Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 357 Lawyer Lu Yonghuan blocks bail (seeking subscription and monthly pass)

Chapter 357 Lawyer Lu Yonghuan blocks bail (seeking subscription and monthly pass)
(I had something to do yesterday, I still owe two chapters, and I will pay it next Saturday and Sunday.)
In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

Seoul Detention Center.

meeting room.

A loud bang.

Shi Dongchu became furious and slammed his fist on the table.

The prison guard was taken aback and was about to step forward to persuade him.

Shi Dongchu turned his head suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot, and when he glanced coldly, the prison guard suddenly felt a chill.

At this moment, he recalled the identity of this person, took back his steps as if he hadn't seen him, and stood motionless in the corner.

Shi Dong said angrily, "Lawyer Jin, where are you?"

The lawyer on the opposite side did not answer the question, but introduced himself.

"Hello President Shi, I'm Lu Yonghuan!"

"Lawyer Jin was in a car accident and was hospitalized. The firm decided that I should be your defense lawyer!"

Shi Dongchu frowned and said, "What a coincidence?"

As the leader of the No. [-] underworld force in Seoul who has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, his keen intuition told himself that something was wrong.

Lu Yonghuan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and took out a few photos from his briefcase and put them on the table.

"President Shi, this is a photo of Lawyer Jin's car accident and hospitalization!"

Shi Dongchu picked it up and glanced at it casually, threw the photo aside, and then sized Lu Yonghuan up.

"Drew asked you to replace Lawyer Jin, which shows that you have good abilities"

As he spoke, he suddenly asked again, "Have you brought your mobile phone?"

When lawyers meet with prisoners, they are not allowed to carry mobile phones under normal circumstances, let alone make calls.

However, this is a peninsula, and Shi Dongchu directly ignored the prison guards.

With his power, a prison guard disappeared in minutes.

Lu Yonghuan is also not a good guy. He obviously often violates the rules and takes out an unregistered mobile phone skillfully.

"Lawyer Jin has explained that this is the phone you want!"

The prison guards could do nothing but watch this happen.

Shi Dongchu nodded in satisfaction, and immediately said: "You two go out!"

Lu Yonghuan and the prison guards did not dare to refuse, and obediently left the room.

After people leave.

Shi Dongchu picked up his chair and went under the monitor in the corner.

He suddenly raised his chair and threw it towards the monitor.


There was a burst of sparks, and the monitor was damaged under the ravages of the chair.

Do everything.

Shi Dongchu picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.
Grand Prosecutor.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua looked at the caller ID, an unfamiliar number.

Without even thinking about it, the young prosecutor chose to hang up.

But the strange number called again.

After hanging up three times in a row, Li Zaihua pressed the call button impatiently.

Shi Dongchu's voice came out.

"It's me, don't hang up!"

Li Zaihua was taken aback.

He knew exactly where Shi Dong was born at the moment.

But after thinking about it, this is the peninsula, and it is not difficult to make a phone call in the detention center with the strength of the other party.

The young prosecutor quickly pretended to be respectful and said, "President, what's the matter?"

Shi Dong's time is limited.

"Zai Hua, what happened to the matter I called Ni Cha?"

Li Zaihua had already prepared the draft.

"Chairman, Zhang Yunhao has handed over the case to the Public Prosecutions Department and intends to prosecute you."

"I checked your file with a relationship, it's not a big problem, and you'll be able to come out soon!"

Shi Dongchu held the handle of the young prosecutor, and believed that the other party would not dare to lie to him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your hard work. By the way, did you find out who wrote the report letter!"

Shi Dongchu almost hated the person who reported him to death.

All he wanted to do now was to skin it and cramp it, and cut it into pieces to relieve his hatred.

Although he was in the detention center, Shi Dongchu went to the director's office to borrow a computer to watch the stock price trend of Golden Gate Group every day after the stock market opened.

Recently, the market value of Golden Gate Group has almost fallen to the bottom, all retail investors and institutions are locked up, and there is even more criticism on the Internet.

Even if Shi Dong released the control comments, he still couldn't stop a large number of online names from posting, and after deleting a batch, another batch appeared.

Of course, this is all due to Lee Jae-hwa.

The purpose of the young prosecutor is to buy the bottom, so how could Shi Dong be allowed to stabilize the stock price.

Li Zaihua replied: "Chairman, the whistleblower is very smart. He destroyed the surveillance near the mailbox in advance, and there is no clue for now!"

Shi Dongchu had already expected that the whistleblower could easily expose himself.

"In China, I plan to apply for bail before the trial. Help me find out who the judge is."

Li Zaihua frowned.

"President, who asked you to apply for bail?"

Shi Dong showed his doubts.

"What happened to lawyer Jin who was in charge of my case before? There is a problem!"

Now is an important time for Han Shizhong to purchase the shares of directors,
If Shi Dong is released on bail, if he notices something strange, it will definitely destroy the plan of the young prosecutor.

Li Zaihua said in a deep voice: "Chairman, your case is a criminal case. You apply for bail on your own initiative and tell the judge clearly that you have problems."

"If you want to get bail by bribing judges, I advise you not to, not all judges accept this."

"If it is self-defeating and affects the judge's sense of you, it will be extremely detrimental to the court trial in the future"

"Your case itself has a good chance of winning, and bail will only consume the favor of the judge, which will lead to a reversal of the situation"

Speaking of this, the young prosecutor said solemnly: "President, you believe my words, listen to my advice, don't bail!"

The voice fell.

Shi Dong's brows became knotted.

Bail is his own idea, how does the condition of the detention center compare with the outside.

But what Li Zaihua said is not unreasonable.

Because Shi Dongchu believed that the other party would not dare to lie to him.

It's just that he didn't believe it all.

"I see!"

The two said a few more words and ended the call.
Detention center.

Meet indoors.

Shi Dongchu deleted the call records, pulled out the phone card, broke it in half and put it in his pocket, and trampled the phone to pieces.

He pondered for a moment, got up and opened the door to call Lu Yonghuan in.

"Lawyer Lu, tidy up."

Lu Yonghuan nodded, squatted on the ground, skillfully took out a small broom from the briefcase, and swept the fragments of the mobile phone into his bag.

It didn't take a while.

Lu Yonghuan cleaned the ground thoroughly.

Shi Dongchu, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly asked: "Someone advised me not to release bail, Lawyer Lu, do you think he is trying to harm me!"

Lu Yonghuan was taken aback.

"President Shi, can I ask, what did that person tell you!"

Crackling, Shi Dongchu recounted exactly what the young prosecutor said.

Lu Yonghuan was silent for a while and said: "President Shi, that person is right. Judges really don't like prisoners released on bail, but that's for ordinary prisoners. As you, you don't need to be afraid!"

Hear this.

Shi Dongchu raised his glasses.

After a long time, he decided to follow Li Zaihua's advice, and the trial was about to begin anyway.

"Lawyer Lu, don't apply for bail for now, wait until the first trial is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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