Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1074: Pressing harder and harder, the scapegoat Kim Soo-seung

Chapter 1074: Pressing harder and harder, the scapegoat Kim Soo-seung

As there are more and more discussions on the Internet about Zhao Shulanzheng's mansion.

Suddenly, the largest forum on the peninsula could not be logged in, and it showed that the equipment was damaged and was being repaired.

See this.

Netizens have turned to other forums or chat tools.

But they soon discovered that other forums actually restricted keywords.

This kind of self-inflicted behavior made netizens furious, but they were helpless.

Some angry netizens could only go abroad to criticize Zhao Shulanzheng's actions.

Although this approach vented a lot of grievances, Peninsula Zhengfu turned a blind eye.

After all, the Kuomintang-haters are everywhere in this world.

Calming down domestic public opinion does not mean everything is safe.

It is impossible for major Internet companies to block keywords forever. In that case, not only the public will not agree, but even the opposition parties will not agree.

Tonight's network control is only a temporary measure, and the culprit must be found.

Therefore, the NIS stayed up all night.

Pu Lidong convened a large number of computing experts to track the IP addresses of the first posts of various rumors on the Internet.

Unfortunately, nothing was found in the end. All I found were broilers, and the real IP address could not be found at all.

The next day.

9:18 am.


Prosecutor's Office.

Special Search Part Four.

Minister's Office.

Li Zaihua sat on a chair, and as soon as he had an idea, he took out his anonymous mobile phone from his space backpack and dialed the number.

After a few dozen seconds, the call was connected.

Gao Minzhu's voice came out.

"In China!"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Uncle Gao, it's almost time, let's do it!"

Hear this.

Gao Minzhu's face changed slightly.


The two chatted for a few more words and ended the call.

Li Zaihua put down his phone and his eyes moved slightly.

Pressing harder and harder.

He did not believe that Zhao Shulan could still sit firmly on Diaoyutai.

the other side.

Busan City.

Busan District Inspection.

top layer.

Attorney General's Office.

Gao Minzhu picked up the phone receiver and dialed the internal number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

The voice of Kong Kyung-han, the current head of the Busan District Prosecutor’s Special Investigation Department, came out.

As for the predecessor Huang Huixing, his father-in-law used his connections to transfer him away from Busan after Fan Dongguo stepped down.

"Prosecutor General!"

"Minister Kong, come to my office!"

"Okay Attorney General, please wait!"

A moment of effort.

Dang Dang Dang.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Kong Jinghan heard the sound and pushed open the door. He quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Prosecutor General, are you looking for me?"

This person was the first Busan district prosecutor to surrender to Go Min-soo.

Therefore, after Huang Huixing left, there was an urgent need for employment and Kong Jinghan was promoted to chief minister of the Special Investigation Department.

Gao Minzhu pointed to the sofa.

"Sit down and talk."

"Thank you, Attorney General!"

Kong Jinghan sat down obediently.

Go Min-soo followed closely behind.

Just sat down.

Gao Minzhu threw a portfolio to Kong Jinghan.

"Minister Kong, take a look at this information first."

The words fell.

Kong Jinghan glanced at his prosecutor general, then picked up the file bag, opened the seal, poured out the documents inside, and began to read through them line by line.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Kong Jinghan's expression became more and more solemn.

"Prosecutor General, what are you doing?"

The words just left his mouth.

Gao Minzhu said solemnly: "That's right, your target today is the second-elected member of the New Party Chen Luoyu!"

Hear the name.

Kong Jinghan swallowed subconsciously.

Competition among the major political parties on the peninsula is fierce, and Busan, as the second largest city on the peninsula, is free from disputes.

Chen Luoyu belongs to the new party and launched a new star in Zhengzhi, and he was re-elected with a high vote.

Of course, support is also indispensable, and behind it is Zhao Shulan.

Kong Jinghan said worriedly: "Prosecutor General, Councilor Chen is your Excellency's man. If we try to touch him, will it happen?"

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.

Gao Minzhu seemed to have expected this from Kong Jinghan.

"Minister Kong, there is a saying in China that the emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people."

"As for the court, I have already communicated with you. Just take the order to assist in the investigation and ask Councilor Chen Luoyu to come back to assist in the investigation."

"The crime document says that he used customs to smuggle precious metals!"

The evidence provided by Li Zaihua is not false, but is based on real evidence.

Today's Busan Customs is equivalent to the back garden of Tenglong Trading Group. From top to bottom, everyone basically collects money or gets what they want through exchange.

In order to prevent Chen Luoyu from losing control, Zhao Shulan placed very strict restrictions on the sponsors.

Without Zhengzhi's donation, Chen Luoyu has to win over people's hearts and can only act as a protector of the evil forces to collect money.

After Li Zaihua found out about Chen Luoyu, he deliberately asked An Xingzhu to send someone to contact him and guide him to smuggle gold to make quick money.

Don't underestimate gold.

The gold from China and Japan is all 24K gold, while the gold from the Peninsula is only 18K gold.

Coupled with the price difference, there is a huge profit, about 150 million to 180 million peninsula yuan per kilogram, almost tens of thousands of Chinese dollars.

Moreover, smuggling gold also has the advantage of not being afraid of detection. It is more popular on the black market and the price is higher.

Sometimes one kilogram can even cost 220 million peninsula dollars, which also makes gold smuggling rampant in the peninsula.

Youdao is that being an official for thousands of miles is just for money, and there are always only a few who truly serve the country and the people.

Most officials are either doing it for fame or money, or more often for both.

Chen Luoyu's background was not very good, and three generations of his family were all from fishing backgrounds.

Fortunately, Chen Luoyu worked hard enough and was admitted to Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul. He passed the public examination directly after graduation.

He was appreciated during a reception with Zhao Shulan.

It is rumored that Zhao Shulan values ​​Chen Luoyu's knowledge and ability. There is no way to explain whether it is true or false.

At least anyone who has met Chen Luoyu in person will secretly scold the pretty boy.

Faced with strict control, Chen Luoyu participated in smuggling under the instigation of someone who was interested and with the guarantee of the supply of gold.

In just one month, Chen Luoyu made hundreds of millions of dollars in profit, which made him want to stop. (PS: Don’t compare the Peninsula with China. 100 million is indeed a super high income in the Peninsula.)

Now it's finally harvest time.

After listening to what my prosecutor general said.

Kong Jinghan understood that today’s case must be done even if it is not done.

Think of this.

Kong Jinghan no longer wastes time.

"Okay, prosecutor general, I know what to do!"

Gao Minzhu nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's do it!"

Kong Jinghan bowed again, turned around and left without looking back.

Wait until people leave.

Gao Minzhu stood up and came to the window, looked up at the sky, and murmured to himself.

"Hope everything goes well!"

16:10 pm.



Eight police cars with Busan license plates and four MPVs were parked in front of the Capitol.

Although Chen Luoyu is a member of the National Assembly elected by Busan City, it does not represent that the other party is working in Busan.

The door of the first MVP car was pushed open.

Kong Jinghan stepped down.

He raised his head and looked at the solemn Capitol Building, with a flash of solemnity in his eyes.

But now that the matter is over, there is no turning back.

Wait for everyone to arrive.

Kong Jinghan waved his hand and led the subordinate prosecutors and a large number of police officers up the steps.

I saw a group of people approaching in a menacing manner.

All the staff who passed by suddenly changed their colors, and then quickly ran to the side to call their own congressmen to inform them.

Enter the lobby.

The guards blocked the way of Kong Jinghan and others.

"What are you doing!"

Kong Jinghan raised the certificate hanging around his neck and said, "I am Kong Jinghan, the director of the Busan District Procuratorate's Special Investigation Department. Please do not interfere with official duties!" After that.

Kong Jinghan winked.

Several police officers stepped forward and pushed the guard away.

Kong Jinghan strode toward the elevator.

Just as Kong Jinghan was taking the elevator.

News of the Busan District Prosecutors' arrival spread like a tornado.

Speaker's office.

Dang Dang Dang.

There was a knock on the door.

Assistant Sun pushed the door open and stepped forward quickly to bow.


Hear the sound.

Jin Xiucheng raised his head and said slowly: "Is something wrong?"

Assistant Sun replied.

"Speaker, I just received news that people from the Busan District Prosecutors' Special Investigation Department broke into the Capitol Building!"

Jin Xiucheng was startled.

"Busan District Prosecutors' Special Investigation Department?"

Assistant Officer Sun nodded.

"Yes, the person leading the team is Kong Jinghan, the director of the Busan District Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department!"

The voice just fell.

Jin Xiucheng was thoughtful, then waved his hand towards Assistant Officer Sun.

"I know, you go out first!"

Assistant Sun asked again: "Speaker, do you want to stop it?"

Jin Xiucheng thought for a while.

"Send someone to check it out, but don't stop it."

Assistant Sun was confused and was about to open his mouth to ask.

It's a pity that Jin Xiucheng didn't give him a chance to speak.

"Okay, let's get out!"

Assistant Sun swallowed the words on his lips again and left full of doubts.

Wait until people leave.

Jin Xiucheng picked up the phone and dialed the number.

The call was answered soon.

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Uncle Jin."

Kim Soo-seung said bluntly: "Just now, the Busan District Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department came to the National Assembly to arrest people. Was it your masterpiece?"

Li Zaihua did not deny it.

"Uncle Jin, how did you guess that?"

Jin Xiucheng rolled his eyes.

No need to guess, the Busan District Inspection Bureau has almost become your private residence in China.

"Okay, don't fight me, haha. Who are you going to fight today?"

Li Zaihua smiled and gave a name.

"Chen Luoyu!"

Hear this.

Kim Soo-seung could blurt it out.

"You mean that pretty boy?"

In fact, everyone knows that Chen Luoyu can get Zhao Shulan's support.

It's just that there are some things that people don't want to say.

After all, everyone has unspoken rules.

But Jin Xiucheng also had to admit that Chen Luoyu's ability was indeed good, at least in terms of handling public opinion.

Li Zaihua nodded.

"That's right, it's Chen Luoyu. I hope Uncle Jin won't stop him!"

Jin Xiucheng thought for a moment.

"Are you and Zhao Shulan really planning to keep making trouble like this?"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Your Excellency arrested Congressman Zheng, how can I live up to him if I don't do something?"

Jin Xiucheng curled his lips, not believing the young minister's lies at all.

"Zhao Shulan is not easy to deal with, be careful of capsizing in the ditch!"

"Thank you Uncle Jin for your concern, I know my own rules!"

the other side.

Under the watchful eyes of countless auxiliary officers.

Kong Jinghan came to Chen Luoyu's office.

The subordinate turned the handle and pushed open the door.

The seven staff members in the room looked at the door in unison.

Kong Jinghan took the lead.

"Excuse me, is Councilor Chen Luoyu here?"

The moment I saw Kong Jinghan.

The seven staff members were dumbfounded on the spot. They did not expect that they would eat the melon and eat it on their heads.

No one answered.

Kong Jinghan waved his hand forward.

The three subordinates immediately headed towards the inner room.

The assistant officer took a look and quickly ran to block the door.

"Don't mess around!"

However, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

Prosecutor A opened the door.

Hear the door open.

Chen Luoyu's expression darkened and he was about to curse.

Kong Jinghan, who was behind, stepped in with one step, then held up his certificate.

"Hello Congressman Chen Luoyu, I am Kong Jinghan, the director of the Busan District Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department. I am now suspected of assisting the evil forces in smuggling precious metals. Please come back with us to assist in the investigation!"

Half an hour after Chen Luoyu was taken away.

Qingwa Terrace.

Guest House.

Zhao Shulan saw off the foreign guests with a smile on her face.

Watch the foreign guests leave in the car.

Jin Dongzai quickly stepped forward and whispered into Zhao Shulan's ear: "Your Excellency, something happened!"

Zhao Shulan frowned.

"Go to the office to talk."

It didn't take a while.

Office of the President.

Li Zaihua sat on the chair.

Jin Dongzai said nervously: "Your Excellency, I just received the news that the Busan District Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department took away Representative Chen Luoyu half an hour ago on charges of smuggling precious metals!"

As soon as these words came out.

Zhao Shulan suddenly changed color.

"What did you say? The Busan District Prosecutor's Special Investigation Department arrested Congressman Chen?"

Jin Dongzai nodded without saying a word.

Zhao Shulan's eyes flickered, as if she thought of something in a daze.

Originally, she was not facing Li Zaihua.

It was true that Li Zaihua sent people to arrest Zheng Baoshuo out of revenge.

However, the Busan District Inspection Bureau did not participate in the recent series of troubles.

Therefore, Zhao Shulan just attributed Zheng Baoshuo's arrest to coincidence.

Of course, more importantly, even with the help of Li Zhengzheng and Xu Zhenzai, Li Zaihua would not be able to command such a huge prosecutorial force.

Therefore, in Zhao Shulan's opinion, it makes sense that a certain chaebol united with the hostile Zheng Party to create trouble for herself.

Now that the Busan District Procuratorate suddenly raided and took away Chen Luoyu, people have to pay attention.

Zhao Shulan frowned and muttered to herself.

"Did I guess wrong and Li Zaihua really did everything?"

All of a sudden.

Zhao Shulan couldn't help but recall the photo of Li Zaihua smashing his briefcase out of control.

At that time, she only regarded this matter as a joke, and even laughed at the other party secretly.

Now it seems that there may be ulterior motives.

But Zhao Shulan couldn't understand one thing. How did Li Zaihua persuade those people to help?

Think about it.

A figure flashed through Zhao Shulan's mind.

"Kim Soo-seung!"

The relationship between Lee Jae Hwa and Kim Soo Seung is well known.

Li Zhengzheng and Xu Zhenzai alone will never be able to make themselves vulnerable to enemies on all sides.

This can only be achieved if Kim Soo-seung comes forward to communicate with the Democratic Party.

At this moment, Zhao Shulan suddenly woke up.

From the beginning to the end, she never thought that just a Li Zaihua could make her be embarrassed on all sides.

Before, I had worries and could not let go and use all my strength to target Li Zaihua.

Perhaps the whole thing was Kim Soo-seung's fault, with the purpose of shaking his own power and attacking the new party in preparation for future elections.

Peninsula does not prohibit speakers from running for president.

As long as Kim Soo-seung does a good job during his time in the National Assembly, he will most likely gain a lot of public opinion.

Coupled with the support of the Democratic Party, Kim Soo-seung is very likely to become the popular candidate for the next term.

Zhao Shulan seemed to see through everything.

Li Zaihua also didn't expect that a black pot fell from the sky and was placed on Jin Xiucheng.

(End of this chapter)

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