Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 392 The Unexpected Resignation

Chapter 392 The Unexpected Resignation

The next day.

Grand Prosecutor.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Li Dongxu pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.

After he was sent home in the early morning, the scene of stabbing Ms. Luo to death kept flashing in his mind. It seemed that a ghost was killing him, and he was so scared that he couldn't sleep all night.

Li Dongxu stared at the two dark circles under his eyes, and handed over a letter of resignation.

"Minister, I'm sorry, I plan to resign due to personal reasons, please approve!"

During the work period, Li Zaihua kept a few words as usual.

"Prosecutor Li, think it over, you really want to resign!"

Li Dongxu secretly rolled his eyes, he was very speechless to the man in front of him, if you didn't force me, I would have to resign.

It's a pity that he only dared to think in his heart, and said firmly on the surface: "Minister, I have thought it through clearly. For personal reasons, I really want to resign."

The young prosecutor nodded.

"Okay, since you insist, then I will write your resignation to my subordinates. Please hand over all the current cases to Prosecutor Fan Yuanzong as soon as possible."

"Although I don't know why you insist on resigning, I wish you a bright future. Prosecutor Li Dongxu, take care!"

Li Dongxu pretended to be grateful.

"Thank you, Minister. It is an honor in my life to be by your side during this period of time. Goodbye!"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"Go out and do something!"

Li Dongxu said no more, turned and left the room.

outside the office.

The moment Li Dongxu closed the door, his mind instantly jumped to last night, making him the ghost of Shizong Law Firm, thanks to the young prosecutor who figured it out.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although I lost my job and my handle was firmly grasped by others, I finally passed the test temporarily, so there is no need to worry about safety.

Besides, the status of Sejong Law Firm in the judicial circle of the peninsula is unquestionable, and I don’t know how many people can’t get in if they want to.

Even prosecutors and judges must be ministerial figures to occupy a place in Sejong.

Last night, Li Jae-hwa assured that he will have an independent office when he enters Sejong.

Li Dongxu didn't dare to think of such a good thing before.

Go back to the room.

Li Dongxu's assistant officers surrounded him, how could they not see such an eye-catching resignation letter.

"Li Jian, do you really want to resign?"

"Li Jian, have we misread it?"

"Li Jian"

A few people said something to you, and I said something to Li Dongxu, who made Li Dongxu dizzy.

"Okay, listen to me."

"You read that right, I do have to resign for personal reasons."

In order to dismiss the auxiliary officials, Li Dongxu made a touching speech.

"Thank you for your support and care during these days. There is always a banquet in the world. Today is the time for parting. I believe that we will meet again if we are destined."

"Thank you for your trust over the years. I will treat you to dinner tonight. I won't go home until I'm drunk."

"Also, please sort out the case that is under investigation as soon as possible, and I will hand it over to prosecutor Fan Yuanzong."

The voice fell.

The auxiliaries felt a little depressed.

But things have come to this, it's useless for them to struggle.

Auxiliary officers are different from prosecutors. The moment they leave the prosecutor, they are like a group of wandering ghosts.

They will move back to the collective office and be responsible for the lowest-level copywriting in the prosecutor's office, and their wages will drop significantly.

Only when the auxiliary officer is re-selected by the prosecutor can the salary return to the original level.

The most tragic thing is that the auxiliary officers who do not assist the prosecutors are excluded from the circle.


Li Dongxu closed the door.

How could he have the leisure to care about the auxiliary officials.

Li Dongxu took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Without waiting for the person on the opposite side to speak, Li Dongxu said first: "The backpack is in the locker of the subway station, the location is"

He didn't hide the stolen money given by Ms. Luo at home. As a prosecutor, he still has this awareness.

Ding Qing's voice came out.

"Prosecutor Li Dongxu, after get off work tonight, you can find a lottery shop and buy a lottery ticket worth 2 yuan."

"When this lottery draws, I will send someone to send you a lottery ticket with the corresponding amount."

"According to the rules, you have to take a commission, but for the sake of the boss's face, forget it this time, and you must follow the rules if you find me again in the future!"

Li Dongxu looked happy.

"Thank you, Director Ding, if you have anything to say in the future, just talk, I will help you consult for free!"

Ding Qing smiled.

"Don't disturb your work, goodbye."


The two ended the call.

After a series of nightmares, Li Dongxu finally received good news.

[-] million peninsular dollars may not seem like much, but countless people in this country save less than [-] million peninsula dollars in their lifetime.

As long as it is not in the Gangnam District, you can buy a good apartment in any other district.
14:25 PM.

Inside a box of a teahouse.

Han Shizhong met a person that even Li Zaihua didn't expect.

This person is Director Zhang.

How could the board members sell their shares on a large scale, and how could they hide it from him.

Director Zhang made some inquiries, and finally learned about Han Shizhong from a certain director.

"Mr. Han, please forgive me for disturbing you!"

[Golden Gate Group] Han Shizhong has already bought almost all the directors' shares, including Li Zhongjiu's.

Now the only one left is Director Zhang.

Han Shizhong asked Director Yang to introduce the two to meet before.

It's a pity that before Director Yang replied, Director Zhang actually came to the door on his own initiative, and he was naturally ecstatic.

Han Shizhong knew the reason and asked: "Where is Director Zhang? I don't know why you are looking for me today?"

Seeing that the other party was deliberately pretending to be stupid, Director Zhang did not expose it.

"Mr. Han, besides drinking tea, I would like to ask you to come here today."

"I have some shares in [Golden Gate Group], but the current stock price has already fallen to the bottom. I hope you can help!"

Han Shizhong pretended to be embarrassed.

"Director Zhang, although I don't know where you got the information, we [Global Times Capital] are buying shares in your group"

"But I need to remind you that at the current stock price of [Golden Gate Group], it is impossible for us to pay a large price to acquire it."

Hearing this, Director Zhang's heart sank.

The large-scale acquisition of the shares of [Golden Gate Group] can be said to be the most loss-making business he has ever done in his life.

Director Zhang, like other directors, intends to sell his shares at a high price and then secretly buy them in the stock market.

Even if the corresponding shares cannot be acquired, even if Shi Dong asks, he can evade saying that he bought the stocks during the high price period.

However, Han Shizhong changed the subject and gave Director Zhang hope again.

"But I like to make friends very much. If Director Zhang is willing to sell it, I am willing to buy it at the price three days ago plus 15.00%. What do you think?"

At present, the stock price of [Golden Gate Group] has fallen so much that many people doubt their lives, but the market value still exceeds the initial price.

Shi Dongchu did not make an internal subscription, and the directors all chose to buy stocks as soon as they received the news to drive up the stock price.

Therefore, even if it is sold at today's price, Director Zhang has already made a profit.

"Mr. Han, isn't the price three days ago a bit too low!"

Director Zhang tentatively asked: "Can you add 15.00% to last Monday's price?"

Han Shizhong frowned.

"Director Zhang, the US headquarters has been paying attention to the acquisition of [Golden Gate Group]."

"We [Global Times Capital] are a sincere company, and other companies may not necessarily offer the same price"

"The price you set is too high. I agree, and I won't wait until the documents are sent back to the US headquarters!"

Hear this.

Director Zhang picked up the exquisite bag from his feet, put it on the table, and pushed it forward.

"Mr. Han, a small meaning is not a respect!"

Han Shizhong pushed his glasses, and said with a serious expression: "Director Zhang, who do you think I am!"

Director Zhang remained calm, as if he didn't hear it.

"Mr. Han, the most important thing when you are away from home is to make friends. You help me, and I help you. The key to doing business is to have contacts."

He took out a box from the gift bag on his own.

"I bought this little thing from Sotheby's auction house in Xiangjiang and kept it at home. Today I met someone who is destined. I don't know if Mr. Han likes it or not."

As soon as he finished speaking, Director Zhang opened the box, and a watch that looked like a work of art came into view.

The so-called poor people play with cars, and the rich play with watches.

Seeing a good watch in front of him, Han Shizhong's eyes lit up.

He recognized the origin of the watch, which had been featured in American newspapers.

Han Shizhong, who was working in a bank at the time, even discussed it with his colleagues, and his words were full of envy.

Antique watches have a high potential for appreciation. The auction price of this watch was 110 million yuan that year.

After so many years, if it sells for 150 million yuan now, it is guaranteed that many people will be willing to take the full amount.

If it is placed at auction, the price will not be less than 200 million yuan.

Han Shizhong carefully picked up the antique watch, gently stroked the watch body, his eyes thoughtful.

"A very good antique watch, Director Zhang has a heart."

Director Zhang chuckled.

"As long as Mr. Han likes it."

Then he said: "Mr. Han, when will we sign the contract?"

Han Shizhong was taken aback, recovered, and put the antique watch back into the box.

"Director Zhang, last Monday's price is absolutely impossible, I promise that the headquarters will still disagree."

Having said that, he reluctantly looked at the antique watch.

"But it can be increased from 15.00% to 20.00% on the original basis"

"Director Zhang, an increase of 5.00% is already the limit of my ability."

"You have to understand, I'm just the president of [Global Times Capital] Asia, not the boss!"

Director Zhang fell into deep thought.

A price increase of 5.00% may not seem like much, but it can bring him huge profits.

Even if the cost of an antique watch is excluded, Director Zhang still has several million yuan in income.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Director Zhang took a deep breath and finally made up his mind.

"Okay, deal!"

Hearing the sound, Han Shizhong happily picked up the antique watch again.

"Director Zhang, I've accepted your gift, and I can bring a lawyer to the company to sign the contract tomorrow!"

Director Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, as he threw out the hot potato.

"Thank you Mr. Han, see you tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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