Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1039 The terrible interest

One hundred million meters of gold is a huge amount in any country, including the United States.

As Arthur Grant's bedfellow.

Although Zhang Jingqi does not know exactly how much money Arthur Grant has, he can roughly estimate that it is about 2000 million yuan.

But these are what Arthur Grant finally saved after decades of hard work.

Zhang Jingqi's purpose in coming to the peninsula was to make money. Now that there was an opportunity in front of her, how could she let it go.

But Zhang Jingqi didn't act rashly.

Because Li Zaihua said everything by herself, she had no idea whether it was true or false.

Zhang Jingqi didn't say anything.

Li Zaihua seemed to have guessed what the woman in front of him was thinking.


Just started talking.

Zhang Jingqi suddenly smiled.

"Minister Li, madam, my name is Zhang Jingqi in Chinese."

"If you don't mind, you can call me Sister Jingqi or Sister Zhang."

Hear this.

The corner of Li Zaihua's mouth raised slightly, and it disappeared in a flash.

"Okay, I'll call you Sister Jingqi!"

Zhang Jingqi did not object.

She was about to speak.

Li Zaihua added: "By the way, I call you Sister Jingqi. If you call me Director Li again, it will be too foreign."

"If Sister Jingqi doesn't mind, just call me Zaihua."

Zhang Jingqi was stunned and immediately came to her senses.

"No problem. You call me Sister Jingqi, and I call you Zaihua. We are evenly matched."

Say it.

Zhang Jingqi raised her glass and poured a glass of red wine for herself and Li Zaihua.

"To celebrate our acquaintance, I propose a toast."

Li Zaihua nodded.

"It's my honor to meet Sister Jingqi, cheers!"

A crisp sound.

The wine glasses clinked together gently.

The two of them each took a sip and then put down their glasses.

At this time.

Zhang Jingqi suddenly asked: "In China, tell me honestly, can you really help the general make a lot of money?"

face inquiries.

Li Zaihua picked up the wine glass and shook it gently.

After a long time.

Li Zaihua looked deeply at Zhang Jingqi.

"Sister Jingqi, I have a question that I really want to know!"

Zhang Jingqi frowned lightly.

"What do you want to know?"

Li Zaihua knowingly asked: "I want to know whether General Arthur's wife is dead or alive?"

This sentence seemed to poke Zhang Jingqi's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Zhang Jingqi's expression darkened.


Li Zaihua said lightly: "I'm just curious!"

Zhang Jingqi made it clear that she didn't believe it.

"Minister Li, I want to hear the truth!"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Sister Jingqi, you go first."

Although I don't know what the man in front of me wants to do.

But Zhang Jingqi thought for a moment, gritted her teeth and revealed her identity as a mistress.

"The general's wife is in the United States, and they are not divorced!"

Li Zaihua smiled.

Zhang Jingqi was furious and blurted out: "Why are you laughing!"

Li Zaihua shook his head, and then his expression straightened.

"Sister Jingqi, please don't misunderstand me, I'm not laughing at you!"

Zhang Jingqi snorted coldly.

"Listen carefully, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I guarantee you will never see the general again!"

"I told you, now it's your turn!"

Listening to the woman Chiluoluo's threats.

Li Zaihua was not nervous at all, but instead asked something meaningful.

"Sister Jingqi, the general will always return to his family. Have you made any plans for yourself?"

Zhang Jingqi was startled.

It would be a lie to say that there was no such thing, but there was a butler named Bell who kept watch.

Zhang Jingqi had to be careful every time she did anything, for fear of being noticed by Arthur Grant.

As of today, the small treasury has less than 200 million meters of gold, which is pitiful.

Think about it.

Zhang Jingqi looked at the man in front of her.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"Of course I want Sister Jingqi to have a bright future!"

"I didn't lie just now. The value of what I left to the general is far more than 1000 billion peninsula dollars."

At this point, the young minister changed his subject.

"Whether it's worth so much or not, I have the final say!"

"Sister Jingqi, do you understand now?"

Zhang Jingqi's brain was spinning at high speed, and she quickly figured out the young minister's intentions.

"You want to cooperate with me and deceive the general?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Zaihua shook his head and said: "Sister Jingqi, how can this be called a lie? It's just a white lie!"

Followed by.

Li Zaihua raised a finger.

"If Sister Jingqi is willing to help, I can give you this number!"


Zhang Jingqi probed: "1000 million yuan?"

Li Zaihua nodded with a smile on his face.

"That's right, 1000 million meters of gold!"

At this moment, Zhang Jingqi's heart beat faster and faster.

1000 million meters of gold is not a small amount.

This money is enough for her to travel around the world after leaving Arthur Grant and live the rest of her life happily.

"Are you serious! Give me 1000 million meters of gold?"

Li Zaihua answered the question: "Sister Jingqi, actually I have a question."

"You have done so many things for the general, and you have obtained evidence of his crime in disguise."

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.

The voice just fell.

Zhang Jingqi's face turned pale instantly.

After a long time.

Zhang Jingqi gritted her teeth and said: "That's enough, don't sow discord between me and the general!"

Look at the woman's appearance.

Li Zaihua understood that his goal had been achieved.

But he wasn't wrong.

Zhang Jingqi's identity is her mistress, and her mistress has too many secrets that make people uneasy.

When one day Zhang Jingqi loses her usefulness, these secrets will become her talisman.

In fact, Zhang Jingqi may have thought of this a long time ago, but she just didn't want to face it.

At this time, Li Zaihua directly pointed out that Zhang Jingqi's heart was beginning to collapse.

"Sister Jingqi, people have to face reality after all!"

"But now there is an opportunity in front of you."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Zhang Jingqi's pupils suddenly tightened.

"Opportunity? You didn't lie to me?"

The old man Li Zaihua said: "Sister Jingqi, do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you?"

Zhang Jingqi took a deep breath.

"You really don't need to lie to me!"

Li Zaihua smiled.

Zhang Jingqi said again: "Say, are you helping me like this?"

Li Zaihua licked his lips.

"It's very simple. What I leave to the general will enable you to stay on the peninsula!"

Zhang Jingqi frowned.

"I'm curious, what exactly did you leave for the general?"

Li Zaihua replied.

"Information about a company!"

Zhang Jingqi was confused.


Li Zaihua nodded: "Yes, it is the information of a company called [Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.]!"

Before Zhang Jingqi came to Seoul, she had a detailed understanding of Peninsula’s company system.To this day, the peninsula still uses the company name and part of the structure from the Japanese invasion.

Zhang Jingqi used to be strange.

It’s obvious that people in the Peninsula hate Japanese people very much, so why would they still use Co., Ltd., which is such an obvious Japanese company name?

Strange is strange.

But Zhang Jingqi did not dwell on this matter because it could not bring any benefits.

"Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.? From what you said, it should be an energy company. Is there anything special about it?"

Li Zaihua explained: "Sister Jingqi, if there is nothing special about this company, why would I leave the information to the general!"

With crackling crackling, he explained the basic situation of Dacheng Energy.

After listening.

Zhang Jingqi was thoughtful.

"I kind of understand what you're thinking!"

Li Zaihua smiled and said: "If it were you, a company with a market value of more than one billion meters but not listed on the market, only supplies energy to one country, what would you think?"

Zhang Jingqi is very smart, otherwise how could she help Arthur Grant handle personal affairs.

"Okay, how do you plan to help?"


Li Zaihua said seriously: "The method is very simple, just take over Dacheng Energy and you will be the president of the company!"


Zhang Jingqi said in surprise: "Shall I be the president?"

"That's right, as long as you can convince the general to let you represent Daesung Energy's shares, you can stay in Seoul."

"In addition, when you become the president of Dacheng Energy, your identity and status will naturally be different."

As he spoke, Li Zaihua unleashed a big move as if on purpose.

"Once that woman from the United States dies, with the wealth in your hands, you might be able to become the real Mrs. Grant!"

The voice just fell.

Zhang Jingqi was greatly moved, and the desire originally hidden deep in her heart burst out.

Replace that woman and become the real Mrs. Grant.

You must know that the Grant family belongs to the famous Zhengji family in the United States.

Family members are active in the Zheng world.

It was with the support of his family that Arthur Grant was promoted to general and at the same time emerged as commander of the overseas peninsula base.

For Zhang Jingqi, becoming a real Mrs. Grant is a class leap.

As for whether the Grant family will accept a Chinese-American, Zhang Jingqi is not worried.

After all, there are many American congressmen, high-ranking officials, and wealthy businessmen who marry Chinese women.

What's more, as long as he controls Dacheng Energy shares worth over [-] million meters of gold, Arthur Grant will inevitably be unable to do without him.

When the time comes to have another child and solidify her position, Mrs. Grant will truly deserve her title.


Zhang Jingqi began to dream about her future, taking Arthur Grant into the upper class society of the United States and becoming the well-known Mrs. Grant.

Look at the woman's silly smile.

Li Zaihua had a joking look in his eyes.

Although Zhang Jingqi is very smart.

But sometimes cleverness is mistaken for cleverness.

Zhang Jingqi is not the kind of woman who is willing to give everything for a man.

She has her own ambitions.

After a long period of analysis by Li Zaihua, combined with some information secretly investigated, it was roughly deduced that Zhang Jingqi wanted to become the real Mrs. Grant instead.

The reason why Li Zaihua dared to speculate like this is attributed to a psychological study.

There are professional organizations conducting follow-up investigations.

Among the ten mistresses, eight are unwilling to accept the status quo and are always looking for ways to get ahead.

More importantly, as a smart woman, Zhang Jingqi has long been aware of her own crisis.

If you don't take the lead, you will only end up dead.

Zhang Jingqi doesn't want to die, so she can only seize the opportunity to rise to power at any time.

Unfortunately, Zhang Jingqi's power was too weak to threaten the woman far away in the United States.

Even if you want to take action, the probability of exposure is more than 70.00%.

Zhang Jingqi is not an idiot, how could she risk her own death to kill that woman from the United States?

But things are different now. With your own help, your success rate increases significantly.

Looking at Zhang Jingqi who was deep in thought.

There was silence in the box.

Li Zaihua picked up the cup and tasted the red wine slowly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Zhang Jingqi finally came to her senses, and then looked directly at Li Zaihua.

"I know the general's character very well. He will not hand over such a large sum of money to me!"

Hear this.

Li Zaihua put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "Sister Jingqi, don't worry, as long as you can help me cooperate with the general, I will naturally teach you how to do it!"

Zhang Jingqi's eyes narrowed, she raised her glass and drank the red wine in one gulp.

"It's okay to cooperate, but you have to pay some interest first!"

Li Zaihua asked: "Interest? Sister Jingqi, what do you want?"

Zhang Jingqi didn't say anything. She poured a glass of wine and poured it into her stomach again.

A glass of wine is finished.

Zhang Jingqi's cheeks were slightly rosy, as if she couldn't help but bite into a ripe apple.

"Let's move to another place. It's not convenient to talk here."

Li Zaihua frowned lightly.

"Where to go? Moulin Rouge?"

Zhang Jingqi nodded.

"Okay, take me back to Moulin Rouge first, and we can talk slowly in the office."
21:50 in the evening.

Four Seasons Hotel.

A black car drove out of the underground parking lot.

inside the car.

Li Zaihua held the steering wheel with all his concentration.

Zhang Jingqi was sitting in the passenger seat, staring blankly at the constant flow of traffic through the car window.

When we are about to reach the central area.

Zhang Jingqi suddenly said: "Zai Hua, I'm a little uncomfortable. Can I find a place with good ventilation?"

Li Zaihua frowned.

"What, you're not going to the Moulin Rouge?"

Zhang Jingqi nodded: "I drank a lot, I want to breathe some air."

Li Zaihua thought about it.

"Sister Jingqi, where do you want to go?"

Zhang Jingqi said without hesitation: "I have been in Seoul for a few months and have never seen the Han River up close, so I just took this opportunity to go and see it."

"Han River, that's a bit far."

Zhang Jingqi smiled and said: "Stay far away. Besides, I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of?"

Stimulate the law.

Li Zaihua still does this.

"Sister Jingqi, sit still!"


Li Zaihua stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly towards the Han River.
22:30 in the evening.

Han River.

A black car slowly approached.

inside the car.

Zhang Jingqi kept pointing, causing the surrounding scenery to be bad.

Li Zaihua had no choice but to continue driving forward.

open open.

The black car broke away from the crowd and came to a dark path with broken street lights.

Zhang Jingqi immediately said: "In China, it's a good place. Drive the car there."

Li Zaihua frowned.

"Sister Jingqi, it's too dark around here and it's dangerous."

was talking.

In the darkness, Zhang Jingqi suddenly stretched out her hand.

Li Zaihua stiffened and looked at the woman next to him with incredulous eyes.

At this time.

Zhang Jingqi said quietly: "In China, this is the interest I want!"

"Crazy woman!"

Li Zaihua shouted angrily in a low voice: "Sister Jingqi, please don't make such a joke, okay?"

By the lights in the car.

Zhang Jingqi looked at the young minister seriously.

"In China, as a woman, I trust my instincts and know my greatest asset."

"You kept hinting at the hotel before. I really thought I couldn't catch it."

"If you want me to help you convince the general, then show enough sincerity."

"If we don't receive interest today, our cooperation will end here!"

Faced with terrible interest rates.

Li Zaihua gritted his teeth.

"You're a lunatic!"

After a few minutes.

High-pitched screams filled the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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