Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1020 Gaoyang moves troops

Return to the manor with the butler.

Gao Huizhen and Liu Lina, who were still in shock, went to the bedroom to rest.

Inside the living room.

Gao Yang stared at the ground with a gloomy expression and remained motionless.

After a long time.

The bodyguard captain returned to the villa.


Hear someone calling me.

Gao Yang came back to his senses and looked at the person.

"How about it? Have all the injured people been sent away?"

The bodyguard captain nodded.

"Already sent to the ambulance."

Having said that, he paused.

"But the people from the crime squad want to see you!"

"Criminal Crimes Team?"

Gao Yang frowned.

The bodyguard captain replied: "Yes, they are outside."

The voice fell.

Gao Yang asked doubtfully: "Did you tell the police about the bomb?"

The bodyguard captain shook his head.

"They didn't come here for this matter, they happened to meet us."

Gao Yang hesitated for a moment.

"Invite them in."


The bodyguard captain turned and walked towards the outside of the villa.

A moment of effort.

The bodyguard captain led the three police officers into the living room.

Gao Yang saw this and stood up to greet him.

"Three officers, is there anything else you can do?"

Police Officer A said calmly: "Hello, President Gao, we meet again."

Gao Yang glanced at the speaker in front of him.

"Team Leader Lin, I remember that the confession has been recorded. Is there anything else?"

Team leader Lin said calmly: "Originally we wanted to consult Mrs. Gao and Miss Liu about the situation when the car collided."

As he spoke, he looked deeply at Gao Yang.

"I didn't expect President Gao to encounter the same thing. Let's help you make a transcript."

Hear this.

Gao Yang's expression darkened.

"Team Leader Lin, I don't understand what you mean!"

"On the contrary, I suffered an unreasonable disaster. Now I am very suspicious that there is a problem with public security in Busan!"

Team Leader Lin's eyes lit up.

"President Gao, what do you mean, you admit that the exploding truck was directed at you!"

Gao Yang raised his eyebrows, this guy reacted too quickly.

"Team Leader Lin, there are some things you shouldn't say carelessly. What I mean by public security is parking at will, and nothing else!"

Team leader Lin smiled.

Even ghosts don’t believe Gao Yang’s words.

But Team Leader Lin did not pursue the matter further.

the reason is simple.

Team Leader Lin knew very well that even if he asked Gao Yang, he would not be able to tell the truth and would only use nonsense to deal with himself.

"Since President Gao said this, I can only believe it."

"But President Gao is the party involved. I want to ask you to make a transcript."

Gao Yang didn't want to refuse and said: "I feel a little uncomfortable. My bodyguard is also a client, and he knows the situation better than me."

The bodyguard captain on the side opened his mouth to agree,

"Yes, I am the one closest to the explosion. If you have anything to ask, just ask me. Don't disturb the president's rest."

Team leader Lin obviously didn't want to let Gao Yang go.

Liu Shengzheng and Liu Changyuan disappeared. According to the analysis of Busan local police criminal experts and psychology experts, the Liu family and his son were likely to be dead.

There is a saying in the world that most of the beneficiaries of the whole thing are the perpetrators.

Looking at the disappearance of Liu Shengzheng and Liu Changyuan, the biggest beneficiaries seem to be Gao Huizhen and Liu Lina, but this is not the case.

However, in the view of Team Leader Lin, Gao Yang is the biggest beneficiary.

The Liu Group is quite large, with a market value of 30 billion meters.

It is basically impossible for Gao Huizhen and Liu Lina alone to control the entire group.

So as Gao Huizhen's father and Liu Lina's grandfather.

Gao Yang could justifiably join the Liu Group on the pretext of helping his daughter and granddaughter.

As for whether the car accident was directed and performed by Gao Yang, it is unknown.

After all, Gao Huizhen and Liu Lina's mother and daughter almost died at that time.

thought here.

Team leader Lin suddenly said: "President Gao, I heard that you hate President Liu Changyuan, right?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Gao Yang suddenly raised his head and stared at the man in front of him with raised eyebrows.

"Team Leader Lin, what do you mean? Do you suspect that the disappearance of Liu Shengzheng and Liu Changyuan is related to me?"

Facing the vicious Gao Yang.

Team Leader Lin was shocked.

"President Gao, you misunderstood. I was just asking casually."

Gao Yang snorted coldly.

"Team Leader Lin, you are not asking casually, but you are implying that I kidnapped my own in-laws and son-in-law!"

Hear this.

Team leader Lin was not to be outdone.

This is Busan, not Seoul.

"President Gao, don't talk nonsense, I'm just making normal speculations!"

Gao Yang's face was filled with coldness.

"Team Leader Lin, I'm very tired. Please go directly to my bodyguard for the transcript. I'm going to rest first."

After that, without giving Team Leader Lin a chance to speak, he stood up and walked towards the bedroom.

Team Leader Lin shrugged his shoulders and turned to the bodyguard captain.

"Okay, let's start taking notes!"
the other side.

Gao Yang did not go to the bedroom.

Inside the study.

Gao Yang sat on the sofa and took out a business card from his pocket.

This business card was given to An Xingzhu when he came to visit two days ago.

As the president of a large and powerful company, he is also a member of the secret organization East Asia Society.

A gangland is a gangland.

Gao Yang didn't look down on the so-called Five-Star Sect at all.

Who would have thought that reality would give him a slap in the face.

The exploding truck really shocked Gao Yang.

It's a pity that Gao Yang is not scared.

Gao Yang threw the business card into the trash can and took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

A man's voice came out.


Gao Yang said without thinking: "Director Murata, notify the three, four and five groups to come to Busan immediately."

"The other three and four groups went directly to Liu's Manor to protect me. The fifth group stayed put and waited for my instructions!"

Dacheng Energy was able to acquire two medium-sized oil fields in the Luotuo area, not only at the expense of money, but also human lives.

The so-called groups three, four and five in Gao Yang's mouth belong to the armed personnel who returned to the peninsula from the camel area to rest.

They have rich combat experience, which is not comparable to the Five-Star Faction.

At the same time, Gao Yang's idea is very simple.

Use violence to control violence.

An Xingzhu wanted to play, and he would accompany him to the end.

I heard that my president wanted to mobilize the armed personnel who were on rotation.

Director Murata's expression changed slightly.

"President, would you like to mobilize three teams?"

Don't wait for him to finish.

Gao Yang said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm in trouble, send groups three, four and five to Busan immediately!"

The mobilization of armed personnel can be large or small.

Director Murata hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, President, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Gao Yang nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good! Remember, tell them to be fully armed, I am not facing ordinary people this time!"
the other side.

Seoul metropolitan area.

Seongnam City.

Taisei Energy Co., Ltd.


in an office.

A man put down his cell phone with a solemn expression.

This person is Murata Ueno, director of Densei Energy.In addition, he also has another hidden identity, an undercover dispatched by the East Asia Society at Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.

This identity is so hidden that even Gao Yang, who is also a member of the East Asia Society, doesn't know about it.

On weekdays, Murata Ueno has always followed Gaoyang's lead, and Dacheng Energy is recognized as Gaoyang's No. [-] confidant.

Otherwise, how could Murata Ueno control the company's armed organization.

At this moment, Gao Yang wants to mobilize armed personnel who are on rotation to go to Busan.

Murata Ueno agreed on the surface, but secretly had other ideas.

Don't look at him looking so loyal.

In fact, Murata Ueno was very ambitious and wanted to do it instead.

Gao Yang seems to hold 60.00% of the shares of Daesheng Energy Co., Ltd.

But Murata Ueno knew very well that those were agency shares.

The actual shares of Gaoyang are not many, probably around 15.00%.

Taisei Energy Co., Ltd. is different from a listed company.

Once a person dies, Murata Ueno has many ways to transfer Gaoyang's shares to himself through various means.

Of course, all of this has premises.

Murata Ueno needs support within the East Asia Club.

Think about it.

Murata Ueno's eyes narrowed, and he picked up the landline phone and dialed the internal number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

A woman's voice came out.

"Hello Director, do you have any instructions?"

Murata Ueno said bluntly: "Please ask Team Leader Ren Changjun to come to my office."

"Okay director, please wait a moment."

It didn't take a while.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Ren Changjun heard the sound and pushed open the door. He quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Director Murata, are you looking for me?"

Murata Ueno made a gesture of invitation.

"Team leader Ren, please take a seat."

Ren Changjun nodded and came to the sofa and sat down obediently.

Just sat down.

Murata Ueno said solemnly: "Team leader Ren, our opportunity has come!"

Ren Changjun was stunned.

"Director Murata, you mean..."

Just started talking.

Murata Ueno couldn't wait to say: "Yes, I just received a call from Gao Yang. He asked me to send groups three, four and five to Busan."

"You should understand that Gao Yang is obviously in big trouble when he calls three groups over at one time."

talking and talking.

Murata Ueno suddenly stood up and bowed at ninety degrees.

"This may be the only chance. I hope Renjun can help me!"

Hear this.

Ren Changjun looked uncertain.

He understood what Murata Ueno meant, and it was nothing more than taking advantage of Gaoyang's danger to kill the opponent secretly.

But Ren Changjun also has his own concerns.

First of all, once Gao Yang dies, the company must investigate to the end.

Although Murata Ueno is a director, Taisei Energy Co., Ltd. does not have only one director.

There are also many directors who ended up in Gaoyang.

Moreover, Ren Changjun has been working in the company for so many years, and he is vaguely aware that Dacheng Energy's background is not simple.

Otherwise, how could Dacheng Energy alone win two oil fields in the Luotuo area.

Therefore, Ren Changjun was a little worried. After Gao Yang's death, the organization behind Dacheng Energy would directly kill him indiscriminately.

See subordinates do not speak.

Murata Ueno frowned.

"Renjun, do you have any concerns?"

Ren Changjun thought for a while and said directly: "Director Murata, there is something I didn't want to say."

"But now that we have reached this point, I have to say."

"I suspect there is a mysterious force behind Daesung Energy Co., Ltd."

"Can we just kill Gao Yang like this?"

The words are not finished, but the subtext is self-evident.


Murata Ueno was stunned for a moment, quickly reacted, and then looked at Ren Changjun with strange eyes.

"Ren Jun, why did you feel there was someone behind Gao Yang?"

Ren Changjun was too lazy to beat around the bush and chose to get straight to the point.

"Director Murata, I believe you should be aware of it after following President Gao for such a long time."

"As long as there are supporters behind Achieving Energy, even if the president dies, you still won't get what you want!"

Murata Ueno smiled.

"Renjun, you are indeed a smart man, I saw you right!"

Ren Changjun frowned.

Murata Ueno continued: "Jinjun, you guessed it right, there are indeed supporters behind Gao Yang."

Having said that, he changed the subject.

"But don't worry, Gao Yang and I are from the same organization."

"As soon as he dies, I can take over DaChan Energy Co., Ltd. immediately."

"When the time comes, you don't have to work so hard. After I become the president, this position will be yours, as a director!"

The voice just fell.

Ren Changjun's face showed a look of shock.

After a long time.

Ren Changjun finally calmed down.

"Director Murata, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Ren Jun, what good will it do me to lie to you?"

Murata Ueno said once again making a promise.

"If you do this well, I will not only recommend you to be a director, but also recommend you to join our organization!"

Ren Changjun looked excited.

"Director Murata, you... no, President Murata, do you really recommend me to join your organization?"

Murata Ueno nodded and said decisively: "Ren Jun, after everything is done, we will be grasshoppers on the same rope."

"What's more, if I want to stabilize the energy, I need your help, so helping you is helping me, why not!"

Ren Changjun was moved.

"Can you give me a moment to think about it?"

Murata Ueno replied: "I will call the leaders of the third and fourth groups for a meeting later. You only have one hour!"

Ren Changjun swallowed.

"No problem, I'll get back to you within an hour!"

Murata Ueno said no more.

"Okay, that's it!"
17:20 PM.

Seongnam City.

Seven off-road vehicles drove away from the headquarters of Dachen Energy Co., Ltd.
at the same time.

Taisei Energy Co., Ltd.

Headquarters building.

Director's Office.

Murata Ueno is smiling.

Faced with the temptation of power and money, Ren Changjun agreed to his request.

As long as Gao Yang dies.

So as the East Asia Club's undercover agent in Taisei Energy Co., Ltd., there will be a 90.00% chance of becoming the new president.

However, something needs to be done before that so that the East Asia Society will not doubt itself.

Murata Ueno took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.
the other side.

East Asia Society Headquarters.

President's Office.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Zhang Dongya picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, frowned slightly, and pressed the call button.

Murata Ueno's voice came out.


Zhang Dongya said calmly: "Murata, what do you want from me?"

Murata Ueno answered.

"President, I just received a call from President Gao. He asked me to send the people from the third group, the fourth group, and the fifth group to Busan."

Halfway through.

Zhang Dongya said impatiently: "What did you say? Gao Yang transferred people from groups three, four and five?"

Followed by.

Zhang Dongya's heart moved.

Is the National Security Bureau's investigation of Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. related to the trouble Gao Yang encountered in Busan?
The more Zhang Dongya thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

Think here.

Zhang Dongya immediately ordered: "Murata, you rush to Busan immediately to investigate this matter, and report to me as soon as you have any news!"

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