Chapter 551
In a custodial ward of a hospital.

At this time, Yang Rentai was lying on the bed with blank eyes, ignorant of the verdict.

Besides, even if he knew, he couldn't change the ending.

this afternoon.

The sentencing document of the Seoul District Court was published on the official website.

The reporters were all frantic, desperately trying to find out what happened during the trial.

As a former member of Congress, he pleaded guilty in court without resistance, which is the first time in the history of the founding of the peninsula, and it is unique.

A peaceful society pays attention to human relations and sophistication, where there are people, there will naturally be rivers and lakes.

There is no hiding what happened in the courtroom.

Li Dongxu pleaded guilty in court on behalf of Yang Rentai, which revealed strangeness.

The big media have been careful not to talk too much about it.

Including the news reports of major TV stations, they all focused on Yang Rentai's crimes, and the plea in court was briefly mentioned.

Only third-rate tabloids make up things for the sake of sales.
The next day.

8:35 am.

With the help of the nurse, Li Zaihua finished grooming.

She brought a stack of newspapers from this morning and placed them by the bed.

"Minister Li, your newspaper."

The young prosecutor smiled slightly: "Thank you, make me a cup of coffee."

The nurse nodded and turned to leave.

Li Zaihua unfolded the newspaper with one hand.

Not surprisingly, mainstream newspapers such as "Zhongyang Daily" and "Chaocha Daily", and the headlines on the front page of the social section are almost all the results of Yang Rentai's trial yesterday.

Looking at the contents of the newspaper, a sneer flashed across the corner of the young prosecutor's mouth.

There was a knock on the door.

Li Zaihua put down the newspaper.

"Come in!"

Liu Zhitai with the number plate heard the sound and pushed the door open.

"Minister Li!"

The young prosecutor smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, you are here."

Liu Zhitai was about to speak.

The nurse opened the door with a cup of coffee and walked in.

Seeing this, Li Zaihua said: "Mr. Liu, I am proficient in Chinese fortune-telling. I knew you were coming, so I asked the nurse to prepare coffee for you."

Liu Zhitai was taken aback.

The nurse rolled her eyes, obviously you want to drink coffee.

Li Zaihua laughed twice: "Mr. Liu, I'm just kidding, I want to drink coffee."

Liu Zhitai breathed a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere of belief in the peninsula is very strong. If you have a Tao, you would rather believe what you have than believe what you don’t have.

Reminiscent of the incredible rapid rise of the young prosecutor, sometimes Liu Zhitai really wonders whether Li Zaihua is the reincarnation of the gods, or is able to pinch and count, knowing the past and the future.

"Minister Li, I almost believed this joke!"

Li Zaihua chuckled lightly: "Mr. Liu, I wish I had this kind of ability, buy some stocks, and make money every day lying at home."


The nurse laughed.

Li Zaihua and Liu Zhitai immediately looked at her.

The nurse was startled, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Minister Li, I'm sorry, I'm going out first."

After people leave.

The young prosecutor opened his mouth and asked, "Mr. Liu, what are you thinking?"

Liu Zhitai tends to cooperate, otherwise he wouldn't come here today.

"Minister Li, it's okay to cooperate with [Global Times Capital], but we must guarantee our interests!"

When he said the word 'we', his tone was much heavier.

Li Zaihua understood.

The title of 'Number Plate' can flourish in the financial world, but Liu Zhitai alone cannot do it alone.

He is a combination of interests, backed by many chaebols and large companies.

"Mr. Liu, as long as you are willing to cooperate with [Global Times Capital], I believe President Han will definitely give you satisfactory conditions!"

After leaving the hospital three days ago, Liu Zhitai sent people to investigate [Global Times Capital] overnight, and even used the relationship in the United States.

The result of the feedback was similar to what he had guessed.

Since 【Global Times Capital】has abundant funds and Mingsheng Group is profitable, of course Liu Zhitai will not let it go.

However, the premise is that Li Zaihua shows enough sincerity.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhitai said bluntly: "Minister Li, Ming people don't say dark words, [Global Times Capital] was established by you alone!"

No way, don't blame him for thinking too much.

The hundreds of billions of peninsula dollars that Li Zaihua took away from him happened to be the registered capital of [Global Times Capital].

Moreover, the superficial information released by [Global Times Capital] cannot be found in the United States at all.

Everything is too coincidental.

Liu Zhitai has personally experienced young prosecutors earning hundreds of billions of peninsula dollars from [Golden Gate Group].

Li Zaihua simply admitted.

"That's right, [Global Times Capital] is mine, please keep it secret, Mr. Liu!"

The number plate Liu Zhitai showed a really so expression.

"Don't worry, I won't betray you. Next, let's talk about cooperation!"

Li Zaihua stared.

"How do you want to cooperate?"

Liu Zhitai said without hesitation: "It's no problem to help you raise the stock price of Mingsheng Group. My condition is 20.00% of the original shares!"

The young prosecutor frowned, feeling that this guy was talking too loudly.

"Mr. Liu, your appetite is too big. Do you know how much the 20.00% original shares are worth?"

Liu Zhitai replied: "If you want to cooperate, you have to pay a price, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the people behind."

Li Zaihua shook his head.

"20.00% is too much. Once I give it to you, I may lose the control of Mingsheng Group!"

The corner of Liu Zhitai's mouth raised, and it disappeared in a flash.

"Minister Li, I'm afraid you have more than 50.00% of the shares!"

The young prosecutor frowned lightly.

"Mr. Liu, [Global Times Capital] just controls more than 50.00% of the equity"

"If I give you 20.00%, in case you join other shareholders to replace the chairman, wouldn't it be worth the loss for me!"

Liu Zhitai sneered secretly.

"Minister Li, we have cooperated more than once, and I know you somewhat."

"You must have read the headlines on the front pages of today's major newspapers, so I don't need to say anything else!"

After deciding to cooperate with Li Zaihua, he has been paying attention to Mingsheng Group.

While investigating [Global Times Capital], Liu Zhitai also investigated Mingsheng Group.

After reading the newspaper this morning, Yang Rentai was hospitalized and unable to attend the trial, and pleaded guilty in court on behalf of his lawyer.

He already understood what the young prosecutor was up to.

[Global Times Capital] holds 50.00% of the shares of Mingsheng Group, but the public list of shareholders, Yang Rentai is still the second largest shareholder, which is enough to explain many things.

Lawyer Li Dongxu pleaded guilty in court yesterday because the young prosecutor wanted to cut through the mess quickly and take the opportunity to take away Yang Rentai's shares.

How could Liu Zhitai fail to see such a simple truth.

So he opened his mouth today, the purpose of which is to get the shares in Yang Rentai's hands.

With the expansion of the Seoul metropolitan area, Mingsheng Group has a bright future and is suitable for long-term holding.

Li Zaihua knew it in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be stupid.

"Mr. Liu, I don't understand what you mean, 20.00% of the original shares are indeed too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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