Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 582 Authorization Contract Han Shizhong's Inner Ghost

Chapter 582 Authorization Contract Han Shizhong's Inner Ghost
20:35 in the evening.

J.K. Hospital.

VVIP ward.

The door of the room was suddenly pulled open.

Li Shangxi walked into the house quickly, and threw himself into her husband's arms.

Looking at the sad woman, Li Zaihua frowned.

"Shangxi, who provoked you, tell your husband, and I will help you vent your anger!"

Li Shangxi raised his head when he heard the sound, and said with reddened eyes, "Honey, I'm sorry, Dad"

As she said that, she was a little embarrassed to speak.

Although Li Zhengzhi did it for Li Sangxi's good, but in the final analysis, what he did was not authentic.

Seeing the woman in front of him like this, Li Zaihua had a bad feeling.

He tried his best to be calm, stroking Li Sangxi's beautiful hair while comforting him.

"Don't cry, tell me, what happened?"

Hear this.

Li Sangxi hesitated for a moment, and said: "Zaihua, I am sorry for you"

Soon the woman explained the cause and effect in detail.

After listening to Li Sangxi's words, Li Zaihua's heart instantly surged with anger.

Yet he was not angry with his woman.

Li Zaihua took a deep breath, calmed down, and comforted him with a smile: "It's okay, what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine."

"There is a way that husband and wife are of the same heart, and its benefits cut through gold. I believe you will support me, right!"

Li Sangxi nodded with tears in his eyes.

"I'll support you whatever you do"

Having said that, she seemed determined.

"Husband, why don't I transfer the shares of DA Network to you!"

A look of joy flashed in Li Zaihua's eyes, which was fleeting, and then he shook his head.

"Shangxi, you are my woman, and I am very relieved that those shares are in your hands."

"As for the transfer of shares, don't talk about it in the future, but you have to sign an agency contract with [Global Times Capital]!"

The voice fell.

Li Sangxi said in a depressed mood: "Husband, I"

Angry to be angry.

Li Zaihua was annoyed by Li Zhengzhi, but as a man, he would never blame a woman.

"Okay, don't be sad, you didn't mean to"

"Besides, the shares of DA Network are in your hands, which is no different from mine."

After some persuasion, Li Sangxi finally calmed down.

Li Zaihua picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Han Shizhong's voice came out.


Li Zaihua said bluntly: "President Han, prepare a DA network authorization contract and send it to the hospital!"

He doesn't blame Li Sangxi, and it doesn't mean that he will let the shares go out of his control.

Although Han Shizhong felt strange, he didn't dare to ask more questions.

"Okay boss, I'll go and draft the licensing contract right away."

The two ended the call.

Li Zaihua put down his phone, cupped Li Sangxi's cheek with both hands, and kissed on the sweet red lips.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The two kissed for 10 minutes until Li Sangxi's body became hot.

But they didn't go any further because someone was coming later.

As for Li Zaihua arranging someone to come to the hospital with an authorization contract, Li Sangxi didn't think much about it.

If his father hadn't stepped in, these shares would have belonged to him.
22:10 in the evening.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Han Shizhong heard the sound and pushed the door open.

"Minister Li, here I come. This is the authorization contract you want."

Li Zaihua took over the contract and handed it over to Li Sangxi.

"Shangxi, check to see if there is any problem."

Li Sangxi shook his head, took the contract, and signed his name in the blank with the pen without looking at it.

Li Zaihua also didn't look at the contract considering the woman's feelings.

"President Han, Shangxi has authorized 20.00% of the shares of DA Network to [Global Times Capital], you should thank her very much!"

Han Shizhong suddenly realized.

No wonder the boss asked him to set the liquidated damages so high, so he was waiting here.

After accepting the contract, Han Shizhong said without hesitation: "Thank you Ms. Li for your authorization!"

Li Sangxi waved his hand.

"Don't talk about it, since the shares of DA Network are authorized to you, you should make good use of them, and don't live up to your expectations in China!"

Han Shizhong was taken aback, and suddenly looked at the boss.

Li Zaihua curled his lips and said, "I've already told her about our affairs."

As soon as this word comes out.

Han Shizhong immediately bowed and saluted: "Madam!"

The word 'madam' made Li Sangxi feel elated.

"President Han, don't be polite, we will be on our own from now on."

How could Han Shizhong dare to take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Understood, please take care of my wife in the future!"

On the left, there is a sentence of madam, and there is a sentence of madam, Li Sangxi covered his mouth and laughed happily.

Seeing the frantic flattery of his subordinates, Li Zaihua said impatiently: "How is it, has Jin Fandong contacted you recently?"

Facing the inquiry, Han Shizhong's expression changed.

"Boss, there is no movement in the KK chat"

"However, I got information that on the day the negotiation ended, Cui Zheng, the vice president of KK Chat, contacted several companies that were interested in investing, including TB Finance."

Li Zaihua frowned lightly.

"What's going on, what's their reaction?"

Han Shizhong thought for a while and said: "The foxes and penguins in Huaxia, and PayPal in the United States have given up investment, and Queyi is considering it."

"Goldman Sachs and Sequoia Capital, there is no news for the time being. After so many days, you should not be optimistic about KK chatting."

"But TB Finance responded yesterday and is willing to give a new quotation on the original basis."

"As for how much to quote, this is the secret of the KK chat. I haven't found out about the ghost I bought!"

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

bell bell bell.
The sudden ringtone interrupted the conversation between the two.

Han Shizhong's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly took out his phone to turn it off.

However, the caller ID, let him press the call button.

A woman's voice came out.

"President Han, there is news!"

Han Shizhong showed joy, and couldn't wait to ask: "How much is the quotation of TB Finance?"

The woman didn't answer the question.

"President Han, I'm taking a huge risk to inquire about the news. This time I want [-] million!"

A piece of information costs [-] million yuan, which is really a sky-high asking price.

Han Shizhong is planning to refuse.

Li Zaihua on the side patted his subordinate on the shoulder, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Promise her!"

Han Shizhong nodded.

"Okay, [-] million is no problem, how much does TB Finance offer!"

"I believe that President Han will not renege on his debts. TB Finance quoted a billion rice gold. I really don't know how many shares to buy."

Han Shizhong hung up the phone.

"Boss, TB Finance quoted one billion rice gold, should we increase the quotation?"

With the intervention of TB Finance, the attractiveness of [Global Times Capital] will be greatly reduced.

Li Zaihua pondered for a moment and said: "Don't worry, I'll find out the bottom line of TB Finance before making any plans."

"Tomorrow's negotiation will be carried out according to our previous arrangement, so just pretend you don't know about it!"
the other side.

A superior apartment.

in the bedroom.

A delicate-looking woman was lying in Jin Fandong's arms.

"President, do you think that guy really believed it?"

Jin Fandong smiled mysteriously when he heard the words.

"When the negotiations start tomorrow, it will be clear!"

It turned out that the inner ghost bought by Han Shizhong was intentionally arranged by Jin Fandong.

He arranged more than one such inner ghost.

Their task is to continuously leak inside information to investors.

(End of this chapter)

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