Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 377 Gossip (Add 15 update for every 1 monthly tickets)

Chapter 377 Gossip (Add 150 update for every [-] monthly tickets)
15:18 PM.

Li Zhongjiu's home.

He was sitting on the sofa, wiping his cue while thinking about Director Yang's words.

It is true that Li Zhongjiu wants to sell the shares in his hand and stop the loss in time, but he also has his own small calculations.

In his eyes, Director Zhang is old and will die at some time, so he is qualified to compete with him for the position of chairman.

And Li Zhongjiu's thorn in his side is Ding Qing, a half-race boy from China.

This person is careless, doesn't care about space, looks foolish on the surface, but actually hides his secrets. He is the opponent he fears the most.

Li Zhongjiu intends to use this opportunity to file a complaint in front of Shi Dongchu, completely cutting off Ding Qing's thoughts.

Of course, the premise is that he reacquires and completes the shares he lost.

Just when Li Zhongjiu was calculating how to frame Ding Qing.

thump thump.
There was a sound of footsteps.

Little brother A looked anxious, and hurried to his boss.

"Director, something went wrong!"

Li Zhongjiu frowned.

"Why panic, what happened, why are you so anxious?"

Little brother A said bluntly: "The news just came that the president suffered a heart attack in the detention center and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment!"

The voice fell.

Li Zhongjiu was stunned for a moment.

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly threw the baby club aside, and asked loudly, "What did you say! The president had a heart attack?"

Little Brother A nodded desperately.

"That's right, how did it spread outside?"

Li Zhongjiu's eyeballs rolled around.

"Where did you hear the news? As far as I know, the president doesn't seem to have a heart attack."

As one of Shi Dongchu's closest people, he knows the other person's physical condition very well, and he knows whether he has a heart attack or not.

Little Brother A thought for a while: "I don't know, anyway, some people say that the president had a heart attack and was transferred from the Seoul Detention Center to the hospital."

Having said that, he makes a suggestion.

"Director, if you want to confirm whether the president is sick, just call the hospital and ask."

Li Zhongjiu suddenly became enlightened, and gave little brother A a hard slap on the back of the head.

"I don't usually see how smart you are. You are right. Make a phone call and everything will be clear!"

After speaking, he looked at his younger brother A.

"Which hospital is the president in? Go and check the number, and then call to ask about the situation."

Ding Qing sent someone to leak the news, and he had already expected the reactions of all the directors. Being too specific would only arouse suspicion.

Little Brother A shook his head and said, "Director, I don't know which hospital it is for now, so I'll go to the detention center and ask."

Li Zhongjiu rolled his eyes, and gave little brother A a slap on the back of the head.

"Then hurry up!"

Hear this.

Little brother A clutched the back of his head that was aching, and hurried out of the living room.

After people leave.

Li Zhongjiu pondered for a while, if something happened to Shi Dong, the shares in his hand would really be turned into waste paper.

He decided not to wait, even if Han Shizhong lowered the price tonight, he would sell them all.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhongjiu took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Director Yang's voice came out.

"Director Li, don't worry, there are still a few hours until dinner time!"

Li Zhongjiu said: "Director Yang, you misunderstood, I said it wasn't about this."

Director Yang looked puzzled.

"Then what do you want to say?"

Li Zhongjiu said in surprise: "Director Yang, don't you hear any news?"

Director Yang frowned.

"Director Li, if you have something to say, you might as well speak up!"

Li Zhongjiu said without hesitation: "I received news that the president had a heart attack and has now been sent to the hospital!"

With a bang, Director Yang stood up on the spot.

"The president had a heart attack, what a joke, I've never heard of him having a heart attack history!"

Li Zhongjiu said calmly: "Is it true? I have sent someone to confirm it. There will be news later."

Director Yang was silent for a while.

"Director Li, where did you get the news?"

Naturally, Li Zhongjiu would not admit that it was the gossip that his subordinates inquired about.

"Director Yang, don't ask, I have my own sources."

Director Yang was dubious.

"I see. Thank you, Director Li, for reminding me. We will meet tonight for a detailed discussion!"

Shi Dongchu's heart attack can be big or small. If someone dies, it will be a huge disaster if the successor of [Golden Gate Group] and the Golden Gate Sect is not determined.

If internal strife occurs and the Kinmen faction splits, Seoul will enter the era of hegemony again.

The two ended the call.
the other side.

A tea room.

Director Yang put down the phone with a solemn expression.

He thought for a moment, then raised his head.

clap clap clap.
Director Yang clapped his hands.

Soon, a bodyguard walked in.

Director Yang attaches great importance to his own safety, and deliberately spent money to hire professional bodyguards to replace some of his subordinates.

"Go and call the flower bug."

It is impossible for him to completely trust the bodyguards, so he has many trusted younger brothers by his side.

It didn't take a while.

A man in his thirties, but with a strong hand, entered the room.

He is Director Yang's number one thug, and he was nicknamed 'Flower Bug'.

"Director, what do you want from me?"

Director Yang cut to the chase and said, "The president has a heart attack, you go and get rid of it, and by the way, find out which hospital the prisoners in the Seoul Detention Center are usually sent to, and call to ask."

Hearing the word 'President', Hua Chong changed her normal expression and became dignified.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

He turned and left without looking back.

After seeing the people leave, Director Yang poured himself another cup of tea.

Compared with coffee, the elderly prefer the taste of tea, but it is a pity that people in this generation do not understand how to appreciate it.

After drinking a cup of tea, Director Yang rolled his eyes. The good news needs to be shared with everyone.

He picked up the phone on the table and dialed the number.
Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, it was night.

After several hours of fermentation, directed by Lu Yonghuan, Shi Dong performed a big play, which spread throughout the entire Golden Gate School.

Almost all directors learned the whole news from various channels.

Without exception, the first reaction was disbelief, and then someone was sent to investigate.

Fortunately, Li Zaihua was prepared and ordered Liang Haizheng not to spread the news of Shi Dongchu's illness without authorization.

Coupled with the warning from the prison guards, the medical staff did not dare to speak indiscriminately.

However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

As the number one evil force in Seoul, the Golden Gate faction is their forte.

Some directors directly sent people to the hospital to make trouble.

Some simply kidnap nurses or doctors.

Li Zhongjiu did an even better job and asked someone to forcibly pick up the son of the vice president of the hospital from the school.

This trick really worked, he became the first person to know about Shi Dong's illness.

Li Zhongjiu was also very disappointed when he learned of his illness.

He really wanted Shi Dong to go out and die, and let him inherit the Golden Gate Sect and [Golden Gate Group].

Once the [Golden Gate Group] is directly sold to Han Shizhong, Li Zhongjiu will become one of the top rich men in the peninsula.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Shi Dongchu can't die for a day, he can only be subordinated forever.

Suddenly, a terrible idea flashed in Li Zhongjiu's mind.

"It would be great if Shi Dongchu died in the hospital!"

(End of this chapter)

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