Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 130 Anton's Trip 3 Chairman (for Subscription)

Chapter 130 Anton's Trip Three Directors (Subscribe)
It was about his own business, so Park Jung-wook cheered up immediately.

Park Xigen, on the other hand, glanced at his grandson with hatred, "You're so happy that your best friend sold you out!"

However, Park Jung-wook is definitely not good as the secretary-general of the foundation.

"Zhengxu is too young, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to take on a big job. The secretary-general is unnecessary. I think it would be good to let him be a director."

Relying on the shares of [Kim's Heavy Industries] alone is not enough to make people work hard.

Today's visitors are basically high-ranking and important. Even the most inconspicuous Li Zaihua, his status as a prosecutor should not be underestimated.

If a prosecutor desperately pulls people down with the idea of ​​dying together, it can still be done.

Even if nothing happened afterwards, it still caused a commotion.

In the face of joint persecution, Park Hee-geun always has to come up with something to make people feel at ease.

The two positions of chairman and secretary-general are deeply tied to the foundation, and both will suffer and all will prosper.

Park Jung Wook's future is to inherit Sejong Law Firm, and there can be no mistakes.

Therefore, these two positions are absolutely unacceptable, and only directors can choose.

In the future, if something happens to the foundation, if the sky collapses and a tall person will hold it up, the joint and several liability of a director will be greatly reduced.

With the strength of Sejong Law Firm, it is enough to easily resolve the crisis.

A smile flashed deep in Li Zaihua's eyes, his original purpose was to drag Pu's family into the water.

As for the secretary-general's pure asking price, it is impossible for him to watch his brother fall into the fire pit.

Even if Park Xigen agreed, he would find a reason to reject it.

"Grandpa Park, it's settled, Zheng Xu will serve as the director of the foundation."

"By the way, it just so happens that the foundation needs legal counsel after it's established, and it's better to be cheaper than our own people than outsiders."

"Sejong's strength is well known in the peninsula. I don't think other lawyers should be hired. Let Sejong Law Firm act as the foundation's legal counsel!"

Hear this.

Zheng Xiqing and Wu Zhengguo's eyes lit up, and they applauded at the same time.

"What you said in China is good. Anyway, everyone is one of us, and Sejong will serve as the foundation's legal counsel, so we can rest assured."

Having said that, the two looked at the Patriarch of the Pu family who was in the main seat.

"Old man, are you right!"

Pu Xigen was furious, his eyes were like pools of pools, his expression was calm, and he rolled his eyes at Li Zaihua indifferently.

This kid is so unreasonable that he wants to drag the entire Pu family into trouble.

Park Xigen had no choice but to turn his back on such a conspiracy.

He took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Zai Hua is right, everyone can feel at ease with Sejong as the foundation's legal adviser, and I agree with it!"

clap clap clap.
Li Zaihua took the lead in applauding.

Zheng Xiqing and Wu Zhengguo looked at each other, the corners of their mouths slightly turned up for a moment, followed by applauding in celebration.

"The old man is righteous, with your words, we can do things with peace of mind."

Others were happy, but Park Xigen was naturally unhappy.

"By the way, in China, after the establishment of the foundation, who do you plan to invite to be the chairman and secretary general?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Zaihua was stunned for a moment, and he was a little dumbfounded. Sure enough, Jiang is old and hot, and revenge can't be overnight.

His plan is to run the foundation well, build it into the largest public welfare fund in the peninsula, and launder money through the foundation in the future.

It's not like those foundations that are obviously tricky.

In Li Zaihua's mind, the chairman and secretary-general represent the face of the foundation, and it is impossible to randomly find someone to fill these two key positions.

Zheng Xiqing's eyes fixed upon hearing the sound.

A campaign interpreter needs an external identity with sufficient weight.

The chairman of the foundation happened to be a good choice, no matter what aspect he could handle.

The only thing he worries about is whether he will be implicated in future accidents of the Foundation.

This is also the reason why Zheng Xiqing was hesitant and unable to make up his mind to ask for the post of chairman.

In fact, Li Zaihua has not yet decided on the candidates for the chairman and secretary general.

Because there is currently no suitable target.

Even if Chung Suk-kyung retires as the Seoul Central District Prosecutor General and will run for the next National Assembly interpreter, he is still not qualified.

In Li Zaihua's mind, the first chairman of the board must be at least the level of the Attorney General, or a retired executive from a real power department, or a congressional interpreter who has stepped down temporarily for three or more elections, etc.

If you want to expand its influence, the chairman is the foundation's best face.

His current network of contacts is a short board, and he has almost no access to congressional interpreters or big names in the altar.

Originally, Li Zaihua wanted to ask Li Zhengzhi for help.

But Zheng Xiqing had this intention, but he couldn't pretend that he couldn't see it.

In an instant, Li Zaihua's brain was spinning at high speed, and he quickly figured everything out.

The most important thing at present is to establish a foundation. As for the chairman and secretary-general, they are all vain.

Maybe others don't look down on a newly established foundation at all, and I think too much, and instead make things more and more complicated, and simply cut the mess quickly.

With fixed eyes, Li Zaihua smiled slightly at Zheng Xiqing.

"Grandpa Park, in fact, the candidate for the chairman is among us, but I don't know if he will agree!"

Pu Xigen frowned, then looked at Zheng Xiqing.

Wu Zhengguo also turned his head to look at the chief prosecutor next to him.

Zheng Xiqing was taken aback.

Li Zaihua made it very clear that among so many people, apart from Park Xigen, he was the only one who met the requirements.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

Zheng Xiqing gritted his teeth, stood up, and said with deep meaning at the same time: "Zaihua, since you called the roll, then I will do my part, and I will assume the responsibility of the first chairman of the board."

"However, next year I will run for Congress Interpreter, and the chairman can only serve for one year. After one year, you need to find a new chairman to take over!"

Li Zaihua changed his mind and grasped the subtext of these words, this is another trick for himself.

"Uncle Zheng, the foundation does not belong to me alone, it belongs to everyone"

"The new chairman will be submitted to the board of directors for a vote. At that time, chairman Zheng will be the one to check!"

A word of speech is not leaking.

Park Xigen secretly thought it was a pity.

Zheng Xiqing was very satisfied.

What he wants to be is the chairman of the board with real power, not a puppet that can be manipulated by others.

"In China, I will hold a retirement banquet in a while, don't be late, and introduce some seniors to you then!"

The two exchanged interests aboveboard, which made Wu Zhengguo very jealous.

Zheng Xiqing's network of contacts in the Prosecutor's Office is not trivial. During his ten years as the dean of the Judicial Training Institute, many people have come from his sect.

With his support, Li Zaihua will surely be able to get along like a fish in water in the prosecutor's office in the future, just like a heifer flying in an airplane, and he will go to the sky.

No wonder Wu Zhengguo wasn't jealous.

Even Park Hee-geun, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at Li Zaihua differently.

Among the people in the study, the only one who can keep his original intention remains unchanged is Park Zhengxu.

This is also the reason why Li Zaihua is willing to make friends with him.

(End of this chapter)

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