Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 593 Kim Soo Seung's Real Purpose

Chapter 593 Kim Soo Seung's Real Purpose
The next day.

19:55 in the evening.

Yiyuan Cave.

Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant.

In a box.

Li Zaihua leaned on a cane to welcome today's guests.

"Representative Jin, you are here!"

Seeing the man who was barely standing still, Jin Xiucheng hurried forward to help him.

"Minister Li, your health is important, why don't you meet at the hospital?"

"Don't stand, let's sit down and talk."

After speaking, he supported Li Zaihua to sit down slowly.

Li Zaihua did not refuse, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the specially prepared chair.

Jin Xiucheng came across and sat cross-legged.

Lee Jae-hwa itself is taller, plus the chair.

At this moment, he looked at Jin Xiucheng with a condescending attitude.

The table was already filled with various dishes.

Li Zaihua raised the jug and said, "Representative Jin, I'm sorry, but I take the liberty to invite you here today. I'll toast you."

As he spoke, he poured a glass of wine and handed it to Jin Xiucheng with both hands.
Jin Xiu took over the wine glass and drank it down without thinking about it.

Then he wiped the rim of the glass and poured a glass of wine in a similar manner.

Li Zaihua caught it with both hands and poured it into his stomach.

"Representative Jin, to tell you the truth, I encountered some trouble in inviting you here today!"

Here comes the point.

Jin Xiucheng's eyes lit up.

"Oh, what's the trouble?"

Li Zaihua replied: "Actually, it's not that I'm in trouble. It's related to "City of Angels". President Han of [Global Times Capital] asked me to ask you for help!"

He is the boss behind [Global Times Capital], Li Zhengzhi did not tell Jin Xiucheng.

Kim Soo-seung has always believed that Lee Jae-hwa is so active for the foundation.

"Minister Li, since it's President Han's business, why doesn't he come by himself?"

Li Zaihua smiled and said: "Representative Jin, the US headquarters asked President Han to go back and report on his work, and report the progress of "City of Angels" by the way."

"He left too hastily, so he can only entrust me to handle this matter."

Hear this.

Jin Xiucheng cursed secretly in his heart, little fox.

"Oh, that's it. I wonder what President Han wants from me?"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "At the last meeting, President Han concealed something."

"In fact, the communication with the Philippine government was not smooth."

"The officials over there are too greedy. They have received 200 million rice gold but have been procrastinating. They seem to want more money."

"But [Global Times Capital]'s money is not blown by strong winds. Philippine officials are like a bottomless pit that can never be filled."

"I know that the Philippines and the peninsula are arms trading countries."

"Representative Kim is also the chairman of the National Security Council. Can you introduce some trustworthy Philippine officials?"

The "National Security Council" has very great powers, and the export of arms from the peninsula also needs the approval of the committee.

If these members of Congress feel that arms exports seriously endanger the security of the peninsula, it will be useless even if Qingwa Taiwan comes.

Unless there is a congressional referendum.

It's just that arms export is an export of the peninsula.

Under normal circumstances, the "National Security Council" not only will not object, but will try its best to facilitate this matter.

The voice fell.

Jin Xiucheng poured a glass of wine on his own, and poured it into his stomach in one gulp.

"Minister Li, since I served as the chairman of the "National Security Council", I have dealt with the Philippines many times."

"If you want to talk about friends, you do know a lot"

Having said that, he suddenly changed the subject.

"However, "City of Angels" is dominated by [Global Times Capital], and it seems that we are not suitable to intervene!"

Li Zaihua said unhurriedly: "Representative Jin, "City of Angels" is not only owned by [Global Times Capital], but belongs to everyone."

"If you are sure to help, President Han will thank you very much!"

The corner of Jin Xiucheng's mouth raised slightly, and it disappeared in a flash.

He ate his food without haste.

"Thank you very much. Minister Li is the No. 1 graduate of the Judicial Training Institute. He must be very smart. I have something to ask you."

Li Zaihua looked at the man opposite him calmly.

"Representative Jin, tell me!"

Jin Xiucheng got straight to the point: "Minister Li, the mid-term election is over, and Chairman Xue's term of office is up, what do you think?"

Li Zaihua's heart moved, he should come and always come.

He raised the jug and poured a glass of wine for Jin Xiucheng and himself.

"Listen to Representative Jin, do you want to run for the speaker of the current term?"

Jin Xiucheng nodded: "I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work!"

"Representative Jin, this is a major national event, how can a brat like me just talk about it casually!"

Jin Xiucheng took a deep look at Li Zaihua.

"The future is dominated by young people. Minister Li, don't be humble, just be an old man's adviser."

Li Zaihua picked up his wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"What Representative Jin said, I will venture to analyze it for you. I don't know who will participate in the speaker election this year?"

Jin Xiucheng directly reported the names of several people.

After listening, Li Zaihua suddenly felt his head grow bigger.

As a prosecutor who aspires to become a member of Congress, he has studied the bigwigs in Congress.

The names that Jin Xiucheng mentioned were all big shots among big shots.

Whether it is a veteran of the new party or a veteran five-election congressman, behind each of them is a huge political resource.

Especially the five-election member who served five terms.

In the past 20 years, all parties and factions have been transferred almost all over the place, and there are very many friends, let alone the seniors in Congress.

Even though Kim Soo-seung is the representative of the Democratic Party, he still does not have the slightest advantage in front of the other party.

In an instant, Li Zaihua finally understood why Jin Xiucheng wanted to drag him off the field, winning by surprise.

Thinking of how important he was, he calmed down in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be worried.

"Representative Jin, did I hear you right? I'm running for the speaker election in the fifth election!"

Jin Xiucheng nodded.

As a representative of the Democratic Party, he is not afraid of the veterans of the new party. Everyone is evenly matched and even has a slight advantage.

However, Jin Xiucheng had to pay attention to his appearance in the high five elections.

This old guy is almost 70 years old this year. He was born as the chief of the Chengfu. He has been in Congress for 20 years and has held important positions in various parties.

It's just that this guy is old-hearted, he left a few years ago and formed a new party with other people.

The purpose of running for speaker this time is to enhance the prestige of his party and attract more MPs to join.

As the speaker election is about to be held, the old guy frequents the major parties, or invites members of Congress to dinner.

Even several bigwigs from the Democratic Party participated in the high-five election dinner.

This instantly aroused Jin Xiucheng's vigilance.

The reason why Kim Soo-seung ran for speaker was the result of internal discussions within the Democratic Party to make room for an outstanding junior.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, he must give up his position.

In fact, Jin Xiucheng is not willing to abdicate at all.

It's a pity that the bigwigs in the Democratic Party don't think much about it. He has occupied the position of representative for long enough.

Now that there is finally a junior who can challenge the president, they naturally want Jin Xiu to take care of the overall situation.

The decision of this group of people completely annoyed Jin Xiucheng.

You want outstanding juniors.

Then I will find you a more dazzling one, so there is today's scene.

This is Jin Xiucheng's real purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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