Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 373 Farce (Add 15 update for every 1 monthly tickets)

Chapter 373 Farce (Add 150 update for every [-] monthly tickets)
Seoul Detention Center.

Director's Office.

Liang Hai was so busy that he kept explaining to all customers why the service was suspended.

There is no way, these are his parents, if he doesn't explain clearly, he may encounter countless troubles in the future.

Fortunately, most of them understood Liang Haizheng's difficulties. Anyway, it's only a month, and it's over.

There was a knock on the door.

A prison guard pushed open the door and entered, Liang Haizheng was about to teach the other party a lesson.

However, what he said next made his face change drastically.

"The director is not good. Someone kidnapped the prison guard and said he wanted to see you!"

A rich man sitting beside him immediately said upon hearing the prison guard's words, "Director Liang, if you have something to do, I'll go first."

Liang Haizheng hurriedly apologized.

"Thank you for your understanding, I will take you out."

After sending the person away, he returned to the office, sat down on the chair, and asked calmly, "Which prison cell made trouble?"

Without even thinking about it, the prison guard reported the room number of Shi Dong's cell.

Liang Haizheng stared.

In the past, Shi Dongchu was just one of the privileged suspects, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

It was only after receiving Li Zaihua's instructions that Liang Haizheng paid more attention to Shi Dongchu.

"Who took the lead, Shi Dongchu?"

The prison guard shook his head and said, "No, it's his roommate!"

Liang Haizheng frowned, and immediately gave an order.

"You guys immediately opened all the prison cells and took the people to the playground. You are not allowed to return until the matter is resolved."

"Another person will be sent to guard the exit. Today all prison guards in the detention center, including hired staff, are not allowed to leave."

"In a word, unless I lift the alert, there will be no entry but no exit!"

The voice fell.

The prison guard stood at attention and saluted, and said loudly, "Understood the director, I will inform other colleagues immediately!"

Looking at the prison guard's back, Liang Haizheng suddenly called out again.

"and many more!"

The prison guard turned around.

"Boss, what else can I order?"

Liang Haizheng said sternly: "By the way, tell them, whoever dares to disclose today's incident to the media privately, once the evidence is found, it will be at its own risk!"

Serving as a prison guard in a detention center requires slickness, otherwise one can imagine the fate of offending people who can't afford to offend.

He could tell that Liang Haizheng didn't seem to be joking, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Good director!"

After speaking, the prison guard turned around again, opened the door and left quickly.

Liang Haizheng felt that the matter was not simple, so he pondered for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.
Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID, Liang Haizheng's number.

The young prosecutor pressed the call button.

Liang Haizheng's voice came out.

"Minister Li, something happened!"

Li Zaihua frowned, and asked calmly: "Director Liang, what is wrong with the Seoul Detention Center?"

"Minister Li, the situation is like this."

Crackling, Liang Haizheng told about the riots in the cell where Shi Dong was released and the kidnapping of the prison guards.

After the young prosecutor finished listening, his brain turned at high speed.

"Where is Shi Dong out? Are you in the cell!"

Liang Haizheng was taken aback, he didn't seem to ask just now.

"Minister Li, wait a moment, let me ask."

After a brief silence, Liang Haizheng picked up the microphone of the landline to call others to inquire about the situation.

It didn't take a while.

A voice came from the phone: "Minister Li, Shi Dongchu was on the phone before the accident!"

Li Zaihua patted the table.

"Didn't I say that Shi Dongchu can't have any contact with the outside world except to see a lawyer?"

Speaking of this, the young prosecutor changed the subject and angrily said: "How did you do it, the director, you take my words as fart!"

Seeing what Li Zaihua said was so serious, Liang Haizheng quickly explained.

"Minister Li, don't care about my business. The people below secretly collected the money. I will teach them the lesson they deserve!"

The young prosecutor said with a cold face: "Director Liang, in the final analysis it is your incompetence in management. I hope there will be no next time!"

Liang Haizheng completely disregarded that Li Zaihua was dozens of years old, and immediately made a promise.

"Minister Li is right. There will never be another time. As for the prison guard who took the money, I will definitely give you an explanation!"

Hear this.

The young prosecutor was not embarrassing Liang Haizheng.

"Okay, that's what you said. Shi Dong must be looking for a lawyer when he called. Be careful that it's his conspiracy to cause such a big incident in the detention center!"

Liang Hai was confused when he heard this.

"Minister Li, I don't understand what you mean?"

Li Zaihua simply cut to the chase: "Public opinion, Shi Dongchu is very likely to use his lawyer to put pressure on you to regain the privilege."

"So you have to find a reason to prevent the lawyer from seeing Shi Dongchu, and all relevant surveillance videos must be disposed of."

"The detention center is disconnected from the Internet to prevent the video from being leaked or uploaded to the Internet"

"Today, all prison guards and staff in the detention center must check their mobile phones and various network communication accounts before leaving, and make sure that the video is under control and deleted."

The young prosecutor made a lot of suggestions, and finally added another sentence.

"Director Liang, I don't need to teach you the rest!"

Liang Hai is taking over the Seoul Detention Center for five years. This place is not like a prison. Although it is equally dark, everything is in the dark, and he, the director, is rarely disturbed.

Or it just reached Liang Haizheng's ears, and the matter has subsided.

In addition, he did not belong to the prison system himself, so his adaptability is not as high as that of the real prison warden.

At this time, Liang Hai was just like a primary school student, nodding non-stop while listening.

"Thank you Minister Li, I know what to do."

Li Zaihua continued to exhort: "Remember, before the matter is under control, refuse the visit of Shi Dongchu's representative lawyer."
the other side.

Deloitte Law Firm.

Lu Yonghuan put away his phone, his eyes full of doubts.

Although it was not clear why Shi Dongchu was in a hurry to see him, how dare he refuse the client's request.

Lu Yonghuan put down his work and got up to go to the Seoul Detention Center.

In all countries in the world, lawyers can meet criminal suspects at any time.
Seoul Detention Center.

Shi Dong came out of the cell.

Liang Haizheng led several senior officials of the detention center to the outside of the cell.

He looked indifferently into the room.

After Li Zaihua's analysis, Liang Haizheng learned that it was Shi Dong's conspiracy, and he was already full of anger.

"Number 1022, what do you want to do, don't you have to kill people to be happy!"

"And your number 1023, your case can be sentenced to a maximum of three months, now holding prison guards hostage is a felony, the minimum sentence is seven years, think about it yourself"

"Number 1024, I have known about your life experience. Your mother is seriously ill in the hospital. She is still waiting for you to go out. It has only been half a year, but now you are going to receive an additional sentence. Have you ever thought about what your mother will do?"

"You three think about it carefully. As long as you let go of the prison guards, I will let it go. If this incident never happened, if you are stubborn"

clap clap clap.
Several prison guards with light weapons came out from behind Liang Haizheng.

"You see, I will not compromise with the prisoner!"

Facing the prison guards with guns, the three suspects looked at each other and looked at you, and their hearts kept beating.

They were really scared, but Shi Dong's words were still vivid in their memory.

One suspect is a little smarter.

"Director Liang, there are surveillance cameras outside, if you dare to shoot, be careful not to walk around!"

Liang Haizheng sneered.

"Surveillance? Who said there is surveillance."

He pulled a prison guard casually and asked, "Is there surveillance here?"

The prison guard opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

"I'm sorry, the director. It's my fault. The monitor broke down yesterday and I haven't reported it yet!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The three suspects in the cell were in a hurry.

They knew that Liang Haizheng might be talking nonsense, but they didn't dare to gamble.

The three of them shrank to the corner in an instant, blocking the prison guard who was holding them in front of them, even blocking their eyes.

"Director Liang, don't mess around, we are dead, and the prison guards are going to die as well!"

Liang Hai showed disdain on the front and hooked his fingers.

Several prison guards took off their shoes and approached the three suspects cautiously on tiptoe.

Liang Haizheng is responsible for continuing to attract firepower.

"Listen well, if he makes any mistake, all three of you will be buried with him!"

At this time, the prison guard who was kidnapping happened to wake up. When he saw the shards of glass hanging around his neck, he instinctively reached out and pinched his wrist and broke it hard.

The suspect was caught off guard, his wrist hurt, and the glass shards immediately fell to the ground.

Seeing the opportunity came, the other prison guards jumped at it without hesitation.

The three suspects were no match for the prison guards. They knelt on the ground one by one.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, Liang Haizheng breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped into the cell.

He stared at the three suspects, gritted his teeth and said, "Send me to the dark room, give me a good lesson, be careful not to get any scars, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the judge in court!"

The small black room is a well-known secret in the Seoul Detention Center, which specializes in punishing rebellious suspects.

Because the suspect is going to court, the prison guards at the Seoul Detention Center have developed a method of torture that does not leave scars on the surface.

These injuries are internal injuries and cannot be seen from the outside at all.

Even if the suspects report, the detention center can still say that they injured themselves by falling or fighting with their roommates.

Therefore, confinement in a small black room is the most serious punishment in the Seoul Detention Center.

Amidst the three suspects begging for mercy, the prison guards dragged them out of the room.

Liang Haizheng immediately said again: "Okay, bring all the people outside and tell all the prison guards and staff working in the detention center to come to my office one by one!"
on the playground.

Shi Dongchu stared closely at the entrance of the cell.

He expected that Liang Haizheng would ask him to help him convince his roommate.

Once he helps the Seoul Detention Center settle the troubles, the director will naturally meet him and take the opportunity to make a request.

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

A well-known prison guard came to the playground and shouted: "The release is over, and everyone returns to their cells."

Shi Dongchu was startled, and quickly came to a familiar prison guard.

"Did something happen inside?"

The prison guard didn't know that Shi Dongchu was responsible for the disturbance of the three suspects.

"That's right, but it's settled, those three guys were sent to the little black room, and now they have to suffer!"

Shi Dongchu was in a daze, unable to speak for a moment.

He didn't expect that the trouble he had carefully planned would subside so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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