Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 1011 Mysterious Gaoyang Stadium Battle Chapter

Chapter 1011 Mysterious Gaoyang Stadium Conversation
Gao Yang and Su Shihou had just agreed on the place and time to meet.

There was a knock on the door.

The housekeeper bowed to Gao Yang, turned and walked towards the door.

The door opens.

At this moment, there was a maid standing outside the room.

She bowed and said in a low voice: "Butler, madam and young lady have finished taking notes. Please go to the living room with the president."

The butler nodded.

"I understand. Tell Madam and Miss that President Gao will be here soon."

Say it.

The housekeeper quickly came to Gao Yang's side.

"President Gao, Madam and Miss have finished taking notes and are waiting for you in the living room."

I heard that my daughter and granddaughter wanted to see me.

Gao Yang's cold face revealed a gentle smile.

It didn't take a while.

Gao Yang and the housekeeper entered the living room.

The moment I saw my father and grandpa.

Gao Yang seems to have become the only support for Gao Huizhen and Li Lina.

The two of them rushed forward and hugged Gao Yang tightly.

Gao Huizhen said with tears in her eyes: "Father, you are finally here!"

Liu Lina echoed.

"Grandpa, I miss you so much!"

Gao Yang put his arms around his daughter and granddaughter and comforted them softly.

"Don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you anymore!"

Comfort the mother and daughter for a moment.

The three of them walked to the sofa and sat down.


The butler stepped forward and asked, "President Gao, what would you like to drink?"


Gao Huizhen said without thinking: "Father likes to drink oolong tea. I remember that I have prepared a can at home. You can make a cup and bring it to me."

As the steward of Liu's Manor.

He naturally knew that Gao Huizhen spent a lot of money to buy a can of oolong tea last year and planned to give it to Gao Yang.

"Okay ma'am, please wait a moment!"

The butler bowed and turned to leave.

At this time.

Gao Huizhen wanted to whisper something to Gao Yang, waved her hand, and waved away the servants around her.

The servants bowed, turned around and walked out of the living room without looking back.
the other side.

The maids were on their way to the kitchen.


A maid covered her stomach and said, "You guys go prepare dinner first, while I go to the bathroom."

The maids had no doubt about him.

"Go and come back quickly,"

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Maid A turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

However, Maid A did not go to the bathroom, but came outside the villa.

She stood in a surveillance corner and took out a mobile phone from her pocket to dial a number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

A man's voice came out.

"What's up?"

Maid A immediately said: "Yes, Director Wu, Madam's father came just now and brought many bodyguards with him."

"I think the housekeeper is very afraid of the young lady's grandfather. His background seems not simple."

She briefly told Gao Yang's story.

After listening.

Wu Changshi was silent for a moment and said: "Well done, the money will be transferred to your bank account tomorrow."

"In addition, continue to find out the details of Gao Huizhen's father. Once the matter is completed, you will inevitably benefit!"

Hear this.

Maid A said gratefully: "Thank you, Director Wu, don't worry, I know how to do it!"

The two said a few more words and ended the call.

Maid A deleted her communication records and went to prepare dinner as if nothing had happened.
Five Star Pie headquarters.

Wu Changshi put down his cell phone, thought for a moment, got up and left the room.

After a few minutes.

In front of the president's office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Wu Changshi heard the sound and pushed open the door. He quickly stepped forward and bowed.


An Xingzhu raised his head and glanced at Wu Changshi.

"Is there a problem?"

Wu Changshi replied: "I just received news that Gao Huizhen's father came to Busan."

Ahn Heung-soo frowned.

"Gao Huizhen's father?"

Wu Changshi nodded: "Yes, the informant said that Gao Huizhen's father has brought many bodyguards. It seems that he is not easy to mess with."

"She also said that the housekeeper of Liu's Manor seems to be very afraid of that person!"

Ahn Heung-soo licked his lips.

"Why, we didn't collect any information about Gao Huizhen's father?"

Wu Changshi said in a deep voice: "When we were investigating the Liu family, there was very little information about Gao Huizhen's father."

"We only found out that the other party seems to be the president of a company."

"As for the name of the company, I sent people to ask the servants in the manor and some people from the Liu Group, but none of them knew it."

Ahn Heung-soo came interested.

"So mysterious?"

Wu Changshi said seriously: "Gao Huizhen's father's origin is unknown. Do you want to cancel tomorrow's visit?"

face inquiries.

An Xingzhu thought for a while, shook his head and said: "No, the right way is to have a strong dragon and not to suppress the local snake. Busan is our territory, whether it is a dragon or a tiger, we have to lie down."

"Besides, I have already informed Gao Huizhen to visit Liu's Manor tomorrow. If I don't go, it will spread that I am scared."

Wu Changshi licked his lips.

"President, it's best to be careful no matter what, just in case we bring more people tomorrow."

An Xingzhu did not object this time.

He has only sat in the position of president of the Five-Star Sect not long ago, and he has not yet enjoyed what he should enjoy, so he cherishes his life very much.

"You're right, be careful and arrange more manpower. I'll leave this matter to you."

"Don't worry, President, I guarantee everything will be safe tomorrow."

Ahn Heung-soo nodded in satisfaction.

"very good!"

"However, the investigation on Gao Huizhen's father needs to be stepped up. I hope this guy will not hinder our plans."
Time flies.

The next day.

11:22 am.

Gimhae International Airport.

A landline slowly landed.

The hatch opens.

Li Zaihua led Wen Jinghao down the escalator.

At this moment, there was a man in a black suit standing under the plane.

This person is a staff member of the Busan District Inspection Bureau.

He recognized the young minister at a glance and quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Hello, Minister Li, Deputy Minister Min is waiting for you in the car."

Li Zaihua nodded and walked towards the black car not far away.

Come to the car.

Min Haoyun, who was sitting in the car, opened the door and stepped out.

Then he opened his hands and gave Li Zaihua a warm hug.

"Zai Hua, long time no see!"

Li Zaihua patted Min Haoyun's back.

"Brother Haoyun, long time no see. How have you been lately?"

Min Haoyun said gratefully: "Thanks to you for sleeping well and eating well, it was indeed a wise choice to leave the Seoul Central District Inspection Bureau!"

This is true.

Although the position of director of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Affairs Bureau is full of opportunities, his development prospects are not great. He is simply a monk and clockwork.

But after listening to Li Zaihua's words, Yi Yifan became the third chief of the Busan District Prosecutor's Office.

Min Haoyun finally understood what real power is.

As one of the three giants under the Busan District Prosecutor General.

Min Haoyun can be said to be the most powerful person in Busan. There is an endless stream of guests being invited to dinner every day, and countless people ask him to do things.

Compared to the days when he served as the director of the Seoul Central Prosecutor’s Office.

In just half a year since he came to Busan, Min Ho-yun has received various gifts that far exceed what he received in several years in Seoul.

Not to mention that some people regard beautiful women as gifts.In half a year, Min Haoyun's harem expanded to six people, enjoying the blessing of having everyone together.

So Min Haoyun's gratitude to Li Zaihua is real.

Li Zaihua did not know Min Haoyun's psychological activities.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't say much.

Because he is also one of the vested interests and is not qualified to comment on others.

"That's good, don't keep Prosecutor Gao waiting, let's go!"

Min Haoyun smiled and said: "The prosecutor general has prepared a reception banquet at the Jinhai Golf Course."
12:15 noon.

Gimhae Golf Course.

A black car parked in front of the main building.

The two greeters quickly stepped forward and opened the car door.

Li Zaihua and Min Haoyun stepped down into the hall.

Wen Jinghao followed closely behind.

A moment of effort.

The three of them came outside a private room.

Min Yinhyuk opened the door without even thinking.

inside the room.

Hear the door open.

Gao Minzhu, Wu Zhengguo, and several cronies turned to look.

Li Zaihua took the lead and entered the house.

See who's coming.

Gao Minzhu, Wu Zhengguo and others immediately stood up to greet them.

Gao Minzhu said with a smile: "On behalf of the Busan District Inspection Bureau, I welcome Minister Li. Please take a seat."

Li Zaihua bowed slightly.

"Prosecutor Gao, long time no see. You are so kind. Please go first."

The two exchanged pleasantries.

Gao Minzhu stopped being polite and sat down on the main seat.

Li Zaihua followed closely and sat on the right side.

The rest of the people took their seats according to their respective positions.

Just sat down.

Li Zaihua picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured a glass of wine, then raised his glass and started his performance.

"Everyone, I have a lot of things to do this time. Please forgive me if I offend you. I'll do it first out of respect!"

After speaking, he raised his head and drank it.

Hear this.

Gao Minzhu understood.

"It's Minister Li's duty, there's nothing he can't offend."

"Besides, three scum were detected in Busan this time, so we should be ashamed!"

Wu Zhengguo and Min Haoyun looked at each other.

Wu Zhengguo echoed: "The prosecutor general is right. Park Daechuan, Su Yongjun and Gan Chengchan were lawless and accepted bribes wantonly."

“As members of the Busan District Prosecutor’s Office, we should be ashamed.”

After the black face sings, the red face comes on.

Min Haoyun said: "Okay, today we are here to support Minister Li, let's not say anything to spoil the fun."

"Minister Li must be hungry. Let's eat first. If we have anything to do, we can talk about it after dinner."

Li Zaihua nodded and touched his belly deliberately.

"Secretary Min didn't say it was okay, but he was really hungry."

The voice fell.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and the dull atmosphere suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Gao Minzhu said with a smile: "In that case, let's eat first, and then do some exercise to eliminate food after dinner."

two hours later.

A group of people are full of wine and food.

Wu Zhengguo, Min Haoyun, and several accompanying guests had to go to work and stood up to say goodbye.
15:18 PM.

golf course.

Accompanied by beautiful caddies.

Li Zaihua and Gao Minzhu started a digestion campaign.

One shot out.

The white ball flew high and landed one meter away from the hole.

clap clap clap.

Gao Minshu held the golf club between his legs, clapped his hands and said, "Good shot!"

Li Zaihua smiled modestly.

"Prosecutor Gao, it's your turn."

The beautiful caddy bent over and straightened her buttocks, placed the white ball in place, and then stepped aside.

Ko Min-soo held the club with both hands and swung it hard.

After all, old people are not as good as young people.

After one swing, the white ball was 15 meters away from the hole.

Li Zaihua and Gao Minzhu carried golf clubs and walked forward with the beautiful caddy.

The hole is one meter away.

Li Zaihua accurately hit the white ball into the hole.


Gao Minzhu gave a thumbs up.

"Minister Li has superb golf skills, I'm willing to give him the upper hand!"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly, threw the club to the beautiful caddy, and then waved.

Gao Minzhu followed suit and handed the club to the beautiful caddy.

"We have something to say, so stay away."

The beautiful caddies didn't dare to refuse, so they turned around and walked away.

After people leave.

Li Zaihua asked directly: "Uncle Gao, how is the matter handled?"

Gao Minshu answered.

"The situation has been temporarily stabilized, but the situation is not ideal!"

Li Zaihua frowned.

"what happened?"

Gao Minshu said coldly: "Those three idiots Park Daecheon, Su Yongjun and Gan Chengchan spread false news to put pressure on me."

"They actually instigated people from the Financial Investigation Department and High-tech Investigation Department to apply for transfer, thinking that I would compromise."

talking and talking.

Gao Minzhu's expression gradually became serious.

"However, the actions of Park Daechuan, Su Yongjun and Gan Chengchan really made me very passive."

"Fortunately, the Supreme Prosecutor's Office sent you here this time. You have to put an end to the rumors within the Busan District Prosecutor's Office!"

Looking at Gao Minzhu's serious expression.

Li Zaihua probably guessed that the methods of Park Dachuan and the others were nothing more than pulling people into trouble.

These days, good prosecutors are almost marginalized.

In metropolitan cities like Seoul and Busan, prosecutors who have confiscated gifts are rarer than giant pandas.

As long as Park Daechuan, Su Yongjun and Gan Chengcan spread rumors, Gao Minshu will investigate from top to bottom.

Those prosecutors who have evil intentions will definitely not be able to sit still.

Only Park Daechuan, Su Yongjun, and Gan Chengcan's cronies are keeping in touch outside.

Prosecutors from the Financial Investigation Department and the High-tech Investigation Department must share the same hatred.

Dozens of prosecutors applied for transfer at one time. For this news to spread, it is absolutely necessary to eliminate dissidents.

When the time comes, Gao Minzhu can’t explain clearly, it’s either shit or shit.

Of course, if Gao Minzhu had clarified in time, these things would never have happened.

But Gao Minzhu couldn't do this.

A deputy minister and two other ministers accepted bribes, and they did not believe that their subordinates were innocent.

Once Go Min-soo publicly exonerated these guys.

Park Daechuan, Su Yongjun and Gan Chengchan showed 100% evidence of accepting bribes from their subordinates to slap them in the face.

At that time, Gao Minzhu had no other choice but to resign.

Therefore, Gao Minzhu needs someone to convey information to the outside world on his behalf.

And Li Zaihua is the most suitable candidate.

the reason is simple.

Li Zaihua represents the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, and the facts determined are the final results.

If Li Zaihua doesn't pursue the case, what reason does Gao Minzhu have to pursue him?

"Uncle Gao, don't worry, I will announce the results of the investigation the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Speaking of this, Li Zaihua looked ferocious.

"But those guys who threaten you cannot be let go easily."

"I suggest you write down all their names and settle the accounts one by one in the future!"

This sentence spoke to Gao Minzhu's heart.

For the first time in his life, Go Min-soo was cornered by a group of ordinary prosecutors.

If there was no revenge, he, the prosecutor general, would just go home and sell sweet potatoes.

thought here.

Gao Minzhu gritted his teeth and said: "In China, you still understand me. Just like you said, I will not let them go!"

(End of this chapter)

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