Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 30 Jin's Trouble Going to the Pu Family

Chapter 30 Jin's Trouble Going to the Pu Family
Outside the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Li Zaihua returned to his car, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Nonhyeon Cave.

After half an hour.

When Li Zaihua returned home, he immediately took out a laptop from his space backpack.

This laptop is physically disconnected from the Internet and will never be connected to the Internet. Except for the basic software, no other software is installed in it, and it is specially used to store data.

Li Zaihua inserted the U disk into the USB port, and a folder popped up immediately, with a total of 15G of content.

However, the video material exceeds 90.00%.

Li Zaihua opened one of the videos, and the screen came to a river where sewage was flowing, and there were a lot of white toxic foam floating on the river.

A laboratory technician is taking samples.

The second video is a hospital. In a ward, there are more than a dozen patients, large and small, wailing from time to time.

Li Zaihua frowned, opened the written materials, and finally found relevant information.

It turned out that a factory on the outskirts of King's Heavy Industries was discharging sewage indiscriminately.

This river happened to be the drinking water for a village downstream. The water source was polluted. Young people were fine, but a large number of elderly people and children had physical problems.

At first, the people in the village didn't pay attention, but as more and more sick people became sick, everyone panicked, followed along the upper river, finally locked the target, and then called the police.

Naturally, the police did not dare to take care of Kim Heavy Industries, and threw the trouble to the Busan District Prosecutor's Office.

The prosecutor who took the case didn't talk nonsense and went directly to investigate.

Not long after, Jin's Heavy Industries also encountered big troubles in land acquisition. During the demolition process, someone died accidentally.

And not just one, three generations of a family were all buried under the crawlers of the bulldozers.

This time there was a big commotion, which alarmed the Chief Prosecutor.

Maybe someone saw the opportunity and wanted to fish in troubled waters. An insider who claimed to be Busan Kim Heavy Industries delivered a report letter and a USB flash drive containing financial crime data to the Busan District Prosecutor's Office.

It is a pity that the USB flash drive in his hand does not contain detailed information on the financial crimes of Busan Kim Heavy Industries.

Wu Zhengguo did not dare to take the risk of revealing such top-secret information.

In addition, there is Busan Kim Heavy Industries in the USB flash drive. In recent years, there have been countless complaints, large and small.

However, Li Zaihua is no stranger to it. Which of the large companies in the peninsula is not eating blood-stained steamed buns.

after an hour.

After reading all the materials, Li Zaihua unplugged the USB flash drive and put the laptop back into the space backpack.

Immediately, he walked into the bedroom, took out Han Xiaozhou's usual laptop, and searched for information on Busan Kim Heavy Industries on the Internet.

When the book is used up, I hate it less.

If he knew how to hack, he could hack into the background databases of Busan Police Agency, Busan District Prosecutor's Office, and Busan Chengfu, and browse the information of Kim Heavy Industries at close range.

Thinking of this, Li Zaihua decided to hire a private teacher to teach him the relevant hacking knowledge after a while.

Li Zaihua gently closed the laptop, sank into the soft sofa, closed his eyes slowly, and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at his watch. It was five o'clock.

Li Zaihua immediately got up to take a shower.
18:35 in the evening.

Seocho-gu, Banpo 4-dong, Seorae Village.

Seoul is home to more than half of the French population and is called 'Seoul's Hometown of the French'.

There are comfortable star-rated residential areas here, and at the same time, a large number of peninsula stars, celebrities, and rich people have gathered to settle down.

Ruilai Village is always surrounded by the aroma of coffee and country music, just like a European town, surrounded by authentic Western restaurants and delicious pastry houses, forming a Western food street.

Therefore, Ruilai Village is also known as 'Peninsula Little France'.

In the residential area, an independent large villa is at two extremes compared to the surrounding buildings.

Li Zaihua parked the car on the side of the road, took out 5000 million peninsula worth of red wine from the space backpack, and strode towards the side door.

Ding Dong
Li Zaihua rang the doorbell.

Soon, a slightly old woman's voice came out.

"Hello. Who is this?"

Li Zaihua said to the video intercom in the doorway: "Hello, I am Li Zaihua."

Because of the family banquet.

At this time, Park Sejong and Park Jung Wook, father and son, had finished work early and had just arrived home ten minutes ago.

The first thing Park Jung Wook did when he came back was to tell his aunt at home that if someone named 'Li Jae Hwa' came, he would open the door immediately and notify himself by the way.

The aunt kept it in her heart, and when she heard the name, she immediately unlocked it, then turned and walked to the hall.

Li Zaihua pushed open the side door.

The moment you walk into the gate, you will see a typical peninsula courtyard, with green grass on the ground, and a trail of gravel steps going up.

There are many green pines and various gorgeous flowers planted on both sides.

Above the stone path, a figure stood there. Li Zaihua looked up, with a smile on his face.

Park Zhengxu couldn't wait any longer and rushed down.

Li Zaihua couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this, he was not stable at all.

In case, if the partners of those firms see it, points will be deducted.

"Zhengxu, don't forget your identity, don't run, walk slowly."

Park Zhengxu was startled when he heard the words, but he understood instantly, slowed down, and came to Li Zaihua's side.

"Boss, you are finally here."

Li Zaihua blinked and asked, "What, your brother is back?"

"The woman surnamed Jin went to pick him up at the airport in person, counting the time, it's almost here!"

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

At this time, the whistle of a car sounded outside the gate.

Inside the villa, an aunt in her [-]s wearing an apron came out quickly, apparently to welcome the hostess back.

Li Zaihua and Park Zhengxu looked at each other, they didn't stay any longer, they passed the aunt and went straight to the villa.

at the same time.

A black imported sedan drove into the yard.

Sitting in the back row was a woman in her 40s with heavy makeup and still charming charm. Through the car window, she happened to see two figures disappearing on the steps.

She frowned and asked the aunt who came down: "Who were those two people just now!"

The voice fell, and the aunt was about to answer.

At this time, a 25-year-old young man next to him said impatiently: "Mom, let's go back quickly, I can't wait to see my father!"

When the woman heard the words, she immediately nodded dotingly.

"Okay, okay, your father must be waiting impatiently."

Having said that, she told the driver: "Driver Wang, bring in the young master's salute."

Driver Wang nodded, took out two heavy suitcases from the trunk, and followed behind the mother and son.

Aunt followed closely behind.

However, Driver Wang was half a step behind and seemed to respect Auntie very much.

Until the mother and son in front walked into the villa, Driver Wang asked in a low voice, "Mom, what's delicious today?"

It turns out that they are also mother and son, and two generations of the family work for the Pu family.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. Be careful tonight, don't cause trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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