Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 199 Xu Yanzhong, who died in a huge operation (for subscription)

Chapter 199 Xu Yanzhong, who died in a huge operation (for subscription)

(Thank you, Darwin, the caveman, gave a reward of 200 starting coins. The 8000th update of [-] words has been achieved, and I will start work tomorrow, and try to update [-] words every day.)
Time flies fast.

The news of the Busan police's big move gradually spread to ordinary people.

As a special dispatcher of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, Li Zaihua once again entered the eyes of the people on the peninsula.

21:28 in the evening.

Busan Local Police Office.

Police cars with flashing red and blue lights were neatly parked in the square at the front door.

A police officer in uniform waited for something with a serious expression.

on the steps.

Li Zaihua stood there with a firm face.

At this moment, he is like a general who is about to fight on the battlefield.

the other side of the square.

Reporters from major newspapers and television stations on the peninsula recorded this scene excitedly.

Since the end of the mighty special era 23 years ago, the Busan police have never conducted such a large-scale operation.

In this operation, the entire Busan local police department mobilized a total of [-] police officers.

Only a part of them are present today, and the rest of the police officers are on standby elsewhere.

click click click click
Reporters from major newspapers frantically pressed the shutter to save the mighty scene.

Since it was related to the five-star faction, the three major TV stations of Al Jazeera directly dispatched OB trucks to broadcast live.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The moment when the minute hand points to turn again.

The time came to 21:30.

Li Zaihua glanced at his watch, raised the loudspeaker in his hand, and shouted with all his strength.

"The action begins, everyone set off immediately!"

The voice fell.

He tossed his horn to the officer on duty and strode toward the first police car.

After Li Zaihua got in the car.

All the police officers at the scene followed in the police car.

Li Zaihua ordered the police officers driving to sound the siren.

beep beep beep beep
Sirens sounded.

As soon as the police officer stepped on the accelerator, the police car rushed out like a sharp arrow.

Hundreds of police cars followed closely behind, and the mighty scene seemed like a big war movie.

The reporters behind were very excited and urged their companions to drive to catch up.
at the same time.

Busan Police Center.

Gao Minzhu, Wu Zhengguo, Shen Taiming, Jiang Zhengxun and other high-level prosecutors and police officers stood in front of a huge screen composed of hundreds of small screens.

They stared intently at the picture on the screen.

After a long time, Gao Minzhu smiled and said: "Master Shen, look at this is our Busan policeman, how spectacular it is!"

The corner of Shen Taiming's mouth twitched a few times, and he nodded expressionlessly.

In fact, at this moment, he was so angry that he was going to die.

Originally, it was Shen Taiming who stole the limelight.

However, Li Zaihua didn't know what to do, so he snatched the post of commander-in-chief, bypassing him as the chief of the local police department, and directly commanding the [-] police officers who will be operating tonight.

Wu Zhengguo and Jiang Zhengxu looked at Shen Taiming, who had a dark face, as if he had been constipated for several days, and their hearts were full of disdain.

10 minute later.

The scenes on the big screen began to switch.

From a complete piece, it is split into independent pictures one after another.

Everything that appears on the small screen is an entertainment venue controlled by the Five Star School.

The news of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office's targeting of the Five-Star faction spread wildly.

However, there are also some people in the five-star faction who don't believe this at all, thinking it is nonsense.
the other side.

The convoy led by Li Zaihua came to the biggest nightclub in Busan.

This is a gold-selling nest carefully built by the Five-Star School, making money every day.

There are not only tourists and locals, but also wealthy people from the peninsula and overseas tycoons who come here admiringly.

The Five Star School is not stupid either. Relying on Busan's geographical advantages and its own background, it colludes with local evil forces to lure overseas rich people to come and spend.

Looking at the colorful gate, Li Zaihua waved his hand, and hundreds of police officers rushed in.

All members of the Five-Star faction who dared to stop them were knocked down mercilessly, handcuffed and temporarily thrown aside.

The reporters in the rear were very excited.

More than a dozen TV reporters stood in front of the quarantine zone, broadcasting tonight's massive action to the whole country.

Li Zaihua walked into the nightclub surrounded by hundreds of police officers like a king.

"Go and turn on the lights!"

After finishing speaking, he broke away from the protection of the police, and nimbly passed through the crowd like a fish in the water, and came to the stage in front of him.

Li Zaihua kicked the beautiful DJ away, turned off the equipment, and the moment he picked up the microphone, the lights turned on with a bang.

"The police come to check, everyone stay still, women stand on the left, men stand on the right, anyone who dares to escape will be arrested for obstructing official duties!"

Immediately afterwards, he said into the microphone: "Chief Lin, Chief Zhang, you two will each lead a team to invite the guests out of the box!"

Section Chief Lin and Section Chief Zhang nodded when they heard the words, and led their subordinates straight to the box of the nightclub.

Li Zaihua threw the microphone in his hand to a police officer, and stood quietly in the center of the stage overlooking everything.

The officers divided into groups and began to check the ID cards of nightclub guests, and at the same time called the alarm center to verify the identity of the suspicious person.

At this time, a voice came.

A police officer grabbed a man with dyed yellow hair and shouted, "Don't move, what's in your pocket!"

Upon seeing this, nearby police officers quickly stepped forward to support.

After a few sticks, the yellow-haired man fell to the ground, allowing the police officers to fumble in his pockets.

Soon the police found several packs of transparent plastic bags, which contained a small amount of white powder.

The policeman's eyes lit up, and he got the bonus.

The police officers nearby couldn't help feeling envious when they saw their colleagues find the goods. They immediately looked at the men and women in the nightclub like hungry wolves.

"MD, what about you!"

"Stand up for me, or I will make you look good!"

Money touches hearts.

Legally seeking benefits for themselves, justice law enforcers also cannot control their inner greed.

With motivation, the police officers tried their best to search carefully all the guests in the nightclub tonight.

A loud bang.

A police officer flew out of the box.

Xu Yanzhong stepped on the policeman's chest with one foot, roaring angrily like a gorilla.

"Whoever dares to touch my place, is it impatient to live!"

Xu Yanzhong is well-known in Busan.

When working as a policeman in Busan, basically the first task of every rookie police officer is to look at photos.

They need to recognize the appearance of the top ten directors of the Five-Star School, so as not to accidentally offend the other party and end up in a disaster for no reason.

There are many examples of this, but the Busan police couldn't catch it.

Even if they are found, someone will take the initiative to take the blame, and they will not be hurt at all.

It is precisely this behavior of the Busan police that has fueled the arrogance of the five-star faction, thinking that the police are nothing more than that.

It even happened from time to time that the five-star gangsters provoked the police on the street.

Seeing the real person, the surrounding police officers backed up a few steps in fright.

Section Chief Lin, who led the team, walked up to Xu Yanzhong with a gloomy expression.

"Xu Yanzhong, don't be too arrogant, your behavior has violated the law now, obediently get caught!"

Xu Yanzhong laughed loudly, and said nonchalantly: "QNMD, if you have the ability, come and catch me."

"If you dare to touch me today, believe it or not, I will send your family to the crematorium tomorrow!"

Hear this.

Chief Lin gritted his teeth, not daring to speak harshly.

Li Zaihua in the center of the stage noticed the situation here.

He jumped off the stage and made his way through the crowd to the box area.

Looking at the domineering Xu Yanzhong.

Li Zaihua couldn't help but hit the other side's stomach with a heavy punch.

In an instant, Xu Yanzhong felt his guts were torn apart, let out a heart-piercing howl, and slammed into the wall behind him.

Beat people.

Li Zaihua said coldly: "Chief Lin, if you encounter these idiots who don't know what to do in the future, just do it according to my method. If anything happens, I will bear it!"

Then he ordered two police officers,
"You two brought him back to the Busan District Prosecutor. If you dare to openly attack the police, I will interrogate him!"

Seeing Li Zaihua's bravery, the two police officers stood at attention and saluted with admiration in their eyes.

"Good prosecutor, promise to complete the task!"

Two police officers took out the handcuffs, ignored Xu Yanzhong who was crying, and pressed him to the ground and handcuffed his hands.

But looking at Xu Yanzhong who was rolling all over the floor in pain, Section Chief Lin hesitated and said, "Prosecutor Li, I don't think he is pretending, should he be sent to the hospital?"

Li Zaihua shook his head.

He has just controlled his strength well, and his life will not be in danger, at most it will hurt for a while.

"No, it's not a pity for such a scumbag to die, bring me back to the Busan District Attorney"

"In addition, no one can see him without my order, including the lawyer!"

Facing the ruthless young prosecutor, Chief Lin shivered involuntarily, shut his mouth obediently, and remained silent.

"Okay, stop dawdling, and go to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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