Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1034 Preparation before leaving (8) Shen Shengwen and Zhao Shulan

Chapter 1034 Preparation before leaving (8) Shen Shengwen and Zhao Shulan

22:50 in the evening.

Jongno District.

Pay cave.

Inside a residential building.

Li Zaihua sat on the sofa with a glass of red wine, recalling the meeting with Zheng Xiqing just now in his mind.

Although he said to reassure Zheng Xiqing.

In fact, he broke his promise.

Yes, apart from what was said before, Li Zaihua deceived Zheng Xiqing.

Li Zaihua's idea is very simple, to gather the power of the three major chaebols to block Zhao Shulan.

Of course, the three major chaebols are only part of the plan, and the real highlight will be about a week later.

Think about it.

Li Zaihua put down the red wine, picked up the calendar beside him, and stared at one of the dates.

Although the current peninsula belongs to a parallel world, what should happen will eventually happen.

That incident shocked the whole world, and even Zhao Shulan was forced to stand up and apologize.

By then, the three major chaebols will inevitably add fuel to the fire.

Li Zaihua only needs to add fuel to the fire silently.

When Zhao Shulan was tired of coping, if she didn't want to be attacked from both sides, she could only agree to the request and drive herself out of Seoul as soon as possible.

As for whether Zhao Shulan will really investigate the construction of the Winter Olympics venue.

Unless Zhao Shulan is crazy.

This is one of the reasons why Li Zaihua chose Zheng Xiqing.
Time flies fast.

The next day.

9:10 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua sat behind his desk, holding a USB flash drive in his hand.

The USB flash drive contains information about Zheng Xiqing.

These materials have been screened and will not have much impact on Zheng Xiqing. They will only lead to the three major chaebols.

Li Zaihua put down the USB flash drive, and as soon as he had an idea, he took out his anonymous mobile phone from his space backpack and dialed the number.
Qingwa Terrace.

Ministry of Supervision.

a lesson.

Headmaster's Office.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Yan Zhenwen bent over and opened the drawer, took out an anonymous mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, and then pressed the call button.

"Minister Li!"

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Chief Yan, do you have time at noon? I have something for you!"

Hear this.

Zheng Wen immediately remembered the conversation at the Jingluo Peninsula restaurant the day before yesterday.

"Of course there is time!"

"Okay, today at 12 noon, Ichon-dong, Yongsan District"

Soon Li Zaihua told the time and place of meeting.

Keep this serious article firmly in mind.

"Okay, Minister Li, see you at noon."

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Longshan District.


An old apartment building.

An inconspicuous gray car slowly stopped.

There is a saying that the cunning rabbit has three caves.

Li Zaihua used the ID cards of some homeless people to rent dozens of houses in Seoul as safe houses.

This is one of the safe houses.

The car just stopped.

Li Zaihua, who was dressed in disguise, opened the car door and stepped out.

A moment of effort.

Li Zaihua came to an apartment and pressed the password skillfully.


A soft sound.

The door to the room was cracked open.

Entering the house, exquisite decoration comes into view.

Although this apartment building is old and old, it is located in a prosperous location in the city center.

There are many newly built apartment buildings in the surrounding area, and it is only a 10-minute walk from Itaewon. It is a new wealthy area in Seoul.

The apartment that Li rented in China alone was quoted at [-] million yuan.

Due to its excellent location, the rent is as high as 200 million per month.

Li Zaihua seemed to have returned to his own home, taking out a can of iced Coke from the refrigerator and pouring it into his stomach.

Then he took out two fresh steaks.

This safe house will be cleaned every three days by dedicated personnel and placed with fresh meat, fruits and vegetables.

After some searching.

Li Zaihua found a frying pan for frying steak in the cabinet, and the seasonings were all ready-made.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Two pieces of sizzling, fragrant steak have just been placed on the table.

At this time.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang.

Li Zaihua wiped his wet palms with his apron, walked quickly to the entrance, and watched the people coming through the video doorbell.

It's definitely a serious post.

Li Zaihua pressed lightly and the door lock automatically opened.

Yan Yanwen pushed open the door and walked in, hurriedly stepped forward and bowed.

"Minister Li!"

However, when he looked up and saw the young minister wrapped in an apron, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Li Zaihua didn't seem to notice the strange look in Zhang Wen's eyes, and said with a gentle expression: "Chief Yan, you're here just in time, please come in quickly."

After saying this, he turned around and led the way.

Seriously illiterate followed closely.

Come to the restaurant.

Looking at the steak on the dining table, Zhan Wen suddenly understood everything and couldn't help but flatter him.

"Minister Li, I didn't expect you to know how to cook. It's really amazing."

Li Zaihua smiled.

"Chief Yan, please sit down. If you want anything, we'll talk about it after eating."

Serious Wen said with a shy face: "It's an honor for me to eat steak cut by Minister Li himself. Just by smelling the aroma, I know it must be very delicious!"

"Okay, no need to flatter me, I have to work in the afternoon, so no need to drink, let's eat!"

After saying that, Li Zaihua picked up the knife and fork and concentrated on handling the steak in front of him.


Yan Zhanwen followed suit and cut a piece of steak into his mouth, his eyes lit up immediately.

"good to eat!"

After half an hour.

Li Zaihua picked up the napkin to wipe the oil stains on his lips, raised the water glass and rinsed his mouth.

"Chief Yan, how does it taste?"

Serious thumbs up.

"The taste is first-rate. I've had pan-fried steaks from Michelin chefs before, and they were far worse than yours."

Li Zaihua chuckled, and then his expression suddenly changed.

"Chief Yan, your Excellency wants you to submit your candidate, have you made a decision?"

Hear this.

Severe tattoos show bitterness on the face.

"Minister Li, I"

Don't wait for him to finish.

Li Zaihua shook his head, put his hand into his trouser pocket, and with a sudden thought, he took out a USB flash drive from his space backpack and put it on the table.

While pushing forward slightly, he said: "Since you haven't decided yet, let me help you choose one!"

Seriously, Wen was stunned.

"Is this appropriate?"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Don't worry, I've already said hello, just do it!"

Serious Wen licked his lips, took a deep look at the USB flash drive, picked up the USB flash drive and put it into his pocket without saying a word.

"Minister Li, do you have any other instructions?"

Li Zaihua said solemnly: "I only have one request, don't be afraid, just go and investigate. If you find anyone, don't worry!"
13:49 PM.

Qingwa Terrace.

Ministry of Supervision.

a lesson.

Headmaster's Office.

Zhen Wen took out a laptop that was not connected to the Internet from the safe in the corner.

He inserted the USB flash drive into the USB port.

A window pops up on the screen.

Seriously, use the mouse to click on the first folder.

After a few minutes.

Serious Wen swallowed involuntarily.

Although Zheng Xiqing quit the Democratic Party and was elected as the president of the Peninsula Sports Association, he stayed away from the Zhengzhi Center.

However, some things simply cannot be hidden.

It has long been a well-known secret in the upper class that the three chaebols, Hanju Group, Hanwha Enterprises Group, and Mirae Enterprise Group, jointly divide the construction of the Winter Olympics stadium.

Although the initial construction funds approved by the government are [-] trillion peninsula yuan.

But the virtues of chaebol are clear to ordinary people, not to mention the upper class.

No one believes that a Winter Olympics stadium can be successfully built with a budget of [-] trillion yuan.

The budget will definitely need to be increased, and the benefits involved will be calculated in hundreds of billions, or even trillions of peninsula dollars.

If you check Zheng Xiqing, you are going to war with the three major chaebols.Thinking of this, I felt a little embarrassed when I was serious.

Zhao Shulan is not a fool, how could she agree to investigate Zheng Xiqing.

Li Zaihua could talk freely, but he had to rack his brains.

I do not know how long it has been.

Zhen Wen's eyes narrowed, he took out a blank USB flash drive and copied some data into it.

Followed by.

Serious Wen trampled the original USB disk into pieces, cleaned it and put it in his pocket.

Do everything.

Serious Wen picked up the phone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Yan Yanwen pretended to be respectful and said: "Your Excellency!"

Zhao Shulan's voice came out.

"Chief Yan, is something wrong?"

Zheng Wen said seriously: "Your Excellency, I have new information that I want to report to you in person!"

Hear this.

Zhao Shulan's face changed slightly and she said anxiously: "Are you serious?"

Seriously Wen nodded.

"Yes, it's an important discovery!"

Zhao Shulan thought about it.

"I'm going to meet foreign guests at three o'clock. I'll give you three ten minutes!"

hang up the phone.

Li Zaihua copied a copy of the information about Zheng Xiqing and put it in a file bag, got up and left the room.

On the way to the President's Office, he went to the toilet and flushed the USB drive fragments down the toilet.
14:20 PM.

the office of the president.

There was a knock on the door.

Yan Zhengwen pushed open the door and walked forward quickly to bow.

"Your Mightiness!"

Zhao Shulan raised her head.

"Director Yan, you are here."


Serious Wen handed over the portfolio with respectful hands.

"Sir, this is the information I just found, please take a look!"

Zhao Shulan took the bag, opened the seal and poured out the documents and a USB flash drive inside.

She threw the USB drive aside, picked up the file, and started reading through the lines.


Zhao Shulan's expression gradually became solemn, and she suddenly raised her head and looked straight at Zhang Zhenwen.

"Director Yan, is this your candidate?"

Serious Wen replied bravely: "Your Majesty, please calm down. This is what happened."

With a crackle, he told the lie he had made up.

After listening.

Zhao Shulan remained silent.

After a long time.

Zhao Shulan said: "Apart from Zheng Xiqing, are there no other suitable targets?"

Serious Wen shook his head.

"Your Excellency, as I said before, Li Zaihua is cautious in doing things, and there is basically no problem with the friends he makes."

Having said this, he glanced at Zhao Shulan quietly and took a deep breath.

"Even Hanzhou Group."

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.

I heard the words 'Hanzhou Group'.

Zhao Shulan's expression was gloomy and uncertain.

It has to be said that the review of Hanzhou Group’s taxation was her biggest failure since taking office.

Not only did he fail to hit the Hanzhou Group.

Instead, because of this incident, Li Zhengzheng took advantage of this opportunity to secretly acquire stocks and strengthen his control over the company.

After this incident spread, he became the laughing stock after dinner.

Zhao Shulan thought for a moment and thought that the reason for serious writing was sufficient.

There is a saying that goes like this: A thousand-mile horse often exists, but a Bole rarely exists.

It can be said that Li Zaihua's thousand-mile horse was discovered by Zheng Xiqing.

Zheng Xiqing is Li Zaihua Bole.

So the two are closely related.

If we start with Zheng Xiqing, it will indeed have a negative impact on Li Zaihua.

However, Zhao Shulan still has concerns.

Today's Zheng Xiqing is not a marginalized person during the Democratic Party.

At this time, Zheng Xiqing was backed by the three major chaebols, and his influence affected the whole body.

If the three major chaebols were involved, the counterattack they would face would be difficult even if Zhao Shulan was the president of the peninsula.

Think here.

Zhao Shulan thought for a moment, then picked up the phone and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Song Shenghao's voice came out.

"Your Mightiness!"

Zhao Shulan said without hesitation: "Minister Song, come to my office!"

"Okay, sir, please wait!"

The two ended the call.

The room fell silent for a moment.

It didn't take a while.

There was a knock on the door.

Song Shenghao pushed the door open and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Serious Wen.

He didn't have time to think too much, he quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Your Excellency, are you looking for me?"

Zhao Shulan said bluntly: "Minister Song, what happened to what I told you before?"

Song Shenghao was shocked.

The people Li knew in China were basically the upper-class dignitaries of the peninsula, and it was not easy at all to investigate them.

Because of this incident, Song Shenghao suffered from insomnia for two days.

See subordinates do not speak.

Zhao Shulan seemed to have guessed something, and her expression immediately darkened.

"Minister Song, haven't you decided on the candidate yet?"

Song Shenghao came to his senses and hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, I'm sorry, because the time is too short."

Halfway through.

Zhao Shulan said coldly: "Minister Song, I don't want to hear your excuses. I just ask if you have anyone to choose!"

Song Shenghao swallowed.

"I'm sorry, sir, I've let you down!"


Zhao Shulan waved her hand expressionlessly.

"I know, you go out first!"

The voice just fell.

Song Shenghao's heart skipped a beat.

"Your Excellency, I."

The words just came out.

Zhao Shulan said with a gloomy face: "I didn't hear you, I told you to get out!"

Song Shenghao was shocked, opened his mouth, and finally left in despair.

But before leaving, Song Shenghao glared at Zheng Wen fiercely.

In his opinion, there must be a serious literary stumbling block before he would be reprimanded by Zhao Shulan.

After people leave.

Zhao Shulan's expression softened.

"Director Yan, I'm telling you a joke."

Sheng Wen remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Zhao Shulan didn't say much when she saw this, but her eyes showed appreciation.

"Chief Yan, do you know the consequences of investigating Zheng Xiqing?"

Seriously Wen nodded solemnly.

"Sir, I like a Chinese idiom very much, enough is enough."

"Zheng Xiqing is just Zheng Xiqing and cannot represent others, don't you think so?"

There is something in the words.

Zhao Shulan understood this and couldn't help but smile.

"Director Yan, I didn't expect you to have such an awareness."

As she said that, she changed the topic and made a point.

"But you are right, Zheng Xiqing is just Zheng Xiqing and cannot represent anyone else."

"I believe that Section Chief Yan can stick to the bottom line and never cross the line!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Serious Wen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Zhao Shulan's heart is moved, the plan will be half successful.

"Don't worry, sir, I will never do anything that crosses the line!"

Zhao Shulan nodded in satisfaction.

"You go back first, I'll think about it and give you an answer."

"Okay, Your Excellency, if you have no other instructions, I'll take the first step."

Zhao Shulan waved her hand.


Serious Wen bowed again, turned around and left without looking back.

Looking at the back of his subordinates leaving.

Zhao Shulan picked up the documents on the table again and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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