Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1197: Clearing out the candidate for city speaker

Chapter 1197: Clearing out the candidate for city speaker

Although the presidents of the Tiger Eight Faction, Zhou Long Faction, Taishan Faction and Black Dragon Gang were arrested.

But the anti-gang operation is not over.

In the following days, the Gyeongju Police Station launched a city-wide purge mode, arresting batch after batch of leaders of evil forces, large and small.

Even many of Tae Byung-jo's men were arrested.

Of course, this is just a cover-up, and the purpose is self-evident.

It can't be that other evil forces are unlucky, and Tai Bingzhao's younger brother is fine. Doesn't it tell everyone that there is something fishy?

However, this group of younger brothers who acted as outcasts were not much better. They basically defected later and had no trust in the study.

Even these people secretly collude with each other.

Tai Bingzhao lured them away and waited for another opportunity to catch them all.

Now that the opportunity comes, Tai Bingzhao will naturally not be polite.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The city's anti-gang operation was a complete success.

this day.

Huang Zhengmin held a press conference.

When asked by reporters, he announced his recent gains and announced to the outside world that he would protect the safety of Gyeongju.

11:10 am.

The press conference ends.

Huang Zhengmin led the senior officials of the Gyeongju Police Station out of the hall.

The group had another brief meeting.

Huang Zhengmin returned to his office.

Just sat down.

Dang Dang Dang.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Ma Zhouwen and Han Dujing heard the sound and pushed the door open, then quickly stepped forward and bowed.


Saw two people.

Huang Zhengmin asked directly: "How is the matter? Have you got the things?"

Hear this.

Ma Zhouwen said: "Don't worry, director, those guys are not telling lies. They have got all the things, and there is an unexpected harvest!"

Huang Zhengmin raised his eyebrows.

"An unexpected gain?"

Ma Zhouwen nodded: "Yes, during the search, we found some video tapes and USB flash drives, which contained many videos of city government officials and city council members having fun. The scale is beyond your imagination. !”

Huang Zhengmin's eyes lit up.

"Are you serious?"

Han Dujing interjected: "Don't worry, Director, Director Li will not be disappointed!"

Ma Zhouwen nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I think Director Li will like this gift!"

Huang Zhengmin no longer hesitated: "Where are the things?"

Ma Zhouwen answered.

"The video tape and USB flash drive are in the safe in my office and I'm about to hand them over to you when I get off work!"

Hear this.

Huang Zhengmin said without even thinking: "No, bring the things now!"

"Understood, please wait a moment, Director!"

"Go back quickly!"

Ma Zhouwen raised his hands in salute, turned and left.

Wait until people leave.

Huang Zhengmin's eyes turned to Han Dujing.

"Officer Han, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Director!"

Han Dujing sat down obediently.

Huang Zhengmin followed closely behind.

From the last dinner party, he had already seen that Li Zaihua seemed to value Han Dujing more than Ma Zhouwen.

Just sat down.

Huang Zhengmin asked directly: "Officer Han, please tell me honestly, if you find the ledger video and video, does Section Chief Ma have a backup?"

As soon as these words came out.

Han Dujing said solemnly: "Don't worry, Director, I'm keeping an eye on Section Chief Ma the whole time, he has no chance to play tricks!"

Huang Zhengmin licked his lips.

"Do you think this person can be trusted?"

Although Li Zaihua said that he would promote Ma Zhouwen to deputy director, he still did not want to plant a time bomb around him.

Han Dujing frowned lightly.

"Director, do you think Section Chief Ma is untrustworthy?"

Huang Zhengmin shook his head.

"I'm just helping Director Li check, after all, we just met each other not long ago!"

See your director and talk to him.

Han Dujing thought for a moment and said: "The director has considered it carefully. I will secretly monitor Section Chief Ma. Once he makes any move, I will deal with him personally!"

Although he and Ma Zhouwen have a close relationship,

But no one will be punished by heaven and earth for his own sake.

What's more, the wife also needs a lot of money for medical treatment.

If Ma Zhouwen affects his life, Han Dujing will never agree.

Huang Zhengmin showed a satisfied smile, and then threatened in a subtle way: "Police Officer Han, you were personally selected by Director Li. I hope you can do what you say!"

Han Dujing's face changed slightly.

"Don't worry, Director, I know how to do it!"

Huang Zhengmin smiled.

"It's good if you understand!"

As he spoke, he gave a sweet date to a stick.

"You performed well in this operation. I will report to the Zhongyang Police Department that Ma Zhouwen will take over as the deputy director, and you will serve as the head of the powerful section!"

This time, Ma Zhouwen and Han Dujing are basically 100% successful in promotion. .

the reason is simple.

In the peninsula police force, only police officers and above will be issued a letter of appointment by Qingwa Tai.

Below the police officer level, the Zhongyang Police Department has the right to make independent appointments and only needs to report to the Department of Administration and Security.

For such trivial matters, the Ministry of Administration and Security would rarely veto the decision of the Zhongyang Police Department.

I heard that I was about to become the head of the powerful class.

The corners of Han Dujing's mouth raised with excitement that could not be concealed.

There was a time when being a team leader, let alone a section leader, was a luxury.

Now, one day, he will be promoted to section chief.

But Han Dujing knew very well who brought all this.

He stood up suddenly and bowed to Huang Zhengmin.

"Thank you uncle, I will never forget your kindness to Director Li!"

Huang Zhengmin smiled slightly.

"Officer Han, no Section Chief Han, you will be my right-hand man from now on, and we must cooperate sincerely!"

Han Dujing said categorically: "Director, please rest assured, I will follow your lead!"

At this time.

Dang Dang Dang.

There was a knock on the door.

Ma Zhouwen pushed the door open and saw his old friend with a smile on his face. However, before he had time to think about it, he quickly stepped forward, bowed and handed over a briefcase.

"Director, everything you want is inside!"

Huang Zhengmin took the briefcase and pressed it in the air.

"Chief Ma, please sit down."

"Thank you, Director!"

Ma Zhouwen sat next to Han Dujing.

Huang Zhengmin did not open his briefcase, but said: "Chief Ma, you must have done a great job in this anti-gang operation."

"I have received news that there is a high probability that the deputy director Ming has received bribes."

"Now is the time for the police department to recruit people. I plan to recommend you to replace the deputy director. Do you have any ideas?"

The opportunity finally came.

How could Ma Zhouwen let him go so easily? He stood up in a hurry to show his loyalty.

"I completely obey you, Director!"

Huang Zhengmin nodded.

"As long as you have no objection. In addition, Officer Han will take over your position as the head of the powerful force department."

"I know you are good friends. We must work together in the future and don't let me down!"

Just finished speaking.

Han Dujing and Ma Zhouwen looked at each other and bowed again.

"Director, please rest assured that we will work together to complete the tasks assigned by you!"

Huang Zhengmin waved his hand.

"Okay, you go out and do something!"

"Okay Director, we won't disturb your work, loyalty!"

Han Dujing and Ma Zhouwen raised their hands in salute, turned around and left quickly.

As the door closes.

Huang Zhengmin stood up and walked to his desk with his briefcase in hand. After sitting down.

Huang Zhengmin opened his briefcase and took out the books of accounts, video tapes and USB flash drives inside.

Look at what's in front of you.

Huang Zhengmin thought for a moment, stuffed the account book and video tape back into the briefcase, then picked up the USB flash drive and inserted it into the USB port.

Soon the file pops up.

Video after video appeared on the computer screen.

Huang Zhengmin used the mouse to click on one of the videos at random, and the unsightly picture came into view instantly.

It has been almost two weeks since I took office at Gyeongju Police Station.

In addition to his daily work, Huang Zhengmin studies the powerful people in Gyeongju City.

After detailed identification.

Huang Zhengmin recognized the guy in the video as a member of the Gyeongju City Council.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Huang Zhengmin watched the video roughly, but did not copy it.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he doesn't dare.

If Li Zaihua knew about this, the consequences could be imagined.

Huang Zhengmin didn't take any chances.

Make sure the video is fine.

Huang Zhengmin took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

the other side.

Gyeongju City.

Prosecutor's Office.

Minister's Office.

Ring ring ring.

The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, then pressed the call button.

Huang Zhengmin's voice came out.

"Director Li!"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Director Huang, do you have anything to do with me?"

Huang Zhengmin replied.

"Director Li, the matter is done!"

Li Zaihua looked happy.

"Are you sure?"

Huang Zhengmin nodded: "The ledger has not been verified yet, but while searching the ledger, Officer Han and Section Chief Ma found some video tapes and videos."

"I took a look just now. It includes senior officials of the city government, city councilors, and many company presidents in Gyeongju!"

Li Zaihua smiled.

"Oh, so it's a great harvest!"

Huang Zhengmin smiled and said: "Yes, Officer Han and Section Chief Ma have made great achievements this time!"

"I'm going to ask for merit from the Zhongyang Police Department tomorrow, and by the way, I can handle the promotions of Officer Han and Section Chief Ma!"

Li Zaihua thought for a while.

"I will do as you say, but all the sections of the Gyeongju Police Station will be replaced by our people. You can find someone suitable to be the section chief!"

He wants to control the entire Gyeongju Police Department to ensure that the plan is implemented smoothly.

Huang Zhengmin rolled his eyes.

"There are a few candidates for the second group, but we have to ask Director Li to check them!"

With Min Eun-hyuk in the Central Police Department, there is no big problem with appointments below the police officer level.

Li Zaihua said solemnly: "Okay, you can prepare their information and bring it to me later."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, bring me the ledger video tape and USB flash drive tonight. See you in the villa!"

"Okay Director Li!"

The two chatted for a few more words and ended the call.

Li Zaihua put down his phone, a charming smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough, everyone will keep a secret.

He speculated that the Tiger Eight Faction, Zhou Long Faction, Taishan Faction and Black Dragon Gang would gain something, but he did not expect such a big gain.

Thinking about it.

Li Zaihua rolled his eyes and picked up his mobile phone to dial the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Jin Xiucheng's voice came out.

"Huh? How come you, a busy man, have time to call me?"

Li Zaihua smiled and said: "Uncle Jin, the matter in Qingzhou is almost done, but now there is one less mayor!"

There is something in the words.

Jin Xiucheng's eyes moved slightly.

"Oh, I remember the current mayor of Gyeongju is Choi Chung-koo!"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "That's right, it's just that the mayor seems to have been caught for some misconduct!"

Jin Xiucheng understood it heartily.

"In this case, the Gyeongju City Council will indeed hold a by-election. Give me some time to think about it."

The voice just fell.

There was no sound on the other side of the phone.

After a long time.

Jin Xiucheng's voice came out.

"What do I think of City Councilor Zhao Dongshan?"

Hear the name.

The information that Tai Bingzhao handed over to him suddenly appeared in Li Zaihua's mind, including the backer of the Tiger Eight Faction, three-term city councilor Zhao Dongshan.

Followed by.

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Member Zhao Dongshan? I have heard of him. This person has high prestige in Gyeongju."

Jin Xiucheng didn't know what the young director was thinking at this moment.

"Yes, I have met Zhao Dongshan several times before, and he left a very good impression on me."

No matter what Jin Xiucheng said, he actually had a good relationship with Zhao Dongshan.

Otherwise, how could Zhao Dongshan be elected to the Gyeongju City Council for three consecutive terms.

Jin Xiucheng kept an eye on it.

The scale of the Gyeongju plan is beyond imagination, and if there is a slight mistake, no one can escape.

Therefore, Kim Soo-seung needed to install someone of his own to monitor Li Zaihua and Gyeongju's every move.

If Li Zaihua wants to do something extraordinary, he can also use the city council to restrict the city government.

It's a pity that Jin Xiu Chengqi missed one move.

He didn't know that Zhao Dongshan was colluding with the Tiger Eight Faction.

This anti-gang operation just happened to find the account books that could send Zhao Dongshan to jail, and even the video tape that ruined his reputation.

Jin Xiucheng recommended that he help Li Zaihua.

He holds evidence of Zhao Dongshan's crime in his hands.

Li Zaihua naturally would not refuse Jin Xiucheng's arrangement.

"I believe that the candidate recommended by Uncle Jin is not wrong. I wonder when will you introduce us to meet?"

Jin Xiucheng said without hesitation: "Don't worry, I'll call Congressman Zhao right away and arrange a meeting with you as soon as possible!"

"Thank you Uncle Jin, I'm waiting for your news!"

The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Li Zaihua put down his phone, with a cold look on his lips.

Jin Xiucheng deliberately emphasized that he only met Zhao Dongshan a few times, and only a fool would believe it.

But no matter what the relationship between the two is, if he has the handle on Zhao Dongshan, then Zhao Dongshan can only be obedient.

Thinking about it.

Li Zaihua had an idea and took out his anonymous mobile phone from his space backpack to dial the number.

Not long after, the call was connected.

Han Shizhong's voice came out.


Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Is there any news about the number plate?"

Since the last meeting in Gyeongju, the time should be coming soon.

Han Shizhong heard this and said: "Boss, I was just about to call you. 850 million rice gold has been deposited into a Swiss bank account."

Li Zaihua raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, fifty million more gold?"

According to his estimate, one billion meters of gold requires at least 200 million meters of gold in handling fees, and leaving 800 million meters is already beyond a conservative estimate.

Now there is an extra fifty million meters of gold, and Li Zaihua is very surprised.

Han Shizhong replied.

"Boss, if you just hand over the number plate, there won't be an extra 50 million yuan. I used my connections to help wash some of it."

Li Zaihua showed a satisfied smile.

"Shizhong, you have done a good job, and I will take five million meters of gold as your reward!"

Han Shizhong said with a shy face: "Boss, now is the time to use money. My remuneration will be discussed later, otherwise the money will be used for investment."

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.

"You guy!"

Li Zaihua laughed and scolded: "Okay! Five million will be your investment, and prepare additional money. Yongxin Seiko can't hold it anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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