Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 576 Subcontractor Han Shizhong

Chapter 576 Subcontractor Han Shizhong
The two ended the call.

Li Zhengzhi's eyes flickered, and then he picked up the microphone and pressed the number keys again.

It didn't take a while.

Mr. Liang walked into the room, bowed and said: "President!"

Li Zhengzhi said without hesitation: "Go and check the background of KK chat and DA network, and leave it to me before lunch break!"

Mr. Liang nodded and was about to leave.

Li Zhengzhi suddenly shouted again: "Wait."

Mr. Liang turned around and looked at his own president.

"President, what else can I order?"

Li Zhengzhi replied: "I didn't finish the meal last time, please help me make an appointment with the president of DA Network, the time is tomorrow!"

"Okay President, I'll do it right away!"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Liang turned and left.
the other side.

After leaving the hospital, Han Shizhong did not return to the company, but came to Seoul National University non-stop.

He drove the car to the staff parking lot with ease.

For the convenience of Han Shizhong's travel, Sun Zhenglong specially helped him apply for a lecturer's exclusive pass.

Teacher Building.

Han Shizhong came to an office.

There was a knock on the door.

I don't know if Han Shizhong heard it wrong, but there was a strange voice coming from inside him.

After a few minutes.

The door of the room suddenly opened.

A girl with disheveled hair hurried out of the office with her head down.

As someone who has been there, Han Shizhong smelled a fishy smell, and couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly. His teacher had a good time.

After people leave.

Han Shizhong knocked on the door again.

Sun Zhenglong's voice came out.

"Come in!"

At this moment, Professor Sun Zhenglong, who is regarded as upright by outsiders, is opening the window to let the wind out.

Han Shizhong entered the room, seeing this scene, he almost laughed out loud.

Sun Zhenglong opened all the windows, turned around, and said calmly: "Shizhong, why are you here, didn't you call in advance?"

Han Shizhong smiled and said, "Of course I miss you, I came here to see you."

To be a professor at Seoul National University, those who are not thick-skinned have already resigned.

Sun Zhenglong pretended to be indifferent: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, you don't want to go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, for the DA network!"

A few days after Han Shizhong entrusted himself to investigate the equity division of DA Network, he knew that [Global Times Capital] was about to make a move again.

In the last Mingsheng Group, Sun Zhenglong failed to get a share of the pie except for buying some stocks in advance.

Han Shizhong gave a thumbs up and said, "Teacher, you are a teacher. I want you to help me make an appointment with Xuan Nanzhen, the special agent of DA Network, to come out and meet!"

Sun Zhenglong showed an expression that was as expected.

"Shizhong, what the hell are you [Global Times Capital] doing?"

"Teacher, don't think too much, we are a serious company, just ask Manager Xuan to come out and chat."

Sun Zhenglong made it clear that he didn't believe it: "Shizhong, you are my disciple, what do you think you can hide from me?"

"Besides, I am very familiar with Executive Xuan, with my help, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

Han Shizhong knew how powerful the other party was, so he simply told the truth and asked Sun Zhenglong to analyze it for him.

"Teacher, I didn't want to trouble you."

"The thing is, we plan to invest in some high-tech companies recently"

"The Internet environment in the peninsula is not very good, and there are not many companies that can be seen at present."

"After the [Global Times Capital] analysis team's analysis, HNH is the leading enterprise of Peninsula Internet, and its market value is too high, so we don't need our investment"

Time passed by minute by minute.

Han Shizhong recounted the analysis of [Global Times Capital] half-truthfully.

After listening, Sun Zhenglong was thoughtful.

The analysis team of [Global Times Capital] is right. The Internet environment of the peninsula is indeed very poor compared with China and the United States.

But the determination of the peninsula to protect its domestic enterprises is very strong.

This just gives Internet high-tech companies a stable environment.

As for whether the DA network value is worth investing in, that is a matter of opinion.

Anyway, Sun Zhenglong felt that his student was not just investing in the DA network.

"Shizhong, tell the truth, otherwise I won't be able to help you."

Han Shizhong said with a wry smile: "Teacher"

As soon as he spoke, he suddenly sighed.

"All right!"

"We [Global Times Capital] are preparing to intervene in the Internet field of the peninsula, and I want to acquire the shares of DA Network held by Boss Xuan!"

Hear this.

Sun Zhenglong's eyes lit up.

He is clear that [Global Times Capital] has just acquired Mingsheng Group as a whole, and the funds should be almost used up.

Unexpectedly, Han Shizhong could still come up with money.

Sun Zhenglong had to admit that he underestimated this company before.

If you really want to acquire the DA network, it will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, which can only be described as [Global Times Capital] with strong funds.

Sun Zhenglong is not a fool, as a consultant of [Global Times Capital], how could he not investigate the source.

He believes that his apprentice should be the white glove of a large Wall Street investment bank, but it is not known which one it is.

Thinking of this, Sun Zhenglong said, "Do you want to buy the shares held by Mr. Xuan?"

Han Shizhong nodded.

"That's right, we can offer a reasonable price!"

Sun Zhenglong asked in a deep voice: "Professor Xuan owns 15.00% of the shares of DA Network. If [Global Times Capital] wants to buy it, it is not a small sum."

Han Shizhong said with a smile: "Teacher, don't worry, it's only a few hundred million rice gold, which is nothing to us [Global Times Capital]."

"And we already have a complete plan, and we believe that if it succeeds, we will get huge benefits!"

Sun Zhenglong was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly became interested.

"Oh, talk about it!"

Han Shizhong shook his head: "Teacher, keep it secret for now."

Sun Zhenglong pointed at his disciple's nose and scolded with a smile: "You brat, your wings are stiff!"

"Teacher, this is a company secret. It concerns hundreds of millions of gold. It's better to be careful."

Speaking of this, Han Shizhong pretended to be embarrassed: "Although I can't tell you the details, I can still reveal a little bit."

"But before that, you have to do me a little favor!"

Sun Zhenglong rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Speak!"

Han Shizhong asked: "Teacher, what is your relationship with Mr. Xuan?"

Sun Zhenglong rolled his eyes.

"Not bad!"

Han Shizhong cut to the chase.

"A few days ago, when I applied for funds to the US headquarters, I also reported the analysis report of the DA network."

"The headquarters agreed with my plan, and the bottom line price given by the headquarters is 100 billion peninsular dollars."

"If the teacher can help me negotiate, I will give one-tenth of the profit for every reduction of 100 billion peninsular dollars, which is one billion."

"I don't know what you want!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Sun Zhenglong showed joy on his face.

"Are you serious?"

Subcontractor Han Shizhong said solemnly: "You are my teacher, how dare I lie to you."

"For every reduction of 100 billion, we will give [-] billion as compensation!
(End of this chapter)

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