Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 363 Shi Dong's Suspected Drowsiness Gives A Pillow (Seeking Subscription And Monthly Pa

Chapter 363 Shi Dong's Suspected Drowsiness Gives A Pillow (Seeking Subscription And Monthly Pass)
15:35 PM.

Seoul Detention Center.

meeting room.

Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu came together in a rare way.

Shi Dongchu looked at his two trusted subordinates.

"Director Ding, Director Li, do you know why you two were called here?"

Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu secretly rolled their eyes, how would they understand if you didn't tell them.

Ding Qing said: "President, please tell me if you have anything to do!"

Li Jiuzhe is not to be outdone.

"President, your business is my business. If you say a word, I promise to do my best!"

Shi Dongchu nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, you two help me find out who is behind the scenes!"

Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu frowned immediately.

"President, we don't understand what you mean?"

Shi Dongchu said without hesitation: "My bail was rejected by the judge!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Zhongjiu said immediately: "President, do you want to trouble the judge?"

When Shi Dong heard the sound, he gave Li Zhongjiu a hard look.

"Idiot, don't you tell everyone that this matter is related to me if you move the judge?"

Compared with Li Zhongjiu, Shi Dongchu actually values ​​Ding Qing more.

"Director Ding, I suspect that the failure of the bail was obstructed by someone behind the scenes. Go and check Judge Choi Jong-suk of the Seoul Central District Court. Who has he met recently?"

Speaking of this, he said to Li Zhongjiu again: "Also, the sharp drop in the group's stock price, and my arrest by the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, are also manipulated by behind-the-scenes gangsters."

"You two must find out the person, so as to relieve my hatred!"

The voice fell.

Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu immediately stood up and bowed to salute, speaking in unison.

"President, don't worry, we know what to do!"

Shi Dongchu wants to find out who is behind the scenes as soon as possible, and will not keep the two of them for long.

"Director Ding, Director Li, the safety of the group depends entirely on you, don't let me down, do something!"

Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu nodded, turned and left the room without saying a word with solemn expressions.

After people leave.

Shi Dong came out to an office, took out the unregistered mobile phone he had prepared in advance, and dialed the number.
Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was an unfamiliar number, so there was no need to guess that it must be Shi Dongchu.

The young prosecutor pressed the call button.

Shi Dongchu's voice came out.

"Zaihua, it's me!"

Li Zaihua pretended to be respectful and said: "President, what's the matter?"

Shi Dong sighed.

"Zaihua, I should listen to you, the application for bail has failed!"

The young prosecutor reassured: "The president is fine. I have studied your case, and a lawyer with a little experience can handle it."

"Anyway, the court is about to start, I believe it won't be long before you can regain your freedom!"

Li Zaihua said it nicely, but Shi Dongchu was still very worried.

"In China, you said that if I apply for bail, the judge will have a bad impression of me?"

The young prosecutor said bluntly: "President, don't worry, going to court is different from bail, what matters is evidence"

"A lot of evidence in your case is very vague, as long as you grasp this point, you will be safe."

Li Zaihua's words seemed to have worked, and Shi Dong heaved a sigh of relief.

"Zaihua, there is something I want you to do!"

The young prosecutor stared.

"President please order!"

Shi Dongchu went straight to the point and said: "I think the failure of the bail was deliberately obstructed, and the recent sharp drop in the group's stock price is also related to this matter."

"Help me investigate secretly, and notify me as soon as you have any clues!"

"Good president!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Li Zaihua put down the phone, his eyes rolled around, and then he took out the unregistered phone from the space backpack.

The young prosecutor thought that it was impossible for Shi Dongchu to find himself alone.

Li Zaihua really predicted things like a god.

ten minutes later.

Ding Qing, who parted ways with Li Zhongjiu, tried to dial the number he did not remember.

bell bell bell.
Just as the bell rang, the young prosecutor quickly pressed the call button.

Ding Qing said directly: "Boss, Shi Dong has become suspicious!"

"I'll go to your villa tonight, let's talk about it then!"

Speaking of this, Li Zaihua said again: "By the way, call Han Shizhong, I want to know about the progress of the recent acquisition."

"Okay boss, see you tonight."

hang up the phone.

The young prosecutor put the anonymous mobile phone in the space backpack and started working again.

I do not know how long it has been.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Li Dongxu pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.

"Minister, that guy has finally been recruited. Here is the report. If there is no problem, I will pass it on to the Public Prosecution Department."

Li Zaihua took the document and put it aside.

"Understood, put it here first, come and get it tomorrow."

The case has been determined, and Li Dongxu is not in a hurry.

"Okay minister, then I'll go out first."

"Well, this case is doing well, keep working hard."

After people leave.

The young prosecutor opened Li Dongxu's report.

After reading it at a glance, Li Zaihua showed a sneer on his face.

Li Dongxu is indeed a little clever, and he secretly reached an agreement with Guo Yuhe.

The few felonies previously intended to be prosecuted were all gone, replaced by a few trivial ones.

Although Guo Yuhe will also be imprisoned for these crimes, it has been reduced from more than ten years to less than three years.

Seeing this, Li Zaihua raised his mouth slightly.

The young prosecutor quickly picked up the microphone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Before the person opposite could speak, Li Zaihua said first, "Prosecutor Fan, come to my office!"

"Good Minister!"

It didn't take a while.

There was a knock on the door, and Fan Yuanzong pushed the door open and entered.

"Minister, what do you want from me?"

The young prosecutor handed over Li Dongxu's submission.

Fan Yuanzong took the document and looked at Li Zaihua suspiciously.

"Minister, this is?"

The young prosecutor smiled and said, "Do you still remember the case of Guo Yuhe in Zhenhai City?"

Fan Yuanzong nodded.

Because of Guo Yuhe's case, Li Dongxu can be said to be proud and proud for a long time.

"Minister, is there a problem with this case?"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "What you have in your hand is the report just submitted by Li Dongxu, you can read it yourself."

Hear this.

Fan Yuanzong frowned subconsciously, and immediately opened the report.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Fan Yuanzong suddenly raised his head.

"Minister, I heard from other people that Li Dongxu is going to prosecute Guo Yuhe for several serious crimes, but there are none in the report!"

Li Zaihua sneered and said: "That's right, he removed all the serious crimes against Guo Yuhe, leaving only a few trivial and ordinary charges."

"I suspect that Li Dongxu may reach a private agreement with Guo Yuhe, or accept bribes."

"Prosecutor Fan"

Before he finished speaking, Fan Yuanzong understood.

"I will investigate this matter secretly!"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"The Second Supervision Department doesn't need black sheep, and Prosecutor Fan depends entirely on you!"

Fan Yuanzong nodded firmly and said, "Minister, please rest assured, I know what to do!"

The young prosecutor smiled.

Li Zaihua was worrying about how to transfer Luo Zhengzhu to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office or the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office.

Unexpectedly, Li Dongxu took the initiative to deliver pillows to his door. Even if he was sleepy, someone would send pillows.

(End of this chapter)

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