Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 15 Meet Cui Zhizhong and Li Zaihua Prosecutor (seeking to pursue investment and reward)

Chapter 15 Meet Cui Zhizhong and Li Zaihua Prosecutor (seeking to pursue investment and reward)
Tianle shopping mall, underground parking lot.

Li Zaihua found his car, locked the trunk without looking at it, and then drove away.

To be honest, his conversation with An Mingcan was purely impromptu
If a place like the peninsula wants to live better, it must have its own voice channel.

Don't underestimate the media, the pen in their hands is an invisible sword that kills people.

In the Internet age, online media is on the rise, but the peninsula is very strange. Paper media still occupy an extremely important position and represent authority.

Therefore, Li Zaihua intends to test his knives and start his own print media and online media.

As for the Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo, and JoongAng Ilbo, the three super-large paper media are not currently accessible to him.

Moreover, these three paper media have their own partners, so they will not easily cooperate with outsiders.

There are quite a few paper media on Peninsula, but most of them are politically inclined, just to canvass votes for members of parliament.

Therefore, Li Zaihua plans to focus on entertainment and gossip, open up the market as soon as possible, and gradually add other sections.

Print media and online media come together and work together to seek Al Jazeera in the future.

In the future, the right to speak of the Peninsula media will definitely have its place.
Return to the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Li Zaihua had a makeshift meal in the cafeteria, and was just about to go back to the office when his cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone, it was an unfamiliar number.

If it was the Earth in the previous life, it would be enough to just hang up on the unfamiliar number, but now the identity is different, so I can't help but press the answer button.

The other side directly reported his name.

"Hello, I am Cui Zhizhong, the second chief prosecutor. Prosecutor Li Zaihua, your letter of appointment has been issued, please come to my office."

"Hello, deputy chief, I understand, I will go there right away, goodbye!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Zaihua's eyes flashed with excitement.

It finally came, and the three-month deadline was only one day away, and he was very envious of the rewards from the system.

Without thinking too much, Li Zaihua took the elevator to the top floor.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office has a total of three deputy chiefs, namely the first chief prosecutor, the second chief prosecutor, and the third chief prosecutor.

The first long-term in charge: the Ministry of General Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Justice, and the Ministry of Public Security.

The second chief is in charge of: Criminal Department, Juvenile Department, and Investigation Department.

The third chief is in charge of: Special Search Department, Financial Investigation Department, Strong Department, High-tech Search Department, Narcotics and Organized Crime Search Department.

Cui Zhizhong's main competitor is the third chief prosecutor. As for the deputy chiefs and chief prosecutors of other local prosecutors' offices, they come second.

Soon, Li Zaihua came to the Office of the Second Chief Prosecutor.

Knock on the door.

A tense voice like a bell came out.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Li Zaihua pushed the door open, closed the door casually, and then bowed: "Deputy Chief, I'm here."

Hearing this, Cui Zhizhong put down the pen in his hand, stood up, and pointed to the sofa in the center with a friendly expression.

"Prosecutor Li, I have known you for a long time. It seems that we are meeting for the first time. Don't be nervous, sit down and talk."

"Thank you, Deputy Chief!"

Li Zaihua walked to the sofa, waited for Cui Zhizhong to sit down, followed closely behind, and sat on the sofa with half his buttocks.

"Prosecutor Li is young and promising, and he passed the internship period in just three years. This is one of the few in the judicial history of the peninsula. It is really a wave of the Yangtze River pushing forward waves, and a new generation is better than the old."

Faced with Cui Zhizhong's praise, Li Zaihua smiled and secretly dismissed it.

"The deputy chief is wrong. There is another way to say this sentence. How can we back waves catch up with the front waves? The front waves will never end, and the back waves can only catch up with the front waves by seeking..."

Hearing such an interesting answer, Cui Zhizhong couldn't help laughing, and he became more optimistic about Li Zaihua in his heart.

Don't look at him as a compliment just now, in fact, there are nails buried in it to test Li Zaihua's character.

Once the answer is wrong, Cui Zhizhong will abandon Li Zaihua without hesitation.

What they need are talents who stand in the same line, respect their predecessors, and have a quick mind.

Not a megalomaniac, self-righteous messiah.

Cui Zhizhong applauded: "That's right, the front wave will never end, and the back wave will obediently follow the footsteps of the front wave, and eventually become a member of the front wave."

After speaking, he stood up, and Li Zaihua followed closely after seeing this.

Cui Zhizhong came to the desk, picked up the letter of appointment issued by Chief Prosecutor Zheng Xiqing, turned around, and read solemnly.

"June 2013, 6, Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, Lee Jae-hwa Internship Prosecutor Appointment Letter... On behalf of the Director of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, I hereby serve as Lee Jae-hwa's Prosecutor of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office"

The moment Cui Zhizhong finished reading the letter of appointment, a system prompt sounded in Li Zaihua's ear.

"Ding, side mission 3: Become a formal prosecutor within half a year, pass and complete within three months"

"The system reward package has been issued, will the host open the package?"

Now is not the time, Li Zaihua temporarily gave up opening the gift bag.

At this time, Cui Zhizhong said again: "Congratulations, Prosecutor Li Zaihua, you officially became a member of the prosecutor's office today."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand, and Li Zaihua hurriedly stretched out his right hand, and they held each other.

"This is due to the teaching of the deputy chief and senior Han, otherwise Li Zaihua would not be where he is today!"

After a few words, Li Zaihua spoke sonorously and forcefully, and seemed to put all the credit on Cui Zhizhong and Han Jiangzhi.

In particular, Cui Zhizhong was even more satisfied when he heard that he was in front of him, and thought to himself: "That's right, a smart person is worth cultivating."

However, he felt refreshed and still had to do some superficial work.

"Prosecutor Li, you have to thank Chief Prosecutor Zheng. If it weren't for his noble hand, your appointment may have a lot of trouble."

Hearing this, Li Zaihua sneered secretly, but said something else.

"That's right, thank you Director for your attention."

"By the way, will the Attorney General attend the dinner tonight?"

Hearing this, Li Zaihua's eyes moved slightly, and then he said with a smile, "Yes, the Chief Prosecutor has agreed to attend tonight's dinner."

Cui Zhizhong's eyes lit up, he was worrying about how to find a chance to meet Zheng Xiqing.

After all, Zheng Xiqing is about to retire, and countless people are staring at the position of the chief prosecutor.

As the deputy chief prosecutor of the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office, Cui Zhizhong originally had inherent advantages.

However, Choo Tae-won, the third Chief Prosecutor, also plans to compete for Chief Prosecutor.

The two were on guard against each other, but it was difficult for either of them to meet Zheng Xiqing in private.

The appearance of Li Zaihua happened to give Cui Zhizhong a chance. As long as the meeting tonight is successful, he has enough confidence to persuade Zheng Xiqing to support him.

Thinking of this, Cui Zhizhong looked at Li Zaihua with softer eyes.

"Prosecutor Li, the new office is being redecorated. I will give you three days off to rest well. There will be no such good things in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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