Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1110 Seeing Jin Dongzai playing into his own ambitions again

Chapter 1110 Seeing Jin Dongzai playing into his own ambitions again

(A small bug that appeared earlier has been corrected. The team members in Chapter 1105 had walkie-talkies instead of mobile phones.)

The night search yielded no results.

Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian seemed to have completely disappeared in this city of millions.

Time flies.

The sky is bright.

As the entire city gradually recovers, long lines of cars line up.

Fortunately, preparations were made in advance, and the current police force was sufficient, allowing convoys leaving and entering the city to pass quickly.

But if the time is later, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it.

Seongnan City Police Station.

In a conference room.

Everyone was sitting on the chairs with frowning eyebrows. From time to time, some people yawned secretly, looking like they were about to fall asleep.

Thump thump thump.

A sound of footsteps came closer and closer.

However, Li Zaihua has a special status, and he is also the leader of the joint case investigation team that Qingwatai personally considers.

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.

Facing the reminder of Ren Tingchang.

However, as the chief of Chengnan City Police Station, Ren Dingchang, he still has something to say.


Li Zaihua waved his hand.

"Okay, Team Leader Li, I'll call Chief Min right now."

Listen to the sergeant's report.

Ren Dingchang nodded and raised his hand to look at his watch.

"Section Chief Li, call Chief Min and ask him if he can mobilize a group of police officers to come to Chengnan City for support!"

Li Zaicheng looked serious.

"Prosecutor Gao, provide every police officer involved in the search last night with a cup of coffee and a sandwich."

"I usually don't spend much money, and I keep it in the bank. Besides, everyone has worked hard today. A cup of coffee and a sandwich are nothing."

A sergeant from the Seongnam City Police Department walked into the room and stood at attention, saluting.

But Li Zaihua has no intention of giving up the blockade.

"The total blockade can only be maintained until six o'clock tomorrow morning. If any problems occur after six o'clock, the joint investigation team will be fully responsible for the aftermath!"

Li Zaihua is recognized as the son-in-law of the Hanzhou Group, and a mere five million peninsula is indeed like drizzle.

the other side.

"Minister Li, what should we do now? Everyone has to go to work. If we continue to block the road like this, I'm afraid..."

Not only does the Seongnan City Police Department have to take responsibility, the city government also has to step forward and apologize.

"Minister Li, the long-term blockade of traffic arteries, entrances and exits, and rivers will have a great impact. I'm afraid the citizens will have opinions at that time."

"Director Ren, inform the rest of the search team to temporarily abandon the search and go to various locations to help block traffic arteries and entrances and exits."

"Don't worry, Director Ren, I know what to do!"

Ren Dingchang said in surprise: "Minister Li, isn't this too expensive?"

The door to the conference room was pushed open.

Locking down a city with a population of one million is not just a casual talk, it has huge consequences.

Although I know what Ren Tingchang means.

Hear this.

Ren Dingchang smiled and said nothing.

Although Ren Dingchang was dissatisfied.

"Well, it's getting late, why don't I treat everyone to breakfast."

As he said that, he looked at Li Zicheng again.

Li Zaihua heard this and said quickly: "Director Ren, I am the one who is troubling you. I should be the one to invite you."

The words fell.

"Minister Li and Director, we just received the news that the whereabouts of Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian have not been found so far."

You must know that more than 500 police officers participated in the search last night. A cup of coffee and a sandwich cost 5 million peninsula dollars.

"In addition, the number of vehicles leaving and entering the city is gradually increasing. The police officers at the front are under great pressure. We hope to send some more police officers to support!"

I heard someone calling me.

If something bad spreads internationally or causes riots among citizens.

After saying that, he took out his wallet, took out his credit card, and handed it to Gao Ying.

Ren Dingchang glanced at Li Zaihua who was sitting in the main seat.

Li Zaihua was not angry because the other party was responsible.

Qingwa Terrace.

Presidential residence.

Zhao Shulan is enjoying breakfast.

A maid walked over quickly and whispered: "Sir, Secretary Jin wants to see you!"

Zhao Shulan asked instead without answering.

"what time is it now?"

The maid replied: "Exactly half past six."

Jin Dongzai usually doesn't come to the official residence until 7:30.

There was obviously something wrong with coming here so early today.

Think of this.

Zhao Shulan frowned lightly and said, "Please ask Secretary Jin to come in and prepare another breakfast."

"Okay, Your Excellency!"

The maid turned and left.

A moment of effort.

Jin Dongzai came to the restaurant and quickly stepped forward to bow.

"Your Mightiness!"

Zhao Shulan pointed to the chair opposite.

"Secretary Jin, you haven't had breakfast yet, I've asked someone to prepare one for you."

Jin Dongzai sat down obediently.

Just sat down.

A maid came with a tray.

Then she placed a bowl of rice and several small plates in front of Jin Dongzai.

Zhao Shulan has a similar habit to Li Zaihua, but only for breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, providing the body with necessary energy.

Especially if you haven't eaten during the night, breakfast can provide the brain and other organs with fuel to start the day.

Therefore, Zhao Shulan does not like to talk about official matters during breakfast and easily loses her appetite.

Jin Dongzai knew this very well and started eating breakfast silently with chopsticks.

Time passed by minute by minute.

7:01 am.

Zhao Shulan finished her meal on time, picked up the cup next to her, rinsed her mouth, took the napkin handed by the maid and wiped the corners of her mouth.

Done everything.

Zhao Shulan looked at Jin Dongzai who had already put down his chopsticks.

"Secretary Jin, are you okay with coming here so early?"

Jin Dongzai said solemnly: "Your Excellency, I just received news that there seems to be an insider in the joint investigation team, causing the suspects Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian of the Seongnam City attack to abscond overnight!"

The voice just fell.

Zhao Shulan's eyes narrowed.

"What did you say! Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian ran away?"

Jin Dongzai nodded.

"Yes, Chengnan City has entered a state of emergency. The joint investigation team mobilized police forces to block all traffic arteries and entrances and exits in the entire city."

Don't wait for him to finish speaking.


"Nonsense, absolutely nonsense!"

Zhao Shulan slammed the dining table.

"Haven't the people in the joint investigation team thought about how much impact a blockade of a city with a million people would have?"

Although he didn't say it explicitly, it was an allusion to Li Zaihua, and Jin Dongzai could naturally hear it.

"Sir, what should I do? Do you want me to notify the joint investigation team to lift the blockade?"

As soon as these words came out.

Zhao Shulan stared at Jin Dongzai like a fool.

She had to admit that compared to Liu Wankui, the guy in front of her was far behind.

If the other party had not been too close to Li Zaihua, Jin Dongzai would not have been chosen to take over as secretary-general.

"Secretary Jin, have you ever heard of the idioms of giving up halfway and changing things day and night?"

Jin Dongzai was startled, then quickly realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly stood up and bowed to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency"

The words just left his mouth.

Zhao Shulan directly interrupted: "Go to Chengnan City immediately, ask Team Leader Li personally about the situation, and then report to me!"

"Okay, Your Excellency!"

After saying that, Jin Dongzai turned around and left without looking back.

Wait until people leave.

Zhao Shulan was thoughtful.

There is such a big commotion in Chengnan City, and the joint investigation team is the first to be affected. As the team leader, Li Zaihua will definitely be brought out to face the pressure of public opinion.

If it were him, he would have kept it secret and secretly arrested Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian.

Therefore, according to Zhao Shulan’s understanding of Li Zaihua.

If there is no benefit, the youngest prosecutor general in the history of the peninsula will definitely choose the same decision as himself, keep it secret and arrest him secretly.

Now Li Zaihua is doing the opposite, which makes Zhao Shulan a little confused.

She was curious, did Li Zaihua have a masochistic tendency?

Thinking about it.

Zhao Shulan took a deep breath. Although she couldn't figure out Li Zaihua's purpose now, everything would be exposed one day.

She just waited, maybe Jin Dongzai would bring her relevant information.

the other side.

Jin Dongzai left the official residence and went straight to the parking lot.

As he walked, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Secretary Kim!"

Jin Dongzai said without hesitation: "Minister Li, I am about to arrive in Chengnan City. When I arrive at the Chengnan City Police Station, I want to listen to your explanation!"

8:20 am.

Seongnan City Police Station. Li Zaihua led the senior officials of the joint investigation team and the senior officials of the Chengnan City Police Station to stand in front of the steps.

A black car approaches from a distance.


The black car stopped slowly.

A police officer immediately stepped forward and opened the door.

Jin Dongzai stepped down.

Li Zaihua bowed slightly.

"Secretary Kim!"

Seeing this, the others followed suit and bowed and shouted.

"Secretary Kim. Secretary Kim. Hello, Secretary Kim."

Jin Dongzai came from Qingwatai and was very impressive. He only nodded slightly to the greetings from others.

Seeing Li Zaihua was much more cordial.

"Team Leader Li, let's go in and talk!"

Li Zaihua nodded, and then said: "Secretary Jin, regarding what I said before, I want to report to you alone!"

Jin Dongzai's heart moved, and he guessed what the young minister was going to say.

Because except for the inner ghost, there is no need to hide other things from everyone.

Jin Dongzai’s words are concise and concise.


"Secretary Kim, please come with me."

Hearing that Jin Dongzai was coming to Chengnan City, Li Zaihua had already prepared a room in advance.

It didn't take a while.

The two came to an office.

Not long after I sat down.

Dang Dang Dang.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Gao Ying heard the sound and pushed open the door. He quickly stepped forward and bowed.

Then he placed two cups of hand-brewed coffee worth 60,000 peninsula dollars in front of the two of them.

"Secretary Kim, Minister, please use your coffee slowly!"

Li Zaihua nodded.

"Thank you, Prosecutor Gao, you can go out."

Gao Ying bowed again, turned and left.

Follow the subordinates out of the office.

Jin Dongzai picked up the coffee and took a sip, then looked directly at the young minister.

"Minister Li, can you speak now?"

Li Zaihua looked serious.

"Secretary Jin, before I say anything, everything is limited to my speculation. As for who the real mole is, I can't provide accurate evidence for the time being!"

Jin Dongzai's face did not change when he heard this, and he was not surprised at all.

Because if you want to find the mole in just one night, unless Li Zaihua is God.

"Team Leader Li, first tell me what you know!"

Li Zaihua organized his speech and said word by word: "I have two suspects in total. The first one is Li Zicheng, the head of the Zhongyang Police Residence Search Planning Section, and the second one."

At this point, he deliberately lengthened his voice.

Jin Dongzai frowned impatiently.

"Minister Li, who is the second suspect?"

Li Zaihua pretended to think, and finally said in a deep voice: "The second one is Zhou Renmin, director of the International Crime Intelligence Center of the National Intelligence Agency!"

Just finished speaking.

Jin Dongzai was shocked.

"What did you say? Is Center Director Zhou Renmin a mole?"

Li Zaihua explained: "Secretary Kim, I have a basis for suspecting that Center Director Zhou is a mole. Two days ago, I sent Prosecutor Park and Prosecutor Gao to monitor Su Qixian and Yang Hyoki respectively."

"If Prosecutor Park and Prosecutor Gao were moles, there was no need to wait until last night to report them. I should have disappeared without a trace before we made arrangements to arrest them."

"As for Section Chief Li and Director Zhou, I only informed them yesterday."

"That's why, on the eve of the official arrest, Yang Xiaoji and Su Qixian suddenly disappeared last night."

"So I targeted Section Chief Li and Chief Zhou."

Hear it here.

Jin Dongzai asked doubtfully: "Could it be that other team members leaked the news?"

"Not too possible!"

Li Zaihua shook his head.

"Because before departure, I had confiscated their mobile phones, and the two of them were monitoring each other and could not leave their sight, even if they went to the toilet. I think the chance of bribery of two team members at the same time is very small!"

"Among the team members, the only ones who can keep their mobile phones are Prosecutor Park, Prosecutor Gao, Section Chief Li and Chief Zhou."

As he was talking, he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Director Zhou didn't come to Chengnan City last night!"

Such a blatant suggestion.

How could Jin Dongzai not hear it?

"Minister Li, do you mean that Director Zhou is the most suspect?"

At this point, he changed the subject.

"But as far as I know, Section Chief Li Zicheng seemed to be an undercover agent before. I think he is more suspicious!"

The members of the joint investigation team are not randomly selected.

Zhou Renmin will be recommended only if he openly approaches Park Lidong at the National Intelligence Agency.

Although the position of team leader finally fell to Li Zaihua.

But Pu Lidong is a close confidant of Zhao Shulan, and Zhou Renmin is Pu Lidong's person, and indirectly belongs to him.

Naturally, Jin Dongzai couldn't just let Zhou Renmin become a suspect.

Even if Zhou Renmin is really a traitor, he still has to pretend that he doesn't know.

Listening to Jin Dongzai, he was beaten down.

Li Zaihua understood the other party's thoughts instantly.

However, he remained unmoved.

"Secretary Jin, if we choose one person from Section Chief Li and Center Chief Zhou, Section Chief Li will definitely be less suspect than Center Chief Zhou!"

Jin Dongzai frowned, he had made it clear enough.

"Director Li, you can't say that. After all, Section Chief Li has a criminal record. Maybe he picked up bad habits while undercover?"

Li Zaihua raised his eyebrows.

This is the rhythm to make Li Zicheng a scapegoat.

Although he pushed Li Zicheng out for entertainment, he was still his own chess piece.

However, Jin Dongzai's words played into the young minister's mind, and he couldn't help but have a flash of joy in his eyes.

"Secretary Jin, I have an idea, I wonder what you think of it!"

Jin Dongzai looked deeply at the young minister.

"tell me the story."

Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Since we can't determine who the mole is, why not just transfer Center Director Zhou and Section Chief Li away to save the trouble."

"Besides, I don't want word to spread that there is a mole in the joint investigation team."

As he spoke, he paused and looked at Jin Dongzai seriously.

"At least not now, what do you think?"

Jin Dongzai didn't want Zhou Renmin to become a suspect, so he thought for a moment.

After all, the members of the joint case investigation team were designated by Qingwa Taiwan. Once such a big thing as a mole spreads out, the news media will inevitably follow suit and report it.

When the time comes, Zhao Shulan will be passive again.

It's just that Jin Dongzai can't decide on this matter.

"Minister Li, can you go out for a moment?"

Hear this.

Li Zaihua guessed that Jin Dongzai wanted to ask Zhao Shulan for instructions.

"No problem, I just want to go to the bathroom."

After that, he stood up and left.

Wait until people leave.

Jin Dongzai took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

the other side.

Qingwa Terrace.

Office of the President.

Ring ring ring.

The bell rings.

Zhao Shulan picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, then frowned slightly and pressed the call button.

Jin Dongzai's voice came out.

"Your Mightiness!"

Zhao Shulan said calmly: "Is something wrong?"

Jin Dongzai answered.

"Sir, something did happen. This is what happened."

Crackingly, he told Li Zaihua that he suspected Zhou Renmin and Li Zicheng were moles.

After listening.

Zhao Shulan pondered for a long time and said quietly: "Promise him that there will be no moles in the joint investigation team. I will send others to participate in the search later!"

Immediately afterwards, she hung up the phone and mentally planned who to send to Chengnan City.

Soon a name came to mind.

Zhao Shulan thought for a moment. Although that person had a good relationship with Liu Wankui, it did not mean that he also had contact with Li Zaihua.

What's more, she has too little use in the National Intelligence Agency, or she has no choice.

Think of this.

Zhao Shulan made an instant decision and picked up her mobile phone to dial the number.

After a few dozen seconds, the call was connected.

Huang Changshuo's respectful voice came out.

"Your Mightiness!"

Zhao Shulan said without hesitation: "Vice President Huang, please come to my office right away!"

Huang Changshuo was stunned for a moment, then an idea suddenly occurred to him as if he had guessed something, and he couldn't help but show excitement.

"Okay, Your Excellency!"

(End of this chapter)

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