Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 323 Hong Bingguo's Trouble (Subscription and Monthly Pass Required)

Chapter 323 Hong Bingguo's Trouble (Subscription and Monthly Pass Required)
After reading the cemetery.

The two returned to Seoul.

In the afternoon, Li Sangxi has a program to do, so he cannot accompany Li Zaihua.

The young prosecutor also pretended to go to work and parted ways.

In fact, Lee Jae-hwa took a taxi to Cheongdam-dong and met Han Hyo-joo at a cafe.

The young prosecutor wanted a bowl of water to be flat, so he naturally took Han Xiaozhou to see the cemetery.

The day is quickly over.

Satisfied, Han Xiaozhou took the plane to Busan.

[PS Machinery Heavy Industry Group] There will be an important meeting tomorrow, and as the executive director, she must be present.

Watching the flight take off slowly, Li Zaihua wiped off the sweat that didn't exist.

Then the young prosecutor prepared to drive Han Xiaozhou's car back to Seoul.

He raised his hand to look at his watch, and then took out the unregistered mobile phone from the space backpack.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Hong Bingguo's voice came out.

"Minister Li, let's meet!"

Li Zaihua slapped his head.

It's been too busy recently, it's Busan, and it's the National Intelligence Service.

The young prosecutor suddenly remembered that the land auction in Incheon was one week away.

"Okay, see you at the old place!"

The two ended the call.

Li Zaihua drove to Apgujeong.

20:10 in the evening.

VIP Room [-].

After more than 20 days, the young prosecutor saw Hong Bingguo again.

Li Zaihua took out a basket and pointed to Hong Bingguo's pocket.

Hong Bingguo understood, and handed over all the mobile phones and other devices that might be used for monitoring.

The young prosecutor handed the things to one of Ding Qing's confidants.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zaihua activated his skills to shield the two of them.

The young prosecutor calmed down and said, "Officer Hong, didn't we say we won't see each other for a while, what can you do with me today?"

Hear this.

Hong Bingguo said worriedly: "Minister Li, I feel something is wrong in the past few days. It seems that more and more people are watching me!"

Li Zaihua frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Hong Bingguo said in a deep voice: "Zheng Chengzhe and President Jin have already begun to doubt me!"

The young prosecutor frowned lightly.

Li Zaihua knew very well that Zheng Chengzhe and Chairman Kim knew that Hong Bingguo had betrayed them a long time ago.

It is not a day or two for the two to send people to monitor, and it is impossible to increase the number of people suddenly.

The young prosecutor thought for a while.

"Officer Hong, has anything special happened recently?"

Hong Bingguo pondered for a moment, as if he remembered something: "If you don't mention it, I almost forgot, there really is!"

Li Zaihua hurriedly asked.

"What happened?"

Hong Bingguo said without hesitation: "The Second Commander learned that the Ministry of Construction and Transportation is going to hold the Incheon Land Auction, so he specially called me there, and added a few more places!"

The young prosecutor was furious that such an important matter was not mentioned earlier.

However, Li Zaihua said calmly on the surface: "Why didn't you inform me earlier about such an important matter?"

Hong Bingguo explained: "I have never heard of any of the real estate developers that the Second Commander joined, and their strength should not be very good, so I didn't tell you."

As soon as this word comes out.

The young prosecutor was so angry that he almost cursed.

"Officer Hong, you don't need to pay attention to the fact that someone is watching you. You can do things as usual. As long as you don't mess around, no one can do anything to you."

"In addition, I will secretly send someone to protect you, do your own thing well, and I guarantee that no one will touch you!"

Hearing Li Zaihua's promise, Hong Bingguo was relieved.

"Thank you Minister Li, I'm relieved now."

The young prosecutor smiled and comforted him, "Officer Hong, you can do things with peace of mind, you'll be fine."

"The auction is about to start. It's not convenient for us to meet. All the consumption tonight will be charged to my account. Let's go first!"

Hong Bingguo nodded.

"Okay, I'll see off Minister Li."

Li Zaihua shook his head and said, "No need, Chief Hong stay here."

After speaking, the young prosecutor put on a mask and a baseball cap, got up and left the VIP room.

The moment Li Zaihua stepped out of the room.

A drunk man bumped into him.

The young prosecutor flashed past quickly, but a black shadow flew into his left pocket.

Seeing this, Li Zaihua reached out and grabbed the drunk man's shoulder.

"Wait, don't go!"

The drunk man was very skilled, and he avoided the grasping palm in an instant.

He pounced forward, nimbly like a cheetah, and then galloped towards the kitchen.

The drunk man was very familiar with the terrain here, and disappeared from the young prosecutor's sight in a blink of an eye.

Li Zaihua did not catch up.

A drunk can put a tracker on him, and so can a young prosecutor.

Li Zaihua held the flashing red tracker, took out the unregistered mobile phone from the space backpack and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Before the person opposite could speak, the young prosecutor couldn't wait to report the name of the place.

"I installed a tracker on a person, you guys bring the equipment and come pick me up!"
the other side.

The drunk exited through the back door, crossed the alley and boarded a black sedan.

After getting in the car.

He took off his alcohol-smelling shirt, and said with a solemn expression: "Hong Bingguo is not easy to meet people, and I am not his opponent!"

Several people in the car were taken aback.

"What, even you are not the opponent, what about the tracker?"

The drunk recalled for a moment: "Put it in the man's pocket, but the other party is too alert, I wonder if he noticed it!"

Hear this.

Someone took out the locator and looked at the flashing red dot on the screen, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, that person didn't find our tracker."

The drunk man nodded: "Let's go quickly, lest that person chase me out."

Seeing that none of the most skilled among them was a match for the young prosecutor, the driver stepped on the accelerator and sped away.
20:55 in the evening.

A truck stopped in front of Li Zaihua.

The young prosecutor came to the back and opened the door, and got into the compartment.

At this moment, Ding Qing, Li Zicheng, Quan Zhiyan, Omen Pu, Peixi, and Andrew are all here.

"Boss, what happened?"

Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Someone followed Hong Bingguo, and even targeted me."

"I put a tracker in that person's clothes, and Omen Pucha will check where they are!"

As a man with a space backpack, it's not surprising that the young prosecutor kept some trackers just in case.

Aomen Pu got the order and immediately took out a dedicated locator.

Shortly after turning on the locator, a flashing red dot lights up on the screen.

Li Zaihua immediately said: "Follow the past, I want to see what tricks they play."

Hearing the sound, Andrew returned to his position with the locator without saying a word.

The truck starts.

The young prosecutor sat down on the chair, staring straight at Aomen Pu.

"Omen Pu, I asked you to watch Hong Bingguo, what did you do, you don't even know that someone is watching him!"

Aomen Pu was surprised, and quickly explained: "Boss, I have been monitoring Hong Bingguo, and I don't think there is any problem!"

Li Zaihua frowned.

"Are you really sure that Hong Bingguo is okay?"

Aomen Pu swore: "Boss, I recorded all the time I monitored Hong Bingguo, you can listen to it!"

Li Zaihua believed Omen Pu's words, he knew that the other party dared not lie to him.

The young prosecutor thought for a while, and couldn't help thinking to himself.

"It seems that only by catching those people can we find out what's going on!"

(End of this chapter)

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