Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 403 Murder in the Parking Lot

Chapter 403 Murder in the Parking Lot

19:59 in the evening.

Yiyuan Cave, Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant.

Li Zaihua followed the time and came to the box on time.

The waiter opened the barrier door, and the young prosecutor took off his shoes and entered with a smile, "Mr. Min, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Min Eun-hyuk knew the habits of partners.

"Minister Li, the time is just right, you are not late."

Li Zaihua smiled slightly, sat cross-legged opposite Min Eunhyuk, and then said to the waiter: "Old rules, let's serve!"

As the status of the young prosecutor became higher and higher, his rules gradually spread in the circle.

Some people say that Li Zaihua is hypocritical and arrogant, and the culture of talking about things at the wine table is not limited to the peninsula.

Some people feel that young prosecutors have principles and dare to break stereotypes.

However, the former is the most, followed by the latter, but everyone is used to this quirk.

Now every time there is a ministerial meeting of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, as long as Li Zaihua is present, everyone will take the initiative to avoid official affairs in the first round and only talk about Fengyue, and will not include official affairs until the second round.

Seeing the young prosecutor finished speaking, Min Eunhyuk also smiled and said: "I happen to be a little hungry, let's eat first."

Hearing what the two said, the waiter turned and left.

It didn't take a while.

Plates of expensive ingredients filled the entire dining table.

Li Jae-hwa picked up a bottle of sake and poured it for Min Eun-hyuk himself.

In the past, he might have accepted it calmly, but now it is different. Min Eunhyuk obviously regards the young prosecutor as his peer.

He drank the wine glass in one gulp, and then said: "Minister Li, I also offer you a toast."

Min Eunhyuk wiped the rim of the glass, poured a glass of wine and handed it to Li Zaihua.

The young prosecutor took a gulp and poured it into his stomach.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Li Zaihua put down his chopsticks, Min Eunhyuk's heart moved, and his expression suddenly became serious.

The relationship between the two is unusual, but under normal circumstances, in order to avoid suspicion, they seldom meet in private, and just call each other to greet each other.

Today, Min Eunhyuk felt that it was not easy to invite directly alone.

Sure enough, the next words confirmed his speculation.

The young prosecutor cut straight to the point: "Mr. Min, do you know Yin Zhengxue from [JH Holdings]?"

Min Eunhyuk was taken aback.

"Yin Zhengxue?"

"Of course I know him, he donates to the police fund of the Zhongyang Police Office every year"

Speaking of this, he asked doubtfully: "How can you ask President Yin so politely?"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "In the next few days, Yin Zhengxue may look for you, I hope Chief Min will help me hold him back!"

Min Eunhyuk was at a loss.

But it didn't prevent him from knowing that the young prosecutor should have a conflict with Yin Zhengxue.

Min Eunhyuk asked tentatively: "Minister Li, stop joking, you and President Yin will be fine!"

Li Zaihua nodded without hesitation.

"Mr. Min, you guessed right, Yin Zhengxue has what I want."

"In the past few days, I will send someone to show him some color. The other party can't sit still and wait for death. It will be a matter of time before he finds you, the Chief of the Zhongyang Police Department!"

Min Eunhyuk took a deep breath.

"Minister Li, can you tell me what happened?"

In the [Golden Gate Group], the young prosecutor and the senior police officer of Zhongyang are partners.

Li Zaihua half-truthfully said: "Yin Zhengxue has mastered more than 5.00% of the shares of [Golden Gate Group] through the shadow company."

"This person has bad intentions. I suspect that he has plans for [Golden Gate Group], and he must not let it go!"

Min Eun-hyuk knows all about economics and knows nothing about it.

He drank a glass of wine and asked curiously: "Minister Li, isn't it a good thing that people like President Yin hold shares in [Golden Gate Group]?"

Last month [Golden Gate Group] became a star in the stock market, Min Eunhyuk couldn't be happier.

However, after the scenery, there is an endless abyss.

Shi Dongchu was suddenly taken away by the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, causing the stock price to plummet.

Fortunately, the money he handed over to Li Zaihua has been repaid, and the rest is pure profit, otherwise the investment money must be returned.

Hearing that Yin Zhengxue is also optimistic about [Golden Gate Group] at this moment, Min Eunhyuk is not surprised but happy.

According to their original plan, [Golden Gate Group] changed hands, and having this big man optimistic about it would be of great help to stabilize the stock price.

The young prosecutor sighed.

"Mr. Min, things are not as simple as you think. We are all in the same boat. How could I harm you?"

"If something happens to [Golden Gate Group], my loss will be even greater"

After speaking, Li Zaihua said in a solemn voice, "In a word, do you want to help or not!"


Min Eun-hyuk hesitated.

No way, 17 years later, as the beneficiary of the financial crisis, Yin Zhengxue has a pivotal position in the peninsula.

If Min Eun-hyuk wants to enter Yeouido in the future, he needs the support of his patron.

Yin Zhengxue, the big man who donates money to the police fund every year, naturally wants to make friends deliberately.

Now Li Zaihua's actions are very dangerous.

One carelessness would destroy the relationship that Min Eun-hyuk and Yoon Jung-hak had built up with great difficulty.

"Minister Li, can you give me some time to think about it!"

Without saying a word, the young prosecutor took out his anonymous mobile phone and dialed the number.
the other side.

It is not far from Zhongyang Police Station.

Inside a black car.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Liang Wuxing picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, then pressed the call button respectfully.


Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Go ahead!"

Liang Wuxing nodded.

Inside the box.

Min Eun-hyuk watched the young prosecutor hang up the phone in a daze.

"Minister Li, what do you want to do?"

Li Zaihua smiled without saying a word, and began to drink by himself.

Min Yinhyuk frowned, and suddenly an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

He wanted to leave, but he consciously told himself that if he stepped out of this room, unimaginable disasters would happen.
21:15 in the evening.

Today, because of certain things, Yu Zhenbiao, the director of the Intelligence Bureau, has been working overtime until now.

He came to the parking lot with his briefcase.

At this time, because most of the police officers were off duty, it was very quiet.

Yu Zhenbiao walked to the parking space alone.

He pressed the car key to unlock it, just as he was about to pull the door open.

A voice sounded.

"Yu Zhenbiao, long time no see, do you remember me?"

Yu Zhenbiao paused the hand that opened the door, and subconsciously looked back at the person who came.

In an instant, the black muzzle of the gun pressed against his forehead.

Yu Zhen swallowed her saliva, looked closely, and seemed to be a little impressed.

"Who are you, speak up if you have something to say, don't mess around!"

As a policeman with nearly 30 years of service experience, he knew very well that the other party was using a real guy.

It's a pity that this person has already been ordered.

And his family is in the hands of the other party, so he can't bear to think about it.

"Yu Zhenbiao, I'm sorry, I don't want to come, but someone asked me to come, goodbye!"

The voice fell.

A shot went off.

Yu Zhenbiao didn't even have time to howl miserably, and died directly.

The man frantically aimed at the chest and heart and fired several more shots.

The police are very sensitive to gunfire.

The police officer in charge of the parking lot heard someone shooting and immediately reported for reinforcements.

10 minute later.

A large number of police officers rushed to the scene.

Just when a senior officer on duty was about to use the horn to persuade him to surrender.

The man slowly stepped out of cover.

Holding a gun in his hand, he shouted madly: "Revenge, I finally have revenge, Yu Zhenbiao, you deserve to die!"

The man pointed the gun to his temple.

Hearing the name of 'Yu Zhenbiao', all the police officers at the scene changed color suddenly.

The high-level police officers were sweating in anxiety. This person cannot die for the time being.

"Listen to me, sir, you put the gun down"

Halfway through the conversation, the man pulled the trigger.

Another shot.

The man fell to the ground in response, staring at the sky guard of the parking lot.

Seeing this, the high-level police shouted loudly.


A group of police officers rushed to Yu Zhenbiao's body.

One of them squatted down and sniffed with his hands.

He stood up and went back to the top police officers.

"Sir, Director Yu is dead!"

The top police officers were stunned.

Yu Zhenbiao is the director of Zhongyang Police Department Intelligence Bureau, one of the proper high-level officials.

In public, he was shot and killed in the parking lot of the Zhongyang police station. The reporters were worried that they could not find good news.

If this matter gets out, it will definitely add fuel to the fire, and the Zhongyang police department will become the laughing stock of the whole people.

The high-level police officer gritted his teeth and immediately ordered his subordinates.

"Go and investigate the background of the guy who shot himself, and then call the National Search Agency and ask them to take the body away for an autopsy"

The order after another went on, and everyone performed their duties.

The high-level police took out their mobile phones and dialed the number. It would be no wonder he didn't notify Min Eun-hyuk of such a major event.

Because a lot of troubles in the future have to be dealt with by the chief of the Zhongyang Police Department.
Yiyuan Cave, Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant.

Inside the box.

Min Eunhyuk was fidgeting, he faintly felt that something had happened.

bell bell bell.
The ear-piercing bell rang, and Min Eunhyuk involuntarily gave a jolt.

He quickly picked up his phone and pressed the call button.

Before Min Yinhyuk could speak, the person on the opposite side said first: "Sir, something is wrong. Director Yu Zhenbiao was shot and killed on the spot in the parking lot. It seems to be a vendetta. Come back quickly!"


Min Eunhyuk's hands trembled, and the phone fell unsteadily to the floor.

"Hey. Hey, what's the matter with you, sir, talk!"

The sound woke Min Eunhyuk up, and he picked up the phone after recovering.

"Understood, I'll go back right away!"

The two ended the call, and Min Eun-hyuk looked at Li Jae-hwa with unbelievable and horrified eyes.

"It's you. You sent someone to do it, right!"

The young prosecutor smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

Li Zaihua activated his skills and instantly shielded the surrounding electronic equipment.

"Mr. Min, it doesn't matter if I did it or not, but it's true that Yu Zhenbiao has a different heart."

"He secretly met with Director Zhang of [Golden Gate Group]."

As he spoke, he pursed his thin lips, and the corners of his cold lips became colder and colder.

"You don't think you are a single-minded person, so you still need to keep it!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Min Eunhyuk trembled all over.

He finally saw another side of the young prosecutor today.

Li Jae-hwa's kindness in the past gave Min Eun-hyuk an illusion.

His throat rolled and he swallowed, if he didn't agree to the young prosecutor, would it be Yu Zhenbiao today, and himself tomorrow.

"Minister Li, I know what to do, Yin Zhengxue will leave it to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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