Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 544 Verbal Warfare Reporter (normally updated in the early morning)

Chapter 544 Verbal Warfare Reporter (normally updated in the early morning)
Kang Joon Kyu had no choice.

He doesn't want to go to jail.

The day Kang Junkyu agreed to be the chairman.

In the name of Mingsheng Group, Xian Dayong initiated an emergency general meeting of shareholders to all shareholders.

As for the general meeting of shareholders, it is just a gimmick, the purpose is to send a signal to the outside world.

Of course, holding an emergency shareholders meeting also gave people with ulterior motives a chance.

However [Global Times Capital] owns the absolute controlling stake in Mingsheng Group.

Han Shizhong decided the candidate for the new chairman with one vote, and Mingsheng Group officially entered the era of Kang Junkui.

The emergence of the new chairman of the group has driven the growth of the stock price to a certain extent.

But the effect is not good, and the stock price of Mingsheng Group is still at the bottom.

Therefore, after the completion of the power transfer of Mingsheng Group.

On behalf of [Global Times Capital], Han Shizhong officially announced the acquisition of Mingsheng Group.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Although most people don't know where [Global Times Capital] came from, one thing will not change.

That is, the stock of Mingsheng Group is about to soar.

Some well-informed people bought shares of Mingsheng Group before other ancient teas could react.

For a while, the share price of Mingsheng Group soared.

The stockholders who originally held stocks and sold them at low prices went crazy, and some even couldn't stand the stimulus and jumped off the building to commit suicide.

You must know that the shares of Mingsheng Group in their hands were bought at high prices, and the price fell by four or five times until they were sold.

The securities market is changing, and the once junk stocks have become sweet pastries in an instant.

Similarly, Han Shizhong in order to show his value in front of Lee Jae-hwa.

Before the announcement, the company's money was secretly used to buy some stock.
9:50 am.

Shilla Hotel.

In a hall.

It was arranged as the scene of the press conference.

Hundreds of reporters filed in.

On the neat tables, there are table cards with the names of the media written on them.

The reporters sat down according to the positions of the table cards, waiting for the start of the press conference.

[Global Times Capital] Before holding a press conference, there must have been no reporters. At most, one or two reports were written casually for the sake of money.

But today is different, because the former member of Congress still has a certain degree of enthusiasm, Mingsheng Group has its own traffic,
[Global Times Capital] suddenly came out to talk about the acquisition of Mingsheng Group, how could the reporters not be curious.

The invitation letters that Han Shizhong spread out were rushed by the major media, and they came to the press conference on time.

The pointer came to ten o'clock.

Xian Dayong, Han Shizhong, Kang Junkui, and several senior executives from their respective companies walked into the hall.

Han Shizhong sat in the middle, Xian Dayong and Kang Junkui sat on both sides.

click click click click
The protagonists appear, and the reporters quickly press the shutter.

A group of people just sat down.

The support person stands on the podium and raises the microphone.

"Good morning, friends from the media, today I am honored to support this press conference"

Crackling a bunch of nonsense into the topic.

"Please welcome [Global Times Capital] President of Asia, Mr. Jason Han"

Han Shizhong tapped the microphone in front of him lightly, and there was a sudden echo.

"About the acquisition of Mingsheng Group, it is the result of our [Global Times Capital]'s careful analysis"

"We are very optimistic about Mingsheng Group and believe that its current market value does not match the actual market value"

Time passed by minute by minute.

After the speeches of Han Shizhong and Kang Junkui, we came to the reporter's question session.

A KBS reporter asked mercilessly, "President Han, does [Global Times Capital] use fire to rob?"

Han Shizhong replied: "This reporter, may I ask the supermarket promotion, is the item purchased at half the previous price a robbery by fire?"

"Also, do you have any misunderstandings about the idiom "take advantage of fire to rob?"

"If you don't understand, you can look it up in the dictionary!"

With a sneaky change of concept and extra emphasis on unreasonable words, the reporter of KBS TV station lost the battle and was ridiculed by many colleagues.

But the remaining reporters did not dare to underestimate the man on the stage.

Another reporter asked: "President Han, may I ask if your company contributed to the incident of former congressman Yang Rentai?"

Human curiosity is very heavy.

In addition, the analysis of Chinese tourists is one of the indispensable pleasures of the people of every country.

Someone replayed Yang Rentai's experience on the Internet, and the whole thing seemed very strange, as if a pair of invisible hands were manipulating it.

The discussion among netizens attracted the attention of reporters.

Hearing the question, Han Shizhong said calmly: "Presumably, all reporters should have read the materials we sent before coming."

"[Global Times Capital] is an American company, and its Asian headquarters was established less than a year ago."

"If it wasn't for the newspaper reports, I wouldn't have known Mr. Yang Rentai at all, let alone fueled the flames"

"This reporter, please don't think the world is so dark, there is no conspiracy behind everything!"

The reporter was speechless.

At this time, a reporter raised his hand.

Han Shizhong stretched out his hand.

The support person hands the microphone to the other party.

The reporter held up the microphone and said, "President Han, as far as I know, part of the shares in your hands come from former chairman Cui Ruila, right!"

Han Shizhong frowned, feeling that something big was about to happen.

The supporters also sensed that something was wrong, and couldn't help turning their heads to look at the people on stage.

Han Shizhong shook his head, and continued: "I'm sorry, because we signed a confidentiality contract, it is inconvenient for us to disclose."

The reporter took advantage of the situation and immediately picked up a document.

"President Han, I have a death application here, which is from Yang Rentai and Cui Ruila's son Yang Taizhu."

"According to Peninsula law, it takes four years for a missing person to declare a death."

"However, Li Taizhu, who has the right to inherit, was declared dead shortly after his disappearance, and passed smoothly."

"Excuse me, President Han, is this matter related to [Global Times Capital]?"

The voice fell.

The reporters on the scene seemed to have been beaten up, and they were instantly refreshed.

It's just that Han Shizhong had a plan in advance.

Reporters are like mice, they always want to make some explosive news, so they have to guard against it.

Han Shizhong said unhurriedly: "I understand what this reporter friend means."

"However, Lee Thai Baht is missing and someone declares his death. What does it have to do with [Global Times Capital]?"

"You shouldn't even come to ask me, you should go to the person who applied for Yang Thaizhu's death."

"Besides, I remain skeptical about the document in your hand"

"How did you get such a private document? Did you use illegal means? I can call the police and arrest you!"

The reporter was stunned.

He patronized Kouhe, completely forgetting that only relatives can check the death declaration in his hand.

Han Shizhong was not used to it either, and called the police in front of all the reporters.

Now the reporter was dumbfounded.

Seeing this, the other reporters turned their cameras around and snapped at him.

It's rare to see something this interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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