Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1072: Treat others in their own way.

I heard that Wu Zhengxian was willing to take on his case.

Ma Zaihui stood up suddenly and bowed at ninety degrees.

"Thank you, Minister Wu. Thank you, Minister Wu!"

Wu Zhengxian smiled and said: "Mr. Ma is serious. It is my responsibility to advocate for justice. After completing the transcript, I will submit the found information to the Incheon District Prosecutor's Office and urge the Incheon authorities to release him as soon as possible!"

The words fell.

Ma Zaihui said with a grateful face: "Thank you, Minister Wu. I hope that with your intervention, the Incheon District Prosecutor's Office can let my brother go!"

Wu Zhengxian smiled, but did not give any guarantee.

The Incheon District Prosecutor's Office has the power to handle cases independently. He submitted evidence about Ma Zaihui's brother, but it still failed to prove his innocence.

If the Incheon District Prosecutor's Office forces prosecution, the Daegu High Prosecutor's Office will not be able to do anything about it.

See the three people negotiate.

Song Wenhai said: "Okay, since Minister Wu is willing to take over, then you can take them to chat slowly."

"Okay Attorney General!"

Song Wenhai stood up and bowed, picked up the file bag on the table and turned around and said: "Mr. Ma, Mr. Zhu, please follow me."

Zhu Zhongshun and Ma Zaihui nodded and left.

Wait until people leave.

Song Wenhai's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly came to the desk and sat down. He bent down and opened the drawer, took out the anonymous mobile phone and dialed the number.

the other side.


Prosecutor's Office.

Special Search Part Four.

Minister's Office.

Ring ring ring.

The bell rings.

Li Zaihua opened the drawer and took out his anonymous mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. He couldn't help but press the call button.

"Prosecutor Song!"

Song Wenhai's voice came out.

"Minister Li, Wu Zhengxian, the director of the Public Prosecution Department of the Daegu High Prosecutor's Office, has just personally taken over Ma Zaihui's case!"

Li Zaihua's eyes lit up.

"Thank you, Prosecutor Song, I understand!"

The two chatted for a few more words and ended the call.

Li Zaihua put down the phone and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, finally the result was about to come out.

Time flies.


Discussion on Zhengfu City.

Gao Group Headquarters.

A black high-end car parked in front of the hall.

Accompanied by several directors, Gao Aixiang walked out of the headquarters.

The moment he saw his president.

The employees passing by collectively bowed and saluted until Gao Aixiang drove away.

the other side.

Not far from the headquarters of Gao Group.

Inside a nondescript gray sedan.

Liang Wuxing looked at the high-end car gradually going away, opened his mouth and said: "Drive, follow!"

The company employees nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and followed closely.

After half an hour.

After confirming the direction of Gao Aixiang's vehicle, Liang Wuxing took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After a few dozen seconds, the call was connected.

Liang Wuxing said respectfully: "Boss, Gao Aixiang has set off, and it looks like he is going to Seoul!

Hear this.

Li Zaihua thought for a moment.

"Gao Aixiang is very likely to go see Zhao Zhiwan. This guy is currently living in Asan Hospital. Keep an eye on her to see if she goes to Asan Hospital."

"Once Gao Aixiang arrives at Asan Hospital, report to me immediately!"

Liang Wuxing nodded.

"Understood boss!"

Time flies.

14:12 pm.

Asan Hospital, Seoul.

A high-end black car parked in front of the gate.

The secretary quickly got out of the car and opened the rear door.

Gao Aixiang stepped down and asked, "Which ward does President Zhao live in?"

the secretary replied.

"President, President Zhao lives in the neurosurgery VIP ward."

ten minutes later.

The two came to a VIP ward.

Dang Dang Dang.

There was a knock on the door.

Without waiting for the people inside to answer.

The secretary pushed open the door.

Zhao Zhiwan, who was lying on the hospital bed and was about to get angry, recognized the person at first sight and instantly smiled ingratiatingly like a Sichuan face-changing master.

"Sister Aixiang, you are here!"

Gao Aixiang strode to the bedside.

"Zhao Zhiwan, I'm late. How are you injured?"

Zhao Zhiwan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, the doctor said it's a slight concussion, just rest for a few days!"

At this time.

Lu Xiuying on the side bowed and said: "Hello, President Gao!"

Look at the young woman.

Gao Aixiang said kindly: "Lawyer Lu, long time no see."

The secretary brought a chair.

Gao Aixiang sat down regardless of whether Zhao Zhiwan or Lu Xiuying agreed.

"Zhiwan, I heard your story from your Excellency. You are so big-hearted. You dare to imitate others in trading futures. You must be trapped now!"

Although Zhao Zhiwan was unhappy with Gao Aixiang's preaching, she was the only one who could save him at the moment.

"Sister Aixiang, you are right. I overestimated my abilities. I will never make the same mistake again!"

Listening to Zhao Zhiwan's words of repentance.

Gao Aixiang sneered in her heart, it was people like Zhao Zhiwan who could not change the dog eating shit.

Of course, she was just thinking about it in her heart. On the surface, she was still a caring big sister who cared about her best friend's younger brother.

"Just understand. I hope you won't cause her any more trouble during your tenure."

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

Gao Aixiang can save his life.

Zhao Zhiwan promised: "Sister Aixiang, don't worry, I have learned my lesson and will not cause trouble to my sister again!"

Gao Aixiang nodded with satisfaction, and then stretched out her hand.

The secretary wisely took out a stack of contracts from the briefcase he carried with him and handed them over.

Gao Aixiang took the contract and said, "Lawyer Lu happens to be here too. This is the contract I drafted. Please see if there are any problems."

"Thank you, Sister Aixiang!"

Zhao Zhiwan took the contract and handed it to his wife.

Lu Xiuying took the contract, then moved a chair to sit next to Gao Aixiang, and began to read carefully at a glance.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lu Xiuying's expression gradually relaxed.

She had to admit that the interest rate of this loan contract was indeed very good, and it was actually twice as low as that of the bank.

As for Gao Aixiang's demand for interest, Lu Xiuying didn't think there was a problem at all.

Gao Aixiang is not a philanthropist. She has done her best to lend the money to Zhao Zhiwan, and it is reasonable to pay a little interest.

When the last page of the document is closed.

Lu Xiuying was overjoyed and said: "Thank you, President Gao, your money has saved our family's life!"

Hear this.

Although Zhao Zhiwan was anxious, due to the presence of Gao Aixiang, he could only hold it in.

Gao Aixiang smiled slightly.

"That's good. After signing the contract, 10 billion will be transferred to your personal account within an hour!"

The voice just fell.

Zhao Zhiwan glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It was still a few minutes until three o'clock in the afternoon.

You should know that Peninsula Bank’s closing time is generally around 5 p.m. every day.

If you don't rush to get the money back before the bank closes, you can only wait until tomorrow.

Minister Qin urged to cover the position before the end of the night tonight, which meant that he had to do it within two days.

This makes time quite tight.

Zhao Zhiwan no longer hesitated, asked his wife for a pen, and signed his name on three contracts.

The secretary confirmed that it was correct and immediately took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Don't wait for the person opposite to speak.

The secretary said directly: "Lend the loan!"


Another half hour passed.


A text message prompts.

Zhao Zhiwan picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and a remittance message popped up on the screen.

Then, he couldn't wait to open the bank text message, and a series of blood-red numbers came into view.

Zhao Zhiwan carefully counted the amount of the remittance, and after confirming that it was 10 billion, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Sister Aixiang. If you have any questions in the future, please feel free to speak. I will definitely help you if I can!"

Gao Aixiang smiled.

"Okay, let's make this deal. I won't disturb your rest and I'll come see you another day." Zhao Zhiwan nodded.

"Xiuying, help me see Sister Aixiang off."

"good husband."

Gao Aixiang no longer stayed, and accompanied by Lu Xiuying, led the secretary to get up and leave.

Wait until people leave.

Zhao Zhiwan couldn't help but opened the bank text message and counted the numbers carefully.

At this moment he really wanted to keep the money.

However, there is no delay in covering up positions. Compared with 10 billion, Sanyo Industrial's stocks are undoubtedly more valuable.

Think of this.

Zhao Zhiwan immediately called the bank’s exclusive VIP account manager.

Peninsula Bank also has daily limits.

Ten billion is not a small amount. With Zhao Zhiwan's daily limit, he can only transfer money through a dedicated customer service manager.

Ignoring the nonsense from the exclusive customer service manager, 10 billion was successfully transferred out.

Followed by.

Zhao Zhiwan raised his mobile phone and dialed the number.

the other side.

A financial company.

Futures Investment Department.

Ring ring ring.

The bell rings.

Minister Qin picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. He couldn't help but smile, and pressed the call button.

"President Zhao!"

Zhao Zhiwan's arrogant voice came out.

"Minister Qin, I said 10 billion cannot stop me!"

Minister Qin sneered secretly, but said with a shy face: "Of course, I have never doubted President Zhao's ability!"

Zhao Zhiwan snorted coldly.

"Remember, this is the last time. If this money does not last until next year, you should know the consequences!"

Minister Qin pretended to be scared and said: "President Zhao, don't worry, I did not expect Brazil to reduce production this year. There will be no problem next year. I guarantee you a big profit!"

Zhao Zhiwan gritted his teeth.

"I hope so, otherwise"

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.

Face threats.

Minister Qin was disdainful. I will fly to the United States the day after tomorrow. Wait until you can find me next year!

"President Zhao, don't worry, I won't dare to lie to anyone unless I don't want to live in the peninsula anymore!"

Outside Asan Hospital in Seoul.

Inside a black luxury car.

Gao Aixiang is calling Zhao Shulan.

You must notify the other party when the matter is done, lest the other party refuses to acknowledge it.

"Shulan, I have already transferred the money to Zhiwan. Ten billion is not a small amount. You'd better keep an eye on it to prevent this guy from continuing to mess around!"

I learned that my best friend lent money to my brother.

Zhao Shulan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aixiang, thank you, I will tell Xiuying and ask him to keep an eye on Zhiwan."

not far away.

Inside a nondescript gray sedan.

Liang Wuxing licked his lips and took out the dial number.

Not long after, the call was connected.

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"What, is there any news?"

Liang Wuxing replied: "Boss, your guess is indeed correct. Gao Aixiang stayed in Ashan Hospital for an hour and just came out!"

Li Zaihua's eyes narrowed.

"Well done, you can contact Minister Qin later and ask if the money has arrived."

Liang Wuxing nodded.

"Okay boss, I know what to do!"

as time flows.

A piece of gossip shocked the Daegu High Prosecutor's Office.

Someone accused the National Intelligence Service of framing innocent citizens for smuggling drugs for the sake of business.

There are also rumors that this person is not only suing the National Intelligence Service, but also the current director Park Lidong.

In just a few hours, rumors were flying.

An auxiliary officer of the Daegu High Prosecutor's Office even posted it anonymously to the largest forum on the peninsula.

People who eat melons always don’t think it’s a big deal to watch the excitement.

According to the source, the whole incident started two months ago.

The Kuomintang-hating party exists in every country, and with the addition of people with ulterior motives, the online world can be said to be a mixed bag.

There are not only those who hate the Kuomintang Party for setting the pace, but also those who are dissatisfied with Zhao Shulanzheng's government and hostile parties causing trouble.

As the NIS incident unfolds, more and more people are participating in the discussion.

However, most passers-by belong to the melon-eaters, but they are not to be outdone in fanning the flames.

In an instant.

Through the National Intelligence Agency incident, there was a storm on the Internet against Qingwa Taiwan.

After all, it had been less than three months since Zhao Shulan appointed Pu Lidong as director of the National Intelligence Service.

Now that Gao Jinji accepted bribes and the current National Intelligence Agency false accusation on performance indicators is enough to prove that Zhao Shulan was improperly employed.

And will the appointed heads of various Zhengfu departments be like Gao Jinji and Park Lidong?

Since he can't manage his own people well, how can Zhao Shulan manage a country well?

at the same time.

The outskirts of Seoul.

In a residential house.

Hacker Li Long wears headphones and taps the keyboard with his hands like hot wheels.

Meanwhile he kept talking into the microphone.

"Airplane, how are you doing there? Can you handle it?"

A man's voice came from the headphones.

“Boss, I don’t understand Peninsula and it’s easy to reveal the secret if I translate it on a computer. What should I do now?”

Li Long smiled mysteriously.

"Don't worry, I've prepared it a long time ago. I'll send you a message later. Just copy and paste it."

talking, talking

Li Long suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, don't say I didn't remind you, prepare more chickens to avoid being traced by the peninsula's network security department!"

The plane said confidently: "Don't worry, boss, this is not the first time we have done this kind of business!"

Li Long nodded.

"As long as you understand, I will send you the documents now. The bigger the fuss, the better!"

"As long as we give you money, we can do whatever the boss asks us to do!"

Li Long sent his script to hired hackers through multinational springboards.

Done everything.

Li Long tapped his toes, turned his seat around to face the sofa, and immediately made an OK gesture.

"Boss, it's done!"

At this moment, Li Zaihua is browsing major forums on his tablet computer.

There is a saying that goes well, treat others in their own way.

At first, Zhao Shulan used the Internet to smear people everywhere, but now she is finally here.

Li Zaihua raised his head.

"Well done, don't do anything from now on, just leave it to the hackers from China!"

Li Long smiled and said: "Thank you boss, I believe it will be lively tonight!"

Li Zaihua raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"You're right, there will be a good show tonight!"

Just finished speaking.

Ring ring ring.

The bell rings.

Li Zaihua took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, and pressed the call button.

Liang Wuxing's voice came out.

"Boss, Zhao Zhiwan's 10 billion has been transferred to the financial company, so we can only cover our positions at night!"

Double happiness.

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"I understand, go back and rest!"

End the call.

He didn't put down his phone and continued to dial the number.

The call was answered soon.

Don't wait for the other person to speak.

Li Zaihua said bluntly: "I have news to tell you, Zhao Zhiwan's account has an extra 10 billion!"

After saying that, hang up the phone immediately.

the other side.

Longtai Pharmaceutical.

top layer.

President's office.

This is the second time Yin Zhijie has received a strange call.

However, this phone call made him upset.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yin Zhiji's eyes were fixed, and he picked up the landline phone receiver and dialed the internal number.

A moment of effort.

The head secretary pushed open the door and walked quickly forward to bow.

Yin Zhijie got straight to the point: "Go and find out who sent the money to Zhao Zhiwan!"

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