Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1112 The panicked Zhang Dongya on-site murder case

Chapter 1112 The panicked Zhang Dongya on-site murder case

as time flows.

The golden news at 20 o'clock in the evening, the reward orders about Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian appeared on the three major TV stations.

this moment.

Many people who knew Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian suddenly realized why they had not been seen at the company in the past two days.


Somewhere in a private club.

A figure came outside the box, opened the door and walked into the house.

At this time, there was a lot of excitement in the room.

Several old men in their fifties, each holding their two little sisters in their arms, were asking for help, and they were saying nasty things.

And Zhang Dongya is one of them.

The secretary came in without knocking.

Zhang Dongya said calmly: "Mr. Liu, don't get me wrong. I am not interested in Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian's crimes."

The secretary on the side said: "President, would you like to use Chief Liu from the Chengnan City Police Station to inquire about the situation?"

"President Zhang, do you have anything to do with me?"

"President, the situation is urgent."

Zhang Dongya immediately asked: "Tell me! What happened?"

Zhang Dongya said without thinking: "Hello, Chief Inspector Liu, to make a long story short, I want to know why Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian are wanted!"

"Okay, come back soon."

"What did these two idiots do? Why are they wanted by the police for no reason!"

Zhang Dongya was startled.

With that said, the secretary took out the tablet he carried with him and opened the official website of the Chengnan City Police Department. A reward order was hung on the homepage of the website.

The secretary quickly walked to Zhang Dongya, bent down and whispered in his ear: "President, something happened!"

"President, KBS Golden News just broadcast a reward order about Executive Yang Xiaoji and President Su Qixian!"

Zhang Dongya's color suddenly changed and he couldn't believe his ears.

A man's voice came out,

Zhang Dongya nodded, got up and left the box with his secretary.

"President, it's absolutely true,"

the reason is simple.

Zhang Dongya walked out of the club, returned to his car, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

The moment I just walked out of the room.

the secretary replied.

The voice just fell.

Zhang Dongya did not object.

Zhang Dongya was about to open his mouth to reprimand.

Because he had no idea what Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian were doing, so he could only ask for help from people outside the venue.

Zhang Dongya finally couldn't hold back anymore, his face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water.

The secretary glanced at the guests around him.

The photos of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian immediately came into view.

After a few dozen seconds, the call was connected.

Chief Inspector Liu was shocked.

"what's up?"

"President Zhang, do you know Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian?"

Although they also saw that Zhang Dongya was in a hurry, they did not ask further questions.

Looking at the bounty amounts of the two men.

Don't wait for him to finish speaking.

Zhang Dongya, who knew the secretary, felt nervous, and then looked at his friend.

Think of this.

Listen to the reminder from your subordinates.

"What did you say? Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian are wanted?"

"I'll go out and you can continue drinking."

Upon seeing this, Zhang Dongya grabbed the tablet and quickly clicked on the website about the reward order.

Face the inquiry.

"It's just that I have some shares in DaChan Energy Co., Ltd. You should know the weight of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian in DaChan Energy."

"Originally, the deaths of Chairman Gao and Director Murata have already caused the council to be very anxious. Now that something like this has happened again, I naturally want to inquire about it."

"If the situation goes wrong, I can quickly cash out and leave the market. I will thank Chief Inspector Liu for his advice then!"

Because Taisei Energy Co., Ltd. does not sell products domestically.

Therefore, this company appears to be very low-key in Chengnan City.

But with the deaths of Gao Yang and Murata Ueno, and after in-depth investigations by the news media, Densei Energy appeared in front of the public.

Only then did the citizens of Chengnan City learn that there was such a company around them.

If the reporter hadn't reported it, Chief Liu would have only vaguely heard of the name of Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd., but didn't know what it did.

Now that Zhang Dongya said he has shares in Dacheng Energy, Chief Liu's reaction was very subtle.

However, Chief Inspector Liu still answered Zhang Dongya’s question.

"President Zhang, I want to remind you that Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian may be involved in the previous attack in Seongnam City."

"As for the specific circumstances, the joint investigation team did not explain in detail, and even the wanted order did not specify what the two people did."

"But I guess the crime must be quite serious. After all, this afternoon the National Intelligence Agency directly sent a deputy director to participate in the arrest!"

A word stirred up a thousand waves.

Zhang Dongya's eyes widened slightly in panic.

"Chief Inspector Liu, are you kidding? Just two guys, Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian, the National Intelligence Service sent a deputy director?"

Chief Inspector Liu said seriously: "President Zhang, I'm not telling lies. It was the vice president who proposed the reward order."

"Because of this matter, Vice President Huang had a big quarrel with Minister Li, and the two almost quarreled!"

Zhang Dongya raised his eyebrows.

"Is the Minister Li you are talking about Minister Li Zaihua?"

Chief Inspector Liu nodded.

"That's right, Minister Li didn't want to make a big deal out of the matter, but Vice President Huang felt that the person must be arrested as soon as possible to give an explanation to the people, so there was a disagreement."

Although he could not find out what Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian had specifically committed, Zhang Dongya also learned what he wanted.

"Thank you, Chief Liu. I will send someone to deliver a gift to your home later."

Chief Inspector Liu did not refuse, this was what he deserved.

"Thank you, President Zhang. Is there anything else?"

Zhang Dongya shook his head.

"No, let's have dinner together another day. Goodbye."

"Okay, that's settled, goodbye."

The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Zhang Dongya put down his mobile phone, his expression uncertain.

He was not worried about the lives of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian, but was afraid that they would betray him.

Although Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian do not know each other's identities, there is one thing that cannot be erased.

That is, their status as members of the East Asia Association.

Although Zhang Dongya believed it, he would not dare to confess himself even if Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian were caught.

However, nothing is certain, so he is unwilling to take the gamble and wants to find a way to see the two of them as soon as possible.

Zhang Dongya fell into deep thought.

After a long time.

Zhang Dongya showed a troubled expression.

no way.

Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian have absconded so far without even calling, which shows that they do not trust them.

And Chengnan City is where they have been operating for many years.

If they really wanted to hide, it would be almost impossible to find the two of them in a short time.

Then Zhang Dongya gritted his teeth and dialed the private numbers of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian with a glimmer of hope.

The result is obvious, a shutdown prompt comes from the phone.

Zhang Dongya's expression darkened and he almost smashed his phone.

It's a pity that the matter has come to this, and there is no point in getting angry anymore.

We need to find a way to find the person, or meet them after the joint investigation team catches them.

Think of this.

Zhang Dongya made an instant decision in his heart.

At this time.

Ring ring ring.

The bell rings.

Zhang Dongya picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, frowned slightly, and pressed the call button.

Huang Douna's urgent voice came out.


The words just left his mouth.

Zhang Dongya had already guessed what the other party was going to say.

"Director Huang, I have read the news. Something happened to Executive Yang and President Su. Now you are the only one who can stabilize the situation."

"Tomorrow morning, you will immediately convene a council meeting to temporarily take over the position of president to stabilize people's hearts. You should be able to do this!"

Recently, Huang Dou Na has been jumping up and down, and keeps hinting how she can't notice it.

Originally, Zhang Dongya only planned to play with this woman and would not entrust her with any important tasks.

It’s different in the past.

Gao Yang and Murata Ueno are dead, and now Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian are wanted inexplicably.

When choosing a general among the dwarfs, Huang Douna became the most suitable candidate.

I heard that Zhang Dongya supported him as president.

Huang Douna instantly became excited. "Thank you for the promotion, chairman. Please rest assured that I will convene a council meeting early tomorrow morning to stabilize the company's situation!"

Just finished speaking.

Huang Douna seemed to realize something.

"By the way, President, the board of directors will be held tomorrow. I don't think everyone will necessarily recommend me to be the president!"

Hearing this, Zhang Dongya said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, since I want you to be the president, I will naturally help you. Just hold a meeting of the board of directors tomorrow and leave the rest to me!"

at the same time.

With the fermentation of wanted warrants.

Many employees and directors of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. are panicking.

Relative to some people are uneasy.

Chengnan City is particularly lively at night.

Many citizens who go out for a walk at night or are bored join in the fun because of the reward.

Although most people are not hopeful.

However, the bounty of 10 million to 100 million peninsula dollars still has unparalleled temptation for ordinary people.

Nowadays, the average salary in the peninsula is two million peninsula dollars, and no one dares to dream of one hundred million peninsula dollars.

But you can still imagine that you can receive 10 million peninsula dollars equivalent to five months' salary just for providing clues.

So there was a strange phenomenon in Chengnan City tonight.

Many people were walking among the crowd holding a photocopy of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian in their hands.

the other side.

The residence where Su Qixian lives.

The bodyguard who went out to buy dinner entered the living room with a panic look on his face.

Su Qixian naturally saw the wanted notice issued by Golden News.

Footsteps are heard.

Su Qixian turned back to look at his bodyguard.

"How's the situation outside?"

The bodyguard put down the dinner, swallowed and said, "The situation is very bad!"

Followed by.

The bodyguard told everything about what happened outside.

After listening.

Su Qixian's face was livid, and panic appeared in his eyes.

There was no precedent for full-name arrests in the past. At that time, people were not as enthusiastic as the citizens described by the bodyguards.

Now if it were me, it would be the participation of all the people.

Thinking about it.

Su Qixian cursed loudly.

"Damn it, what went wrong? Why did the joint investigation team find Zhang Qianyun!"

I saw my family losing their composure.

The bodyguard's eyes flickered, and he seemed to have other thoughts in his mind.

Amid the hustle and bustle of wanted orders, Chengnan City returned to calm.

The bounty is good, but you still have to live your life. If you don't sleep and are late tomorrow, your salary will be deducted.


A residential house hundreds of meters away from the river.


A dark shadow pushed the shoji door.

This person is Su Qixian's bodyguard.

He quietly walked out of the bedroom.

But behind it.

Su Qixian quietly opened his eyes, stood up and followed him out.

The bodyguard came to the courtyard, looked left and right, then secretly took out his mobile phone and pressed the numbers 11.

Just as he was about to press the last number.


There was a muffled sound.

The bodyguard immediately felt a sharp pain, and then his vision went dark and he collapsed to the ground.

He is behind.

Su Qixian hit the bodyguard on the head with a shovel while staring at the man lying on the ground with a ferocious expression, muttering to himself.

"You bastard, you dare to betray me, go to hell, go to hell!"

at the same time.

Seongnan City Police Station.

Temporary office of the joint investigation team.

Ring ring ring.

The bell rings.

Park Haoyu looked at the phone receiver with pain on his face.

The effect of the reward order was indeed very good, but what followed was indeed a false alarm report.

Many scammers lied about having clues in order to get bounties, which seriously wasted the police force of Seongnam City.

Until now, there hasn't been a real clue.

Park Haoyu took a deep breath, picked up the phone and said, "Hello, this is the Seongnam Police Station. How can I help you?"

A man's voice came out.

"Hello, I have a clue about Su Qixian. Are you really offering a reward?"

Hear this.

Park Haoyu once again repeated what he said most tonight with a blank expression.

"Please rest assured that the reward order we issued is real and effective. As long as you provide any clues about Yang Xiaoji or Su Qixian, you will receive a reward of 10 million peninsula yuan!"

The man on the other end of the line seemed convinced.

"Well, I have clues about Su Qixian. He is hiding now."

Soon the whistleblower revealed the location where Su Qixian was hiding.

Park Haoyu said calmly: "Okay, your number and the information you provided have been recorded. If the clues are correct, I will contact you again!"

The two ended the call.

Park Haoyu routinely reported new clues and contacted the police patrolling nearby to check.

the other side.

Bundang District.

A police cruiser received the message from headquarters.

"Headquarters is calling C1089 police patrol car. Headquarters is calling C1089 police patrol car. Please answer when you receive it."

C1089 Patrol Sergeant picked up the walkie-talkie.

"C1089 received."

Finished answering.

The intercom piped up again.

"Attention patrol car C1089, we have just received a report. The suspect Su Qixian is currently hiding in a residence at No. , rd Street, Bundang District. Please go and investigate immediately."

C1089 Patrol Sergeant frowned.

This was the eleventh report they received tonight. The previous ten reports were all false police reports, which made everyone very embarrassed.

But the headquarters gave orders.

The C1089 police patrol car could only obey.

"C1089 received, we will go there immediately."

End the call.

C1089 police patrol car orders subordinates to drive.

The police cruiser was not far from Third Street.

It didn't take a while.

C1089 police patrol car parked in front of House No. .

The car door opens.

Two police officers stepped down.

They came to the gate.

Police Officer A was about to press the doorbell.

The experienced police sergeant immediately stopped his subordinate's actions.

Police Officer A looked at his superior in confusion.

The police chief said solemnly: "Did you smell anything?"

Police Officer A frowned, then sniffed the air.

"It doesn't taste good. Are you mistaken?"

The Sheriff shook his head.

"No, I smell blood!"

Police Officer A was shocked.


The sergeant has been a police officer for fifteen years and can still tell the smell of blood.

"Yes, it's blood. There's something wrong with it. Let's be careful!"

Police Officer A was made nervous by his boss.

"What should we do now?"

The sergeant thought for a moment and said, "I'll step on your shoulder and go up to take a look. If there's no problem, it won't be too late for us to knock on the door."

Police Officer A did not object and squatted down on the spot.

The sergeant stepped on his subordinate's shoulders, grabbed the edge of the wall with his hands and looked inside.

It’s better not to watch.

I was shocked when I saw it.

Under the moonlight, I saw a black figure sitting in a pool of blood, and a human body lying next to it.

A murder occurred at the scene.

The police chief was shocked, jumped over the wall, drew his police gun and shouted.

"Don't move, I'm a policeman, put your hands up!"

(End of this chapter)

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