Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1116 Appreciation for Capturing Ma Xi and Zhao Shulan

Chapter 1116 Appreciation for Capturing Ma Xi and Zhao Shulan
Time flies.

17:10 pm.

National Intelligence Service.


Joint investigation team.

Although the inquiry is over, there is still no way to enter and exit freely, and the atmosphere seems very dull.

Everyone said nothing and quietly did what they were doing.

Team leader's office.

Ring ring ring.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. His eyes moved slightly and he pressed the call button.

After arranging the duty, the team members left together in a grand manner.

"Minister Li, you don't want the matter to get too big. You will only pursue the main culprit, and you must do it in secret and not disclose it to the outside world!"

After agreeing on the terms, the two chatted for a while and ended the call.

But when he got his cell phone and walked out of the bathroom, he saw several gun-toting dignitaries standing at the door staring directly at him.

Accompany the team members after get off work.

The drunken Ma Xi suddenly felt a strong cold attack, and his whole body suddenly woke up. When he opened his eyes, his pupils suddenly contracted.

Not long after, only Adong and another member of the team on duty were left in the office area.

Then, the young minister said: "Okay, everyone, thank you for your hard work today. You can get off work now, but the office needs staff to stay. You can make your own arrangements."

However, he quickly calmed down and pretended to be innocent: "Vice President Huang, Minister Li, what do you two mean?"

Li Zaihua's eyes lit up.

Jin Dongzai's voice came out.

I saw several people standing in front of him, and the ones at the front were Li Zaihua and Huang Changshuo.


Wait until people leave.

A Dong stopped staying and turned towards the bathroom.

But not far away, the driver suddenly changed direction and drove towards Seocho District.

The security guard at the door handed the driver a 50,000 yuan bill, explained his address, then put the person in the back seat and watched the black car drive away.

At this moment, Ma Xi seemed to realize something.

Bang bang bang.
Li Zaihua clapped his hands suddenly, and the sound attracted the attention of all the team members.

Team member A on duty nodded.

"That's good. Since Minister Li thinks so, I'm relieved!"

Jin Dongzai smiled.

Huang Changshuo was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he raised his hands and patted them lightly.

National Intelligence Service.

The leading official said coldly: "Zhang Dong, it is now suspected that you are related to the poisoning cases of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian. Please come with us!"

After saying that, Li Zaihua turned around and left without looking back.

Ma Xi was staggered and drunk and was helped out of a club.

When I came to the office area, I looked at the quiet people.

"Okay, I'll call someone to deliver the food right now."

When arranging the stay-at-home personnel, A Dong was selected to be on duty today.

"No problem, I will do the same without your instructions!"

Li Zaihua packed up the items on the table, stood up and left the office.

The office area is too depressing.

Zhang Dong knew that things had failed, and he slumped to the ground with lifeless eyes.
23:10 pm.

Special interrogation room.

The voice just fell.

The members of the joint investigation team felt as if a big stone had fallen from their hearts, and they breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Adong was about to collect the mobile phone left in the bathroom, and said to his companion: "I'm going to the bathroom, and you can order some noodles and dumplings for me."

Bang bang bang.
As applause rang out, the door to the interrogation room was pushed open, and Zhang Dong staggered into the room.

After finishing everything, it was soon time to get off work.

Seeing Ma Xi pretending to be stupid.

Huang Changshuo said indifferently: "Chief Ma, do you know him?"

Looking at his familiar subordinate, Ma Xi took a breath of air.

But Ma Xi climbed up from the bottom and immediately regained his composure.

"I know him. He is Zhang Dong, an important member of our fifth class."

Huang Changshuo nodded.

"It's good to know each other. Zhang Dong just admitted to poisoning Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian, and the person behind the scenes was you!"

As soon as these words came out.

Ma Xi immediately shouted injustice.

"What an injustice! Vice President Huang, don't listen to Zhang Dong's nonsense. I have no reason to kill the so-called Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian."

"Besides, I don't know Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian, so why kill them without any injustice?"

Huang Changshuo curled his lips, he was so stubborn.

"Ma Xi, there's no need to deny it, we already have enough evidence!"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and the dignitary next to him handed over the transparent sealed bag containing the mobile phone.

"Ma Xi, this is the mobile phone Zhang Dong used to send you text messages. In fact, we guessed early on that there was a spy in the investigation team who deliberately set up a trap."

"Based on the mobile phone number from which Zhang Dong's text message originated, we locked the location, and the mobile phone that received the text message happens to be in group five. What else can you say!"

I saw Huang Changshuo presenting evidence.

Ma Xi suddenly changed his color. At this moment, the evidence was conclusive and could not be denied.

It's just that the crime of murder is very serious. He doesn't want to stay in jail for the rest of his life and plans to fight to the end.

"Vice President Huang, please don't deceive me. Just because your cell phone has located Lesson 5, it doesn't mean it's me. I was wronged and I want to see a lawyer!"

Ma Xi refused to admit it.

Huang Changshuo waved his hands at the subordinates on the side.

"You all get out!"

Ma Xi frowned when he saw this, wondering what trick Huang Changshuo was trying to play.

Soon, everyone except Li Zaihua left the interrogation room.

Wait until people leave.

Huang Changshuo bent down and pressed the switch under the table, turning off all the monitoring and listening equipment in the room.

Seeing this scene, Ma Xi felt even more weird.

Huang Changshuo straightened up and stared at Ma Xi quietly.

A few minutes later.

Huang Changshuo suddenly said: "As long as you tell me who instructed you, I can help you turn into a tainted witness!"

The words fell.

Ma Xi was moved. Although he would still have to go to jail for becoming a tainted witness, he was undoubtedly more hopeful than spending a lifetime in jail.

Just thinking of Zhang Dongya's ruthlessness, how dare he betray the other party for the safety of his family.

Think of this.

Ma Xi's expression condensed and he said in a deep voice: "Vice President Huang, I am not the one who killed the person. I want to see a lawyer!"

Huang Changshuo was about to get angry at the guy who didn't have enough food and salt.

At this time, Li Zaihua next to him suddenly spoke.

"Are you afraid of someone?"

Upon hearing this, Ma Xi was stunned and then said: "Minister Li, I don't understand what you mean!"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"Director Ma, I know what you are worried about. As long as you are willing to cooperate, we will send people to protect your family and arrange for them to be sent abroad with new identities."

"In addition, I can also guarantee that after you are released from prison, we will also arrange for you to go abroad to reunite with your family. What do you think?"

Ma Xi had to admit that he was very moved by this promise.

However, the East Asia Society is so powerful that he cannot believe that the National Intelligence Agency can protect him.

"Needless to say, I didn't instruct Zhang Dong to kill anyone. I want to see a lawyer!"

Huang Changshuo was furious.


The words just left his mouth.

Li Zaihua on the side said quietly: "Chief Ma, let me change the condition. As long as you are willing to reveal the person behind the scenes, I will conceal the news of your arrest!"

This is a lot of information.

Ma Xi thought about it and instantly understood what the young minister was going to do, and couldn't help but get furious.

"Minister Li, no harm to your family!"

Faced with the question, Li Zaihua said calmly: "Chief Ma, don't talk nonsense, I'm just announcing the results of the case to the public!"

Ma Xi gritted his teeth.

"Minister Li, you are a public official. It will not be good for you if others find out what you do!"

Li Zaihua shrugged his shoulders and turned his army around.

"Chief Ma, I don't understand what you are talking about. It's just a normal case announcement."

Ma Xi's eyes narrowed.

"Minister Li, don't bully others too much!"

Li Zaihua said disapprovingly: "I learned from Section Chief Ma that we all treat each other." Ma Xi took a deep breath.

He knew very well that there must be something fishy in Li Zaihua's so-called public announcement of the results of the case.

With Zhang Dongyaning's character of never letting go of the wrong person, even if he knew that he would not betray him, he would still kill someone and silence him.

Ma Xi was not afraid of dying alone.

What he was afraid of was that Zhang Dongya would misunderstand and cause harm to his family.

What Li Zaihua did was extremely poisonous and not what a prosecutor should do.

Thinking about it,

Ma Xi broke into a cold sweat.

"Minister Li, you win, but before I name that person, I have a request!"

Li Zaihua's words are concise and concise.


Ma Xi said straightforwardly: "First send my family members abroad, and then give them enough resettlement fees. I will give them all immediately!"

After speaking, he looked to Huang Changshuo aside.

"Dean Huang, I know that the National Intelligence Agency has special channels. I will give you a week, otherwise I will not say anything even if I commit suicide!"

Huang Changshuo gritted his teeth.

"Okay, I will send your family to Canada within a week!"

Ma Xi smiled with satisfaction.

"It's a deal, as long as my family reaches Canada safely and helps me apply for naturalization, I will tell the truth about the person behind the scenes!"

Li Zaihua was not satisfied.

"Chief Ma, we agreed to your conditions, you should get something in return!"

Ma Xi thought for a while and said: "Okay, I can only say that that person has great power in the peninsula and comes from a mysterious organization!"

Just finished speaking.

Li Zaihua and Huang Changshuo looked at each other.

With Ma Xi's proof, it shows that the direction of their investigation is correct, and there is indeed a mysterious organization.

It was determined that it was related to a mysterious organization.

Li Zaihua said cautiously: "Vice President Huang, can you go out and have a chat alone?"

Huang Changshuo nodded.

"it is good!"

The two turned and left the interrogation room.

The moment you walk out of the door.

Li Zaihua said directly: "Until the mysterious organization is found, Ma Xi must not make any mistakes. I suggest using the last National Intelligence Agency team to protect Ma Xi!"

Huang Changshuo naturally understood who the young minister was talking about and pondered for a moment.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Li Zaihua added: "The hospital also needs to strengthen its manpower. Ma Xi must have leaked the news that Su Qixian is alive. Be careful who sends someone to silence him."

"In addition, the safe house this time cannot be used within the National Intelligence Agency. Let the team arrange the safe house by itself to avoid accidents!"

If there is one mole in the National Intelligence Agency, there must be a second one.

Therefore, the safe house of the National Intelligence Agency is no longer safe, and a new safe house can only be temporarily found.

Huang Chang understood. Although he was a little unhappy, it was undeniable that the young minister was right.

After all, in the last assassination of a witness in a safe house, even though he didn't go to the scene, he was still considered involved.

"Okay, I know how to do it!"

Huang Changshuo immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.
the other side.

Inside an apartment.

Ring ring ring.
The bell rings.

Qian Dekui, who was sleeping soundly, woke up instantly. He picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID, and quickly pressed the call button.


Huang Changshuo's voice came out.

"Section Chief Qian, contact your team immediately to return to the National Intelligence Agency. I have an important person to entrust to you!"
The next day.

10:10 am.

National Intelligence Service.

vice headmaster's office.

Ring ring ring.
The bell rings.

Huang Changshuo picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, then immediately pressed the call button.

"Secretary Kim!"

Jin Dongzai's voice came out.

"Vice President Huang, please come to Qingwa Terrace, Your Excellency wants to see you!"
11:07 am.

Huang Changshuo drove a black car into Qingwa Terrace after passing inspection.

It didn't take a while.

Huang Changshuo met Kim Dongjae and was led to the president's office.

Dang Dang Dang.
There was a knock on the door.

Jin Dongzai pushed open the door and walked in, leading Huang Changshuo to quickly step forward and bow.

"Your Excellency. Your Excellency"

Hear a familiar voice.

Zhao Shulan raised her head while working, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face after seeing Huang Changshuo.

"Vice President Huang, you are here!"

Huang Changshuo bowed again.

"Sir, I wonder what you want from me?"

Zhao Shulan glanced at Jin Dongzai next to her.

"Secretary Jin, please go out for a moment. I have something to talk to Vice President Huang alone!"

"Okay, Your Excellency!"

Jin Dongzai turned around and left without asking any further questions.

As the office door closes.

Zhao Shulan said: "Can I call you Changshuo?"

The voice just fell.

Huang Changshuo's eyes flashed with joy and he quickly said: "Of course."

Zhao Shulan smiled and then got to the point.

"Well Changshuo, I want to hear your opinion on the case behind Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian?"

Huang Changshuo's expression became serious when he heard this.

"Your Excellency, we caught the murderer who poisoned Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian last night!"

Zhao Shulan was stunned when she heard that the poisoner was caught so quickly.

"What? Caught?"

Huang Changshuo nodded while pretending to be embarrassed and said: "Yes, to be honest with you, our National Intelligence Agency has been greatly embarrassed this time!"

Zhao Shulan frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

Huang Changshuo said bitterly: "Your Excellency, the person who poisoned Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian was the mole of our National Intelligence Service."

With a bang, he told half-truths and half-false stories about Ma Xi and Zhang Dong, except that he hid the part about the mysterious organization.

After listening.

Zhao Shulan cursed loudly.

"What did Pu Lidong do? He let people infiltrate the National Intelligence Agency. This is the most powerful intelligence agency in our country. How can it protect our country!"

These words are not trivial, and others might add insult to injury.

Huang Changshuo on the side lowered his head and said nothing. Doing so would only arouse resentment.

Huang Changshuo's guess was correct.

While Zhao Shulan was scolding Pu Lidong, she was indeed watching Huang Changshuo's every move.

Seeing Huang Changshuo standing there quietly, he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Coupled with the fact that the suspect in the attack in Chengnan City was captured just after joining the investigation team, she couldn't help but appreciate Huang Changshuo in front of her even more.

"Vice President Huang, this incident shows that the National Intelligence Agency has a big problem. If the National Intelligence Agency is handed over to you, what will you do?"

Face the inquiry.

Huang Changshuo's eyes showed excitement, and then he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Your Excellency, through the cases of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian, I discovered that the National Intelligence Agency is not only filled with moles, but may also be filled with intelligence agents from other countries, so I suggest setting up a secret department to take charge of this matter!"

Zhao Shulan became interested.

"Oh, set up a secret department?"

Huang Changshuo nodded: "Yes, the current counterintelligence department is in the open, and it is not clear whether there are intelligence personnel deployed by other countries."

"Therefore, I think it is necessary to establish a new secret department responsible for clearing out the bugs, moles and spies of other countries in the National Intelligence Agency!"

Zhao Shulan licked her lips.

"You write a plan first, and I will give you an answer after I read it."

There is a play.

Huang Changshuo raised his hands and saluted with unspeakable excitement.

"Okay, Your Excellency, I will send the plan as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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