Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1180 Capturing Fang Dazhong (1)

Chapter 1180 Capturing Fang Dazhong (1)

15:10 pm.

Gimhae International Airport.

A flight takes off.

Li Zaihua looked deeply at the aircraft that gradually turned into black spots.

After all, Yongxin Seiko is the local leader in Gyeongju City.

If they want to touch this company, the Gyeongju Police Department must arrange its own people.

Otherwise, once the order is taken, Fang Dazhong, the current director of the Gyeongju Police Station, may leak the information or even violate it.

Of course, Yongxin Seiko has been working in Gyeongju for many years, and Fang Dazhong is not the only one in the Gyeongju Police Department.

But when Hwang Jung-min became the chief of the Gyeongju Police Station, at least he didn’t have to worry about execution.

Think of this.

Li Zaihua looked away and said calmly: "Jinghao, let's go back!"
Time flies.

The next day.

9:38 am.


Zhongyang Police House.

Criminal Group II.

Team leader's office.

Dang Dang Dang.
There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Team member A heard the sound and pushed open the door. He quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Team leader, we have your express delivery!"

Hear this.

Huang Zhengmin's expression changed slightly, and it disappeared in an instant.

"Bring it to me."

Team member A delivers the express.

Huang Zhengmin took the mail, opened the seal, and took out the files and USB flash drive inside.

A moment of effort.

Huang Zhengmin's face was full of anger.

There was a loud bang.

Huang Zhengmin slapped the table hard.

"This is unreasonable. I didn't expect that the giant below would be so unscrupulous and treat the judiciary as child's play!"

I saw my team leader getting angry.

Team member A said cautiously: "Team leader, what happened?"

Huang Zhengmin snorted coldly.

"Confidential, I'm going out for a while. You tell the others to come back immediately, including those on vacation!"

When team member A heard this, he knew something was wrong.

"Okay team leader, I'll call everyone right now."

Huang Zhengmin nodded, stuffed the files and USB flash drive back into the mail, got up and left the office.

After half an hour.

Director of the Search Bureau Zou Zhuhe, Criminal Division Chief Fan Yiming, and Huang Zhengmin, leader of the Criminal Group Two, came to the top floor.

The assistant quickly stopped the three of them.

Zou Zhuhe said directly: "Sir, are you here?"

"Yes, please wait!"

The assistant picked up the landline receiver and dialed the internal number.

The call was answered soon.

Don't wait for the other person to speak.

The assistant said directly: "Sir, Director Zou of the Investigation Bureau, Chief of the Criminal Class Model Section, and Team Leader Huang of the Criminal Group Two want to see you!"

The voice just fell.

Min Yinhe was stunned for a moment, then seemed to have guessed something, came back to his senses and said: "Invite them in!"

The assistant put down the phone and made a please gesture.

"You three, please come with me, the chief wants to see you!"

The assistant pushed open the office door.

Zou Zhuhe, Fan Yiguo and Huang Zhengmin filed in, quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Hello, sir, sir."

Min Yinhe said to his assistant: "Go and make four cups of hot tea."

"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

The assistant turned and left, closing the door.

Then, Min Yinhyuk pointed to the sofa.

"sit down!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Zou Zhuhe, Fan Yiguo and Huang Zhengmin sat down obediently.

Min Eunhyuk followed closely behind.

Just sat down.

Min Yinhe knew the truth and asked: "Director Zou, Section Chief Fan, and Team Leader Huang, did something happen to the three of you who came together to see me?"

Hear this.

Zou Zhuhe replied while winking at Huang Zhengmin.

"Yes sir, we do have something urgent to ask you!"

Seeing this, Huang Zhengmin quickly handed over the mail in his hand.

"Sir, this is the report letter I received this morning. It concerns Fang Dazhong, the director of the Gyeongju Police Station. We have no choice but to come to you!"

Min Eun-hyuk took the letter of complaint with pretended surprise.

In fact, Li Zaihua had already greeted him.

"Oh, let me see!"

Min Yinhyuk took out the files and USB flash drive inside and started to read through them.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Min Yinhe shouted angrily with a sullen face: "What the hell is Fang Dazhong doing? He did such an outrageous thing. It is simply a disgrace to our police!"

The whole meal ended with a lot of yelling.

Min Yinhe looked at Zou Zhuhe.

"Director Zou, what do you think?"

"Logically, if such a matter occurs, it should be handed over to the Anti-Corruption Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office."

Speaking of this, Zou Zhuhe changed the topic.

"However, this matter involves the credibility and prestige of our police. I think it is better not to report it to internal processing for the time being!"

Because Zhongyang Police Station is under the dual jurisdiction of the Ministry of Administrative and Security Affairs and the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office.

As a result, the Zhongyang Police Department was unable to independently conduct its own internal self-examination.

If corruption occurs among police officers, it is generally reported to the Anti-Corruption Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for investigation.

However, Fang Dazhong's case not only involved corruption, but also murder.

This resulted in a major change in the nature of the case, which greatly facilitated the involvement of the second criminal team in the case.

Therefore, Li Zaihua sent someone to mail a report letter to Huang Zhengmin.

Do the whole show.

Listen to your subordinates.

Min Yinhe thought thoughtfully, and then said: "You mean to hand it over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Zou Zhuhe shook his head.

"Sir, this case involves a murder. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to simply hand it over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Min Yinhyuk frowned.

"You're thinking?"

Zou Zhuhe said straightforwardly: "Yes, since someone mailed the report letter to Team Leader Huang, it must have a beginning and an end."

"So I think it would be better to leave this case to the Criminal Group Two, with the Ministry of Internal Affairs assisting!"

Min Yinhyuk thought for a while.

"Well, let's do it!"

Just finished speaking.

Min Yinhe said again: Without further ado, if Fang Dazhong is not solved for one day, it will continue to affect the reputation of our police. I will immediately contact the Minister of the Interior for a meeting! "
11:38 am.


Zhongyang Police House.

top layer.

Zou Zhuhe, Fan Ilguo, Huang Zhengmin and the Minister of the Interior left the chief's office.

The case has almost been discussed.

Zou Zhuhe and Fan Yiguo said goodbye to the two of them and went straight to the elevator.

Huang Zhengmin and the Minister of the Interior must continue to communicate.

after an hour.

Since the evidence against the other party in the report letter is conclusive, there is no need to conduct a deliberate investigation.

Huang Zhengmin discussed with the Minister of the Interior and decided to move quickly to prevent Fang Dazhong from jumping over the wall after getting the news.

After all, there is no airtight wall in the world.

There are many factions within the Zhongyang Police Department, and Fang Dazhong is able to reach this point because he also has a backer behind him.

I believe that the information about Fang Dazhong's arrest may be leaked out soon.
13:10 pm.


Zhongyang Police House.

Criminal Group II.

Bang bang bang.
Huang Zhengmin clapped his hands.

In an instant.

The team members focused their attention on their team leader.

Huang Zhengmin said, "Is there anyone who hasn't arrived?"

Team member A answered.

"Team leader, everyone is here."

Huang Zhengmin nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, everyone, please pay attention. This mission may take three to five days. We will set off in thirty minutes!"

"Before that, you can call back to inform your family."

After speaking, he turned around and walked into the office without giving the team members a chance to ask questions.

Return to the room.

Huang Zhengmin closed the blinds to block the view from the outside, and immediately took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

After a few dozen seconds, the call was connected. Huang Zhengmin said hello respectfully.

"Director Li!"

Li Zaihua smiled and said: "Team Leader Huang, have you received anything?"

Huang Zhengmin replied.

"I received it and have met with Chief Min. Fang Dazhong's case will be handled by our Criminal Group Two and the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

At the end of his words, he added another sentence.

"But it will be led by our Criminal Group Two!"

Li Zaihua smiled.

"Well done, I'm waiting for good news from Team Leader Huang!"
the other side.

Gyeongju City.

Prosecutor's Office.

Minister's Office.

Li Zaihua did not put down his cell phone, but continued to dial the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Min Yinhyuk's voice came out.

"Director Li!"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Mr. Min, how have you considered what I said?"

Min Yinhyuk looked bitter.

"Director Li, you really gave me a difficult problem!"

Police officers are already at the top of the police system and can serve as the deputy chief of the local police department, the head of the Seoul and Gyeonggi local police offices, and the police management officer review officer.

Therefore, promotion to police officer requires the signature of the President.

Police officer Huang Zheng holds the title of police sergeant, and his promotion to police officer is equivalent to two levels in a row.

It would be no problem to advance to one level by virtue of capturing Fang Dazhong, but it would be very difficult to win two levels in a row.

Li Zaihua said seriously: "It's not difficult, how could I find Chief Min!"

Min Yinhyuk shook his head.

"Okay, Director Li, the difficulties are difficult, but they are not insurmountable!"

Li Zaihua's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Sir, please speak!"

Min Yinhyuk said two words straight to the point.

"Spend money!"

Li Zaihua was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

As a saying goes, anything that can be solved with money is not a problem.

"How much do you need?"

Min Yinhe considered it for a moment and said: "One million meters of gold should be enough!"

"Six hundred thousand meters gold?"

Min Yinhyuk nodded.

"Yes, it must be reported to the Ministry of Administration and Security first, passed by the Minister of Administration, then reported to the Political Secretary of Qingwatai, and finally signed by your Excellency for confirmation."

"I'm quite familiar with these two guys. The former's 100,000 meters of gold is enough to get it done, and the latter's 500,000 meters of gold can guarantee Huang Zhengmin's success in taking over!"

After hearing these words.

Li Zaihua pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, I will send someone to give you 700,000 meters of gold tonight. The extra 100,000 meters of gold is Chief Min's reward!"

Of course, he couldn't let others help him in vain, otherwise, the favor would be exhausted one day, even if he had some dirty information about Min Yinhyuk.

Seeing that I also have money to take.

Min Yinhe smiled and said: "Thank you, Director Li, then I'm welcome."

The two chatted for a few more words and ended the call.

Li Zaihua put down his cell phone, and with a sudden thought, he took out his anonymous cell phone from his space backpack and dialed the number.

Not long after, the call was connected.

Han Shizhong's voice came out.


Li Zaihua said directly: "Give 700,000 yuan in cash to Chief Min Eunhyuk tonight!"

Han Shizhong didn't even want to answer.

"Good boss!"
at the same time.


Five MPVs drove out of the Jungyang Police Building and headed straight for Gyeongju City.
In a blink of an eye, dusk fell.

Five MPVs arrived in Gyeongju City in a low-key manner.

Inside the first car.

Huang Zhengmin talked with the head of the first section of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Chief Zhou, it's already time to get off work. Let's take a rest for the night. How about taking action tomorrow?"

Section Chief Zhou frowned.

"Team Leader Huang, didn't we say that good soldiers should be quick? In the worst case, we can go directly to Fang Dazhong's house to arrest him!"

Huang Zhengmin explained: "Chief Zhou, Gyeongju is not Seoul after all. We are not familiar with the place. If we don't find Fang Dazhong, wouldn't we be alerting the enemy!"

Section Chief Zhou fell silent.

This makes sense, even though it's time to get off work, Fang Dazhong may not be at home at this time.

If it fails, wouldn't it give Fang Dazhong time to escape.

Think of this.

Section Chief Zhou opened his mouth and said, "What Team Leader Huang said makes sense, but where should we rest?"

Huang Zhengmin replied.

"Don't worry, Professor Zhou, I have already made arrangements!"

Followed by.

Huang Zhengmin told the driving team members an address.
19:20 pm.

The outskirts of Gyeongju.

A B&B.

This place is far from the city and there are few people around.

The arrival of Huang Zhengmin and others will not arouse suspicion.

Park the car.

Dozens of people poured in.

The B&B is very large, with a total of six rooms.

Five people per room is just right.

Huang Zhengmin directed his subordinates to cook and tidy up the bedding.
21:35 pm.

Inside the B&B.

Huang Zhengmin stood up and said, "Chief Zhou, I'm full. I'm going out to eat and take a look at the surrounding environment."

Section Chief Zhou has no doubt about him.

"Team Leader Huang, do you want me to accompany you?"

Huang Zhengmin waved his hand.

"No, Captain Zhou, have a good rest. I'll have to rely on your help tomorrow!"

Section Chief Zhou just said something. After riding in the car for a day, he had long wanted to take a shower. Someone called him.

"Okay, Team Leader Huang, please do it!"

Huang Zhengmin said hello to other team members and walked out of the B&B pretending to be a tourist.

Shortly after.

Huang Zhengmin came to a beach.

There was a black car parked in the driveway not far away.

inside the car.

Li Zaihua was sitting in the driver's seat. When he saw Huang Zhengmin arriving, he immediately turned on the high beam headlights.

Huang Zhengmin hurriedly ran away when he saw this.

Arrive in front of the black car.

Huang Zhengmin bowed and saluted, then pulled the passenger door and got in.

"Director Li!"

Li Zaihua doesn’t talk nonsense either.

"Zhengmin, I have good news for you!"

Huang Zhengmin looked serious.

Li Zaihua continued: "Chief Min called me today. After Fang Dazhong is arrested, he will recommend you to be the chief of the Gyeongju Police Station. You must be prepared in advance!"

As soon as these words came out.

Huang Zhengmin's heart suddenly surged with excitement.

Stepping from a police officer to a police officer is equivalent to officially entering the upper echelons of the police system.

With the exception of the Seoul Police Department, almost all other local deputy chiefs are police officers.

If his background is strong enough, he might be able to return to Zhongyang Police Station and serve as the chief of the First Bureau in a few years.

If you are lucky enough to have support, the chiefs of the Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Busan local police departments will not be able to think about it.

"Thank you, Director Li!"

Huang Zhengmin swore: "You must have spent a lot of effort on my behalf, but I can't repay you. If you ask me to go west, I will never go east. As long as I live for one day, I will follow your lead!"

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his hands in salute.


Li Zaihua glanced at Huang Zhengmin with a half-smile.

"Team Leader Huang, this is what you said, don't go back on it!"

The words fell.

Huang Zhengmin was stunned on the spot.

He was about to say something.

Li Zaihua suddenly laughed.

"Team Leader Huang, don't be nervous, I'm just kidding!"

Huang Zhengmin forced a smile and said: "No matter what, I want to thank Director Li!"

He only said this on the surface, but he had actually kept these words in his mind. If he really dared not take it seriously, the consequences could be imagined.

Li Zaihua patted Huang Zhengmin's shoulder hard, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Team Leader Huang, I've done everything I can do, and all that's left is to watch your performance!"

Hear the sound.

Huang Zhengmin said firmly: "Please rest assured, Director Li, I know what to do!"

Li Zaihua nodded.

"By the way, if necessary, you can contact the branch office tomorrow. We have an obligation to help eradicate cancers in the judiciary!"

Huang Zhengmin bowed again.

"Thank you, Director Li. I promise I won't be polite if necessary!"

(End of this chapter)

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