Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 595 Reaching an agreement (more in the morning)

Chapter 595 Reaching an agreement (more in the morning)
"Common representative!"

Jin Xiucheng muttered several times, then raised his head suddenly.

"Minister Li, how did you come up with this idea!"

Li Zaihua smiled and said: "Representative Jin, you are a fan of the authorities, and I am a bystander."

"The Axiom Party had 'Common Representatives' a few years ago."

"It's just that the Fang representative voluntarily withdrew later and became a one-person representative again."

Hear this.

Jin Xiucheng patted his head.

How could he forget about this.

How can the high-five elections spend so much effort on the party bosses like them.

After hearing Li Zaihua's reminder, Jin Xiucheng suddenly realized, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Then he looked at Li Zaihua with eyes full of appreciation.

Jin Xiucheng lifted his spirits, and said sincerely: "Thank you Minister Li, you really helped me a lot!"

"Representative Jin is serious!"

Li Zaihua said: "I just happened to be meeting at the right time, and the bystanders are clear."

"Even without me, Representative Jin can definitely think of it!"

Jin Xiucheng smiled: "Minister Li, I have self-knowledge. If it weren't for your reminder, I would never have thought of this!"

With a solution, he relaxed.

Jin Xiucheng ate a few mouthfuls of food happily.

"Minister Li, the affairs of the Philippines are both troublesome and simple!"

Li Zaihua poured Jin Xiucheng a glass of wine.

"Representative Jin, I would like to hear more about it!"

Jin Xiucheng picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

"I do have a few friends in the Philippines, but I am not on the same line with the current President Beni"

"They belong to the faction of ex-President Gloria. If you seek them out, it will only backfire!"

Li Zaihua pretended to be worried, and asked knowingly: "Representative Jin, what should we do?"

Jin Xiucheng smiled slightly.

"As I said just now, it's troublesome if you say it's troublesome, and it's easy to say it's simple."

"As long as I become the Speaker of the National Assembly, I will be able to represent the peninsula as an envoy to negotiate arms trade with the Philippines."

"I mentioned this to President Beni a little bit during the period, and I think he should be able to give me face, the premise is that [Global Times Capital] can behave!"

Although Li Zaihua knew the result a long time ago, he was still very shocked.

To be honest, he really never thought of using the power of the country to seek his own interests before.

The operation of Li Zhengzhi and Jin Xiucheng opened Li Zaihua's eyes and opened a new door at the same time.

"Representative Jin, [Global Times Capital] is very sincere!"

Jin Xiucheng didn't speak, but raised his glass.

Li Zaihua tactfully helped him pour a glass of wine.

Jin Xiucheng poured it into his stomach in one gulp.

"Minister Li, sincerity is a must, but I also have to be the Speaker of the National Assembly."

Speaking of this, he said as if pointing: "Minister Li needs a lot of help."

Li Zaihua understood.

"It's my wish to help Representative Jin!"
22:10 in the evening.

After two hours of secret negotiations.

Lee Jae-hwa and Kim Soo-sung reach an agreement.

Likewise, Lee Jae-hwa succeeded in making Kim Soo-seung realize his worth.

Although it is necessary to hide behind the scenes, there must always be an identity that can be obtained on the surface.

Otherwise, over time, the real tiger will have to become a fake tiger.

Inside the courtyard.

Leaning on crutches, Li Zaihua stood in the night, watching Jin Xiucheng leave.

After people leave.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number. His future father-in-law might be in a hurry.
Chengbei Cave.

Li's villa.

Inside the study.

Li Zhengzhi was smoking a cigar in great gulps.

Li Zaihua asked Jin Xiucheng to meet, he had already received the news.

However, after such a long time, the future son-in-law never called, which caused Li Zhengzhi to stop thinking about it.

bell bell bell.
The ringing of the bell interrupted his thoughts.

Li Zhengzhi came back to his senses, immediately picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, then took a deep breath and pressed the call button.

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Uncle Li!"

Li Zhengzhi said calmly: "Zai Hua, you called me so late, what can you do for me?"

Li Zaihua sneered secretly.

"Uncle Li, I have something to tell you. I just finished meeting with representative Jin Xiucheng."

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Zhengzhi's heart rose to his throat, but on the surface he said calmly: "Zaihua, you are an adult, you don't need to tell me everything."

Li Zaihua curled his lips, old fox, if I don't say anything, you can't sleep well every day.

"Uncle Li, I actually called you because I have something to ask you to give me advice."

Li Zhengzhi pretended to be contemplative, and said after a while: "Oh, tell me, I can't guarantee if I can help you!"

Li Zaihua grinned.

"Uncle Li, you can definitely help me!"

Crackling, he avoided the important ones and told the story of meeting Jin Xiucheng tonight.

The voice fell.

Li Zhengzhi remained silent for a long time.

He was sure that his future son-in-law had concealed something, but what he just said still surprised him.

Li Zaihua actually came up with the bad idea of ​​'common representative'.

You know, there is often only one leader of a party.

If there are two leaders, then who should listen to, the result is only internal strife.

Lee Jae-hwa's proposal of 'common representative' is undoubtedly digging the roots of the Democratic Party.

It's just that Li Zhengzhi didn't expect that Jin Xiucheng unexpectedly agreed.

He couldn't help lamenting that he was old and couldn't keep up with the times.

"In Hua, since Representative Jin values ​​you so much, you have to perform well and don't let him down!"

Li Zaihua replied: "Uncle Li, don't worry, I will listen to Representative Jin for everything!"

Li Zhengzhi nodded, and then said: "By the way, I want to thank you for helping Shangxi make suggestions."

"Uncle Li, this is what I should do."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly thought of something: "Uncle Li, why didn't you see Shang Xi come to the hospital today, is she working overtime?"

Li Zhengzhi was taken aback.

"Why, Shangxi didn't inform you?"

Li Zaihua frowned lightly.

"Uncle Li, Shangxi is not on the peninsula?"

Li Zhengzhi's face showed joy, you kid also has today.

"Yeah, ever since I heard what you said, Shangxi asked to go to Huaxia to investigate in person, I thought he told you!"

Facing the gloating future father-in-law, the corners of Li Zaihua's eyes twitched slightly.

"So that's the case. Thank you, Uncle Li, for telling me. I guess Shangxi didn't notify me because he wanted to give me a surprise!"
22:25 in the evening.

Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant.

The two ended the call.

Li Zaihua put down his cell phone with an unstoppable smile on his face.

The two were back and forth just now, but in the end Li Zhengzhi was defeated and hung up the phone angrily.

At this time, Li Zaihua thought to himself that his future father-in-law would probably suffer from insomnia again tonight.

But the joy was temporary, and he calmed down quickly.

Li Zaihua is very clear that after tonight, he will face countless challenges.

The Democratic Party does not have the harmony that outsiders imagine, and there are factions as well.

Jin Xiucheng is the representative, and his faction is the strongest.

Of course, this situation is not set in stone.

With the strong rise of the younger generation.

Kim Soo-seung's faction has been impacted, and some congressmen are ready to move.

Similarly, in addition to facing challenges within the Democratic Party, Lee Jae-hwa also has to guard against plots by other parties.

Participating in partisan struggle requires such awareness.

Thinking of this, Li Zaihua looked up at the dark night sky.

All of a sudden, he threw his crutches, and strode out of the courtyard with steady steps.

(End of this chapter)

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