Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 343 Incheon Land Auction (seeking subscription and monthly pass)

Chapter 343 Incheon Land Auction (seeking subscription and monthly pass)

9:10 am.

On the way to the Incheon auction.

Sun Changkui sat in the car with a heavy heart.

Although there were no watchers around in the past few days, he always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him where he could not see.

This feeling is very strong, but the bodyguard checked several times but found nothing.

But for the sake of safety, Sun Changkui took a lot of bodyguards with him today, and the land in the Incheon auction is bound to be won.

Just when Sun Changkui was thinking wildly.

Around the convoy, a large number of trucks suddenly appeared.

Sun Changkui was keenly aware that something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "What's going on, step up the accelerator and pass!"

The driver nodded, shifted gears quickly, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The limousine rushed out like a sharp arrow.

However, the big truck seems to have been prepared for a long time.

The moment the car was about to overtake, two large trucks blocked the way.

Immediately afterwards, a large truck accelerated suddenly and hit the rear of the escort vehicle.

The escort vehicle was unsteady, and while spinning, it was heading towards the utility pole beside the road at high speed.

A loud bang.

The escort vehicle slammed into the utility pole, the front of the vehicle was dented, and several bodyguards fell into a semi-comatose state.

When Sun Chang heard the loud noise, he couldn't help but look back, and was stunned in shock.

He quickly recovered and took out his cell phone to call the police.

It's a pity that the two large trucks in front stopped suddenly, and the driver had no time to step on the brakes, and the front of the car hit the large truck.

A violent shaking made Sun Changkui dizzy, and his head hit the chair in the front row heavily.

I do not know how long it has been.

In a daze, Sun Changkui seemed to see someone open the car door to check the situation, and then something seemed to hit his head.

In an instant, the forehead ached unbearably, and then passed out.

A group of dark-skinned Southeast Asians, covering their faces, checked Sun Changkui's situation without any scruples.

One sniffed, but after confirming that he was not dead, he nodded to his companion.

Then a group of people got into the car and drove away in a large truck.

It was past nine o'clock at this time, and the rush hour for going to work in the city had already passed, and there was relatively little traffic on the highway.

Those drivers who saw the scene of the car accident did not dare to get out of the car at all, but fled at a faster speed.

Of course, some people with a strong sense of justice have no choice but to call the police.
9:55 am.

Incheon auction site.

In addition to the participating real estate developers today, Hong Bingguo invited reporters from the three major TV stations according to Li Zaihua's instructions.

Several cameras were set up in every corner of the venue.

Before long, almost all the real estate developers invited by the Ministry of Communications and Construction arrived.

However, Sun Changkui hadn't arrived yet, and Kim Jong-woo looked anxiously at the gate.

Minutes passed quickly.

Hong Bingguo and senior officials from the Ministry of Construction and Transportation walked into the auction hall and sat in specially prepared seats.

An auctioneer steps onto the central podium and swings his gavel.

clang clang clang.
There was a knocking sound.

The auction hall immediately fell silent.

"Welcome everyone to participate in today's auction. This auction will sell a total of five pieces of land, each with 3066 square meters."

As he spoke, he pointed to the big screen behind him.


"Five pieces of land are located within three kilometers of Incheon Airport, and the location is excellent"

"Okay, all buyers must have been waiting impatiently"

"However, before the official start, I would like to invite Minister Hong Bingguo of the Ministry of Construction and Transportation to say a few words!"

The voice fell.

clap clap clap.
There was thunderous applause, everyone would give this minister some face today.

Hong Bingguo cleared his throat, took the microphone and said, "Thank you for participating in today's auction held by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation."

"I'm here to say a few words"

"Because of Chi Shuncai's corruption and bribery some time ago, the land was sold at a low price. Today, the Ministry of Construction and Transportation specially invited the three major TV stations to record the whole process to prove the fairness of this auction."

"And we, the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, have learned from the painful experience and will make the video of this auction public for a short time after the auction ends."

Hearing this, the scene couldn't help discussing, they didn't want their own to become the focus of the public.

Upon seeing this, Hong Bingguo quickly explained: "Please rest assured, we will put a mosaic on the profile picture and change the voice, and will never infringe on your portrait rights."

Crackling, in order to eliminate the negative impact brought by Chi Shuncai, the Ministry of Construction and Transportation has indeed shown a lot of sincerity.

"Okay, I've finished my words, I announce that the auction will officially begin!"

Hear this.

The auctioneer picked up the auction mallet and knocked it on the face.

clang clang clang.
"Everyone, the auction of the first piece of land in Area A1 is now starting, please watch the screen"
at the same time.

Incheon City.

In an apartment.

Li Zaihua, Ding Qing, and Li Zicheng were sitting on the sofa.

A hooded man tapped on the keyboard with lightning-fast fingers.

Ding Dong!

The computer stuck out a window, and a large screen composed of ten monitors hung on the wall showed the picture of the auction venue.

This person is Li Long, the master hacker that Ding Qing invited from Huaxia.

Li Long snapped his fingers and said triumphantly, "It's done!"

At this moment, the first piece of land in District A1 is being auctioned on the big screen.

Li Zaihua said with a smile in Mandarin: "Li Long, you did a good job, let's find a few more chicks to accompany you tonight!"

Don't think hackers are cool.

In fact, Li Long is a sullen man, if he doesn't take the initiative to put women on him, he can only left Qinglong and right mouse.

Li Yong was overjoyed to hear the young prosecutor's promise.

"thank you boss!"

At this time, Ding Qing handed a Bluetooth headset to Li Zaihua.

"Boss, everything is ready."

The young prosecutor plugged the earphones into his ears, and the voice of the auctioneer came from the screen.

"850 billion, is there any higher!"

Li Zaihua immediately said: "The price increase is 150 billion, 1000 billion!"
In the auction hall.

When the agent of the shell company established by the young prosecutor heard the instructions, he immediately raised the sign in his hand.

There are certain patterns in auctions.

Seeing someone raising a placard, the auctioneer immediately shouted loudly: "This gentleman bid 1000 billion!"

Adding 150 billion at a time, many people looked to the agent.

The agent has received special training before, and even though he is extremely nervous, he still appears calm and composed.

But the value of Area A1 is more than 1000 billion.

In an instant, the placard was raised five times in a row.

The auctioneer shouted again: "1000 billion, is there any higher?"

"1000 to 550 billion. The first time."

"Okay, someone raised the placard again, 300 billion, 350 billion"

The bidding was very fierce, and the price in the A1 area soared to 2000 billion peninsular dollars in a short time.

Seeing the stalemate among the crowd, the auctioneer was extremely excited.

This is a rare opportunity in a thousand years. Being able to host such an auction is enough to increase one's worth and status.
the other side.

Inside the apartment.

Li Zaihua gave the order.

"Twenty-one billion!"

On the screen, the agent held up the sign and said in a passionate voice: "500 billion!"

A one-time increase of 500 billion, the auction site seemed to press the pause button, and there was no sound.

The auctioneer has not forgotten the duty: "Twenty-five billion, is there any higher"

"500 billion, the first time. 500 billion, the second time."

Someone came back to his senses and hurriedly raised a sign.

"550 billion, is there any higher"

"Buyers, the value of District A1 is obvious to all, and there are still bids!"

After the auctioneer finished talking nonsense, he began to count down: "550 billion, the first time."

Until now, the auction price in the A1 area has to be close to the normal price.

Li Zaihua's future father-in-law made a move, and Li Zhengzhi finally raised his card.

The auctioneer shouted excitedly: "There are 600 billion people, do you still have a bid?"

"600 billion for the first time."

"Two hundred and sixty billion times."

The young prosecutor's eyes were fixed. If he didn't win District A1 now, the bidding would only become more intense in the future.

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "3000 billion!"

On the screen, the agent placed his cards repeatedly.

The auctioneer screamed: "This buyer bid 3000 billion, is there any higher price!"

The price of 3000 billion was called out, and everyone in the venue focused their attention on the agent.

According to the current exchange rate, 3000 billion peninsular dollars is equivalent to 1.7 million meters of gold.

Taking out nearly [-] million meters in cash at one time is something that many large companies cannot do.

Moreover, the agent's appearance was very strange, and he had never met him at various banquets before.

Facing the scrutiny of the crowd, the agent beat his heart.

Li Zaihua immediately comforted him: "Don't be nervous, don't be afraid when I'm here!"

Hearing the sound, the agent thought that he was leaving the peninsula, and immediately calmed down.

The auctioneer's shout sounded.

"3000 billion, the second time"

Although the company that popped up suddenly disrupted the plans of Li Zhengzhi and others, there are still four lands behind, so there is no need to desperately grab them.

Besides, all the people here today are entrusted by them. Without this company making trouble, it might be cheaper.

Li Zhengzhi and the others did not speak.

Jin Zhengyu pondered for a moment, but finally did not raise his placard. His idea was similar to that of Li Zhengzhi, and the four lands behind might be cheaper.

The auction was slightly disappointed, and the auction hammer fell heavily.

A hammer is fixed.

"3000 billion deal!"

"The A1 area was won by this buyer, and the transaction price was 3000 billion!"

The auctioneer took a sip of water from the cup and started the second round of auction.

"The land in District A2 is being auctioned now, with a reserve price of 500 billion peninsular dollars, and each increase in price shall not be less than 50 billion"
Inside the apartment.

Li Zaihua secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he bought the land in District A3000 for 1 billion yuan.

A month has passed.

The land near Incheon Airport has increased again. If the land is acquired normally, 3000 billion is definitely not enough.

After the inspection, Young fished in troubled waters, and successfully won the land in District A3000 for 1 billion yuan, which can be said to have made a lot of money.

Even if you sell it now, you can earn at least 200 billion more.

And the price of land is increasing every day, only a fool would sell it.

As for those old guys, it is purely a dream to think that the remaining four lands can be obtained smoothly.

With Kim Jong-woo's participation, one family must be unlucky.

However, Li Zaihua couldn't just watch his future father-in-law suffer losses, after all, it was the family property of the young prosecutor.

(End of this chapter)

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