Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 379 Like a dog

Chapter 379 Like a Dog
(Thank you, Shitou KK greatly rewards you with 800 starting coins.)
Just when Han Shizhong and Li Zhongjiu reached a cooperation.

Inside a hospital in Seoul.

Lu Yonghuan came to the ward.

As the client's lawyer, he has the responsibility to keep an eye on the condition of the injured.

Lu Yonghuan deliberately asked Shi Dong to pretend to be sick, which was a loophole in the Seoul Detention Center.

As long as the client is in the hospital for one day, he has the right to visit the patient unlimited times within 24 hours.

It's a pity that Lu Yonghuan has a trick, and Liang Haizheng is not just for nothing.

Two guards stopped him.

"Lawyer Lu, please hand over your phone and don't embarrass us!"

Lu Yonghuan took out his mobile phone and said, "I can turn it off, but you have no right to take it away."

The prison guard gave a wry smile.

"Lawyer Lu, the director has ordered that no one is allowed to bring a mobile phone into the ward, let alone you, not even the doctor."

"Please give me your phone, and take out your spare phone, otherwise you won't be able to go in today!"

Lu Yonghuan looked left and right to make sure no one was paying attention, and quietly took out a stack of cash checks.

"Help me, both of you, I'm just meeting Chairman Shi, and I promise not to play tricks!"

The two prison guards, you look at me, I look at you, they shook their heads in unison.

"Lawyer Lu, I'm sorry, we don't want to lose our jobs, please forgive me."

"You now have two choices, either hand over all your phones, or go back the same way!"

Seeing that the two of them were old-fashioned, Lu Yonghuan sighed, and took out an anonymous mobile phone from his briefcase.

"You have won, I will give you the phone"

Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly handed the briefcase to one of the prison guards.

"I'll give you the bag too, are you satisfied now?"

Then, Lu Yonghuan stretched out his high hands, and said angrily, "Do you want to do a body search!"

The two prison guards did not want to offend the lawyer to death.

A prison guard opens the door to the ward.

"Lawyer Lu, thank you for your cooperation, you can go in."

Lu Yonghuan snorted coldly and walked into the room.

A prison guard followed closely behind.

Lu Yonghuan stopped in his tracks, and the prison guards hurriedly stamped their feet upon seeing this.

"Lawyer Lu, what's the matter?"

Lu Yonghuan said without hesitation: "I have something important to talk to Chairman Shi, please go out temporarily."

The prison guard looked troubled.

"Lawyer Lu, the director said that no matter who sees Chairman Shi, there must be prison guards present."

Hear this.

Lu Yonghuan said sharply: "Please remember that the court has not yet convicted President Shi Dongchu. Even if President Shi is guilty, criminals still have the right to privacy."

"I am the lawyer representing Chairman Shi, and I have the right not to accept your supervision, because our next conversation involves group secrets"

"If the secret is leaked, will you compensate for the loss caused?"

"In addition, I will reserve the right to pursue you and file a complaint with the Zhongyang Police Department!"

The constant chatter made the prison guards dizzy and unable to tell the difference between east, west, and north.

But he understood one thing, if he didn't leave, his job would be lost.

The prison guard hurriedly said: "Lawyer Lu, I will save face for you, and the private conversation can take up to 10 minutes!"

Lu Yonghuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally bluffed the prison guards.

"No problem, 10 minutes is enough."

The prison guard nodded, turned and walked out of the ward, closing the door behind him.

However, he did not give up monitoring, but observed the situation in the room through the glass window.

The conversation between the two had already awakened Shi Dongchu.

How about all the privileges of detention in Seoul, it is still not as good as outside, even the air in the custodial ward of the hospital is much freer.

Shi Dongchu slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, his health is indeed not good, and it is appropriate to stay in the hospital for recuperation.

"Lawyer Lu, do you have any news?"

Hearing the sound, Lu Yonghuan hurried to the hospital bed.

He deliberately bent down and leaned close to Shi Dongchu's ear, pretending to whisper something in a whisper.

With his right hand, Lu Yonghuan slowly rolled up his trouser legs and tore off an anonymous mobile phone stuck to his calf.

He expected that the prison guards would not dare to search the body casually, so he came to trick Chen Cang secretly.

While talking, Lu Yonghuan secretly stuffed the phone into Shi Dongchu's hand.

Shi Dongchu touched the phone, his face beaming with joy.

Lu Yonghuan warned: "President Shi, I suggest that you turn off the phone immediately after every call,"

Shi Dongchu is not a fool, the other party has made it very clear that he didn't bring a charger.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it, I don't need you to teach me!"

"By the way, what is the stock price of [Golden Gate Group] now?"

Lu Yonghuan had already learned about the current situation of [Golden Gate Group] in detail before coming here.

He said with a solemn expression: "President Shi, in fact, needless to say, you should have guessed the current predicament [Golden Gate Group] is facing."

"I can only say [Golden Gate Group] is very bad!"

Shi Dongchu frowned and said a number.

"3000 billion?"

Lu Yonghuan reported a number.

"About 800 billion, about 4000 billion before the market opened, until the market closed, the drop was as high as more than 200 billion"

He had dealt with several financial cases with his master before, and then said: "But according to my experience, [Golden Gate Group]'s stock price has already hit the bottom, and it will not fall sharply!"

[Golden Gate Group] is Shi Dong's Achilles' heel.

He suddenly widened his eyes and stared straight at Lu Yonghuan.

"Can you say that again!"

Lu Yonghuan was startled and quickly made amends.

"President Shi, don't worry, I haven't finished yet, the sharp drop in [Golden Gate Group]'s stock price is only temporary."

"As long as you are acquitted after the trial, the market will definitely respond and [Golden Gate Group] will surely return to its peak!"

Flattery is a skill.

Shi Dong's anger disappeared completely.

What Lu Yonghuan said is correct, it is all because of him that [Golden Gate Group] is in this state.

Shi Dongchu is the pillar of [Golden Gate Group]. Once he is acquitted, the stock price will rebound as a matter of course.

"Okay, I have a few more days to go to court, prepare well, and don't lose the chain"

As he was talking, Shi Dong changed the subject and said ruthlessly: "If the lawsuit is lost, I want your whole family to be buried with me!"

As the helm of the Golden Gate Sect, he was killed with one blow and one shot. Although the tyrannical aura did not reach the essence, Lu Yonghuan still vaguely felt the terrifying murderous intent.

Lu Yonghuan's throat rolled up and down, he kept swallowing, and forced himself to be calm: "President Shi, don't worry, I've won your case!"

Shi Dong waved his hand expressionlessly.

"I'm a little tired, let's go!"

Lu Yonghuan bowed and saluted, turned around and left quickly without looking back.

outside the ward.

The prison guards felt extremely relieved when they saw Lu Yonghuan's distressed appearance. Evil people have their own troubles.

The two looked at each other.

A prison guard asked, "What do you see on his back?"

The prison guard on the other side pondered for a moment.

"Like a dog!"

The voice fell.

The two smiled at each other.
the other side.

In the ward.

Shi Dongchu covered his head with the quilt, quietly looking at the phone in his hand.

With the advancement of technology and the changing times, mobile phones have become an indispensable item.

Shi Dong used to think how important the mobile phone was, but now he doesn't see him every day.

He turned on his phone, intending to send a message to Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu.

But after thinking about it, being sick is not a good thing, Shi Dong sighed, turned off the phone and put it under the pillow.
The next day.

10:15 am.

Twenty black cars stopped at the entrance of the hospital one by one.

A boy wearing sunglasses and a black suit opened the door and got off.

They came to the left and opened the door at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, they bowed and saluted in unison.

This scene frightened the hospital patients and their families to stay away.

The security guards are on standby, constantly calling for support.

It didn't take a while.

More than [-] security guards gathered in the hospital lobby.

The security captain gripped the phone tightly, and the screen displayed an alarm call, and the guys outside would call the police immediately if they made any movement.

Of course, he wasn't so idiotic as to call the police immediately. These guys are not easy to mess with at first sight.

After a night of fermentation, Shi Dong had a heart attack and couldn't hide it.

Some people are running around, I hope everyone will go to the hospital to visit the president tomorrow.

There is a saying that is good, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

How Shi Dongchu's physical condition is, they must confirm it themselves to be completely at ease.

Accompanied by dozens of younger brothers, the directors of [Golden Gate Group] walked into the hospital.

The three people at the front are Ding Qing, Li Zhongjiu and Director Zhang.

Ding Qing hooked his fingers at a nurse.

Seeing this, the little nurse sat down on the ground in fright, mumbling.

"Don't catch me. I don't know anything, so don't come here."

Seeing Ding Qing deflated, Li Zhongjiu rarely smiled.

"Third brother, it scares the little girl, please be gentle!"

After finishing speaking, he pretended to be a gentleman and reached out to help the little nurse.

It's a pity that the little nurse didn't appreciate it, she got up in an instant, and ran behind the security guards like a rabbit.

Li Zhongjiu froze in place.

The directors and younger brothers all held back their laughter.

Ding Qing mocked unscrupulously: "Director Li, it seems that you are not doing well!"

Li Zhongjiu lost face, couldn't help being furious, and pointed at the little nurse.

"Go get that chick for me!"

This is a hospital, Director Zhang didn't want to make a big fuss, so he hurriedly stopped it.

"Director Li, that's enough, don't forget the purpose of our visit today, don't you want to alert the police!"

Li Zhongjiu gritted his teeth and gave the little nurse a hard look.

In an instant, the little nurse's legs went limp and she fell to the ground.

The security guards looked at the little nurse with sympathy.

They were so numerous in the hospital that they might be able to keep her, but when they left the hospital, they could only hope for luck.

Ding Qing was more or less human, looking at the terrified little nurse, he said immediately: "Li Zhongjiu, you are really getting worse and worse, and you even attacked women, don't say you are from the Jinmen sect when you go outside!"

Li Zhongjiu stared at his formidable enemy covetously.

"What did you say, say it again!"

Ding Qing sneered and said: "What kind of skill is bullying women? If someone like you becomes the president, then the Golden Gate Sect is really over!"


The two quarreled endlessly, and Director Yang stepped forward to be a peacemaker.

"Director Li, everyone come to see the president today, distinguish between priorities, save me and don't touch her"

"Director Ding, you too, stop arguing!"

Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu glared at each other, followed Director Yang's dissuasion and stopped arguing.

Director Zhang's eyes dimmed, and he felt extremely regretful.

(End of this chapter)

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