Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 321 Dissolution (Owing Chapter, Chapter 3)

Chapter 321 Dissolution (less chapter, third more)
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Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed.

After Fang Minzhu's confession yesterday, he has been sent to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office to await prosecution.

The Second Supervision Department has transferred the case to the Public Justice Department.

Similarly, the Supreme Prosecutor's Office did not publicize the matter.

9:35 am.

Li Zaihua came to the temporary office of the NIS.

The young prosecutor shook his head as he looked at the prosecutors who were busy again because of [Anti-brand Kite].

clap clap clap...

Li Zaihua clapped his hands.

All of a sudden, all the prosecutors in the room looked at the young prosecutor.

Li Zaihua cleared his throat and said: "I'm sorry everyone, I just received the news that there is a problem with the original financial data of [Fangpai Kite] in our hands, and now we can only temporarily suspend the review of [Fangpai Kite]..."

"However, this trip to the NIS was not fruitless. We caught a big hidden tiger, Fang Minzhu, Director of the General Logistics Bureau of the NIS..."

"I reported this matter to the chief yesterday, and he greatly appreciated our actions. The Great Prosecutor's Office will not forget your contributions..."

"In addition, I want to remind everyone that everything about the NIS must be kept secret..."

"If the information about [Fangpai Kite] is leaked, the National Intelligence Service will launch an investigation, and the Supreme Prosecutor's Office will have nothing to say at that time. I hope everyone will take care of it..."

"Now, please pack up your belongings and wait for the inspection by the National Intelligence Service. Later, the Supreme Prosecutor's Office will arrange a vehicle to send you back..."

"Okay, this mission is officially disbanded, see you later!"

After finishing speaking, the young prosecutor packed up the documents, turned and left without looking back.

The [Fangpai Kite] case ended in such an anticlimactic manner, which immediately aroused the discussion of the prosecutors.

They came all the way here just to get some credit for this case so that they can be transferred to Seoul in the future.

Now halfway through the process, it is said that the original data is wrong, what have I done?

Facing the complaints from the prosecutors, Fan Yuanzong, who had not yet left, could only explain with a smile.

"Everyone, Minister Li doesn't want to end the [Fangpaiyuan] case hastily..."

"Naihe has already found out that there is a problem with the original financial data, and the result of continuing the investigation can only be a waste of time..."

"Fortunately, Minister Li caught a big fish. Finally, we didn't return empty-handed, and we were able to make a note..."

"And I speculate that Minister Li may be more angry than us now..."

"After all, the [Fangpai Yuan] case is in charge of the Second Supervision Department. To end the investigation at this moment is a major blow to Minister Li..."

"So everyone, don't complain, if you want to blame, blame the person who wrote the fake report letter, that bastard played us all!"

The voice fell.

The prosecutors in the office fell silent.

What Fan Yuanzong said made sense.

The whole incident cannot be blamed on Li Zaihua, the end of the [Fangpai Yuan] case must have been an order from the higher-ups.

Thinking of this, the prosecutors sighed, but there was nothing they could do.


10:15 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

The young prosecutor worked hard to write a report on the case of [Anti-brand kite] and the case of Fang Minzhu, director of the General Logistics Bureau of the National Intelligence Service.

after an hour.

Li Zaihua put down his pen, manually entered the two reports into the computer, and then printed out two copies.

After doing everything, the young prosecutor grabbed the report and got up and walked out of the office.

It didn't take a while.

top layer.

Office of the Chief.

After being notified by the secretary, Li Zaihua knocked on the door.

dang dang...

"Come in!"

The young prosecutor quickly stepped forward, bowed and saluted, and handed over the two reports.

This was personally explained by Xu Zhenzai, and he had to show it to him as soon as he finished writing the report.

"Chief, [Fang Pai Yuan] and Fang Minzhu's report is finished, please read it!"

Xu Zhenzai took the report, without saying a word, took out a pair of reading glasses from the drawer, put them on, and began to review them carefully.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Xu Zhenzai nodded in satisfaction after reading the report.

Especially in the [Fangpai Kite] case, Li Zaihua took out the Prosecutor's Office completely and shifted all the responsibility to the whistleblower.

At the same time, because of the false information of the informant, the Supreme Prosecutor's Office wasted a lot of manpower and material resources, and instead held the informant accountable.

As for Fang Minzhu's case, it was simpler. With substantial evidence, the other party could not deny it and pleaded guilty voluntarily.

"In China, the writing is very good. The [Fangpai Yuan] case ends here. All the materials in the case involving the National Intelligence Service are stored in the secret room of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office..."

"Wait until I write you a power of attorney, you can handle this matter yourself, don't borrow other people's hands!"

[Anti-brand Kite] The case of financial fraud is of great importance. It involves many internal secrets of the National Intelligence Service. Important information must be sealed and protected from leakage.

Hear this.

The young prosecutor said solemnly: "Okay Uncle Xu, I know what to do!"

Xu Zhenzai nodded and wrote a letter of authorization to enter the secret room.

Li Zaihua took the authorization letter, turned and left without hesitation.

The young prosecutor returned to his office and immediately took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

"Prosecutor Fan, where are you, have you brought everything back?"

Fan Yuanzong's voice came out.

"Minister, all the materials and files of [Fangpai Yuan] have been sorted out. I'm on my way back to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, and I'll be there in a few minutes at most..."

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Okay, I'll go downstairs and wait for you, and we'll talk about it then!"

"Good Minister!"

The two ended the call, and the young prosecutor called Wen Jinghao over again on the landline.

There are quite a lot of materials on [Anti-brand kite], and Fan Yuanzong alone would definitely not be able to move them all.

After a while, Wen Jinghao came to the office.

Li Zaihua didn't talk nonsense: "Follow me!"

The two left the room and took the elevator to the lobby.

Not long after they stood up, a black car stopped on the steps.

An important member of the National Conditions Service drove Fan Yuanzong back.

In the back seat, several large cardboard boxes were stuffed.

Seeing this, the young prosecutor immediately ordered: "Investigator Wen, open the door and help Prosecutor Fan move the box down."

Hearing the order, Wen Jinghao hurried forward to help.

After a few minutes.

Six huge boxes were placed on the ground.

Although there are sheets of light and fluffy paper inside, it is actually very heavy when stuffed.

It was difficult for the three of them to move, so Li Zaihua simply ordered Wen Jinghao to call some security guards.

Soon Wen Jinghao led four security guards and ran over.

The young prosecutor pointed to the cardboard box on the ground and said, "Take the box and follow me!"

The secret room is located on the 25th floor.

All the confidential cases since the establishment of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office are stored here, including materials that cannot be released to the public when investigating the president, all of which are stored here.

Li Jae-hwa took out Seo Jin-jae's authorization letter and entered the secret room smoothly.

According to the records of the staff, all the materials of the [Fangpai Kite] case were successfully stored in the secret room, and have never seen the light of day.

Looking at the room full of cardboard boxes, the young prosecutor was vaguely impulsive, wondering if he would be able to read the confidential cases inside after becoming the chief prosecutor.

(End of this chapter)

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