Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 353 Jason Han Shizhong (Arrears, Chapter 7)

Chapter 353 Jason Han Shizhong (Arrears, Seventh)
Just as Shi Dongchu was waiting for the transfer.

The peninsula stock market opened, and the news that the chairman of the Golden Gate Group was arrested began to spread in various ways.

Apart from the belated retail investors, some well-informed institutions holding stocks are selling wildly and preparing to run away.

There are also many retail investors who entered the market with the intention of getting rich and took over the stocks of institutions.

Another half hour passed.

14:25 PM.

Urgent news from the TV station is shown on the big outdoor screen.

Shi Dongchu, chairman of the Golden Gate Group, was arrested by the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office on suspicion of bribery, tax evasion, and stock price manipulation.

Especially the manipulation of stock prices, retail investors and institutions are particularly concerned.

Five minutes later, the stock price of Golden Gate Group plummeted. Retail investors have a characteristic, irrational, emotional, and are easily influenced by market conditions and atmosphere, referred to as following the trend.

When you see others selling, you follow suit.

In the 45 minutes before the closing of the market, the stock price of Golden Gate Group staged what is called a cliff-like decline.

The market value of trillions of peninsula dollars evaporated within 45 minutes by 500 billion, even to the point where no one took over.

The market is full of sellers and no buyers.
Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

Li Zaihua sat on the chair, staring at the webpage with his eyes fixed.

When he saw the stock price of Golden Gate Group kept falling, the young prosecutor had a happy smile on his face.

The 500 billion Peninsular dollars evaporated today is just an appetizer.

If the news about Shi Dongchu was not reported by the news media until the market was about to close, the stock price of Golden Gate Group would drop by at least one-third.

But it doesn't matter, when the market opens tomorrow morning, the result will not change.

Similarly, the industry of Jinmen Group is a high-quality product, and there should be a small number of retail investors and institutions temporarily retaining stocks and waiting to see.

Of course, this part is not bad for money.

As for those retail investors who regard stock trading as an opportunity to turn around, they must stop losses and leave the market in time.

The end of the Golden Gate Group is already doomed.

Thinking of this, Li Zaihua operated the mouse to close the webpage, and then took out another anonymous mobile phone from the space backpack to dial the number.
United States, New York.

A middle-class residential area.


bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

A man with an Asian face was awakened by the blaring of a bell.

He rubbed his eyes, glanced at his wife next to him, picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID.

Immediately afterwards, the person woke up suddenly with a jerk, and hurriedly pressed the call button.

"Hi, I'm Jason."

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Mr. Jason, didn't disturb your rest so late!"

Jason cleared his throat, and said respectfully, "Mr. Aaron, I just woke up and am going out for morning exercise."

The young prosecutor looked at the time displayed on the computer, and it was three o'clock in the morning, especially in New York, purely looking for death.

However, Li Zaihua was very satisfied with the attitude of the other party.

"Mr. Jason, the time is almost up, it's your turn to appear!"

Hear this.

Jason hurriedly said, "Okay, Mr. Aaron, I'll book a flight back to Seoul tomorrow."

The young prosecutor smiled.

"Well, I'm waiting for Mr. Jason to visit in Seoul!"

The two ended the call.

Jason was still asleep at this moment, got up and went to the window, opened the curtains, and looked through the window at a black car parked outside the house.

At this time, a woman's voice came from behind.

"Honey, what's wrong with you, can't you sleep?"

Hearing the sound, Jason lowered the curtains, turned around and said, "I went to the bathroom, by the way, Ida, I have something to discuss with you!"

The wife rubbed her eyes in a daze, and looked at her husband suspiciously.

"Husband, what do you want to say?"

Jason said without hesitation: "I have been in the United States for so long, I miss my father and mother a little, and I plan to go back to Seoul to see them in two days."

"You pack up and salute tomorrow, and go back to see your father-in-law and mother-in-law by the way!"

Ada is the English name given by Jason's wife after she came to the United States. Like most women, she thinks that the United States is a paradise.

But there is a saying that goes well, where there is money, there is heaven, and where there is no money, there is hell.

Fortunately, Senjie is strong enough to serve a large American bank, has a very good job, and is a proper middle class.

Therefore, Ada was not affected by any impact, and infinitely magnified the advantages of the United States, while ignoring the shortcomings one by one.

Therefore, in her eyes, the peninsula has become a backward country.

"Back to the peninsula? Husband, did I hear correctly?"

Jason nodded: "You heard that right, the air ticket the day after tomorrow, of course you don't want to go back, you can stay in the United States."

Ada thought about it.

"I stay in the United States to take care of the children, you have to come back soon!"

Disappointment appeared in Jason's eyes, and he became firm again in an instant.

"Okay, help me pack my luggage tomorrow and go to sleep!"

However, lying on the bed, he couldn't fall asleep at all, and couldn't help but recall what happened during this period of time in his mind.

Jason, a naturalized trader in the United States, peninsular name 'Han Shizhong'.

A stranger asked him to help, how could he agree.

The young prosecutor directly sent Ding Qing to the United States to have a talk with him.

After some friendly exchanges, Han Shizhong agreed to Li Zaihua's request.

Do a full play.

Han Shizhong's identity needs to be packaged. Fortunately, Li Long helped a lot.

At the same time, a company called [Global Times Capital] was established.

Han Shizhong became the CEO of the company with nearly [-] million yuan in cash.

After learning the truth, he was so excited that he almost had a heart attack.

It's a pity that he hasn't been happy for too long, a piece of news is pouring cold water on his head, and Han Shizhong understands that he is just a puppet.

His desire to expand his ambitions was shattered, but he was not discouraged.

Han Shizhong didn't tell anyone about something. The performance has declined for two consecutive months, and the company already has the idea of ​​terminating the contract.

Li Zaihua's solicitation is like sending charcoal in the snow.

Although Han Shizhong was frightened for a while after the friendly exchanges, he was instantly fearless compared to being down and out and moving to a slum with his wife and children.

The most terrible thing in this world is not death, but poverty.

And Han Shizhong has already resigned, he is currently undergoing training, and must ensure that his identity is not leaked.
the other side.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zaihua put the unregistered phone back into the space backpack.

The so-called Jason was his carefully selected agent.

Since Liu Zhitai found the number plate, the young prosecutor started his own plan.

The so-called three caves of the cunning rabbit.

It is impossible for Li Zaihua to go to Liu Zhitai for everything and give his lifeline to others.

The young prosecutor met with Park Changjiu and asked him to find out who among the traders has done well in the United States in recent years.

How could Park Changjiu dare to refuse, this matter was a secret between the two of them, and he didn't tell Liu Zhitai.

In a week, Park Changjiu took advantage of his position to collect the files of dozens of peninsula traders in the United States.

Li Zaihua made thousands of choices and combined all the information, Jason Han Shizhong entered the sight of the young prosecutor.

(End of this chapter)

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