Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1184: Raid at Yongxin Seiko Park Cheng-Pei’s Invitation

Chapter 1184: Raid at Yongxin Seiko Park Cheng-Pei’s Invitation

The next day.

9:25 am.

Gyeongju Police Station.

The new director Huang Zhengmin suddenly summoned police officers from the Criminal Division and Strength Division, as well as some ordinary patrol officers, to stand by.

The sudden order confused many people, but no one dared to ask more questions.

After all, there is a saying that the first three things a new official takes office is: who knows if the new director will demonstrate his authority to the powerful people in Gyeongju.
at the same time.

Gyeongju Police Station.

top layer.

Office of the Administrator.

Ma Zhouwen and the head of the Criminal Division sat on the sofa solemnly.

Huang Zhengmin raised his hand to look at his watch from time to time, as if waiting for something.

Ring ring ring.
The bell rings.

Huang Zhengmin didn't even want to pick up the phone and press the call button.

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"The action begins!"

Hear this.

Huang Zhengmin hung up the phone without saying a word, and then looked at Ma Zhouwen and the head of the Criminal Division.

"Chief Ma, today's actions will be directed by you, no problem!"

Hear the sound.

Ma Zhouwen quickly stood up and raised his hands in salute.

"Director, please rest assured, I will strictly implement your deployment!"

Huang Zhengmin nodded with satisfaction.

"lets go!"

The head of the Criminal Division on the side looked puzzled, but did not dare to ask.

Ma Zhouwen stopped staying, bowed, turned and left.

Seeing this, the head of the Criminal Division could only raise his hands and salute, following suit.

Get out of the office.

The head of the Criminal Division hurriedly caught up with Ma Zhouwen.

"Chief Ma, what is your mission today?"

Ma Zhouwen replied: "I'm sorry, Director Cheng. The director told me not to reveal today's actions before arriving at the destination. Please forgive me!"

Professor Cheng frowned.

"Director Ma, can't even I know in advance?"

Ma Zhouwen nodded.

"That's right, please don't embarrass me, Chief Cheng!"

Let's talk about this.

Director Cheng could only keep his mouth shut.

A few minutes later.

The two came outside the police station building.

Looking at the police officers lined up neatly.

Ma Zhouwen shouted loudly: "Attention everyone, get in the car and get ready to go!"

Say it.

Ma Zhouwen boarded the first MPV.

Section Chief Cheng reluctantly got into the Criminal Division vehicle.

Wait for all officers to board.

Ma Zhouwen ordered his subordinates to drive.

In an instant.

The motorcade drove out of the Gyeongju Police Station like a long queue.

Large-scale police outings in Gyeongju are extremely rare.

Along the way, he received the attention of countless passers-by and drivers.
10:25 am.

A fork in the road.

Two MPVs and two trucks were parked on the roadside.

In the car were prosecutors Cui Xinyang and Li Zhengzhong who were in charge of the Yongxin Seiko case.

I looked at a large number of police cars coming from behind.

An auxiliary officer hurriedly said: "Cui Jian, they are coming!"

Cui Xinyang, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and looked back.

I saw twenty police cars approaching from afar.

Cui Xinyang picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Li Jian, the people from the Qingzhou Police Station are here, let's go!"

Li Zhengzhong's voice came out.

"OK, let's go!"

End the call.

Cui Xinyang lowered the window and made a gesture towards the police car at the front.

Then, the driver drove straight to Yongxin Seiko.

Inside the police car at the rear.

Ma Zhouwen recognized Cui Xinyang at a glance and immediately said: "Follow the car in front!"
10:45 am.

Getting closer to Yongxin Seiko headquarters.

The police officers gradually realized something and couldn't help but create a commotion.

Yongxin Seiko is a local gangster in Gyeongju, and its reputation is so great that even children know a little bit about it, let alone the police.

Another few minutes passed.

Yongxin Seiko headquarters is in sight.

The MPV stopped slowly.

Cui Xinyang and Li Zhengzhong opened the car door, stepped out, and looked up at the towering building.


With a strange expression, Section Chief Cheng followed Ma Zhouwen out of the car and walked towards the two prosecutors.

Come to the front.

Ma Zhouwen said: "Prosecutor Cui and Prosecutor Li, I have been ordered by the director to fully assist you two!"

Director Cheng reluctantly agreed.

"Prosecutor Choi, Prosecutor Lee, I am the head of the Criminal Division of Gyeongju Police Station, and I have been ordered to assist you two!"

Cui Xinyang and Li Zhengzhong looked at each other.

Cui Xinyang said in a deep voice: "Chief Ma, please send someone to the control room to prevent someone from controlling the elevator!"

"Chief Cheng, please send someone to guard the entrance and exit of the building as well as the front and rear doors to prevent anyone from escaping."

"Prosecutor Li and I will each lead a team for the others!"

Having said this, he looked around the audience.

"Do you two still have any questions?"

Ma Zhouwen and Section Chief Cheng shook their heads.

Cui Xinyang took a deep breath.

"Very good, today's target is Yongxin Precision Chairman Nangong Haitian and Executive Director Nangong Qing and others, take action!"

The voice just fell.

Cui Xinyang and Li Zhengzhong took the lead and walked towards the Yongxin Precision Building.
the other side.

A large number of police officers gathered downstairs, which naturally alerted the security guards and staff of Yongxin Seiko.

top layer.

President's office.

Dang Dang Dang.
There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, the head secretary pushed open the door and walked forward quickly to bow.

"President, something seems to have happened!"

Nangong Haitian frowned.

"what's up?"

The head secretary said without hesitation: "A large number of police suddenly came downstairs. I don't know what they want to do!"

Nangong Haitian was stunned.

"What did you say? There are a large number of police downstairs?"

As he spoke, he hurriedly operated the mouse to click on a software.

In an instant, dozens of videos appeared on the computer screen, which were the surveillance images of Yongxin Seiko Building.

The lobby on the first floor at this time.

The police officers quickly controlled the security and occupied the exit.

Cui Xinyang and Li Zhengzhong just led the rest of the police officers into the elevator.

See this scene.

Nangong Haitian suddenly changed color.

"Damn it, the police came and those guys didn't even call me!"

The head secretary said cautiously: "President, what should we do now?"

Nangong Haitian glanced at the blocked entrance and exit with a cold look on his face.

"The police came well prepared. It's too late to run away. I want to see what they want to do!"

After speaking, he glanced at his secretary again.

"Okay, get out!"

The secretary nodded, bowed again, and turned to leave.

Wait until people leave.

Nangong Haitian's face was as gloomy as ink.

He was just pretending to be calm just now, but in fact, he was extremely nervous at the moment.

Being able to hide from his spies in the Gyeongju Police Station is something that no ordinary person can do.

Just when Nangong Haitian was thinking wildly.

There was a noise outside the office. "You can't go in. Do you have a warrant signed by the court?"

It's a pity that the head of the secretary's office is just using his arms as a chariot.


The door to the president's office was violently pushed open.

Cui Xinyang led a large number of police officers and swarmed in.

Followed by.

Cui Xinyang raised his ID and said: "President Nangong Haitian, I am Cui Xinyang, prosecutor of the Second Form Department of the Gyeongju Procuratorate Branch. I am currently illegally concealing safety accidents, hiring illegal workers, illegally handling human bodies, and bribing public officials. And arrest you for intentional homicide!”

Nangong Haitian took a breath of air.

He forced himself to calm down and said, "Do you have an arrest warrant from the court?"

Cui Xinyang took out the arrest warrant from the Gyeongju District Court.

"Chairman Nangong, this is an arrest warrant signed by the Gyeongju District Court. Please cooperate!"

The high-level officials of the Supreme Court came forward and asked the Gyeongju District Court to help hide the news. Naturally, it was not a big problem.

Saw the arrest warrant from Gyeongju District Court.

Nangong Haitian no longer has any luck.

"I want to see a lawyer!"

"no problem!"

Cui Xinyang made a gesture of invitation.

"President Nangong, please!"

"You seal all the items and take them all away!"
the other side.

The process of capturing Nangong Qing was not very good.

Nangong Qing was born delicate and never suffered any hardships. When he saw someone trying to catch him, he resisted with all his strength.

In particular, the arrester was Li Zhengzhong, who had accepted a bribe a few days ago.

Look at the prosecutor standing at the door.

Nangong Qing suddenly became furious.

"Li Zhengzhong, you came to arrest me, don't forget you took my money!"

Hear this.

The police officers subconsciously looked at Li Zhengzhong.

Li Zhengzhong was too lazy to explain, and said expressionlessly: Director Nangong Qing, I am Li Zhengzhong, prosecutor of the Second Formation Department of the Gyeongju Procuratorate Branch Office. I am now illegally concealing safety accidents, hiring illegal workers, illegally handling human bodies, and bribing public officials. As well as arresting you for intentional homicide, please come with me! "

Just finished speaking.

Nangong Qing picked up the ashtray on the table and threw it at Li Zhengzhong.

A police officer had no time to dodge. The ashtray hit his forehead, and bright red blood flowed down his temples.

Someone was hurt.

The police officers immediately became commotion and rushed towards Nangong Qing with the same hatred.

Ichiban you come and go.

Nangong Qing was unable to fight against the four hands with two fists, and was eventually handcuffed and escorted out.

Li Zhengzhong comforted the injured police officer and issued instructions.

"Seal all items and take them all away!"

The assault on Yongxin Seiko is over.

Nangong Haitian, Nangong Qing, Director Meng, Director Qi, and two other directors were taken away.

As a chaebol in the Gyeongju City area, this news spread extremely quickly.

Just half an hour.

The powerful people in Gyeongju almost got the news.
Inside a restaurant.

Park Cheng-bae is having a meal.

Dang Dang Dang.
There was a knock on the door.

The assistant pushed open the door, walked forward quickly, bowed, and then leaned into Park Cheng Pei's ear.

"Mayor, something happened to Yongxin Seiko. We just received news that the Gyeongju Procuratorate and the Gyeongju Police Department dispatched a large number of police officers to arrest Chairman Nangong Haitian, Executive Director Nangong Qing, and four other directors!"

The words fell.

Park Cheng Pei paused while holding the knife and fork, and asked with a serious expression.

"Is the news true?"

The assistant said categorically: "The news came from Yongxin Seiko, it should be true!"

Pu Cheng Pei frowned slightly.

In fact, it is not a secret that Lee criticized Ji Seungjun in a meeting in China, which led to the investigation of Yongxin Seiko by the Gyeongju Inspection Branch.

At first everyone saw it as a joke.

There is a saying that a strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake.

It is true that the power behind Li Zaihua is huge, but Yongxin Seiko is a local snake in Gyeongju and is related to the livelihood of tens of thousands of people.

In order to maintain social stability in Gyeongju City.

Therefore, almost no one thought that Li Zaihua would actually attack Yongxin Seiko. At most, he would arrest a few company executives to steal the limelight.

Who knew that Li Zaihua didn't follow the routine and actually dared to touch Yongxin Seiko? Isn't he afraid that Yongxin Seiko's employees would cause trouble?

Thinking about it.

Park Cheng Pei frowned.

Once there is social unrest in Gyeongju City, I, as the mayor, will have to bear the blame, and I might be pushed out as a scapegoat.

The city council has just approved an 800 billion city construction fund. If something goes wrong, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Park Cheng Pei gritted his teeth.

"Immediately call Director Li of the Gyeongju Procuratorate for me and tell me that I will invite him to dinner tonight!"

The assistant nodded.

"Okay mayor!"

After Li Zaihua came to Gyeongju, his mobile phone number was naturally leaked through different channels.

The assistant took out his cell phone, found a business card, and dialed the number on it.

After a few dozen seconds, the call was connected.

Don't wait for the person opposite to speak.

The assistant said first: "Hello, Director Li, I am the mayor's assistant. Mayor Park would like to treat you to dinner tonight. I wonder if Director Li is free?"

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"I'm sorry, I have an appointment tonight but I'm afraid I can't do it. Is it okay tomorrow night?"

As soon as these words came out.

The assistant looked at his mayor.

Park Cheng Pei nodded.

"The assistant immediately said: "No problem. Is it okay to have Tulip Western Restaurant at eight o'clock tomorrow night? "

"Okay, tomorrow night at eight o'clock, Tulip Western Restaurant, please help me say hello to the mayor!"

The two hung up the phone.

Park Cheng Pei waved his hand.

"You go out!"
at the same time.

Yuan Gu Bian and Han Zhaokang also received the same news.

The two of them thought of Shin Tae Wook's phone call not long ago.

A few days later.

Yuan Gu Bian and Han Zhaokang thought Li Zaihua would call them.

Who would have thought that it would be like a stone sinking into the sea.

Not only were Yuan Gu Bian and Han Zhaokang aggrieved, they wanted to call themselves and ask what Li Zaihua was up to.

However, news suddenly came from Yongxin Seiko today.

This made Yuan Gu Bian and Han Zhaokang feel nervous.

Among them, Yuan Gu Bian looked slightly frightened.

Shin Tae-wook had previously reminded that Li Zaihua not only contacted him but also Han Zhaokang.

Both of them were once candidates for mayor of Gyeongju City, including Nangong Haitian.

Now that Nangong Haitian has been arrested, Yuan Gu Bian has to think more.
Time flies.

14:55 pm.

Gyeongju City.

Prosecutor's Office.

Minister's Office.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone and dialed the number.

The call was answered soon.

Zheng Caiying's voice came out.

"Director Li!"

Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Minister Zheng, what happened to my trouble with you?"

Zheng Caiying answered.

"Don't worry, Director Li, I have dispatched the most capable reporters from the Information Department to Gyeongju City!"

Since the public focused on Daesung Energy Co., Ltd., KBS, the TV station that was the first to report on it, has received a lot of praise and ratings.

Later, Li Zaihua bribed the current director of KBS TV station to support Zheng Chaiying, and finally succeeded in moving from the front desk to behind the scenes as the head of the press department of the Information Bureau.

To start a war of public opinion, TV stations and newspapers are indispensable.

Li Zaihua licked his lips.

"When can we arrive?"

Zheng Caiying thought for a while.

"Around five o'clock in the afternoon."

Li Zaihua thought for a moment: "I will notify Prosecutor Cui Xinyang and Prosecutor Li Zhengzhong to accept interviews from reporters later!"

Zheng Caiying pretended to be grateful.

"Thank you, Director Li, for your cooperation!"

Li Zaihua said with a smile: "Minister Zheng is serious. It is our prosecutor's duty to accept public supervision."

Zheng Caiying smiled slightly.

"No matter what, I would like to thank Director Li for being willing to accept our interview this time. If you come to Seoul another day, I will treat you to dinner."

"Of course I won't refuse Minister Zheng's invitation. It's settled. See you in Seoul."

"See you in Seoul."

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