Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 368 Bribery (Owing Chapter, Chapter 8)

Chapter 368 Bribery
Hearing the old classmate talking to himself, Liang Haizheng's eyes lit up.

"what's up?"

Zhao Xinyang said without hesitation: "Yesterday, my old subordinate in the Second Supervision Department called me and said that the new minister received a report letter from the Seoul Detention Center and asked him to investigate secretly."

Crackling, he made no secret of Xu Xiangmin's tip-off.

Liang Haizheng frowned.

"Xinyang, are you saying that the person who arrested me last night was sent by Li Zaihua?"

Zhao Xinyang rolled his eyes and cursed: "Idiot, what is Li Zaihua's identity, you need someone to arrest you"

"What he said, some prosecutors are desperate, as long as the contents of the report letter are slightly true, they will take you back to assist in the investigation!"

He used to be a member of the Second Supervision Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, and he knew very well how powerful the Supervision Department was.

Although Zhao Xinyang has been promoted to a higher level, compared to the first deputy chief of the District Prosecutor's Office of Yizheng Mansion, he would rather give up this promotion and stay in the Second Supervision Department.

No way, the Second Supervision Department has many invisible powers that outsiders can't imagine. Except for the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, the deputy chiefs of any other local prosecutor's offices are slightly inferior in terms of power.

In the past, there were countless people who gave gifts to Zhao Xinyang every day in the No. [-] Supervision Department. After being transferred, only people from Yizheng Prefecture would give gifts when they had something to do. It was completely two kinds of treatment.

Liang Haizheng didn't know the psychological activities of the man in front of him, so he couldn't wait to ask: "If it wasn't Li Zaihua, who kidnapped me?"

Zhao Xinyang shook his head.

He doesn't know who it is, if he knows who it is, he doesn't need to stay here and talk nonsense.

"Hisun, there may be someone with us!"

Liang Hai showed joy on his face: "Who!"

Zhao Xinyang spat out a name.

"Li Zaihua!"

Liang Haizheng was taken aback.

"What, Li Zaihua? Stop joking, how can he help us!"

Zhao Xinyang said unhurriedly: "I have my own way, prepare a generous gift, let's meet Minister Li tonight!"

Liang Hai pouted, but did not refute his old classmate.

"How much do you think you're going to prepare?"

Zhao Xinyang raised three fingers.

Liang Haizheng blurted out, "3000 million, isn't it too little?"

Zhao Xinyang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped Liang Haizheng on the back of the head.

"Idiot, Li Zaihua is the future son-in-law of Hanzhou Group, you think he can only watch 3000 million people"

Speaking of this, he hated iron for being weak and said again: "I said 30 million, but it still feels a bit small, [-] meters of gold is safe!"

The voice fell.

Liang Haizheng immediately objected: "30 rice is too much, I don't have that much money!"

Zhao Xinyang gritted his teeth.

"Liang Haizheng, how much money you have earned from the detention center these years, I don't say that you should be very clear in your heart."

"For you, 30 meters of gold is only a few months' income. Don't you understand the principle of spending money to buy peace?"

Liang Haizheng smiled wryly: "Xinyang, you just know that I earn more, but spend more. Do you know how much their mother and daughter's annual tuition, living expenses, and various expenses cost each year?"

"Not to mention, the money is not just for me, I want to distribute it to the people below, so they won't talk nonsense when they are full!"

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Xinyang again.

"And you, Zhao Xinyang, you know how much dividends you get every month. If so much money is distributed, how can I have any money?"

"30 meters of gold, I can't pay for it alone, you have to be responsible for half, 15 meters of gold!"

As soon as he heard that he had to pay for it himself, Zhao Xinyang quit immediately.

"What did you say, you want me to take out 15 meters of gold!"

Liang Haizheng nodded with a serious expression, "That's right, 15 meters in gold, not a penny less."

"We have cooperated for so many years, how much you have charged, this account is all in my mind"

"Your expenses are not too high, and your family is by your side. If it's a big deal, let me borrow it and pay it back to you later!"

Zhao Xinyang gritted his teeth.

"Liang Haizheng, it's my utmost benevolence to help you remedy the mess you poked. Don't tell me your conscience doesn't hurt when you say this!"

Liang Haizheng laughed out loud.

"How much is a conscience worth? If I had a conscience, how could I accept black money and accept bribes from others?"

"Speaking of conscience, Zhao Xinyang, everyone is just laughing at each other!"

As soon as this word comes out.

For a while, Zhao Xinyang pointed at Liang Haizheng, speechless, trembling with anger.

"You, ungrateful guy, if I hadn't stopped the report letter, you would have been arrested by the Supervision Department, and you can still be at ease to this day."

"How long do you think you can last without me, Liang Haizheng, our friendship is worth 30 gold!"

Seeing that his old classmate was talking more and more seriously, Liang Haizheng couldn't help frowning.

The position of the director of the Seoul Detention Center is not easy to sit. The previous directors have all been sent to prison for accepting bribes.

He was the director who took over five years ago, and he is the one who has been sitting for the longest time, thanks to Zhao Xinyang's help.

"Xinyang, 30 meters of gold is really too much. I really can't get it out at once. I have to find a loan shark to borrow it."

"You also know the characters of those vampires. You first help me advance 15 US dollars, and I will pay you back in installments every month."

As he spoke, Liang Haizheng stared at Zhao Xinyang sincerely.

"Everyone is your own, I won't lie to you!"

Zhao Xinyang sized up his old classmate carefully.

"Okay, I will lend you 15 meters of gold, but you have to pay it back within three months!"

Liang Haizheng was overjoyed, and immediately said in a dilemma: "Xinyang, can you give me a few more months, you said to be quiet recently, how dare I just randomly collect money, and when the limelight passes, I will return it to you immediately!"

Zhao Xinyang thought about it, and it was true.

"Well, once the limelight is over, pay me back the money immediately!"

Liang Haizheng hurriedly nodded: "Thank you Xinyang, as long as the detention center returns to normal, you can have as much money as you want!"

Zhao Xinyang sighed, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

"Xiang Min, do you have Minister Li Zaihua's cell phone number?"

A look of doubt flashed in Xu Xiangmin's eyes, and then he revealed his minister's mobile phone number.

"Thank you Xiang Min, I'll treat you to dinner another day."

Zhao Xinyang hung up the phone and dialed the number again.
Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar number.

The young prosecutor thought it was a sales call, so he simply hung up.

However, the strange number called again.

Only then did Li Zaihua press the call button.

"Hello, I'm Li Zaihua."

Zhao Xinyang's voice came out: "Mr. Li, hello, I am Zhao Xinyang from the District Prosecutor's Office of Yizheng Prefecture"

"I don't know if Minister Li is free tonight, I want to invite you to have a light meal!"

Hearing the self-introduction of the guy on the other side of the phone, the information of Zhao Xinyang immediately appeared in Li Zaihua's mind.

Although it is not clear what the other party's plan is, the young prosecutor cannot refuse people thousands of miles away.

"It turned out to be Deputy Chief Zhao. No problem. You are an old man from the Supervision Department. I happen to have many books to ask you for advice."

Zhao Xinyang smiled: "Minister Li was joking, then let's meet tonight at the venue"

"Okay, see you soon!"

"See you soon!"

The two ended the call.

Li Zaihua stared blankly at the phone for a moment, a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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