The absurd game of a performance artist

Chapter 78 Alumni Association

Chapter 78 Alumni Association

going to break...

My world is falling apart!

When She Chu saw the painting for the first moment, what he could see was not the cold light emitted by the fluorescent screen, but the powerful life with blood rolling!
An indomitable man, like an invincible rock, broke into his world fiercely, waved the stone in his hand, and smashed everything into pieces.

Twitching on the floor, She Chu felt the invincible will reverberating in his body!

The stories behind the paintings are constantly playing out in his mind, and all the troubles that troubled him are smashed into pieces.

At this moment, like a bird flying high, he gained unprecedented freedom.

Crouching on the ground feeling lost, She Chu panted and thought.

Do you have……

Is there a possibility.

In fact, this world has been distorted by false concepts, we are all bound by the concepts imposed by others, our own [personality] is swallowed by the world, and we lose ourselves...

I really want to smash this twisted world...

Give me strength!

Thinking of this, She Chu stretched out her hands fiercely, and firmly grasped the stone in the painting!
In an instant, an unparalleled thought ran through his chest, he released his [personality], found his true self, and let out a hysterical roar.

"People's dreams will never end!!! Two-dimensional is real!!!!!!"

That's right, that yearning for the beauty of Two-dimensional, the persistent pursuit of ignoring the contempt of the world, is his [personality]!After shouting this sentence, She Chu felt that she had been sublimated.

The real life starts from this moment...

bang bang bang bang bang bang-

There was a fierce knock on the door, She Chu opened the door, and a young woman with flat chest appeared in front of him furiously.

Before the other party could speak, She Chu took a step forward.

"Hello, fuck your mother."


After she finished speaking, She Chu waved her hands expressionlessly and closed the door, even though the shouting and scolding outside the door was so loud, my heart remained as firm as iron.


After enjoying the live show that was interrupted halfway, Mo Zhen turned on his phone and found an unread text message.

"Is it a spam message or an arrears notice?"

For Mozhen, there is basically no option for someone to contact him.

He doesn't have any friends, nor any relatives. For Mo Zhen, the mobile phone is a multifunctional watch.

It’s just that Mozhen guessed wrong this time. The content of the message was neither a mobile phone bill arrears notice nor an IQ tax collection text message saying “Your account is suspected of money laundering, please transfer the account balance to XX account to cooperate with the investigation”.

"Alumni Association?"

There was a contemptuous smile on Mo Zhen's face. In his perception, the classmate reunion was just a group of pugs who couldn't wait to gather together to compare each other and find their own sense of existence.

He has no interest in wasting precious time and participating in the Earth Dog Appreciation Conference.

"Speaking of which, when did I have this group of classmates, why don't I remember... Private room, free food and drink?"

The smile on Mo Zhen's face became more frivolous.

"Hahaha, this impatient way of showing off material things, I can smell a smell of earth through the screen."

Putting the mobile phone into the trouser pocket casually, Mo Zhen tidied up his little collar with disdain.

"This kind of boring trick can only attract some poor dogs who have lost their appetite to use it as a background board. It's sad!"

Mo Zhen doesn't care about the barren material life. In his opinion, he already has a spiritual life that transcends countless people in the world.

Those people who are sunk in the secular world can always make Mo Zhen show a smile full of superiority.

That night, Mo Zhen appeared at the door of the classmate reunion hotel with a slovenly appearance.

It seems that no matter how great a spiritual idea is, it needs a full stomach to support it. This is reality...

At the entrance of the Haokelai Hotel, a variety of high-end cars were parked.

From time to time, fashionable and well-dressed young men and women got out of the car and entered the restaurant talking and laughing.

As the organizer of this class reunion, Long Jiahao was wearing a brand-name dress like a dog, and he was pretending to welcome the people who came at the door.

As a new upstart relying on demolition, he couldn't wait to show off his strength and satisfy his growing vanity.

However, no matter how gorgeous these clothes are, no matter how pretentious the words are, they can't conceal his earthy taste from the soul.

A gust of bleak autumn wind blew by, and a lazy handsome boy in flip flops, plaid shirt and white short sleeves was like a ray of breeze, blowing away the materialistic atmosphere around him, and adding a touch of art to the place. amorous feelings.

Long Jiahao's back felt cold, and he felt a gust of wind blowing over him. He turned around and took a closer look, with a disdainful expression on his face.

"This's a bit shabby to serve as a foil for my uncle, and I'm not interested in running it."

But when he took a second look and recognized Mo Zhen's face, he gasped immediately, and his guts burst out of fear!
"Oh my god! Why is it this ancestor! Damn it, I seem to have edited the group news and forgot to tick off this guy!"

With a forced smile on his face, Long Jiahao boldly greeted Mo Zhen.

"Mo... Mo..."


Mo Zhen looked back with drooping eyelids, his face was already feminine, and now he was hungry for another day, listless, with a gloomy look.


At this glance, Long Jiahao lost his language center on the spot, and he couldn't say Mo Zhen's name with his mouth open.

Mo Zhen looked left and right, but he couldn't find anyone calling him.

"Auditory hallucinations? I always feel as if someone is calling me. Could it be the sequelae of that broken game? If this goes on like this, I really should see a doctor..."

Glancing at Long Jiahao who was speechless with his mouth open, Mo Zhen politely smiled at him. Although he didn't remember who this guy was at all, the label would not be late.

【A mime lover who plays the role of a fat dog upstart】

Watching Mo Zhen walk into the restaurant, Long Jiahao gasped and muttered to himself.

"Tianlong bless, don't let this guy do any hard work, I, the organizer, can't stand the toss!"

With a big wave of Mo Zhen's hand, he entered the private room frankly.

In the private room where talking and laughing were constant, the voices gradually became thinner, and most of the people present immediately focused their terrified eyes on Mo Zhen.

Only a few family members who came with them were a little confused, so they asked their partners with doubts.

"What is the origin of this guy who is neither male nor female, um..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The one who knew Mo Zhen, immediately covered his female companion's mouth nervously, and explained in a very simple voice as thin as a mosquito.


These days, there are two kinds of people who are the most difficult to mess with. One is that I am not easy to say, and the other is mental illness.

What both of them have in common is that they don't pay much attention to the rules, and the rules have no good way to deal with them. These people are not bound by [levels]. The former [level] has reached its peak, and the latter Those who directly ignore [Level].

But seeing Mo Zhen with a calm face, he sat down at the nearest seat as if he was in a deserted place, he ate as soon as he sat down, and couldn't stop once he ate.

He was completely immersed in his own world, and he was not in the same dimension as the other people present.

In the eyes of everyone, Mo Zhen actually had an aura of being independent and about to become immortal.

Generally speaking, in such occasions where classmates fight against each other and show their sense of superiority everywhere, the low-quality behavior of overeating when no one is present should attract the crowd to attack, so as to reflect their good morals Cultured.

However, the house was full of guests, and there was a moment of silence at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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