Chapter 10 Art Confluence
After creating [Performance Art Survival Rhapsody], Mo Zhen's [Personality·Improvisation] increased from 5% to 7%.

It seems that [Personality], which is similar to player cheats, has some kind of upgrade and improvement mechanism.

With the deepening of [Personality], the effect will also change accordingly.

Just when Mozhen was crawling and considering the world from a different perspective, the picture in front of him made him a little dazed.

I saw a young man wearing black framed glasses, approaching him rapidly with a posture between swimming on the ground and crawling at high speed.

After thinking about it for half a second, Mo Zhen determined that this guy must also be a player, and like him, an artist with a soul.

Half a second later, Mozhen's thinking became: What kind of posture should I use to meet him?
When he saw the man chasing a ferocious zombie, Mo Zhen stood up with a smile, he already had an idea.

And the other party seemed to be too focused on crawling, and he didn't have the slightest intention to stop in front of Mo Zhen.

Mo Zhen smiled without saying a word, casually stepped on the head of the opponent who was driving at high speed with a professional football set foot, and then yelled violently.

"He Fangxiao is young, give me a corpse king's World Extermination Fist!"

At the moment of punching, Mo Zhen felt that his lost youth in the sunset had returned, and after many seconds, Mo Zhen once again entered the performance state of "Survival Rhapsody".

This punch contained the wild power of "Survival Rhapsody", and hit the oncoming zombies in front of him. After the sound of a watermelon bursting, the scene turned green.

"呵入~ Mmm, this cucumber juice is sour and tasty~"

After licking the juice splashed on his face, Mo Zhen looked down at the man with glasses who was still swaying, and said in a very "kind" tone.

"Don't get excited. I'm also a player. If you can understand people's words, don't move. If you don't understand, I don't mind trying the tomato juice."

As soon as the words fell, Mo Zhen felt his feet go limp, and saw the man with glasses slumped on the ground like a puddle of mud, no longer fluttering, but his body was shaking uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Mo Zhen gently moved his foot away.

"Okay, that's the end of the performance art session, stand up quickly, I have something to ask you."

Seeing this, the man with glasses tremblingly supported his body with his hands, trying to stand up, but he couldn't.

"Forget it, you seem to have your own artistic pursuits, so I won't force you to stand."

Mo Zhen nonchalantly shook his hands stained with green juice, and asked casually.

"How do you call it, what kind of personality, how many games have you played?"

Hearing Mo Zhen's question, the other party tremblingly supported the mirror frame, and stammered.

"My name is Liu... Quicksand, how do you say [personality], it's... that kind of... Ah, anyway, when I'm nervous or scared, my body will become very weak. If you count the game experience, there should be three games this time." ..."


Mo Zhen didn't expect that he and this guy were so destined. At the end of the last game, he tried to discuss art with him but failed, but he met him again here. He said that he played three games... actually secretly played more games behind his back a game?Looking at Quicksand's limp lower body, Mo Zhen showed a clear look.

"It's the first time I've seen impotence so euphemistically. You are indeed an artist!"

After listening to Mo Zhen's ridicule, Liusha seemed to recognize Mo Zhen, and then shook his red tomato-like head to argue.

"It''s not! I'm not impotent! My whole body is going to be weak, and it's not just there. should understand what I mean, right?"

Liusha looked at Mozhen with hopeful eyes, hoping to retain the last trace of his dignity as a man.

Mo Zhen nodded.

"Understood, you still have the ability to reproduce."

Quicksand finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But Mo Zhenxin was thinking: diffuse impotence, a horrible disease with a tragic color...

After further conversations, the two "artists" had some understanding of their respective situations.

Quicksand also joined [Super Reality Paradise] recently, and the method is basically similar, that is, inexplicably pulled in in a dream to do a [Personality Test], and then the official game started.

And the reason why he chose [Multiplayer Scenario Mode] is because [Multiplayer Scenario Mode] looks a little friendlier than [Survival Competitive Mode]...

As for the details of the last game, Liusha kept hemming and hawing, and Mo Zhen didn't ask in detail.

Just the information he got from Quicksand's Mouth is enough for him to savor.

"It turns out that the mode of each game is determined by the park system, and everyone is different. [Personality testing] is a fixed link..."

Now Mo Zhen has somewhat understood that the core of [Surreal Paradise] seems to be all kinds of strange [characters]. From this point of view, [Surreal Paradise] may be called [Psycho Paradise] more appropriately.

As for the core element of [Character], Mozhen already has some understanding of his own, but still needs more information and practice to enrich his conjecture.

After determining the exploration target, Mo Zhen glanced at Quicksand who was slowly standing up.

Objectively speaking, Quicksand has all the elements of a drag bottle, and taking him along will only make him more troublesome.

But Mo Zhenxin seemed to have his own way of thinking. He stretched out his hands and hugged Quicksand hard.

"It seems that the two of us are really destined, and you and I are both full of artistic atmosphere, if not, let us go together and explore the way of art together!"

Liusha almost cried when he heard this, half scared and half moved.

In the game, he inherits the characteristics of a man in science and technology who has no power to restrain his hands, and coupled with his [personality] that pulls his hips, his combat power is basically negative, and even he can only run away because his legs are weak. crawl.

And Mo Zhen was obviously ten blocks better than him, so he was naturally very touched that such an expert was willing to lead him.

But Mozhen doesn’t look like a normal person no matter what. Although Quicksand also has the [personality] in [Super Real Paradise], he considers himself a person with no [personality], just like ordinary people in reality.

He respected and feared Mo Zhen.

After choking in his throat for a long time, Quicksand spit out a sentence.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, please take care of me!"

That's right, Mozhen "frankly" revealed his new name to Liusha, and even told him his identity as a "performance artist" and "builder of spiritual civilization".

Be honest with others, and you will be rewarded yourself. This is the way of life that Mo Zhen believes in.

【A good man is rewarded with good rewards】This is the truth that Mo Zhen firmly believes in.

Of course, sometimes the rewards will not be offered obediently, and you need to rely on your own strong hands to actively ask for it...

So, under the arrangement of fate, the two embarked on a crazy art journey together.

(End of this chapter)

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