party's policy committee, had a disagreement with Kim Soo.

Recently, Moon Jae-ho, a representative member of the Democratic Party, has a high support rate.

Gao Zhengqiu couldn't help guessing that it must be Qi Bennan's leadership to force the palace to make way for Wen Zaihu.

Kim Soo Seung didn't hide it either.

"Senior, you guessed it right, but the Democratic Party has an outstanding junior, and I am also very happy!"

Gao Zhengqiu smiled without saying a word.

If you want to be happy, how can you come to yourself and come up with a common representative.

But Gao Zhengqiu didn't expose it.

"Representative Jin, can you give me a few days to think about it!"

Even if it is the common representative of the Democratic Party, it is not comparable to a small party like the Green Justice League.

What's more, he has never served as a representative of any major party since he entered politics. It would be a lie to say that he was not moved.

But some things can't be seen on the surface, Gao Zhengqiu has to think about it carefully.

Jin Xiucheng said word by word: "No problem, but senior should reply as soon as possible!"

Gao Zhengqiu heard the threat, but he didn't care.


(End of this chapter)

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