Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1148 Clearing the Obstacles

Chapter 1148 Clearing the Obstacles
(I'm sorry to break my promise. I stayed with my client until three o'clock in the morning and didn't go home yesterday. I slept until noon, got up and had some food and went straight to work. Now I owe three chapters, which I will make up on Saturday or Sunday.)

After signing the contract, Director Liu took his family on a flight to leave the peninsula as quickly as possible.

The next day.

10:25 am.

Chengnan City.

Headquarters of Taisei Energy Co., Ltd.

The long queue of dozens of cars attracted the attention of countless passers-by.

Behind the motorcade were a large number of interview vehicles.

There was no other way. When the journalists who were waiting on the spot saw such a large-scale operation, they naturally called out to their friends.

Before the prosecutors from Special Investigation Division 4 left downtown Seoul, a large number of interview vehicles came from all directions.

Fifteenth floor.

However, he who is usually pampered is no match for the police.

Park Haoyu led the auxiliary officer and police officers into Director Bai's office.

Li Zaihua stepped down wearing his ID.

Director Yin, the target of his arrest today, immediately locked the door of his office after receiving the message from his secretary, and blocked the door with sofas and other items.

Therefore, in the face of Li Zaihua's arrival, they consciously gave way to their positions.

Li Zaihua waved his hand.

A moment of effort.

Moreover, the special search unit four came well prepared, and it only took a few minutes for the impact hammer to break through the door.

While waiting for subordinates to go to arrest people.

On the eleventh floor.

Prosecutors from Special Investigation Division 4 followed closely behind.

Even the three major TV stations KBS, SBS and MBC also sent live broadcast trucks.

Luo Zhengzhu encountered a little difficulty.

Of course, not only will the office be seized, but people will also be led to search Director Bai's home later.

Followed by.

The arrival of the Special Search Department 4 broke the tranquility at the headquarters of Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.

Director Bai wanted to resist.

at the same time.

See this.

Unfortunately there is strength in numbers.

The live broadcast trucks of the three major TV stations are parked not far from the headquarters of DaChan Energy Co., Ltd.

Don't wait for the other person to react.

The door of the first MPV was pushed open.

The prosecutors from Special Investigation Division 4 immediately dispersed, while the police officers surrounded the headquarters of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. and ensured that no one would be allowed to leave.

Li Zaihua led Wen Jinghao and a dozen police officers to the building's control room.

The security guard inside the house had already seen the situation outside through the monitor.

Luo Zhengzhu couldn't push the door open for a while, so he had to break through violently.

Together with the auxiliary officers of the Fourth Special Investigation Department and the staff of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, they led a large number of police officers toward the Taisei Energy Co., Ltd. building.

The reporters behind were so excited that they pressed their shutters frantically to record the scene.

Several TV reporters and cameramen aimed at the building and started broadcasting live.

The young minister nodded with satisfaction and directed the police officers to control the monitors to observe the situation on each floor of the headquarters of Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.

Park Haoyu took out the arrest warrant and read out the other party's crime, and then ordered the police officer to put handcuffs on him.

the other side.

Director Yin is also nervously deleting his computer and burning some files.


When the first MPV stepped on the brakes, the vehicle following behind slowly stopped.

Even if security guards came over, they would be frightened and disperse when they saw this kind of formation.

Click click click.
As the young minister got off the bus.

After Director Bai was taken out of the room, Park Haoyu issued an order to seize all items in the office.

Seeing so many people, the security guard at the door quickly stepped aside.

At this time, Director Yin's documents were only half burned.

He didn't know much about computers and thought that deleting the files would be fine.

Luo Zhengzhu looked at the delete interface on the computer screen, glared at Director Yin with a cold expression, and took out the arrest warrant to announce his crime without expression.

Finished reading.

Luo Zhengzhu snorted coldly.

"take away!"

Twentieth floor.

Liang Guohuan also encountered resistance.

A director ordered a dozen subordinates to block the door of the office.

When his minister spoke today, Liang Guohuan would definitely not tolerate him.

Employees who blocked the road were violently dealt with.

The police officer kicked open the door.

Liang Guohuan strode into the house, holding up his ID and taking out the arrest warrant.

"I am Liang Guohuan, prosecutor of the Fourth Strategic Special Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. I suspect you of tax evasion and using your company to launder money. According to Articles 16 and 25 of Financial Crimes, you are now under arrest!"

Time flies.

Two hours later.

Countless staff from the Supreme Prosecutor's Office walked out of the headquarters of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. carrying boxes of documents and computers.

They put all the belongings in the van they brought.

It was an eye-opener for the people watching the melon-eating.

The reporters' eyes widened and they couldn't help but want to interview him.

Shortly after.

Li Zaihua walked out of the building.

Looking at today’s protagonist.

The reporters instantly became commotion.

One reporter even took advantage of the policeman guarding the cordon not paying attention, pushed him away and rushed towards the young minister.

I saw someone breaking the card.

Nearby police officers rushed to help.

This allowed other reporters to see an opportunity, and they all followed the same example and pushed past the on-guard police officers and ran towards the headquarters of DaChan Energy Co., Ltd.

The police officers who were blocking the reporters in front were dumbfounded at this moment and quickly turned around to stop the oncoming reporters.

But it was too late.

Except for some unlucky ones, most reporters nimbly avoided police encirclement and arrived in front of the Taisei Energy Co., Ltd. building.

Seeing the situation getting out of control.

The surrounding police officers hurriedly stood in front of Li Zaihua and surrounded him.

Just finished everything.

Reporters have gathered around.

Reporter A held up the recorder and said: "Hello, Minister Li, I am a reporter from Chengnan Daily. May I ask?"

The words just started.

Suddenly someone pushed from behind, and reporter A was immediately pushed aside.

Reporter B saw this and took the opportunity to ask: "Hello, Minister Li, I am a reporter from Zhongyang Daily. Could you please tell me how the Special Search Department 4 mobilized troops and mobilized people like this?"

Halfway through the conversation.

Reporter B was stunned for a moment.

I saw a man and woman wearing expensive suits and handcuffs walking out in a row.

They were the targets of the four arrests in this special search.

Excluding the directors who had already run away, this operation almost wiped out all the senior executives of DaChan Energy Co., Ltd.

Only four marginalized directors escaped unharmed, a blessing in disguise.

After a brief silence.

The scene immediately became filled with excitement.

This kind of large-scale arrest operation is really rare on the peninsula.

In the past, even if we encountered similar cases, we would first arrest the main criminal and then slowly close the net.

So it rarely happens like the current situation.

Looking at these guys, reporters still guessed that all the top executives of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. were involved in economic crimes.

Think of this.

The reporters got even crazier.

One by one, they pushed forward desperately, hoping to get a chance to be interviewed.

Similarly, when the directors of Dacheng Energy saw reporters, their eyes lit up and they wanted to use this opportunity to put pressure on Li Zaihua.

However, they underestimated the coping ability of the youngest prosecutor general in the history of the peninsula.

Li Zaihua shouted: "Journalists, I know you have many questions, but please don't crowd us. Let's go to the side and chat slowly."

Say it. Li Zaihua directed the police officers protecting him to move toward the open space on the right.

Eighty percent of reporters focused on the young minister.

They followed and started moving.

The remaining reporters were smart and planned to interview the directors of Dentons Energy.

Wen Jinghao had already received instructions from Li Zaihua. When he saw reporters surrounding him, the police officers behind him immediately stopped him.

The prosecutors and other police officers escorted the suspect away quickly.

The other side.

faced questions from dozens of reporters.

Li Zaihua still answered three questions according to the old rules.

"Dear journalists, the case is still in progress and it is not convenient to disclose it. I can only answer three questions."

"Okay, let me answer the first question that everyone wants to know. After a week of investigation by our Special Investigation Department 4 and the Taxation Department, we have successfully obtained criminal evidence of the top executives of Dachen Energy Co., Ltd."

"Second, during the arrest process, it was discovered that ten directors were missing. I hope they will surrender themselves after seeing today's news, otherwise we will issue a wanted order."

"Third, the problems of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. are huge, and the details are not convenient for most people."

"If you want to know more, please wait for the subsequent case briefing."

Standing on a high place, watching the MPVs drive away, the young minister no longer stopped.

"Please give way. If you have any questions, please go to the press conference and I will tell you everything."

It didn't take a while.

Li Zaihua boarded the MPV under the protection of the police and sped away.

At this time, many reporters realized that they did not interview the senior executives of DaChan Energy, and they couldn't help but regret it.

17:21 pm.

It took four hours of action.

All members of the Special Investigation Department 4 finally returned to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

After the prosecutors left the headquarters of Taisei Energy Co., Ltd., they did not return to the Grand Prosecutor's Office immediately. Instead, they took the suspect to search the other party's house.

It must be said that this search of the house was very fruitful and more criminal evidence was found.

In the conference room.

Li Zaihua held a brief meeting and then ordered his subordinates to conduct an emergency interrogation.

21:00 pm.

Cheongtan Cave.

In a high-end apartment.

Li Zaihua lay on Han Xiaozhou's snow-white and slender thighs.

Now she has completed her transformation from an actress to a strong woman with both fame and fortune.

With the help of Li Zaihua, who has more than ten years of forward vision.

Basically every movie and TV series Han Hyo-joo invested in made a lot of money. It can be said that he became prosperous and even gradually gained the title of entertainment queen.

She was originally going to attend a celebration party for a big-money movie today.

Knowing that Li Zaihua was coming tonight, Han Xiaozhou left the show immediately.

Li Zaihua operated the remote control to switch to the MBC news channel.


The television began to play a vague familiarity to Peninsular people.

Two anchors, a man and a woman, were broadcasting tonight's news briefing with serious expressions.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After the international news is played, come to the domestic news.

The first thing to come out is today's news about the arrest of the top executives of Taisei Energy Co., Ltd. by Special Search Unit 4.

The female anchor briefly talked about the news content, played some pictures and switched to the studio.

"Dear viewers, the corruption case of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. is unprecedented in the peninsula. Let us visit passers-by to hear their opinions."

The scene changes.

A reporter was shown interviewing passers-by at the Dacheng Energy site.

When a passerby saw a reporter interviewing him, he said excitedly: "Awesome. So awesome. Minister Li Zaihua did something we never dared to think about before. I absolutely support Minister Li here, and DaChan Energy Co., Ltd. really deserves to die. We The country is short of energy, so it actually sells energy abroad."

MBC interviewed three passers-by in succession, almost all of whom praised Li Zaihua and condemned Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.

Han Xiaozhou on the side was also browsing online forums and observing online public opinion on his tablet.

Compared with the praise from passers-by, the Internet is more lively, and public opinion is temporarily polarized.

Some people think that Li Zaihua did a good job and that the peninsula needs such a prosecutor to eliminate crimes and is a role model for the younger generation.

Others feel that Li Zaihua is destroying the business environment on the peninsula and is too radical.

Anyway, the father-in-law is right, and the mother-in-law is right.

But as the news was broadcast, more and more people supported Li Zaihua.

The peninsula is always a world of plutocrats and wealthy people, and one can imagine the degree of hatred towards the rich.

Most people work hard all their lives, but it is not as much as the gray income of company executives in a year.

What's more, the peninsula is too small and the society is rigid. The opportunities for ordinary people to live under the control of chaebols are blocked.

Only by studying hard and staying close to a prestigious university can you have the opportunity to enter a big company and achieve class crossing.

The remaining people can only live at the bottom of the pile for the rest of their lives.

In addition, the peninsula and Japan are feuding, and under the guidance of some well-intentioned people, Daesheng Energy Co., Ltd. was condemned for treason.

Naturally, more and more people support Li Zaihua.

Similarly, despite the Internet age, online public opinion is very important.

However, the three major TV stations and the three major newspapers still represent the strongest media voice on the peninsula.

Before Li Zaihua took action, he had already relied on Kim Soo-seung to open up relations with MBC TV station and get Lee Kang-suk's "Jung Yang Daily".

As the first media to announce the bribery victims of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd., KBS must support Lee Jae-hwa.

Moreover, Zheng Caiying also learned about it through internal channels.

Although the KBS executives had a quarrel, they finally chose to support Lee Jae Hwa. You can't slap yourself in the face.

With a positive image supported by the two major television stations and the largest newspapers, Li remains invincible in China.

Plus, he is well aware of his popularity on the Internet, and the only way he can lose is to expose a scandal himself.

Forty-five minutes later.

MBC Prime News has finished playing.

Li Zaihua came to his senses, and without waiting for Han Xiaozhou to report the status of online public opinion, he picked him up and walked towards the bedroom.


A high-pitched scream came from the bedroom.

at the same time.

In a villa.

Ending with golden news.

Han Shizhong looked cold.

Since the boss helped him clear the final obstacle, how could he let him down?

Think of this.

Han Shizhong picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

The voice of the beautiful secretary came out.


Han Shizhong said without hesitation: "Secretary Yang, immediately apply to Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd. in the name of the major shareholder for a temporary emergency meeting. The time is set at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Anyone who fails to meet the meeting will be deemed to have abstained!"

The words fell.

Secretary Yang said in a deep voice: "Okay CEO, I will send an emergency meeting request to Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.!"

As for whether the temporary emergency meeting can be held, she is not worried at all.

the reason is simple.

Who told Global Times Capital to control 54% of the shares of Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.?

Even if other shareholders do not participate, they can vote on their own if they have actual controlling rights.

This is equivalent to turning the left hand into the right hand and telling yourself.

Han Shizhong nodded and gave a few more instructions,

"Let's do it!"

"Okay CEO, see you tomorrow!"

Time flies.

Good things come in pairs.

2:10 am

Hakone, Kanai Prefecture.

Outside a hot spring villa.

Two black cars were parked not far away.

inside the car.

Liang Wuxing glanced at his subordinates, raised his walkie-talkie and said, "Attention everyone, look at the clock now, we only have ten minutes to act!"

A few minutes later.

Dog barking and gunshots, as well as calls for help, were heard in the hot spring villa.

A few more minutes passed.

Four men in black rushed out of the villa carrying Zhang Dongya, who was wearing a nightgown, got into the car and drove away.

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