Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1016 Zhou Renmin and Nam Sungjun

Chapter 1016 Zhou Renmin and Nam Sungjun

23:55 in the evening.


a villa.

in the bedroom.

Li Zaihua took off his coat, and as soon as he had an idea, he took out his anonymous mobile phone from his space backpack and dialed the number.

A high-end apartment.

The same goes for the bedroom.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Huang Changshuo was awakened from his deep sleep.

He picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. His expression changed slightly, he stood up and walked out of the room.

Inside the study.

Huang Changshuo pressed the call button.

"Minister Li!"

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Dean Huang, I think President An has already told you, but I still want to remind you that Dacheng Energy is a bit weird, so be careful when you investigate!"

Hear this.

Huang Changshuo was slightly surprised.

"Minister Li, do you know something?"

Li Zaihua denied: "I just read the information provided by Chairman An and noticed that there were problems in it."

“Just imagine, a company that owns two oil fields and a natural gas field in the Camel area will become unknown?”

"What's more, this company has been providing energy to Japan for ten years. What do you think is behind Dacheng Energy?"

The young minister asked two questions in succession.

After listening.

Huang Changshuo was thoughtful, and his sleepiness disappeared instantly.

He didn't think much about it before, he just simply told Cha Minxiu, "Is something going to happen?"

thought here.

A look of worry flashed in Huang Changshuo's eyes, but Li Zaihua must not let Li Zaihua know about this.

"Don't worry, Minister Li, I will tell the people below to be careful!"
at the same time.

What Li Zaihua was worried about has happened.


International Criminal Intelligence Center.

top layer.

Office of the Center Director.

A 45-year-old man was sitting behind his desk, staring at the computer screen.

This person is none other than Zhou Renmin, the director of the National Crime Intelligence Center.

At the moment, he was browsing the backend of the National Intelligence Agency's internal area network.

the reason is simple.

Someone triggered a Trojan horse program on the National Intelligence Agency's internal LAN.

Once someone searches for 'Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.' or 'East Asia Club', the Trojan program will automatically issue an alert.

I do not know how long it has been.

Zhou Renmin's eyes narrowed.

"found it!"

Zhou Renmin immediately looked at the IP address that searched for 'Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.'

Followed by.

Zhou Renmin was shocked. The IP address he found pointed to the office of the director of the National Security Bureau.

"National Security Agency? It's him!"

The search target for 'Daise Energy Co., Ltd.' has been determined.

Zhou Renmin exited the backend of the National Intelligence Agency's internal regional network and eliminated traces of his login.

Do everything.

Zhou Renmin looked up at his watch, it was already early morning.

He thought for a while, then opened the drawer and took out an anonymous mobile phone to dial the number.
the other side.


Chengdong District.

a villa.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Because of his age, Nam Sung-joon, who had finally fallen asleep, was suddenly woken up.

He picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID, only to find that the screen was black.


Nan Chengjun's expression changed slightly, he opened the drawer of the bedside table, and the white screen light came into view.

Nam Sungjun hurriedly took out his anonymous mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, then pressed the call button.

Zhou Renmin's voice came out.


It must be urgent to call so late.

Nan Chengjun said in a deep voice: "Renmin, what happened?"

Zhou Renmin replied.

"Dean, someone searched for 'Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd.' today and triggered a Trojan in my internal area network."

"I just logged into the backend and determined the IP, pointing to the National Security Agency!"

The voice fell.

Nam Sungjun changed color suddenly.

"What are you talking about? People from the National Security Agency are investigating 'Dacheng Energy'?"

Zhou Renmin answered solemnly.

"Not only that, the IP searching for 'Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.' comes from Cha Min-soo's office!"

Although there is a saying in official circles that people should take tea to cool down.

But how can he be an ordinary person if he can sit in the position of director of the National Intelligence Service? There is no problem in secretly cultivating a few confidants who hold the handle.

As a member of the East Asia Club.

Nam Sung-joon took precautions and used his authority to install a Trojan horse program on the internal area network when he was the director of the National Intelligence Service.

Any search for keywords related to the East Asia Conference will trigger this Trojan program.

Now that Nan Chengjun has resigned, this task has naturally been handed over to Zhou Renmin.

Listen to Zhou Renmin's answer.

Nam Sungjun took a breath of air.

If a list of departmental powers were to be established in the National Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency would undoubtedly be among the top three.

The remaining two major power departments are the Strategic Planning and Coordination Office and the Overseas Work Bureau.

As the name suggests, the National Security Agency is responsible for all security affairs on the peninsula, not limited to counterintelligence and counter-terrorism, as well as major crimes that endanger national security.

The Strategic Planning and Adjustment Office formulates the strategic goals of the entire National Intelligence Agency, with the main focus being the penetration of China and the Northern Dynasties.

The last Overseas Work Bureau, on the surface, means that all overseas agents are under the management of the Overseas Work Bureau.

It can be said that the life and death of overseas agents all depend on the thoughts of the Overseas Work Bureau.

Therefore, the National Intelligence Agency is also known as "Two Bureaus and One Office" internally.

These three departments are under the direct jurisdiction of the three giants of the National Intelligence Service.

Park Lidong was able to gain a foothold in the National Intelligence Service because he quickly took control of the Strategic Planning and Coordination Office.

Vice President Zheng is in charge of the Overseas Work Bureau.

Huang Changshuo controls the National Security Agency.

Among other departments of the National Intelligence Service, except for the North Korea Work Bureau and the North Korea Strategy Bureau.

All other departments rely on two bureaus and one office.

For example, the Information Management Office.

Although the department level is the same as the Strategic Planning and Coordination Office.

However, in reality, the Intelligence Management Office is under the vertical jurisdiction of the Strategic Enterprise Coordination Office.

To a certain extent, the North Korea Work Bureau and the North Korea Strategy Bureau are also within the scope of the Strategic Planning and Coordination Office.The National Security Agency is not far behind.

The National Industrial Secrets Protection Center, the National Cyber ​​Security Center, the National Anti-Terrorism Intelligence Comprehensive Center, and the International Crime Intelligence Center headed by Zhou Renmin are all under the vertical jurisdiction of the National Security Agency.

So even though the departments are at the same level, they are still two bureaus lower than each other.

Now the National Security Agency, one of the top three powers of the National Intelligence Service, is eyeing Dentons Energy, and it will be a matter of time before it discovers the East Asia crisis.

How could Nan Chengjun not be surprised?

thought here.

Nam Sung-joon asked seriously: "Are you sure that Cha Min-soo is checking Daesung Energy?"

Zhou Renmin shook his head.

"No, based on the information I have so far, Cha Min-soo hasn't searched for 'Daesung Energy Co., Ltd.' many times."

"Maybe it's a temporary interest, or maybe someone asked Cha Min-soo to investigate."

With a bang, Zhou Renmin explained his speculation.

The voice fell.

Nan Chengjun thought for a moment and said: "Stand still for the time being!"

"However, you should pay attention in the past few days to see if Cha Minxiu will continue to search for keywords related to Daesung Energy!"

Zhou Renmin nodded.

"Okay Dean, do you have any other instructions?"

Nan Chengjun thought for a while and said: "Pay attention to protecting yourself, and you can give up Dacheng Energy when necessary!"

Although he has many chess pieces buried in the National Intelligence Agency.

But there are not many people who can sit at the top of the National Intelligence Service. You can count them with three fingers.
Among them, Zhou Renmin is the most promising, and if he takes the right path, he may be able to succeed in his position.

Nam Sung-jun doesn't want to lose this chess piece if it's not necessary.

Hear this.

Zhou Renmin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

How terrifying a country's intelligence capabilities are, as the director of the International Intelligence Center, he has the best say.

The National Security Bureau is determined to investigate Dacheng Energy, and it won’t take long for the mess behind it to come to light.

Exposing yourself for Dacheng Energy is a fool's errand.

Of course, this can only be thought in the heart.

Zhou Renmin pretended to be grateful and said: "Thank you, Dean, I listen to you!"

Nam Sung Joon smiled.

"Renmin, I'm sorry to trouble you this time. Fortunately, you informed me in time so that I could prepare early."

Zhou Renmin said modestly: "The dean made a strong statement. This is what I should do."

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

The moment Nan Chengjun put down his phone, his face suddenly turned gloomy.

The East Asia Society is a secret organization composed of pro-Japanese elements.

And Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. is one of the white gloves of the East Asia Club.

It’s just that this company is very important to the East Asia Club.

The East Asia Society was able to take root on the peninsula and develop to this day.

Taisei Energy Co., Ltd. has an undoubted contribution.

Therefore, Taisei Energy Co., Ltd. and East Asia Club have close ties.

This connection may be hidden from most people, but it definitely cannot be hidden from the National Security Agency.

Fortunately, Zhou Renmin's early warning allowed them time to prepare.

Think about it.

A wave of sleep swept over me.

Nam Sungjun took a deep breath and decided to discuss the matter with the chairman tomorrow, then put down his phone and fell into a deep sleep.

He slept soundly, but Zhou Renmin, director of the International Crime Intelligence Center of the National Intelligence Service, had complete insomnia.
Time flies fast.

The next day.

9:10 am.


vice headmaster's office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Cha Minxiu pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.

"President, are you looking for me?"

Huang Changshuo pointed to the sofa.

Cha Minxiu understood and sat down obediently.

Huang Changshuo stood up and sat down in front of the sofa.

Just sat down.

Huang Changshuo asked: "Minxiu, how is the Dacheng Energy you were asked to check?"

Cha Minxiu was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses immediately.

"Dean, checking!"

Huang Changshuo frowned.

"What do you mean we are investigating? Is there no useful information at all?"

face inquiries.

Cha Minxiu's heart trembled.

In fact, he hasn't started investigating at all. He only conducted several internal searches yesterday.

Think here.

Cha Minxiu quickly pretended to be calm.

"Dean, what we have found so far is some public information on the surface of Dachen Energy Co., Ltd."

"In addition, this company has many secrets, and in-depth intelligence takes time!"

Huang Changshuo looked at the subordinate in front of him in surprise.

"Oh, you also noticed that there is a problem with Dacheng Energy?"

Cha Minxiu blinked, and the corners of his mouth twitched while talking nonsense.

Looking at Cha Minxiu who was serious and talking nonsense.

A loud bang.

Huang Changshuo slammed the table.

"Enough, shut up!"

Cha Minxiu was shocked.

"Dean, I."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Huang Changshuo angrily scolded: "You guys really treat me as a fool!"

"I'm warning you now, Dacheng Energy Co., Ltd. is not simple. You'd better be cautious when investigating. If something goes wrong, don't come to me!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Cha Minxiu's heart skipped a beat.

"Dean, can you tell me everything?"

Huang Changshuo gritted his teeth. If he wanted to control the National Security Agency, he would have to rely on this waste for the time being.

He took deep breaths and regained his composure.

"Minxiu, the information was sent by Minister Li. You should weigh it yourself!"

The words 'Minister Li' came out.

Cha Minxiu instantly thought of Li Zaihua, and his expression changed drastically.

"Okay Dean, I understand what to do!"

Huang Changshuo nodded in satisfaction.

"As long as you understand, this is a task assigned by Minister Li, and you must handle it properly."

"After everything is done, Minister Li will be indispensable for your benefits!"


Cha Minxiu said solemnly: "Thank you, Dean, for reminding me. Please help me tell Minister Li that I will find out the details of Daesung Energy as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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