Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1190 Meeting Yuan Gu Bian

Chapter 1190 Meeting Yuan Gu Bian
On this day, Han Dujing led Park Haoyu around. On the surface, he seemed to be looking for clues, but in fact he was wandering around.

Another day passed in the blink of an eye.

The next day.

19:50 pm.

Nam Hwa Restaurant.

A black car parked in front of the store.

The waiter stepped forward, opened the car door, and bowed.

"Welcome to Nanhua Restaurant, Mr. Li, your guest has arrived and is waiting for you in the private room!"

Li Zaihua handed over a tip, stepped down, and walked straight into the restaurant.

A few minutes later.

When Li Zaihua came to the box, he pushed the door open without knocking.

inside the room.

Hear the door open.

Yuan Ju Bian turned his head and took a look.

See someone coming.

Yuan Ju Bian quickly stood up to greet him.

"Director Li, you are here!"

Li Zaihua pretended to apologize and said, "I'm sorry, Chairman Yuan, but I was late for something."

Yuan Gu Bian waved his hand.

"The time we set is eight o'clock in the evening, and there are still six minutes until eight o'clock. You are not late."

Li Zaihua smiled and then sat down.

Just sat down.

Li Zaihua said: "President Yuan, I have admired your name for a long time. I have been busy with work recently and have not been able to visit. Please forgive me."

Yuan Gu Bian shook his head.

"Director Li is serious. You are the director of the Gyeongju Procuratorate and have many things to do. It's understandable that you can't spare time."

"Besides, something like Yongxin Seiko happened again today. I think Director Li is very troubled!"

To be honest, he was very surprised that the Qingzhou Procuratorate Branch suddenly took down Nangong Haitian and Nangong Qing and his son.

You must know that Yongxin Jinggong is a local leader in Gyeongju City. Any newly appointed mayor of Gyeongju, the director of the Gyeongju Procuratorate, and the chief of the Gyeongju Police Station must establish a good relationship with Nangong Haitian immediately. To prevent the other party from causing trouble for you.

The man in front of him did the opposite. He directly killed Yongxin Seiko within a few days of arriving in Gyeongju.

As for why Yuan Gu Bian was certain that Li Zaihua made it.

the reason is simple.

Because except for Li Zaihua, no one else has such abilities and conditions.

To this day, Won Gu Byun can’t forget how he felt after getting the news.

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Yongxin Seiko is ignorant of current affairs, illegally hires stowaways, and conceals casualties after people die, making the country very passive internationally."

"Your Excellency was very angry when you found out about this matter. You have ordered the Supreme Prosecutor's Office to investigate strictly and not let anyone related to this case go free!"

Listen to what the young director said.

Yuan Gu Bian's pupils narrowed.

He knew very well that the only person who could be called "Your Excellency" by the youngest prosecutor in the history of the peninsula was Qing Watai.

Think of this.

Yuan Gu Bian cautiously probed: "Director Li, you mean that you are also paying attention to Yongxin Seiko's case?"

Li Zaihua deliberately moved Zhao Shulan out to intimidate Yuan Gu Bian, and at the same time, he expected that the other party would not be able to prove it.

But even if verified, it is true that Zhao Shulan was very angry.

"Yes, after the Gyeongju Police Station dug up the bodies of many illegal workers in the mountains some time ago, I personally went to Seoul to report it."

"The commander-in-chief was very angry when he learned about the situation and reported it to your Excellency the next day."

"You know your temper. Naturally, she will not tolerate Yongxin Seiko, so she ordered the Grand Procuratorate to deal with it strictly."

As he spoke, Li Zaihua pretended to be mysterious and added: "I heard that the special commissioner from the Supreme Prosecutor's Office has arrived in Gyeongju. I believe someone will be in trouble soon!"

Yuan Gu Bian frowned immediately when he heard this.

Yongxin Seiko is the dominant company in Gyeongju, and government officials, city councilors and members of the judiciary all have good relationships with Nangong Haitian.

Even he has business dealings with Nangong Haitian.

If the special commissioner of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office insists on holding on, he is likely to be investigated.

"Director Li, hearing what you say, doesn't it mean that many people will be investigated?"

Li Zaihua raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and it was fleeting. He said this purely to scare Yuan Gu Bian.

Yongxin Seiko is involved in enough things, and it is not easy to expand them.

Therefore, only deeply involved guys like Chi Chengjun and Fang Dazhong will be pursued.

Li Zaihua said calmly: "President Yuan, don't worry, you are the role model of Zhengtan in Gyeongju City, how can you collude with Nangong Haitian."

"Besides, as long as I'm here, I will personally explain the situation to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office when the time comes. I also believe that Speaker Yuan is innocent!"

The voice just fell.

Yuan Gu Bian looked grateful.

"Thank you, Director Li. It's true that I have contacts with Nangong Haitian, but it's all just for entertainment and cannot be taken seriously."

Li Zaihua chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Chairman Yuan, I will definitely report the truth to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office!"

Yuan Jubian thanked him again.

"Thank you, Director Li. You must be hungry too. Let's talk slowly after dinner."

Li Zaihua's weird habits are no secret in Seoul, and you can find out with a little inquiry.

Li Zaihua nodded.

"President Yuan, I'm treating you today, you can order whatever you want."

Won Goo Bian knew that the young director's fiancée was the eldest lady of the Hanzhou Group, so he would not be polite.

"Well, I won't be polite!"

Shortly after.

Piles of hot dishes were placed on the table.

Li Zaihua poured two glasses of wine.

"President Yuan, thank you for accepting my invitation today, and I'd like to toast you!"

Yuan Ju Bian You followed suit and picked up the wine glass.


Two wine glasses clinked together.

There was a muffled sound.

Li Zaihua and Yuan Gu Bian looked at each other, raised their heads and drank the whole drink in one gulp.

Finished a glass of wine.

Li Zaihua picked up the chopsticks and greeted: "President Yuan, please!"

Time passed by minute by minute.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Li Zaihua put down his chopsticks when he was full.

Seeing this, Yuan Gu Bian on the other side quickly put down his wine glass.

Li Zaihua said calmly: "President Yuan, you are too full today. Are you interested in going out for a walk to relieve your appetite?"

Yuan Gu Bian didn't even think about it.

“The guest does as he pleases!”

Li Zaihua stopped wasting time, stood up, picked up his shirt and left the box.

Yuan Gu Bian followed closely behind.

Namhwa Restaurant is located in Buk-gu, Gyeongju City, near the seaside.

Lee Jae-hwa and Won Goo-byun stroll along the beach path.

Not far away, a row of chairs came into view.

Li Zaihua opened his mouth and said: "President Yuan, let's go over and sit down!"

Hear this.

Yuan Ju Bian rolled his eyes and understood that what was supposed to come had finally come.

"I'm just tired from walking, so I might as well take a rest."

The two came to the benches and sat down.

Just sat down.

Li Zaihua suddenly asked: "President Yuan, I am very curious about something. I wonder if you can help me solve it!"

Yuan Gu Bian looked straight.

"Director Li, please tell me. I will tell you everything I know!"

Just finished speaking.

Li Zaihua didn't bother to waste time and went straight to the topic.

"President Yuan, are you willing to accept the last mayoral election?"

Although Yuan Gu Bian had already expected it, he was still stunned for a moment. "Director Li, what can I do if you don't want to give in? The mayor of Gyeongju is Park Sung-bae now!"

Li Zaihua asked again: "Speaker Yuan, what do you think of the 800 billion city expansion proposed by Mayor Park?"

Yuan Gu Bian's heart moved and he thought for a moment.

"Director Li, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Speaker Yuan, is there any difference between truth and lies?"

Yuan Gu Bian replied.

"It's a lie. The 800 billion expansion plan is of great significance to Gyeongju City and shows that Mayor Park has forward-looking plans for Gyeongsang's economy."

"To be honest, what can 800 billion be used for? I'm afraid this money will be divided up by the major real estate developers in no time!"

Faced with the ridicule of the former Gyeongju City Council Speaker.

Li Zaihua said calmly: "How do you say that Speaker Yuan is not optimistic about Mayor Park's 800 billion plan?"

Yuan Gu Bian nodded.

"Yes, 800 billion may seem like a lot, but in fact, no more than 30% of it can actually be used for construction."

"The remaining 70% of taxpayers' money will only be embezzled by Park Sung-bae and major real estate developers."

At this point, he seemed not to want to keep covering up.

"Director Li, although I don't know how much benefit Park Cheng-bae can get from this, it will definitely not be less than 30 billion!"

Li Zaihua's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him knew Park Cheng Pei so well.

Previously, I learned from Tai Byung-joo that Park Sung-bae was so open-minded that he actually dared to swallow 10% of the expansion funds at once.

However, he didn't care how much money Park Cheng Pei planned to embezzle.

Think of this.

Li Zaihua's eyes narrowed and he said bluntly: "Speaker Yuan, do you agree or oppose the expansion of Gyeongju City?"

The sudden question made Yuan Gu Bian stunned on the spot.

He began to be a little confused as to what the young minister wanted to do.

But Yuan Gu Bian had a hunch that what he said next might be related to his fate.

The man next to me didn't speak.

Li Zaihua did not disturb the other party, but quietly looked at the dark sea in the distance.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yuan Gu Bian came to his senses.

"Director Lee, Gyeongju's economic growth has been slow in recent years and has almost come to a standstill. It is imperative to expand and develop more tourism projects."

Halfway through the conversation.

Won Goo Byun's face darkened, and he said seriously: "So I support the expansion of Gyeongju, but that doesn't mean I agree with Park Seong-bae's plan!"

Li Zaihua became interested.

"Oh, Chairman Yuan, have you ever thought about how to develop Gyeongju?"

Of course, Yuon Goo-byun has done relevant research and preparations to participate in the mayoral election.

"Yes, I made a promise to the citizens when I ran for the mayoral election in Gyeongju."

With a crackle, he briefly stated the political ideas and economic development plan he had proposed when he ran for election.

After listening.

Li Zaihua said thoughtfully: "President Yuan, it seems that you have made a lot of preparations for the mayoral election."

Yuan Gu Bian's face showed bitterness when he heard the sound.

"No matter how much preparation you make, it's still useless!"

Li Zaihua waved his hand and said with deep meaning: "President Yuan, this is not necessarily the case!"

Yuan Gu Bian was startled.

"Director Li, if you have something to say, just say it!"

Lee Jae-hwa did not answer but asked: "Speaker Yuan, if you become the mayor of Gyeongju, will you continue to advocate for your campaign promises?"

Yuan Gu Bian frowned.

"Director Li, if I were the mayor of Gyeongju, I would naturally keep my promise!"

Li Zaihua asked again: "How much money do you plan to apply for to develop Gyeongju city expansion and tourism projects?"

Face the inquiry.

Yuan Gu Bian was completely dumbfounded now and couldn't understand what the young director was going to do.

Although he was confused, he still answered honestly.

"Director Li, according to my campaign proposal, the entire plan is about 150 billion, with a five-year period, and 500 billion is needed in the first year."

Hear the numbers reported by Yuan Gu Bian.

Li Zaihua was inevitably a little disappointed. 1.5 trillion was not enough for the upfront investment in the Gyeongju plan.

Looking at the disappointed expression of the young director.

Yuan Gu Bian Qing frowned.

At this time.

Li Zaihua said solemnly: "Speaker Yuan, I think 1.5 trillion for five years is too little. You should be bolder!"

Yuan Gu Bian swallowed.

"Director Li, 1.5 trillion is a lot. Gyeongju's annual GDP is only..."

The words are not finished yet.

"President Yuan, I don't want to hear anything else!"

Li Zaihua interrupted directly: "I just want to ask you, if you were the mayor of Gyeongju, would you expand and develop Gyeongju tourism projects?"

As soon as these words came out.

Yuan Gu Bian's face looked uncertain, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

He noticed from the conversation just now that the young minister seemed to have some unreliable intentions towards Qingzhou.

Thinking about it.

Won Gu Byun had an idea and wondered whether Lee Jae Hwa, like Park Sung Bae, was making a fortune using the Gyeongju expansion funds.

The only difference between the two is that Li Zaihua is more courageous than Park Cheng-bae, and 800 billion cannot satisfy the other's appetite.

"Director Li, at this point, we might as well open the skylight and talk openly. What do you want from me?"

Li Zaihua looked at Yuan Gu Bian indifferently.

"President Yuan, if you want to know the truth, please answer my questions!"

Yuan Ju Bian gritted his teeth.

"Director Li, 1.5 trillion is indeed a bit small!"

"If I were the mayor, I could basically double the investment. The city government would invest 3 trillion yuan in five years!"

Li Zaihua shook his head again.

"President Yuan, three trillion is still too little!"

Yuan Ju Bian frowned, feeling that the young director in front of him was too greedy, and three trillion was not enough.

"Director Li, the three trillion yuan already belongs to Gyeongju City. The government has spent all it has. Think again."

Li Zaihua did not hesitate to interrupt Won Goo Bian's flowers again, and at the same time said a number that shocked him extremely.

"Three trillion is not enough, twenty trillion is just enough!"

The words fell.

Yuan Ju Bian suddenly changed color.

"Twenty trillion? Director Li, are you sure you're not joking?"

Li Zaihua looked straight at Yuan Gu Bian.

"President Yuan, do you think I'm joking?"

Yuan Gu Bian looked at the young director carefully.

"Director Li, 20 trillion yuan is equivalent to two years of Gyeongju City's finances. If you do this, it is very likely that the city government will fall into a huge irreparable deficit!"

As he spoke, he warned solemnly: "Even bankrupt!"

Listening to Yuan Gu Bian's vague threats.

Li Zaihua just smiled.

"President Yuan, I'll give you three days to think about it. After all, you were not the only one who ran for mayor!"

The threat of Chi Luo Luo.

Yuan Gu Bian opened his mouth, but in the end he did not refute.

"Director Li, what do you mean, do you still want to see Han Zhaokang?"

Li Zaihua did not deny it.

"Yes, I have heard a little bit about what President Han did in Gyeongju, and I believe he may be able to help me figure it out!"

Yuan Gu Bian snorted coldly. .

"Director Li, are you threatening me?"

Li Zaihua shook his head.

"No, I'm just telling the truth. In fact, when I invited you, I also invited President Han to have dinner tomorrow night!"

(End of this chapter)

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